Photo Laborer C C O M U R G O R A O R – 2 3 4 3 2 6 CO OM MPPPU UTTTEEER RG GRRRAAAPPPHHHIIICCCSSS LLLAAABBBO OR RA ATTTO OR RYYY – –2 23 34 43 32 26 6 W W 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 WIIINNNTTTEEERRR 2 20 00 07 7---2 20 00 08 8 NO ON N-RE EA ALLIIS ST TIIC C RE EN ND DE ER RIIN NG G B Byy M Miilleennaa N Naattaannoovv S Su up pe errvviisse ed db byy G Ge errssh ho on nE Ellb be err 1 Photo Laborer TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................. 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 3 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 5 PHOTO LABORER USERS .......................................................................................................................... 5 TERMS ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 PHOTO LABORER REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................... 7 APPROACH ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 APPROACH DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................ 10 DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 11 MAIN PAINTING ALGORITHM ........................................................................................................................... 13 STROKE BUILDING ALGORITHM ...................................................................................................................... 13 CHOOSING BEST CONTROL POINTS OF THE STROKE..................................................................................... 14 PAINTING STYLE.............................................................................................................................................. 14 EXAMPLE/SIMULATION ................................................................................................................................... 18 APPROACH SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................................... 20 APPLICATION DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................... 21 USE-CASE DIAGRAM ....................................................................................................................................... 21 COMPONENT DIAGRAM .................................................................................................................................... 22 CODE .................................................................................................................................................................. 25 PHOTO LABORER COMPILATION ...................................................................................................... 31 PHOTO LABORER MANUAL .................................................................................................................... 34 RESULTS .......................................................................................................................................................... 48 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................. 54 2 Photo Laborer Acknowledgements This project was developed in Computer Graphics Laboratory at the Department of Computer Science, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. I want to say special thanks to Gershon, my supervisor, for the given opportunity to learn and practice my very basic knowledge in this, new for me, area. This was very interesting and challenging experience that I’ve gained in the end of my first degree. Abstract Non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) is an area of computer graphics that focuses on enabling a wide variety of expressive styles for digital art and producing “drawn by hand” images using computer. NPR is inspired by artistic styles such as painting, drawing, technical illustration, and animated cartoons. NPR is very popular and required area. The most important uses for it are: 1. Scientific and medical illustrations. Scientific and medical illustration is the area of illustration that has achieved the highest level of sophistication. Medical books are full of beautiful samples of unique illustrations. 2. Technical Illustrations. Technical illustrations made by hand tend to be simpler and less varied than scientific or medical illustrations. No doubt this is because they tend to portray industrial products with a more uniform surface structure than, for example, the human body. Illustrative images in user manuals are part of this area, as well as illustrations in other kinds of technical documentation. 3. Archaeological Illustration. In some branches of science, specific styles of graphics have become the methods of choice for capturing visible phenomena. One such area is archaeology. A great many illustrations in archaeology are drawn primarily using stippling, where the drawing consists of small dots to cover surfaces. 