COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION PRESENTER GUIDE Written and Adapted by Andrea Damenti & Nami Quaranta for the Illinois Statewide Technical Assistance Project for Parents-ISTAC-P Module 1: Presenter Guide - 1 | P a g e MODULE 3: Communication and Collaboration Contents Section: .................................................................................................. Page # I. – Presenter Information Foreword ......................................................................................................... 3 Overview ......................................................................................................... 4 Learning Objectives ......................................................................................... 4 Target Audience .............................................................................................. 4 Presenter Background Knowledge................................................................... 4 Preparing for the Workshop ............................................................................. 4 Workshop Room Set-Up .................................................................................. 5 Equipment, Materials & Supplies ..................................................................... 5 Workshop Presentation Guide Format ............................................................. 5 Agenda & Pacing ............................................................................................. 6 II. - Workshop Presentation – Scripted Curriculum Welcome, Introduction & Workshop Objectives ............................................... 7 Illinois Education Support System............................................................. 8 - 10 Communication Style: Communication Style Assessments ..................................................... 10-11 Identifying Your Communication Style Preference………………………11-14 Communicating Effectively for Collaboration ............................................. 15-21 Summary .................................................................................................. 22-23 III - Following the Workshop .........................................................................23 IV. - Materials & Handouts Workshop Registration Flyer (PCM 3.1) Workshop Sign-In Sheet (PCM 3.2) Communication Style Self-Assessment (PCM 3.3) Characteristics of Communication Styles (PCM 3.4) Thinker sign (PCM 3.5) Feeler sign (PCM 3.6) Sensor sign (PCM 3.7) Intuitor sign (PCM 3.8) Perspective Taking In Communication (PCM 3.9) Communicating Effectively for Collaboration (PCM 3.10) Practice Norms of Collaboration – Group Activity (PCM 3.11) Station #5: Norms Inventory (PMC 3.12) Workshop Evaluation (PCM 3.13) Resource Guide (PCM 3.14) Module 3: Presenter Guide - 2 | P a g e MODULE 1: Introducing Your Child: Creating Your Child’s Learning Profile FOREWORD In cooperation with the Illinois Statewide Technical Assistance Center (, the Parent & Educator Partnership advances the Illinois State Board of Education's priority to improve the delivery of training and technical assistance to parents of students with disabilities throughout the State of Illinois. Our goal is to enhance caregivers' ability to participate actively in their child's education. It is believed that such participation will help ensure that students benefit when parents and educators work in partnership. The Illinois Statewide Family Leadership Institute created this training curriculum in order to develop Parent Leaders. Parent Leaders are parents that are equipped to help other parents understand and navigate the education system, assist school districts in meeting the requirements of No Child Left Behind, Section 1118 and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and nurture collaborative relationships. The purpose of this module is to provide parents with an understanding of the Illinois Education Support system, communication style preferences, and communicating effectively for collaboration. Thank you for your part in this important initiative as a presenter of this training module for parents. Merle Siefken, M.A., M.Ed Project Director Parent & Educator Partnership An Illinois State Board of Education Technical Assistance Project Module 1: Presenter Guide - 3 | P a g e MODULE 3: Communication and Collaboration I. PRESENTER INFORMATION OVERVIEW: This guide is intended to assist you in delivering Module 3 of the Illinois Parent Educator Partnership Parent Curriculum, “Communication and Collaboration.” The duration of this workshop is approximately 2 hours. Participation in a child’s IEP is a parent’s right and of great benefit to school success. As a member of a child’s IEP team, it is important to communicate effectively and be prepared to collaborate with other members of the child’s education team. Through this training, parents will learn about communication style preferences and collaboration skills to allow for perspective taking in communication and encourage productive interactions in meeting the needs of their child. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to advocate for their child through: A greater understanding of the educational support structure in Illinois, and the role of ISTAC-P. Knowledge of communication style preferences. Knowledge of how to communicate effectively for collaboration. TARGET AUDIENCE: This workshop is intended for parents of students with disabilities ages 3-21. Parents may come from a variety of backgrounds-from stay-at-home parents, to those that work in the trades, in the service industry, to professionals. The number of participants in each workshop will vary. PRESENTER BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE: Presenters will need to: Understand the communication styles presented in this workshop. Know the Seven Modes of Collaboration. PREPARING FOR THE WORKSHOP: 2 months prior to the workshop: 1. Secure approval, date, and location/site. 2. Make child care arrangements (if being offered), and determine refreshment menu. 3. Arrange for presentation audio visual equipment (laptop/data projector/cords). 