2nd International Conference on Multi-scale Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids
Author 1 1 , Author 2 2 , Author 3 2
1 Dept. name of organization, Name of organization - acronyms acceptable, City, Country, name@xyz.com – optional
2 Dept. name of organization, Name of organization - acronyms acceptable, City, Country, name@xyz.com – optional
Abstract — We advise you to provide a short abstract of 5 lines or shorter. We advise you to provide a short abstract of 5 lines or shorter. We advise you to provide a short abstract of 5 lines or shorter. We advise you to provide a short abstract of 5 lines or shorter. We advise you to provide a short abstract of
5 lines or shorter. We advise you to provide a short abstract of 5 lines or shorter. We advise you to provide a short abstract of 5 lines or shorter.
Key-words — word1, word2, word3 … wordN.
You are free to use your favorite text-processing software, among the usual choices, such as Latex,
MS-Word or OpenDocument, following as much as possible the usual standards. You should not modify the page format nor the choice of the font styles. All the papers should be written in English, with paper length of 2-4 pages including figures and reference list. Use italic or bold-face to mark the words of special importance in the text. The final paper should be sent as a PDF file .
1.1 Paper style and page format
1.1.1 Page format
Your paper should be printed on A4 sheets, respecting the page format provided in this document, with text width 16 cm and text hight 26 cm.
1.1.2 Titles, sub-titles and text body
The text is written using fonts Times 11. The titles and sub-titles are written with fonts Times 14 to
Times 11.
2.1 Equations
You should number your equations referenced in the text, starting with (1), as for example: div
0 (1)
2.2 Figures
The figures should be referenced in the text, such as for example Figure 1. Please make sure that the figure legend and notation remains readable. You can use either colored or black-and-white figures.
F IG .
1 – Conference venue/ exact address: GF-Sarajevo, ulica patriotske lige 30
2.3 Tables
For the tables, see the example of Table 1.
T AB .
1 – An example of table
A 1 2 3
B 4 5 6
2.4 References
The references are inserted at the end of the paper, numbered in order of appearance within the body of the paper. Three typical examples of references are presented: a journal paper [1], a conference paper [2] and a book [3].
[1] F. Author, S. Author, T. Author.
Title of the journal paper, Journal, vol, page1-N, year.
[2] F. Author, S. Author, Title of the conference paper. Title of Conference Proceedings, Editors, page1-N, year.
[3] F. Author , Title of the book , Editor, year .