4. Storytelling. The art of using comics and animation to support telling stories was brought to perfection by the Walt Disney Company. Visualizations convey information to augment what is spoken by the characters. Various terms have been used in the literature for the general area that we call NPR: Non-realistic rendering was first used by the organizers of the Eurographics’ 99 conference 3 Photo Laborer Non-photorealistic rendering by Lansdown and Schofield (1995) Sketch rendering by Strothotte et al. (1994) Pen-and-ink illustration by Winkenbach and Salesin (1994) Stipple rendering by Deussen et al. (1999b) Comprehensible rendering by Saito and Takahashi (1990) Artistic rendering by Lansdown and Schofield (1995) Illustrative rendering by Dooley and Cohen (1990a, 1990b) And many others… 4 Photo Laborer Introduction This project is based on the work Paint by Relaxation that was published by Aaron Hertzmann in May 2000. There are few main aspects this research is focused on: Creation of painting by converting original image (photo) into painted image using “strokes”. The painted image is created by adding “strokes” to the clean “canvas”. The ability to create painted image using original image with minimal energy. Painting style varies in accordance to different parameters which can be changed by a user. This feature allows creation of painted image in different painting styles. The application, implemented in this project, is called Photo Laborer and it produces real-time painted imagery using the original image: User provides the original image • Different formats are accepted; for example, jpg, png, bmp, gif, etc. User specifies the painting style • Maximal and minimal brush length • Maximal and minimal brush thickness • Stroke curvature • Stroke texture (darkening and brightening the color inside the stroke) User chooses curve, area or the whole image he wants to “paint”. Photo Laborer creates and renders the painted result. • User can save the painted image to file. Photo Laborer Users Photo Laborer application can be used by artists in different areas, for example, advertising and TV program creators, interior and exterior designers. Also, it can help to professional painters: if the painter is not sure the result of what he wants to draw will be satisfying, he can take a picture of this scene (nature, still life, portrait, etc.), create painted image using Photo Laborer, and make sure the produced sketch is looks good. In addition, Photo Laborer can be useful for regular users. For example: Making portrait of family members or colleagues. Designing picture postcards for friends. Making art posters for home interior. 5 Photo Laborer Terms To provide clarity, terms and definitions are defined as follows: Term Definition Brush A brush is a real ‘brush’ stamp on the paper in specific point on the canvas. In the current Photo Laborer version, brush is characterized by: Stroke • brush min and max radius (width = radius * 2 + 1) • color texture (solid or with dark bright lines) A stroke is a thick curve defined by a list of control points, curvature, and brush parameters such as radius, color and texture. Control points are the points, the curve should pass through them. A new stroke is created, starting from a given point on the image. Next control points are added to the stroke, using the contour-approximating method. The curve is drawn over the control points using cardinal curve algorithm. Painted image A painted image is defined as a collection of brush strokes. The painted image size is the same as the size of the original image. A painting is rendered by compositing the brush strokes in order they appear onto the canvas. Energy The energy computations, used in this project, will be described later. Direction Photo Laborer searches for object contours on the image and associates Direction with each pixel identified as a contour. Later, when stroke points are selected, Photo Laborer uses the direction information to make the strokes close as possible to the original drawing. 6 Photo Laborer Photo Laborer Requirements Priority level: P1 - features that we can’t ship without P2 - features that are not mandatory but significantly enhance the product competitiveness P3 - Nice to have features (should be taken only if simple to implement) 1. Non-functional requirements 1.1. Priority The Photo Laborer application will be implemented in C++ Done P1 language. 1.2. The wxWidgets toolkit will be used in order to edit and render P1 images. 1.3. The Photo Laborer application will run on operating system P1 that supports wxWidgets. 1.4. The Photo Laborer application logically divided into two P1 modules: GUI and image processor (the logic). 2. Functional requirements 2.1. Priority First, user, using the Photo Laborer GUI, should provide the P1 original image, in any format supported by wxWidgets (bmp, jpg, gif, png, tiff, etc.), he wants to convert to the “painted”. 2.2. GUI module 2.2.1. The GUI displays both the original image, provided by P1 the user, and the painted one. 2.2.2. Creation of painted image is real-time process. Photo Laborer will re-render the painted image, P2 thus allowing to user to see how the painted image is created stroke by stroke. During the painting process Photo Laborer will P3 show time-bar that displays (in percentage) how much work is already done. 2.2.3. The GUI provides style dialog, allowing the user to P1 choose painting style. 2.2.4. User may change the painting style by: Select brush width range. P1 Select stroke length range. P1 7 Done Photo Laborer Select stroke curvature. P1 Select stroke texture (by specifying darkening P2 and brightening parameter). 2.2.5. User can place individual brush strokes, as P2 suggestions. 