Kristin Harris Chapter 14 Using Technology to Assess and Enhance

Kristin Harris
Chapter 14
Using Technology to Assess and Enhance Personal Health
There are three different types of software that help students assess and enhance personal
health. The first type is software that guides students through the process of making changes. These
programs are called the Ripple Effects’ for kids and teens. The software uses record keeping, visual
representation, and data analysis that allow the student to use what they already know to solve
problems. The next type of software used is called nutritional analysis programs. The two that are
currently in available are called DINE Healthy and Pyramid Challenge. The program asks for the students
demographics along with food choices and activity level. The program computes how many calories
were taken in during a meal or day and whether there was enough physical activity. The program
suggests food menus and exercise recommendations. The last program is called the risk assessment
program. The user is to put in data regarding their life style such as blood pressure and drug abuse. The
program then computes the users life expectancy and risk for cancer based on the information provided.
This websites allows the student to take a quiz over what they’ve learned about the food pyramid. It
also gives immediate feedback so students know how well they did.