A. NAME: B. PERSONAL DATA: C. CURRENT POSITION: Full (Tenured) Professor, Human Performance and Sport Department, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, D. EDUCATION: EARNED DEGREES: CERTIFICATION: DR. MARC A. RABINOFF Home Address: 7600 West Coal Mine Avenue, Unit “A” Littleton, Colorado 80123 Telephone: (303) 972-3428 Ed.D. Degree College of Education, University of Houston (Higher Education Administration) August 1977 Ed.S. Degree College of Education, University of Bridgeport, Connecticut (Specialist Degree in Public School Administration and Supervision) August 1972 M.S. Degree Arnold College of Physical Education, University of Bridgeport, Connecticut (Physical Education and Health) August 1970 B.S. Degree Southern Connecticut State College (Physical Education and Health) June 1969 Board Certified Forensic Examiner, American Board of Forensic Examiners, Diplomate 1994 Fellow American College of Forensic Examiners, March 1996 Safety Certified USA Gymnastics Association, 1985 – 2010 E. EMPLOYMENT: PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Full (Tenured) Professor Human Performance and Sport (formerly Physical Education and Recreation) Department, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, Promoted, September 1984 – Present Chair, Human Performance and Sport Department, Metropolitan State College of Denver, October 2003 to June 2006 Associate Professor Physical Education and Recreation Department, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, September 1980 – August 1984 (Assistant Professor, 1977 – 1980) Chair Human Performance, Sport and Leisure Studies (formerly Physical Education and Recreation) Department, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, August 1986 – August 1992 1 Interim Associate Dean School of Professional Studies, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, August 1989 – June 1990 (on leave from Chair position) Visiting Professorship Sport Law, Graduate School, East Stroudsburg University, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, Summer Sessions 1985, 1987 Adjunct Graduate Faculty & Program Advisor Chapman University, Denver Campus (M.S. in Sports Medicine), 1986 – 1996 Adjunct Graduate Faculty University of Northern Colorado, 1987 – Present Doctoral Committee Member University of New Mexico, December 1990 – August 1991 Director, Men’s Athletics Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, 1977 – 1982 (Assistant Men’s Gymnastic Coach) Assistant Professor Physical Education and Recreation, Saint Leo College, Saint Leo, Florida, 1973 – 1977 Director, Intramural Activities, Head Gymnastic & Swimming Coach Saint Leo College, Saint Leo, Florida, 1973 – 1977 (1976 – 1977 Administrative Leave) Swimming & Diving Coach Trumbull High School, Trumbull, Connecticut, 1973 Season Instructor and Head Gymnastic Coach Physical Education, Arnold College, University of Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1970 – 1973 NON-TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Educational Specialist Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology, October 1994 – Present National Spokesperson Product Liability Sports (National Coalition for Tort Reform to Save Sport in America) North Palm Beach, Florida, October 1987 – October 1988 President Rabinoff Consulting Services, Inc., Sport and Fitness Liability Consultants, Denver, Colorado, 1986 – Present Senior Consultant, Fitness Risk Management, Inc. 1990-1993 Territory Sales Manager Ross Pharmaceutical Company, Newark, New Jersey, March 1973 – August 1973 2 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE: Symposium Director Furman Griffis Symposium on: Legal Liability of the Human Performance and Leisure Professional, Denver, Colorado, November 12, 1993 (written proceedings and video tape available) National Safety Certifier USGF National Gymnastics Safety Certification Course, February 1986 – December 1990 National Safety Certifier United States Gymnastics Safety Association, Washington, D.C., 1987 Associate Content Editor USGF Technique Magazine, 1985 – 1989 Associate Content Editor USGF Magazine, 1985 – 1989 National Conference Chairman SMARTS IV, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 29 – July 1, 1983 (Sports Management Art & Science Society) Meet Director National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Men’s Gymnastic National Championships, Denver, Colorado, March 11-12, 1983 President Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), 1982 – 1983 President Elect Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), 1981 – 1982 Convention Manager State Convention, Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), Denver, Colorado, September 1980 and September 1981 Chairman-Elect, General Division for Physical Education Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), Denver, Colorado, 1978 – 1979 Chairman – Boys’ and Girls’ Athletics Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), Denver, Colorado, 1978 – 1979 Director International Gymnastics Camps, Leesburg, Florida, 1976 Director Certification Clinic for National Gymnastic Judges Association, Miami, Florida, 1974 – 1975 Past President Connecticut Gymnastic Judges Association, 1970 – 1972 3 F. SCHOLARSHIP – CREATIVE ACTIVITIES: 1. PUBLICATIONS: (Journals, Books and College Monographs) (Non-Referred) The Dark Side of Sports: “Think Twice Before You Write-Overcoaching??” Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine, July/August 2009 (Non-Refereed) The Dark Side of Sports: “The Cost of Cutting Corners-You Can’t Bypass Safety When Training Athletes”, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine, May/June 2009 (Refereed Book) “The Dark Side of Sports: Book One”, with Kim Goss, Published by Bigger Faster Stronger, January 2009 (Refereed) “Position Paper on Safety and Liability in Sports”, One of a Series of Position Papers by Bigger Faster Stronger, January/February 2009 (Referred) “Bigger Faster Stronger: The Proven System for Building Athletes”, by Greg Shepard, published by Human Kinetics, January 2009 (My work in Chapter 15 and 16 “Safety in the Weight Room”) (Non-Refereed) “The Dark Side of Sport: Pom Poms and Broken Necks”, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine, Sept/Oct, 2008 (Non –Refereed) “The Dark Side of Sport: “A Legal Dictionary for Coaches part 2”, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine, July/August 2008 (Non-Refereed) “The Dark Side of Sport:” A Legal Dictionary for Coaches part 1”, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine. May /June 2008 (Non-Refereed) “The Dark Side of Sport;” Working Out During Class”, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine, November/December 2007 (Non-Refereed) “The Dark Side of Sport: “Playing Doctor”, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine September/October, 2007 (Non-Refereed) “The Dark Side of Sport: “Liability in the Weight Room for Physical Educators”, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine, June 2007 (Non-Refereed) “The Dark Side of Sport: “Supervision Issues”, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine, March/April 2007 (Non-Refereed) “Safety and Liability: “How to Prevent Weight Room Lawsuits”, Bigger, Faster, Stronger Magazine, January 2007 (Refereed) “On the Stand: Experts Share their Strategies”, The Forensic Expert Journal, ACFE, Winter, 2006 Non-refereed) “The Coach and the Courts: Weight Training for Kids”. Bigger, Faster, Stronger Magazine, Sept/Oct 2006 4 (Refereed) “The Next Level of Weight Room safety, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine, May/June 2006 (Refereed) “The Business of Forensic Consulting,” The Forensic Examiner, Summer 2005 (Non-refereed) “Lawsuits: Give Yourself a Sporting Chance”, Bigger, Faster Stronger Magazine, Sept/Oct. 2004 (Refereed) Planning and Preparedness Help Prevent Injuries and Costly Litigation for Physical Educators,” Colorado Association for HPERD Journal, Vol. 27, Number 1, Fall 2002 (Refereed) “Should Sports Management Program be in School of Business or Human Performance Departments?” Journal of HPERD, March 2000 (Refereed) “Physical Educator on Trial: The Issues,” Colorado Association for HPERD Journal, Vol. 25, No. 1, Fall 2000 (Non-Refereed) “Dr. Rabinoff 24-Point Check List for Evaluating Fitness Infomercials,” www.totalgym.com, November 1999 (Refereed) “Pounds of Prevention,” Athletic Business Magazine, July 1998 (Refereed) “The Value of Professional Continuing Education: An Interview with Marc Rabinoff,” American College of Forensic Examiners Journal, March 1998 (Refereed) Chapter Author in “Sport Facility Management,” edited by Walker and Stotlar, “Risk Management and Litigation,” Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 1997 (Refereed) “The Forensic Expert’s Guide to Litigation: The Anatomy of a Lawsuit,” by Marc A. Rabinoff and Stephen Holmes, Esq., published by LRP Publications, Horsham, Pennsylvania, October 1996 (Non-Refereed) “Exertional Rhahdomyolysis: A Potential Killer of Athletes and Exercising Adults,” CAHPERD State Journal, November 1996 (Refereed) “Fitness Instructor Certification, Licensure, and Dare I Say A College Degree,” Opinions, Observations and Predictions,” The Exercise Standards and Malpractice Reporter, December 1994 (Refereed) “Equipment Manufactures Showing Muscle in Fitness Industry Litigation,” The Exercise Standards and Malpractice Reporter, pg. 27-38, June 1994 (Refereed) “Thirty Two Reasons for the Strength, Conditioning and Exercise Professional to Understand the Litigation Process,” NSCA Journal, April 1994 (Refereed) “Our Legal System and the Insurance Industry: The Two Most Effective Facets of Society Affecting Sports, Fitness & Recreation in American 1977 – 1991,” chapter in Operational and