2.2.6. User can place individual brush strokes by decree. P2 2.2.7. User can apply selected style on the selected area on P1 the paint. *This area should be clear on the painted image, because the painting algorithm paints only over not-covered surface. 2.2.8. User can apply selected style on the whole paint. P1 2.2.9. User can undo changes. P2 2.2.10. User can save current style to file. P1 2.2.11. User can load/reuse saved style. P1 2.2.12. User can delete created by him style. P2 2.2.13. List of built-in styles is provided P2 2.3. Trade-off: undo requires large allocations. Image Processor module: 2.3.1. Image Processor gets bitmap of the original image, P1 style parameters and image region, converts the specified region on the bitmap into painting based on the given style and returns painted image in bitmap format. 2.3.2. Image processor style parameters are: Brush’s minimal and maximal widths. P1 Stroke length range. P1 Stroke curvature. P2 Stroke texture (darkening and brightening). 2.3.3. User can apply selected style on specified area on the P1 image. 2.3.4. User can apply selected style on the whole image. P1 2.3.5. User can add brush stroke with selected style as P2 suggestions. 2.3.6. User can add brush stroke with selected style by P2 decree. 2.3.7. Image Processor allows saving the current painted image to file. 8 P1 Photo Laborer 2.3.8. Image Processor allows undo changes (returning an P2 image that was before applying last user request) 3. Future requirements 3.1.1. Priority Provide special GUI features in order to make the Done P3 interaction with the painting more handy and convenient. 3.1.2. User can add his own stroke textures and save them as P3 option in style dialog. Requirements Summary 1. All P1 requirements were done. 2. Only two of P2 requirements weren’t done. 3. All P3 requirements were done. 4. In addition, extra-feature (progress bar) was implemented. In the beginning I used it for operation-time testing purposes and in the end I decided to add it as a part of the Photo Laborer to allow stopping the long operations in the middle. Progress-bar: During the painting process Photo Laborer will show progress bar that displays how much work is already done and estimated time left. 9 Photo Laborer Approach This section includes definition and description of the main algorithms, techniques and data structures that were used in Photo Laborer implementation. Approach description In the Paint by Relaxation work, made by Aaron Hertzmann, the main effort was to achieve good quality painted image with minimum energy. Reducing the number of brush strokes, the painted image is consists of, by adding only “good” ones is the solution which allows to create ultimate painting algorithm. The author suggests relaxation technique. This technique described by the following general algorithm: P ← empty painting While not done C ← SUGGEST() // Suggest change if (E(C(P)) < E(P)) // Does the change help? P ← C(P) // If so, adopt it In his experiments, Hertzmann uses highly random suggestions, such as adding a disc stroke in a random location with a random size. Most of the computation time was spent on suggestions that were rejected. Because the space of paintings has very high dimensionality, it is possible to make many suggestions that do not substantially reduce the energy. This method is useful for producing pleasing results. But, on the other hand, there is no guarantee that the algorithm will converge to a result that is globally optimal or even locally optimal. In his work, Hertzmann underlines the need in improve in algorithm that generates strokes. In my project I’ve tried to achieve the situation where most of the suggestions are accepted. By reducing the random choices and by, primordially, computing 10 Photo Laborer the first control points of the more appropriate strokes I was able to reduce the computation time from hours to minutes. In my project I used special pre-computed tables that significantly improved the quality of generated strokes, making them similar to the picture as possible. These tables are: Energy table and Directions table. Definitions Energy difference Ideally, each stroke should consist of pixels that have similar or almost similar hue. Energy difference between two colors is Euclidean distance between RGB values of these colors: Euclidean distance Euclidian distance between two colors is defined as: When stroke energy (energy difference) is calculated, I use only the one color only, which is the primary stroke color. The ‘textured’ is applied after calculation of the energy, when the stroke is actually rendered. Ideally, I wanted strokes to have the lowest energy difference as possible, making the painting closest to the original image. Energy table Energy table describes the energy of each pixel relative to its neighbors. Neighbors are defined by the stroke average radius (width = radius*2 + 1): I am using pixels on the circle with this radius as neighbors. This table is pre-computed before painting. I am using this table for two purposes. 1. Selecting the next stroke ‘start point’: During the painting, I am sorting the pixels that left unpainted using their energy: first in table will be the pixel with lowest energy. Then, when I need to start new stroke, I select the start point of it from this sorted list. 11 Photo Laborer The reason for selecting pixels with lowest energy is that the stroke that starts from this pixel has a good chance to be accepted because pixels around have similar color. 