June 07, 2011 - Kelvin High School 100th Anniversary

Minutes of Kelvin100 Planning Committee, June 7, 2011 7:30 PM at Kelvin High School.
In attendance:
Al Wiebe; Ann MacKay; Chris Hlady; Glenys Mackenzie; Jim Pappas; Lena Morrow; Margot Christie;
Rhonda Kennedy Rogers; Susan Bolton; Reid Harrison; Chris Young; Allison Cooney; Judith Perrin, John
Old Business:
Kelvin sign to announce reunion. Jim Brown has corrected sign and message is on.
Treasurer – Sheila Johnson 2005
Co-Chairs of Sponsorship Committee: Judith and John Perrin
Jim Pappas
Met with Convention Centre representative – will be signing contract next week.
Rent reduced from $12,500 to $8,500 for use of upper room because of weekend use of Centre
Event Coordinator will be assigned to event.
Music Man will be located on parkay floor – cost budgeted at $750.00
Friday night event – food costs for kiosks will be approx. $40.00 per person.
Margot Christie - menu selection: Green onion and red apple soup; bibb, oak leaf and radicchio lettuces,
marinated artichokes and balsamic basil vinaigrette; Beef Wellington with Bordelaise sauce, Chef’s
selection of fresh seasonal vegetables and roast garlic mashed potatoes, trio of Royal sherbets served in
a Chocolate Tulip with berries and a praline wafer; freshly brewed coffee and decaffeinated coffee with
traditional black tea and herbal tea service. Cost of dinner: $53.50 per person plus 3% for 2012. Possibly
2 bottles of medium priced wine (red and white) per table. Total cost (including taxes) $70.26 per person.
Cost of providing outside wine is too prohibitive – Convention Centre will provide.
Reid Harrison
Proposed that Q1 productions meet with him at the Convention Centre to plan Friday night’s concert.
Jim Pappas noted that production costs estimated at $20,000 and audio visual costs at $10,000.
Requested volunteers to scan pictures for visual presentation – Mr. Tibbs – Kelvin resource teacher to
be contacted.
Requested assistance with script for presentation – Diane Wreford agreed.
Chris Young
Application for grant into Winnipeg Foundation
DVD – source for pictures will likely be personal photos – need to be high resolution to be blown up on
Chris Bolin - Photographer will be taking roving photographs during event.
Action: Request for high resolution personal photos on Web-site – Allison Cooney
Allison Cooney
Web-site: 1438 registered to date; alumni list being built from scratch;
News feature can have multiple people add to it – how can this be vetted? Content review committee
formed: Allison, Sue Bolton, Jim Pappas, Rhonda Kennedy Rogers, Al Wiebe
Web-site to add ‘then’ and ‘now’ pictures, present career and whether or not personal email to be
Colors – cherry and grey needs to be defined. School office will provide correct Pantone colors, logos
and crest art work
Business Card – mock up distributed – to be sent to every member with Avery number
Alumni Form – to include year of graduation. To have school telephone number on it – staff prepared to
handle calls.
Pay Pal – once bank account set up, pay pal to be used for registration payment and will direct monies
to account. Jim Pappas noted that Chris Pappas is working n incorporation so that banking account can
be established.
Posting of minutes on Website - agreed
Email addresses for committee members – will be made available
Facebook – contract is expiring – Allison is trying to get group names transferred to new site.
Photo disclaimer – will be added to Web-site – indicating that photos could be used for advertising and
Class of 92 – contact is Michelle Davidson - having their 20th reunion the same weekend as the 100th and
want to be able to come over for entertainment at end of evening. Fee structure needs to be
Reid requested that potential volunteers be able to indicate their interest on the registration form and
their names be forwarded eg. singers for the choir
Rhonda suggested that requests for memorabilia be posted.
Twitter account will be established.
Susan Bolton:
Key contact people from various classes have been instructed to send out ‘Save the date’ messages.
Kelvin sign is now working – displaying reunion message.
Announcement set up with Memory Lane/Classmates.com – 847 Kelvinites in list.
Announcement to be set up with Reunion.com and Linkedin.
Suggestions for voices for PSA in fall: Roger Currie – CKRM Regina, Norm Foster – Voice123, Barry Burns
- CJOB, Glen Miller Productions, Fiona Odlum – CJOB
Possible leads for PR from group: Nostalgia radio, remote at Friday event, Kelvin shirts worn at NHL
Journalists for stories: Marshall Perrin – Ottawa added to list
Glenys Mackenzie
Recommends that everyone have business cards to distribute.
Recommends idea section on web-site for favorite T-shirt ideas for merchandising.
Ideas: T-shirt with different quotes, night-shirt, baseball hats, zippo lighter, clipper slippers
Lena Morrow: Will contact Myra of Paramount - Photographer
Rhonda Kennedy Rogers:
Discussion of possible fashion show – not recommended
Need a faculty liaison for archives and memorabilia – Chris Young will arrange
Need storage area designated (in school) for memorabilia – teacher liaison will arrange
Jim Pappas recommended coffee and soft drinks be available with the display.
New Business:
On the list to do
Grant Mitchell – report progress on seed money generation
Several Kelvin yearbooks are missing – Allison Cooney to put a message on Web-site and Chris Young
will provide list of the missing years.
PR to produce updated article about missing war memorial book – Sue Bolton
Hotels need to be contacted re discount rates: John Perrin will contact Delta to be host hotel and
arrange pricing structure
10 year reunion group is meeting June 25, 2011 and are enthusiastic about the 100th. Need to be
contacted – Jim Brown will follow-up.
Next Meeting Wednesday, August 10, 2011 at 7:30 PM at home of Jim Pappas 363 Montrose Street