Theoretical Aspects of Sports Business, Wm. C. Brown Publishing, January 1994 (Non-Refereed) “Deliberate Indifference: The I Don’t Care Defense,” The Expert Witness Journal, November 1993 (Refereed) “Weight Room Litigations: What’s It All About,” The Sports, Parks and 5 Recreation Law Reporter, June 1993, The Exercise Standards and Malpractice Reporter, July 1993, The Sport Medicine Standards, October 1993 and reprinted in the Journal of the NSCA, April 1994 (Refereed) “Winter Sports Injuries and Lawsuits,” Journal of Sport/Fitness Risk Management, part 1 and part 2, Winter 1993 and Spring 1993 (Refereed) Textbook review of ACSM’s Health/Fitness Industry Standards and Guidelines, 1992 Edition, JOHERD, February 1993 (Refereed) Textbook review of ACSM’s Health/Fitness Industry Standards and Guidelines, Journal of Sport/Fitness Risk Management, Fall 1992 (October) (Refereed) “Continuous Employee Training: The Keys to a Safe & Successful Hotel/Resort Recreation & Fitness Program,” co-authored with Herb Creswell, Journal of Sport/Fitness Risk Management, Summer 1992 (Refereed) “Risk Management” chapter in Facilities Planning for Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics, American Alliance for HPERD, January 1993 (Non-Refereed) “Can You Be Sued? You bet your career you can!”, American Heart Association of Colorado, Nutrition & Exercise Publication, Fall 1991 (Refereed) “Warning: High School Athletics May Kill You,” The Journal of Fitness Risk Management, Vol. 1, No. 8, November 1991 (Refereed) “Using Warning Signs,” The Journal of Fitness Risk Management, Vol. 1, No. 5, August 1991 (Non-Refereed) “A Conversation With A Liability Expert: A sound risk-management program is the key to a better future,” Aqua Magazine, June 1991 (Non-Refereed) “Safety Audits and Risk Management,” co-authored with Cody Bartlett, Journal of the National Employees Services and Recreation Association, May/June 1991 (Refereed) “Offering Safe Aerobics Programs,” Journal of Fitness Risk Management, May 1991 (Non-Refereed) “Americans with Disabilities Act,” co-authored with Cody Bartlett, Journal of the National Employees Services and Recreation Association, February 1991 (Refereed) “Nutrition Advice to Members by Professionals Only,” co-authored with Donna Poiak, Journal of Fitness Risk Management, February 1991 (Refereed) Editor, Certification Manuals for Aerobics/Conditioning, Personal Fitness Trainers and Weight Training for the National Health Club Association’s National Education and Certification Program, anticipated publication date late 1992 (Non-Refereed) “The Myth of Retailer’s Non-Liability,” co-authored with Cody Bartlett, Fitness Equipment Dealer Magazine, October 1990 (Refereed) “An Examination of Four Recent Cases Against Fitness Instructors,” The Exercise Standards and Malpractice Reporter, Vol. 2, No. 3, May 1988 6 (Non-Refereed) “The Weight Room: Don’t Leave It Alone,” co-authored with Cindy Shaw, Looking Fit Magazine, October 1987 (Non-Refereed) “Fitness On The Road,” Looking Fit Magazine, July 1987 (Non-Refereed) “Who Can Stop the High Cost of Insurance?” Looking Fit Magazine, March 1987 (Non-Refereed) “Precautions for Aerobic Fitness Activities,” Looking Fit Magazine, October 1986 (Refereed) “Instructors Guide for USGF National Safety Certifiers,” for use with USGF Safety Manual and Certification Courses, April 1986 – 1990 (Non-Refereed) Contributor to USGF Safety Newsletter Quarterly Publication, August 1986 – 1988 (Refereed) “Size Up Your Fitness Programs Safety Factors – Aerobic Dance,” Sports Fitness Magazine, January 1986 (Non-Refereed) “Will The Real Fitness Professional Please Stand Up?”, Proceedings Publication, Symposium on Aerobics and Sports Medicine, Denver, Colorado, September 27-28, 1985 (Refereed) “The Effective Design and Upkeep of Gymnastics Facilities,” chapter in Law and Sport: Contemporary Issues, edited by Dr. Herb Appenzeller, published by Bobbs-Michie, publish date October 1985 (Refereed) “Safety Awareness in Gymnastics,” chapter 3 in USGF Gymnastics Safety Manual, edited by Dr. Jerry George, publish date 1985 (book) (Non-Refereed) “What’s Happening in Your State Professional Organization,” Colorado Journal of HPERD, Fall 1983 (Refereed) “The SAID Principal of Weight Training,” chapter (pg. 67) in Dance Aerobics II, by Polley, Anderson World Books, Inc., April 1983 (Non-Refereed) “The Teaching of Management in Athletics: A New Course Concept,” Colorado Journal of HPERD, Spring 1983 (CJOHPERD) (Non-Refereed) “Physical Education, Recreation and Dance for the 1980’s and Beyond,” Colorado Journal of HPERD, Vol. 9, No. 2, Winter 1983 (Non-Refereed) Law and Sport Anthology Readings, 1982 – 1994 (Vol. 1–13), Metropolitan State College of Denver, required readings for law and sport courses (Non-Refereed) “Weight Training for Women,” articles, anthology for presentation at President’s Council on Physical