2. Calculate direction table (see below) Direction table Each stroke should compliment object’s contour and not pass across it. In my algorithm I am checking for each pixel whether or not it is ‘on the contour’ and if yes, what is the ‘contour direction’ in this pixel. This information is stored in special table, pre-computed before painting, in the same structure as the energy table. To check if the pixel is contour or not, I am using the following algorithm: • Go over all pixels-neighbors in given radius (same radius as in energy table). • Count pixels that have energy difference > pixel_energy * 1.6 as high. • Count pixels that have energy difference < low_energy_resolution as low. o pixel_energy is taken from the energy table o low_energy_resolution is defined by user’s style, although it always has its default and user cannot change it in this version. Low energy resolution is an estimated energy for which user eye does not perceive the difference between two colors. • If [ (low / number of pixels in given radius) > 33%] and [(high / number of pixels in given radius)) > 25%]): o If there is a sequence of pixels that were counted as ‘low’ this pixel is defined as a contour and I calculate ‘suggested direction’ for this pixel. To get the direction, I am using the sequence of similar colors: direction is set using the first and the last pixels in this sequence, as shown in this figure: Note: the above percentages were chosen by trial and error till good results were achieved. 12 Photo Laborer Main painting algorithm (function ImageProcessor::PainterLoop) {Input: image (bmp; different formats supported by the wxWidgets are converted into wxImage), style} 1. Calculate energy table 2. Calculate direction table (by using energy-table) 3. Define minimal energy difference bar for stroke to be rendered (starts with 0) 4. While (number of uncovered pixels left > 0) { 4.1. Choose the next set of non-covered pixels on the image from the beginning of the list of pixels sorted by their energy (lowest come first). These pixels will be used as first control points for the new strokes. By choosing first elements from the sorted list, I actually first choose pixels with low energy, i.e., pixels that have the same or very similar color as the pixels surrounding them. 4.2. For each starting pixel, build the stroke (see below) and calculate its energy difference. 4.3. If stroke’s energy difference is less than the current bar, Render stroke (see below). 4.4. Otherwise, store the stroke in list of failed strokes. 4.5. If list of failed strokes has grown too much (>= 500), than it is time to change the acceptance bar for the next strokes: { 4.5.1. Sort the failed strokes by their energy difference. 4.5.2. Take the first 5% (25 strokes) of strokes and render them. 4.5.3. Update energy bar to be the maximal energy difference of those 5%. 4.5.4. Drop the remained failed strokes. } } Stroke building algorithm (functions ImageProcessor::SelectStrokeControlPoints and BuildStroke) {Input: first control point, painting style, painting area} 1. // Select control points of the stroke 2. While (stroke’s length < required) { 13 Photo Laborer 2.1. Find next control point. Next control point is calculated using direction table by searching for suggested direction around the current pixel or randomly if not found. 2.2. Add it to list of selected control points. } 3. // Build the stroke 4. Using cardinal spline algorithm, build stroke over the control points selected. Cardinal spline algorithm is described here: 5. For each pixel in the stroke, apply the brush on it: 5.1. To apply the brush, I need first to calculate the angle of the brush and then request brush texture for the specified angle. To calculate the angle, I am using the angle of the (current index - radius) and (current index + radius) points. 5.2. Create brush texture for the radius and calculated angle. Brush texture includes: 5.2.1. Coordinates of each brush pixel (relative to its center, which is stroke point) 5.2.2. Strength of the color (dark or bright), relative to stroke’s primary color 5.3. For each pixel, calculate image coordinates and save to stroke’s list of pixels 6. Once all the pixels are collected, calculate the average color of this stroke (primary color) and the energy difference of this stroke relative to the original image Choosing best control points of the stroke There are different ways to choose best control points. In the Hertzmann’s research, for each control point calculated next control point by finding the most similar (in terms of color) pixel. In my algorithm I use the same technique, but the calculations are made differently: my calculations are based on the direction and energy tables which are pre-calculated in order to choose next control point. Thus, the calculation time is perceptibly reduced. Painting Style 14 Photo Laborer An artist (user) must have control over painting style. In addition, artist can use different painting styles in different areas of the image. Also, user can “paint” the stroke by providing curve control points. All those features allow creating customized painting. Painting style is defined by below parameters: Name: style name. This parameter should be unique. Brush [minimal, maximal] radius: brush radius in pixels. Stroke processing algorithm will randomly choose brush radius in the provided range [minimal, maximum]. Brush width = (brush radius * 2) + 1 Stroke [minimal, maximal] length: stroke length in pixels. Stroke processing algorithm will choose appropriate stroke length in the provided range [minimal, maximum] in accordance to the energy and directions tables in stroke’s area. Stroke curvature: in fact, this parameter represents number of control points in stroke. Higher the number more curved the stroke. Stroke processing algorithm uses this parameter as maximal number of control points and chooses number of control points randomly in the range [2, maximal]. Texture brightening/darkening: this parameter allows creation of textured stroke. Both parameters should be in the range [0, 64]. User can set [0]/[0] if texture is not desired. Brush small strokes processing algorithm, which is used by stroke processing algorithm, adds dark and bright lines to the stroke in random positions, so each stroke has different texture. 15 Photo Laborer Example from Photo Laborer: Photo Laborer built-in styles and their parameters: Name Hyperrealism Brush Brush Stroke Stroke min max min radius radius 1 1 Texture Texture max brighten darkeni length length ing ng 1 5 0 0 16 Curvature 2 Photo Laborer Realism 1 4 2 20 3 5 5 Pointillist 3 3 5 7 2 15 15 Impressionism 2 7 4 100 4 1 1 Expressionism 5 20 20 100 2 20 20 Watercolor 1 15 3 30 6 10 2 *Note: You can find explanation and definition of these styles in PhotoLaborerBuiltinPaintingStyles.doc. 17 Photo Laborer Example/Simulation Those two examples demonstrate data structures that were presented below in action. Example 1 Given: a. Original image Test1.bmp b. Selected style parameters: Brush radius: [1, 4] Stroke length: [2, 20] Stroke curvature: [3] Texture brightening/darkening [5, 5] Brush radius parameter involved in the calculations of energy difference, border-pixels and direction-pixels for each pixel on the image. Result: a. Energy table Energy table was converted to white/black image. High energy pixels are colored in black and low energy pixels are colored in white. You can see in (ii) that the pixels with the high energy located on the contour of the objects (rectangle, circle and oval). b. Direction-pixels table Direction-pixels table was converted to white/black image too. Pixels that can serve as а direction guide for stroke creation algorithm are colored in black and all the rest pixels are colored in white. You can see in (iii) that the pixels that define the stroke direction for this image are located on the contour of the objects. In this case the energy table and the direction points table look the same. The reason is that the objects on the original image have only one solid color each one of them and their contour is well-defined. 18 Photo Laborer Example 2 Given: c. Original image Test2.bmp d. Selected style parameters: Brush radius: [1, 4] Stroke length: [2, 20] Stroke curvature: [3] Texture brightening/darkening [5, 5] Result: c. Energy table This image has different hues. In some cases difference between hues in one color is very bold and in some cases it’s delicate. This example (ii) demonstrates in better way when the energy is high and when it’s low. d. Direction-pixels table In this case the energy table and the direction points table are different (as opposed to the example 1). 19 Photo Laborer Approach Summary The main concepts, presented in Hertzmann’s work, combine great ideas in terms of NRP software system features: The ability to “paint” in different painting styles by using a single algorithm. The ability to create painted image as much as possible similar to the original image. The only lack in this research is imperfection of computation time. By changing an inner implementation computations and data structures I was able significantly to reduce computation time, while preserving the quality of the painting. The main contributor in time reducing process is Energy Table, introduced above, a data structure which holds energy difference for each pixel and is calculated before painting process even starts. This data structure, together with two additional data-structures, allows improving of good strokes proposal. 20 Photo Laborer Application Design and Implementation This section describes the Photo Laborer design and implementation. Photo Laborer application is implemented in C++ programming language and can run on any operating system supporting wxWidgets. The wxWidgets toolkit is used in order to edit and render images. Use-case Diagram The use-case diagram overviews the usage of a Photo Laborer system. 21 Photo Laborer Component diagram Photo Laborer application is logically divided into two main components: GUI and image processor (the logic of the system). Photo Laborer Main Frame is the GUI (graphical user interface). Image Processor is the component holding both the logic and the data structures. 