4. Begin reviewing this Presenter Guide and all supporting workshop materials and handouts. 1 month prior to the workshop: 1. Coordinate distribution of workshop registration flyer to your targeted audience in your district or school. 2. Use a variety of media to advertise workshop information to the public (arrange district/school website, email invitation to related parent groups). 3. Begin rehearsing the workshop presentation using all supporting materials. 1 Week prior to workshop: 1. Print all workshop materials, Participant Guide (Power Point Slides with notes pages), sign-in sheet and evaluation form. All templates are located at the end of this guide. 2. Order/purchase refreshments and name tags. Day of workshop: 1. Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to presentation 2. Set-up seating, sign-in sheets, evaluations, refreshments); 3. 15 minutes prior to presentation: Greet participants as they arrive 4. Begin presentation on time. Module 3: Presenter Guide - 4 | P a g e MODULE 3: Communication and Collaboration WORKSHOP ROOM SETUP: The room can be set-up in a u-shape or with round tables. Have one rectangular table at the front for the presenter’s equipment and supplies. Set up another table near the entrance to the room for sign-in purposes and to hold participant guides, handouts and name tags. Participants can write their name on the name tags after they sign-in. WORKSHOP EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: Workshop Registration Flyer Template Presentation Equipment-laptop computer, data projector and screen. Participant Sign-In Sheet Power Point Presentation file Workshop Activity Materials o Communication Style Self-Assessment/Characteristics of Communication Styles o Thinker, Feeler, Sensor, Intuitor Style Markers o Activity: Practicing Norms of Collaboration/Station #5: Norms Inventory o Workshop Evaluation Workshop Content Handouts o Participant Guide (Power Point Presentation with Notes Pages) - one for each participant. o Perspective Taking In Communication o Communicating Effectively For Collaboration Participant Take Home Activity & Resource Materials o Resource Guide PRESENTATION GUIDE FORMAT: Figure 1 displays the format of each section of the lesson presentation. Each page contains a copy of each Power Point slide, the corresponding slide number and suggested script for each slide. The shaded box along the right margin of the page contains helpful information and instructions related to that portion of the presentation such as: Distribution of Handouts Materials Needed Definitions of Key Terms Suggested Group Facilitation Techniques Activity Instructions Icon Key: Resource Guide Handouts About Us: ISTAC-P *Slide Number The ISTAC-Parents/Parent & Educator Partnership provides parent-to-parent guidance by providing: Support, training, and parent leadership development The Parent Mentor Project The Parent Liaison Program Development of School, Family, and Community Partnership Lending library Online resource search Quarterly e-Newsletter Toll-free number, 877-317-2733 Website: *Suggested Script *Materials Needed *Definitions of Key Terms *Suggested Group Facilitation Techniques *Activity Instructions 9 Power Point Slide Figure 1 Module 3: Presenter Guide - 5 | P a g e MODULE 3: Communication and Collaboration WORKSHOP AGENDA & PACING: The estimated duration of the workshop of 2 hours allows parents to learn the outlined objectives and to apply this knowledge in activities and discussion with other parents. Activator – Completion of the Communication Style Self-Assessment -5 minutes (prior to the beginning of the workshop). Welcome and Introductions – 5 minutes Workshop Objectives - 5 minutes Lesson Presentation: Illinois Education Support System - 15 minutes Communication Style: Communication Style Assessments – total of 10 minutes o Define Communication Style o Note various assessments available o Present assessment choice for workshop Communication Style: Identifying Your Communication Style Preference – total of 15 minutes o Review Communication Style Assessment (completed by participants)- 5 minutes o Introduce Four Communication Styles – 5 minutes o Introduce Introversion/Extraversion – 5 minutes Break-5 minutes Lesson Presentation (continued): Communicating Effectively for Collaboration – total of 40 minutes o Explore Personal Preferences/Perspective Taking in Communication – 15 minutes o Note Meaningful Parent Participation in IEP Meeting – 5 minutes o Introduce Seven Norms of Collaboration – 20 minutes Activity: Practice Norms of Collaboration – 20 minutes Summary & Discussion -5 minutes Closing - 5 minutes Questions? Distribute Workshop Evaluation Group Facilitation Technique: You will need to allow time to answer questions and may wish to consider planning for time in the presentation during which you will pause for questions. An alternative would be to establish a, “Parking Lot.” Write, “Parking Lot” on a blank sheet of flipchart paper or dry erase board you will not be using. Provide a few stacks of post-it notes on each table, and ask that participants write any questions that come to mind on them during the presentation. Explain that at each transition, you will check around the room for any written questions, and that you will either answer them at that time, or you will place them in the “Parking Lot” to be answered later or at the end of the session. Module 3: Presenter Guide - 6 | P a g e