Fitness, Denver, Colorado, November 24, 1981 (Non-Refereed) “A Workbook for Management of Interpersonal Relations for Athletic Administrators,” published by Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, January 1981 7 (Non-Refereed) “The Management of Aggression in Youth Sports: A Practical Approach Based on the Dynamics of Personality,” Colorado Journal of HPERD, August 1980 (Non-Refereed) “Managing Interpersonal Relations: A Systems Approach for Athletic Administrators,” published by Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, January 1980 (Non-Refereed) “Budget Making and Financial Accountability for Physical Education Programs,” ERIC Documentation #ED 162091 (Cited in the April 1979 Resources in Education) (Non-Refereed) “Sportsmanship and Leadership Development in American Sport – Fact or Fantasy,” Colorado Journal of HPERD, Spring 1979 (Refereed) “An Accountability Model for Intercollegiate Athletics,” Athletic Administration Journal (NACDA), Winter 1978 (Non-Refereed) “Intrinsic Perception: An Aid in Mainstreaming the Atypical Child,” Colorado Journal of HPERD, December 1978 (Non-Refereed) “The Collective Bargaining Movement in Higher Education: A Chronological Analysis and Review of the Factors, Consequences and Trends, 1961 – 1977,” ERIC Document #ED 153567 (Cited in September 1978 Resources in Education) (Non-Refereed) “The Value of Competition and Cooperation Development in American Sport,” Colorado Journal of HPERD, Spring 1978 (Non-Refereed) “The Subtleties of Teaching Gymnastics,” Colorado Journal of HPERD, September 1977 (Non-Refereed) Compiled the first Intramural Sports Handbook, Saint Leo College, distributed September 1974 (Non-Refereed) “Let’s Improve Staff Morale,” National Intramural Association Newsletter, January/February 1974 (Non-Refereed) “What the Physical Educator Should Know About the Judging of Gymnastics,” CAHPERD (Connecticut) JOURNAL, January 1971 2. PRESENTATIONS AND EXHIBITS: PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS: Presentation American College of Forensic Examiners, International Conference, Topic: Updates for CFC (Certified Forensic Consultants) on” Rule 702 Hearings Requirements for Experts and their Opinions”, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 15-16, 2009 Presentation ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials), National Meetings, Topic: “Trampoline/Enclosure Sales and Marketing Standards”, Atlanta, GA November 11-12, 2009 Presentation ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) National Meetings, Topic: Trampoline Enclosure Standards Proposal, Van Cover, Canada, May 19-21, 2009 8 Presentation ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) National Meetings, Topic: “New Standard Changes for Trampoline Manufacturers”, St. Louis, Mo. November 19-21, 2008. Seminar Presentation American College of Forensic Examiners National Conference, Conducted the “Certified Forensic Consultant” course/seminar, San Diego, CA. September 3-4, 2008 Seminar Presentation Denver Public Schools, In-Service seminar for Physical Education Teaches and Coaches and Athletic Administrators, Topic ” Liability Issues to Ponder When Teaching PE and Coaching”, Denver, CO April 23, 2008 Seminar Presenter Colorado State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Conference, Topic: Weight room Safety and Operations Standards of Care, Colorado Springs, CO, October 12, 2007 Seminar Presenter American College of Forensic Examiners, National Conference, Topic” “Ethics in Forensic Business Practices”, Springfield, MO, October 6, 2007 Seminar Presenter American College of Forensic Examiners, Regional Conference, Certified Forensic Consultant Course, Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, June 1-2, 2007 Seminar Presenter North American Indigenous Games International Education Symposium, Topic: Trends in Athletic Litigations and How Coaches and Administrators can Deal with them”, Denver CO. July 1, 2006 Seminar Presenter American College of Forensic Examiners, Certified Forensic Consultant Course, Las Vegas, July 18-19-2006 Seminar Presenter American Society for Testing Materials National meeting, Topic: “New Concept in Warnings for on trampoline use for backyard trampolines” Toronto, Canada, May 18, 2006 Seminar Presenter American College of Forensic Examiners, National Conference, CFC course, San Diego, CA, October 1-2, 2005. Seminar Presenter The Business Practices for Experts and Consultants: What works, SEAK Conference, Hyannis, Mass, June 16-17, 2005 Seminar Presenter Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Denver Chapter, “Sport and Fitness Injuries and Infomercial Products, why Consumers but them?” November 3, 2005 Seminar Presenter ACFE, Certified Forensic Consultant 2-day seminar, Atlanta GA, Jan 21-22, 2005 Panel Speaker Metropolitan State College of Denver, Student Affairs Seminar, “Academic Freedom and Tenure,” March 