22 Photo Laborer Photo Laborer Main Frame Image Processor Stroke Algorithm Shape Algorithms GUI (PhotoLaborerMainFrame) is responsible for user interaction and image rendering. The main frame class represents the GUI of Photo Laborer and includes: • Navigation and toolbar menus • Two photo controls • Style control Navigation and toolbar menus allow defining paint style and run the painting algorithms (such as paint image or paint area). They also allow loading the source file and saving the painted image to file. Photo controls are used to render the original image and the painted one on the screen, so the user will be able to see the result of painting process. Also, those controls allow area choosing on the image, so the user can define area for painting. PhotoLaborerMainFrame responsible for: • GUI controls creation • events definition for created controls • binding of events to event handlers (methods that will treat in raised events) • processing of user’s commands (using PhotoLaborerProcessor) ImageProcessor implements the main functionality of the PhotoLaborer. It holds the main painting algorithm and other helper methods such as LoadImage. It makes use of other components as StrokeAlgorithms and ShapeAlgorithms to calculate the tables (such as energy table) and build the strokes. 23 Photo Laborer ShapeAlgorithms component defines different shapes processing algorithms such as line, circle, rectangle and cardinal spline. Other modules use these algorithms for various purposes. For example, the PhotoControl control uses rectangle algorithm to draw user selection area on the rendered images. StrokeAlgorithms component is responsible for cardinal spline curve processing. It uses the curve processor defined in ShapeSlgorithms to calculate curve points. 24 Photo Laborer Code This section introduces files and classes Photo Laborer application consists of. As was mentioned above, Photo Laborer application is implemented in C++ and can run on any operating system supporting wxWidgets, - package that was used in order to edit and render images. Note: wxWidgets is a toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces for cross-platform applications. This converts Photo Laborer application to be multi-platformed, i.e. it can run on both Microsoft Windows or Unix/Linux (and others). Photo Laborer development was based on OOP paradigm. File Class Definition DebugInfo.h (header only) DebugInfo This class is used to catch memory leaks when program exists. When Visual Studio ends running the program in Debug mode, it prints the memory leaks to see which object has leaked. Special class codes are used; to use this, inherit from this class and initialize the base using four characters code, for example: class MyClass : DebugInfo { MyClass() : DebugInfo('MyCl') {} } When leaked memory is printed, the application outputs the memory blocks. If MyClass is leaked, its code will be printed in reverse form: <lCyM>. 25 Photo Laborer Direction.h (header only) Direction This class calculates a point movement (in terms of X, Y steps) relatively to the initial axis coordinates. ImageEnergy.h ImageEnergy This class calculates and holds energy weights and other relative information for each pixel on the image. Energy table is created for average radius. Radius represents the thickness of the painting brush (width = radius * 2 + 1). The energy is a Euclidian distance between the color of the given pixel and the colors of the pixels that surround it in the given radius. The smaller the color distance (Euclidian distance) the lower the energy of that pixel. In addition, based on the energy table, suggested directions table is calculated. This table allows to choose better stroke direction (accordingly to the contours of the elements on the image). ImageProcessor.h ImageProcessor This class performs the image processing logic. All requests, made by the user through the GUI, redirected to this class. The main functionality of Photo Laborer is implemented here: 26 Load image Paint the whole image Paint area on the image Paint curve on the image And more… Photo Laborer PaintBrush.h PaintBrushPixel This class represents single pixel information within the brush. Coordinates in this pixel are relative to brush's center, which is (0, 0). Once created, the pixel is read-only PaintBrushTexture This class represents paint brush texture, returned by brush. This texture is drawn on the image when texture's center matches the control point of the stroke. textures are read-only for the user, once created user cannot modify them. Only PaintBrush can create/modify them using CreateTexture call. PaintBrush Abstract class that represents brush used to draw the strokes. PaintBrushCache This class caches the results of other brushes for fast performance. for each radius and angle, the brush is generated only once and saved in cache. PaintBrushSolidLine Brush that draws texture with width = 3 with same color (without texture effects). PaintBrushRandom Brush that draws texture with width = 3 with random lines. Darkness and brightness are defined by the user's style. PaintStyle.h PaintStyle This class defines style components and holds style info, user chose. PaintStyleDialog.h PaintStyleDialog Defines dialog allowing see, edit, add new and delete existing painting styles. PaintStyleManager.h PaintStyleManager This class manages (add new, delete/edit existing) styles directly in the xml file that holds painting styles. 