16, 2005 Guest Speaker University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Graduate School Biology Department class, “Health Professionals Liability,” Feb 9, 2005 9 Seminar Speaker Ethics Core Course for ACFE Certifications, Chicago, IL, October 15, 2004 Seminar Speaker Liability & Risk Management in Exercise Science, American College of Sports Medicine, Regional Certification Seminars, Denver, Colorado, July 20, 2004 Seminar Speaker Ethics in Testifying, American College of Forensic Examiners National Conference (required 8 hour course for board certification), Scottsdale, AZ, October 8, 2003 Seminar Speaker (Invited) Damages, Experts & Tax Issues “Understanding Potential Ethical Liability Pitfalls of the Personal Injury Case,” (Seminar to Attorneys for Continuing Education/Ethics Credits), Denver, Colorado, January 31, 2003 (I did two sessions, “Expert Qualifications” and “Ethics in Testifying”) Seminar Speaker (Invited) 38th Annual Indiana Trial Lawyers Annual Institute. Topic: “Dangers of Residential Trampolines,” Indianapolis, Indiana, November 22, 2002 Seminar Speaker (Invited) 7th Annual Life Care Planners National Conference. Topic: “The Rights of the Expert Witness,” Reno, Nevada, October 19-20, 2002 Seminar Speaker (Invited) Colorado Association for HPERD State Convention. Topic: Liability in the Gym Facility,” Colorado Springs, Colorado, October 4, 2002 Seminar Speaker (Invited) American College of Forensic Examiners National Conference. Topic: “Ethics Exam & Questions for Test for Diplomate Certificates,” presented at the Board of Directors for ACFE Meeting, Orlando, Florida, September 26, 2002 Seminar Speaker (Invited) American College of Forensic Examiners National Conference. Topic: “Ethics in Testifying,” Nashville, Tennessee, October 3, 2001 (Cancelled due to Sept. 11, 2001 tragedy) Invited Guest/Consultant National Fitness Therapy Association (NFTA) Education 2000 Conference. Topic: “The Business of Prevention,” Denver, Colorado, August 10, 2001 In-Service Speaker (Invited) Jefferson County Schools, Physical Education Teachers, In-Service Seminar on “Liability in Physical Education Class and New Ideas for Curriculum Changes,” May 14, 2001 Seminar Speaker (Invited) Athletic Business Magazine National Conference. Topic: “Know Potential Claims and How to Use Them in a Risk Management Program,” Orlando, Florida, December 2000 Seminar Speaker (Invited) American Academy of Certified Consultants and Experts National Conference. Topic: “Marketing as a Forensic Expert,” Las Vegas, Nevada, October 26, 2000 Seminar Speaker (Invited) American College of Forensic Examiners National Conference. Topic: “Ethics in Testifying,” Las Vegas, Nevada, October 24, 2000 Seminar Speaker Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and 10 (Invited) Dance State Convention (CAHPERD). Topic: “Unsafe Physical Education Facilities,” Denver, Colorado, October 6, 2000. Seminar Speaker (Invited) American College of Forensic Examiners Regional Conference. Topics: “The Anatomy of a Lawsuit” and “Ethics in Testifying as a Forensic Expert,” Denver, Colorado, June 9-10, 2000 Seminar Speaker (Invited) University of Denver Health and Fitness Spa Week. Topic: “Exercise Motivation and Fitness Options,” Denver, Colorado, June 5, 2000 In-Service Speaker (Invited) Boulder County Public Schools, In-Service (1/2 Day Seminar) on “Trends and Issues in Physical Education and Liability Ramifications,” Boulder, Colorado, April 28, 2000 In-Service Speaker (Invited) Adams County District 12 Public Schools, In-Service (Full Day Seminar) on “Liability for Physical Educators, Coaches, and Athletic Directors,” Thornton, Colorado, April 27, 2000 Core Course Seminar Speaker (Invited) American College of Forensic Examiners Scientific and Technical Conference. Topic: “Ethics for the Forensic Examiner,” New York, New York, October 27-30, 1999 Seminar Speaker (Invited) Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention (CAHPERD). Topic: “A Physical Educator on Trial: A real life litigation,” Denver, Colorado, October 8, 1999 Keynote Address (Invited) Positive Coaching, Inc. Annual Sports Banquet. Topic: “Ethics and Values in Youth Sport Community,” Denver, Colorado, March 11, 1999 Seminar Speaker (Invited/Refereed) U.S. Marine Corp Fitness/Wellness Directors National Conference. Topic: “Risk Management and Sport Injury Liability,” Orlando, Florida, November 20 – December 2, 1998 Seminar Speaker (Invited/Refereed) American College of Forensic Examiners National Scientific and Technical Conference. Topic: “The Forensic Expert Witness: The Art and Science of Testifying,” Naples, Florida, October 11-13, 1998 (Full Day Seminar) Seminar Speaker (Invited/Refereed) National Aquatic Therapy and Rehab Association, National Conference. Topic: “Pool Liability and How to Testify as an Aquatic Expert,” Washington, D.C., September 10-13, 1998 