27 Photo Laborer PhotoControl.h PhotoControl This class inherits from wxWidgets’ class called wxScrolledWindow. It creates scrolled window rendering images. This class is responsible for images rendering on the screen and allows user to select area over rendered image. PhotoLaborerMainFra me.h PhotoLaborerMainFr ame This is the main frame – GUI of the Photo Laborer. This class inherits from wxWidgets’ class called wxFrame. It creates main Photo Laborer frame consisting of: Randomizer.h Randomizer Menus Toolbar Two scrolled windows (defined by PhotoControl class) This class produces randomized number using different distributions (uniform, high results are preferred, low results are preferred, etc.). It is used for first control point selection in BuildStroke algorithm. 28 Photo Laborer ShapeAlgorithms.h This file includes declarations of several methods that have similar structure and purpose: Those methods are intended for shape processing (line, rectangle, circle and curve). In this process, each pixel within the boundaries of the required shape will be visited by the method. When pixel is visited processPoint method is called (see explanations below). All those methods use two templates: class Processor and class Method. Processor – reference to class that includes declaration of this Method. Method – reference to method processPoint defined in Processor. In each Processor class this method will implement different functionality, so it’s convenient to use one algorithm for pixels visiting, but treat it in different ways in accordance to the purpose. StrokeAlgorithms.h ProcessStroke (method) Processes the new stroke with given control points WorkerThread.h LongTask, LongTaskGroup and WorkerThread Hence the painting process can take minutes and even more, it’s necessary to update user how much time this procedure can take. Thus, the paint jobs are running in separate threads while the main thread is serving the process dialog. When the painting job completes, it sets the progress to 100% and the dialog is closed. wxPrecompiled.h This file includes almost all "standard" wxWidgets headers needed in this project. It’s used in order to reduce number of similar includes in project. 29 Photo Laborer PhotoLaborerApp.cpp PhotoLaborerApp This class inherits from wxWidgets’s class wxApp. OnInit method represents the start point of the Photo Laborer application: the application runs, the main frame (GUI) is displayed. 30 Photo Laborer Photo Laborer Compilation Hence Photo Laborer application uses wxWidgets toolkit, wxWidgets should be downloaded, installed and compiled on the machine before you compile Photo Laborer. The next sections describe step-by-step how to do it. 1. Download wxWidgets a. Go to: b. Download the latest stable release i. Photo Laborer is compiled and tested with 2.8.9 version on Windows platform. ii. I didn’t test Linux or other platforms, although, since Photo Laborer includes only wxWidgets header files, I assume, it will work on them. iii. If you want to compile and use it only on Windows, you can download only the wxMSW package. c. Install wxWidgets on your machine (follow the instructions of wxWidgets installer). i. After the installation you’ll find the wxWidgets sources and other files in C:\wxWidgets-<version> which is the default installation folder. 2. Compile wxWidgets a. I’ve used Visual Studio 2005 to compile wxWidgets. If you want to compile wxWidgets in different way, please follow the instructions in “Compiling wxWidgets” in Start menu. b. Photo Laborer uses the below libraries from wxWidgets: i. Unicode Release ii. Unicode Debug 1. Compile Unicode Debug only if you want to debug the application. c. Open <wxWidgetsRoot>\build\msw\wx.dsw in Visual Studio. i. Visual Studio will ask you to convert the project files to the new format – press “Yes to all”. d. To compile Unicode Release libraries: i. Select “Unicode Release” configuration under Solution Configuration in Visual Studio. 31 Photo Laborer ii. Build the following projects in the exact order: 1. core 2. base 3. net 4. xml 5. wxjpeg 6. wxpng 7. wxtiff 8. right-click on the solution and select “Build Solution” to compile all the rest. Note that the order of compilation is important: it looks like the original solution does not have proper build dependencies. e. To compile Unicode Debug libraries, select “Unicode Debug” configuration and compile the above projects again in the same order under the new configuration. 3. Set WXWIN environment variable used by Photo Laborer to find wxWidgets include files and libraries. a. Go to Control Panel => System => Advanced => Environment Variables. b. Under “System Variables” or “User Variables” press “New” button and add new variable: i. Name: WXWIN ii. Value: C:\wxWidgets-2.8.9 1. Replace 2.8.9 if you use different version. 4. Compile Photo Laborer to test new wxWidgets installation. a. Open Photo Laborer solution in Visual Studio (Sources\PhotoLaborer.sln). b. To compile Release version: i. Select Release in Configuration Manager. ii. Build Photo Laborer project. iii. The output files will be in Sources\Release folder. c. To compile Debug version: i. Select Debug in Configuration Manager. ii. Build Photo Laborer project. iii. The output files will be in Sources\Debug folder. 32 Photo Laborer iv. Note that when Photo Laborer is running in debug mode, it is very slow; use only small images when debugging the application. 33 Photo Laborer Photo Laborer Manual This section describes how to use Photo Laborer using main menu. File Open menu item Before user gets started, the original image should be uploaded: Use Open in menu bar in order to choose the file. Upload image that should be “painted”. Save As menu item User can save painted image in file. Exit menu item Exit menu item closes Photo Laborer program. 34 Photo Laborer Original image rendering Once, image has chosen, it will be rendered in the left image pane: Selecting area on the image User can select area either on the original image or on the painted one; the area will be marked as selected on both sides. The selection is done with the mouse: Press on the left button on the image Drag the mouse over the area you want to select to its opposite corner Release the mouse to stop the selection 35 Photo Laborer Edit Copy Selection menu item Use Copy Selection menu item if you want to copy part of painted image to the clipboard: first, select the area on the image and then click on this menu item. Select All menu item Use Select All menu item if you want to select the whole image. Clear Selected Area menu item This operation will clear the selected area on the painted image. User can use this for repainting this area with different style. *Note: painting process is applied only on the clear area on the painted image. Erase the painted image menu item 36 Photo Laborer This operation will clear the painted image. User can use this for repainting the whole image with different style. 37 Photo Laborer View View Original Image menu item The original image will be displayed on the screen (in the left image pane). View Painted Image menu item The painted image will be displayed on the screen (in the right image pane). View Energy Table Image menu item Energy table image will be displayed on the screen (in the right image pane). *Note: Read about energy table in the Project Book. View Direction Points Image menu item 38 Photo Laborer Direction points image will be displayed on the screen (in the right image pane). *Note: Read about direction points in the Project Book. Auto scale menu item User can select this menu item if he wants the original and painted images to be displayed in the original size. If not selected, both sides are auto-scaled to the view area. Image panes: Original image is displayed in the left pane. Painted image is displayed in the right pane. Painted image can be one of those: painted image, energy table image and direction points image. 39 Photo Laborer 40 Photo Laborer Paint Paint Image menu item Starts painting the whole image – user will see the results on the right side. Paint Selected Area menu item Like Paint, but works on the selected area only. Users can use this feature: To ‘test’ the painting style. To apply different styles on different areas. Draw Curve menu item User can paint single curve. To do this he should select curve’s control points and then press on Draw Curve menu item. First and last control points represent beginning and 41 Photo Laborer end of the curve. User should provide at least two control points in order to paint a curve. The point selection is done with the mouse: Place the mouse in the desirable position. Press on the right button on the mouse. Clear User Points menu item This operation clears curve control points selected by user. Style Manager menu item 42 Photo Laborer This operation will open Style Dialog. In this dialog user can see available painting styles and their details, create new style, change and delete existing. Photo-Laborer has several built-in painting styles, like, Pointillist, Expressionism, Realism and more. Those styles can not be changed by the user. User can create his own styles, which are editable and can be deleted. *Note: Style name should be unique (without duplications). 43 Photo Laborer Style Manager Buttons • Edit: Edit selected style. Not available for built-in styles. Save: Save changes. Not available if Edit was not pressed. Cancel: Don’t save changes. Not available if Edit was not pressed. • Delete: Delete selected style. Not available for built-in styles. • Add New: Create new style. Provide unique style name. • Close: Closes styles dialog. Style parameters • Name: style name. This parameter should be unique. • Brush [minimal, maximal] radius: brush radius in pixels. Brush width = (brush radius * 2) + 1 • Stroke [minimal, maximal] length: stroke length in pixels. 44 Photo Laborer • Stroke curvature: in fact, this parameter represents number of control points in stroke. Higher the number more curved the stroke. Stroke processing algorithm uses this parameter as maximal number of control points. • Texture brightening/darkening: this parameter allows creation of textured stroke. Both parameters should be in the range [0, 64]. Set 0/0 for solid colors (no textures), increase the numbers for textured appearance. 45 Photo Laborer Help About menu item This dialog displays wxWidgets and OS versions. 46 Photo Laborer Toolbox In addition user can execute almost all the operations, available in the main menu, using the toolbar. 47 Photo Laborer Results Photo Laborer’s final results are introduced in this section. Example 1 48 Photo Laborer 49 Photo Laborer Example 2 50 Photo Laborer 51 Photo Laborer 52 Photo Laborer 53 Photo Laborer References [1] Aaron Hertzmann 2000 Paint by Relaxation [2] Thomas Strothotte and Stefan Schlechtweg 2002 Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Modeling, Rendering, and Animation 54