Seminar Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention (CAHPERD). Topic: “How Do We Establish the Standards of Care in HPERD Disciplines When Used in Litigations,” Denver, Colorado, October 1-3, 1998 Faculty Member (15 Years) (Invited) American College of Sports Medicine (Rocky Mountain Region), “Fitness Instructor Workshop and Certification,” Greeley, Colorado, June 23-29, 1985, June 17, 1987, June 15, 1988, May 15, 1989, May 15, 1990, June 22, 1992, June 21, 1993 (Denver), September 1994, March 27, 1995 (Colorado Springs), September 20, 1995 (Denver), March 25, 1996 (Colorado Springs), September 25, 1996 (Denver), September 22, 1997 (Denver), March 23, 1998 (Colorado Springs), 11 September 23, 1998 (Denver), March 31, 1999, September 29, 1999, July 2004 (Denver) Seminar Speaker (Refereed) 11th Annual National Meeting of The Society For The Study of Legal Aspects of Sport and Physical Activity. Topic: “Testifying as a Human Performance and Sport Professional, Trends and Issues,” Tucson, Arizona, March 11-14, 1998 Seminar Speaker (Refereed) American College of Forensic Examiners Pre-National Convention Seminar. Topic: “The Art and Science of Testifying,” with Gary Smith, Ph.D., Esq., San Diego, California, December 11-12, 1997 Featured Speaker (Refereed) USA Gymnastic Coaches National Congress. Topic: “The Twenty Most Common Claims Against Gymnastic Professionals and Risk Management in Gymnastic Operations,” Denver, Colorado, August 14, 1997 Featured Speaker (Non-Refereed) Great-West Life Insurance Company. Topic: “Exercise Motivation and Tips for Safe Exercising,” Denver, Colorado, May 20, 1997 Seminar Speaker (Invited) Denver Technical College. Topic: “Professional Liability for Physical and Occupational Therapists,” with Gregory Smith, Esq., Denver, Colorado, May 3, 1997 Seminar Speaker (Refereed) American Academy of Nurse Life Care Planners. Topic: “Testimony by Trial and Error,” Des Moines, Iowa, March 4-5, 1997 Seminar Speaker (Invited) Fitness Resources, “The Cutting Edge of Fitness and Wellness 1996 Conference.” Topic: “Know the Potential Claims Against You and How To Use Them in Establishing A Sound Risk Management Program In Your Fitness or Exercise Facility,” Denver, Colorado, November 2, 1996 Seminar Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention (CAHPERD). Topic: “Exertional Rhabdomyolysis: What the Human Performance Professional Needs to Know,” Denver, Colorado, September 27, 1996 Seminar Speaker (Refereed) Aquatic Therapy Symposium, 96, Aquatic Therapy and Rehab Institute, Inc. Topic: “Liability in Pools,” Washington, D.C., September 19-22, 1996 Seminar Speaker (Refereed) Medical Case Management Convention and Exhibition, Raising the Stakes: Case Management, The Critical Link. Topic: “Expert Testimony: By Trial and Error,” (Two Day Seminar), Orlando, Florida, September 11-12, 1996 Guest Lecturer (Non-Refereed) Analysis of Gymnastics Class, East Stroudsburg University, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, held at the International Gymnastic Camp. Topics: 1. “Basic Biomechanics of Gymnastic Movement,” 2. “Gymnastic Safety Considerations for Coaches and Teachers,” August 14-17, 1996 12 Guest Lecturer (Non-Refereed) USA Gymnastics Safety Certification Course given at the International Gymnastic Camp, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania (Phil Frank, course director). Topic: “Liability Issues in Gymnastic Programs,” August 17, 1996 Lunch Speaker (Non-Refereed) Great-West Life Insurance Company. Topic: “How Does Your Exercise Shape Up?”, Denver, Colorado, May 31, 1996 Seminar Speaker (Non-Refereed) Spring Into Health – Adult Fitness Conference. Topic: “Exercise Adherence and Motivational Methods to Stay Exercising,” Denver, Colorado, May 7, 1996 Seminar Speaker (Refereed) 9th Annual Sport, Society For The Study of Legal Aspects of Sport and Physical Activity Law Conference. Topics: 1. “Health Club Litigations: Claims and Defenses,” 2. “Marketing and Performing As A Forensic Expert in Human Performance Injury Lawsuits,” Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 7-9, 1996 Seminar Speaker (Refereed) International Conference on Aging and Physical Activity. Topic: “Some Thoughts on Senior Fitness Program Liability Issues,” Colorado Springs, Colorado, October 5-8, 1995 Seminar Speaker (Non-Refereed) Health Club Owners Business Seminar, sponsored by Cybex and Tom Plummer and Associates, and the Association Insurance Group of Denver. Topic: “Health Club Litigations and Liability Issues, Where to Investigate,” Copper Mountain, Colorado, September 13, 1995 Panel Expert (Refereed) Colorado Bar Association State Convention. Topic: “Liability Issues in Recreational Sports,” Keystone, Colorado, September 8, 1995 Seminar Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention (CAHPERD). Topic: “The Top Twenty Plaintiff Claims Against You, the P.E. Teacher/Coach, or Administrator: Know Them,” Denver, Colorado, September 29-30, 1995 Seminar Speaker/Panel (Refereed) Colorado Continuing Education for Attorneys, Sport Law. Topic: “Product Liability in Sports and Fitness Issues,” Denver, Colorado, May 5, 1995 Seminar Speaker (Refereed) ASTM Seminar on The Role of Standards in Sports Litigation. Topic: “Impact of Standards in Sports: Coaching and Fitness Professional Competencies, “ Denver, Colorado, May 16-17, 1995 Seminar Speaker (Invited/Refereed) 4th Annual National Expert Witness and Litigation Conference. Topics: 1. “Marketing the Expert Witness,” 2. “How to Collect Fees and Set Them,” Hyannis, Massachusetts, June 22-23, 1995 Seminar Speaker (Non-Refereed) Fitness Resources 6th Annual Conference. Topic: “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Liability, But Did Not Know Who to Ask,” Denver, Colorado, March 31, 1995 Seminar/Panel (Refereed) American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention 9AAHPERD). Topic: “Exploring Resources in Sports Management, Liability Matters for the Professional,” Portland, Oregon, March 29, 1995 13 Seminar Speaker (Non-Refereed) Anti-Defamation League Speakers Bureau. Topic: “Methods of Presenting to Community Groups,” Denver, Colorado, February 28, 1995 Panel Speaker (Invited) National Fitness Trade Show and Convention. Topic: “Fitness Certification and Licensing Issues and Trends,” Las Vegas, Nevada, August 25, 1994 Invited Speaker (Invited) Denver Technical College Sports/Fitness Technology Program. Topic: “Administrator Liability Issues Concerning the Operations and Standards of Care,” Denver, Colorado, August 2, 1994 Seminar Speaker (Non-Refereed) Foothills Recreation District. Topic: “Swimming Pool and Aquatic Safety and Risk Management,” Jefferson County, Colorado, May 26, 1994 Seminar Speaker (Non-Refereed) Jefferson County Child Care, School Age Children Providers. Topic: “Staff Liability, Risk Management, and Playground Equipment Safety,” Lakewood, Colorado, May 21, 1994 Featured Speaker (Refereed) American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention (AAHPERD). Topics: 1. “Higher Education and the Law,” April 15, 1994, and 2. “Risk Management, Liability and the Expert Witness, Denver, Colorado, April 15, 1994 Seminar Speaker (Invited) Denver Technical College. Topic: “The Changing U.S. Health System,” Denver, Colorado, February 5, 1994 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Athletic Business Magazine National Conference. Topics: “Risk Management, the Expert Witness,” and “Panelist on Facilities Operations in HPERD and Fitness,” Boston, Massachusetts, December 2-6, 1993 Symposium Director (Non-Refereed) Furman Griffis Symposium on “Legal Liability of the Human Performance and Leisure Professional,” Denver, Colorado, November 12, 1993 Luncheon Speaker (Non-Refereed) “Mind, Body and Soul: Issues for Women,” Temple Emanuel Sisterhood, Denver, Colorado, October 5, 1993 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention (CAHPERD). Topic: “Entrepreneur Physical Education: Dare We?” Fort Collins, Colorado, September 23-24, 1993 Seminar Speaker (Invited) “Sports Medicine Technology Liability Issues,” Denver Technical College, Colorado Springs Campus, Colorado Springs, Colorado, July 25, 1993, Denver Campus, Denver, Colorado, August 5, 1993 Featured Speaker (Refereed) S.E.A.K. Publications “National Conference for The Expert Witness in The 1990’s Advanced Seminar.” Topic: “Communicating With Counsel,” San Diego, California, April 2-3, 1993 14 Featured Speaker (Refereed) “Risk Management and The Expert Witness” (2 sessions), Wyoming State Conference for Parks and Recreation State Association, Rock Springs, Wyoming, March 18, 1993 Seminar Speaker (Invited/Refereed) Athletic Business Magazine National Conference. Topics: “Risk Management” and “The Expert Witness in Recreation and Physical Education/Fitness Settings,” Orlando, Florida, December 2, 1992 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Chapter of the Society of Safety Engineers Luncheon. Topic: “Risk Management in Fitness Facilities,” Denver, Colorado, February 9, 1993 Workshop Clinician (Non-Refereed) “Handling Frustration in Teaching Children Physical Skills,” Weld County School District, Greeley, Colorado, October 16, 1992 Workshop Clinician (Non-Refereed) “Safety in Before & After School Programs for Recreation Usages,” Jefferson County Schools, Colorado, October 8, 1992 Panel Expert (Invited) “The New Anti-Semitism on College Campus,” University of Denver Anti-Defamation League, Sponsor Debate, Denver, Colorado, September 23, 1992 Seminar Speaker (Refereed) “The Expert Witness: Who, What, Why and How?”, Colorado Association for HPERD State Conference, Granby, Colorado, September 24, 1992 Seminar/Workshop Speaker (Non-Refereed) “Fitness For A Lifetime,” Denver Council of Churches, Denver, Colorado, June 20, 1992 Seminar Lecturer (Non-Refereed) American Hotel Motel Association Safety & Fire Protection Committee Meeting. Topic: “Fitness Club Injuries,” Denver, Colorado, April 22, 1992 Workshop Speaker (Non-Refereed) “Sports and Recreation Liability in Schools,” St. Anne Episcopal School, (In-Service for staff), March 12, 1992 Guest Speaker (Refereed) “Recreation Liability,” Colorado Parks and Recreation Association, Denver, Colorado, February 19, 1992 Featured Speaker (Invited/Refereed) Athletic Business Magazine National Conference. Topic: “Risk Management Updates and Trends for Fitness Facilities,” San Antonio, Texas, December 6, 1991 Seminar Speaker (Non-Refereed) “Sports & Recreation Liability and Risk Management,” Arapahoe Community College, Littleton, Colorado, November 5, 1991 Seminar Speaker (Non-Refereed) “Fitness & Health Motivation,” Bell Middle School 7th Graders Assembly, Golden, Colorado, October 21, 1991 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention (CAHPERD). Topic: “Adult Fitness and P.E.: Are They The Same?”, Denver, Colorado, September 26, 1991 15 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Denver Parks & Recreation Administration. Topic: “Liability & Safety of Children in After School Recreation Programs,” Denver, Colorado, September 12, 1991 Featured Speaker (Non-Refereed) Fitness Resources Regional Conference on “Peak Performance and Motivation in Fitness.” Topic: “The Safety Audit and Risk Management Tools of the Trade,” Denver, Colorado, February 1, 1991 Featured Expert/Narrator/Script Co-Author (Invited) “Avoiding Lawsuits in the Weight Room” video. Presented by Athletic Business Magazine, December 1990 Featured Speaker (Invited) Xerox Employee Services and Health Management Council Meeting. Topic: “Risk Management in Fitness/Wellness Settings,” Scottsdale, Arizona, December 4, 1990 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Athletic Business Magazine National Conference. Topic: “Conducting the Safety Audit,” Anaheim, California, December 6, 1990 Keynote Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Hotel and Motel Association State Conference. Topic: “How to Market Your Fitness Facility and Keep it Safe For Guests,’ Vail, Colorado, August 17, 1990 Keynote Speaker (Invited) Denver Metropolitan Hotel Association. Topic: “The Health Conscious Guests & Risk Management on Your Property,” Denver, Colorado, July 10, 1990 Featured Speaker (Refereed) National Employees Services & Recreation Association, National Convention. Topic: “Risk Management in The Corporate Setting & The Safety Audit,” Washington, D.C., May 17, 1990 Seminar Speaker (Non-Refereed) Colorado Mountain College. Topic: “Sports Liability for the Fitness Professional,” 1) Glenwood Springs Campus, Glenwood Springs, Colorado, March 2-3, 1990, 2) Steamboat Springs Campus, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, April 8-9, 1990, 3) Vail Campus, Vail, Colorado, January 24-25, 1991, 4) Breckenridge Campus, Breckenridge, Colorado, October 11-12, 1991, 5) Glenwood Springs Campus, Glenwood Springs, Colorado, March 6-7, 1992, 6) Glenwood Springs Campus, Glenwood Springs, Colorado, March 4-5, 1994, 7) Breckenridge Campus, Breckenridge, Colorado, March 11-12, 1994 Featured Speaker (Refereed) American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention (AAHPERD). Topic: “Risk Management in Fitness Setting,” New Orleans, Louisiana, March 30, 1990 (audio tape available) Featured Speaker (Refereed) Athletic Business Magazine National Conference. Topic: “Risk Management in Health Clubs,” Orlando, Florida, December 6-10, 1989 Featured Speaker (Invited/Refereed) National Conference on Professional Preparation for Fitness and Wellness, sponsored by NASPE and AAHPERD. Topic: “Foundation Requirements of the National Standards,” Atlanta, Georgia, November 10-11, 1989 16 Featured Speaker (Refereed) International Conference on Sports Business. Topic: “The Legal System and Insurance Crisis Affects on American Sports and Fitness,” Columbia, South Carolina, November 7-9, 1989 Featured Speaker (Refereed) American Law Firms Association Western Regional Conference on Hotel and Resort Liability. Topic: “Recreational Facilities and Operations,” Palm Springs, California, September 20-22, 1989 Workshop Clinician (Non-Refereed) Englewood Public Schools (In-Service) for Coaches. Topic: “Safety and Liability for Coaches,” Englewood, Colorado, August 23, 1989 Featured Speaker (Refereed) National Strength & Conditioning Association National Convention. Topic: “Safety in the Weight Room – The High School Setting,” Denver, Colorado, June 29, 1989 Featured Speaker (Non-Refereed) “Fitness and You – Winning Combination Conference.” Topic: “Liability Concepts for Fitness Professionals: Staying Out of Court,” Denver, Colorado, June 27, 1989 Workshop Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Athletic Directors State Conference. Topic: “Sports on Trial Video Presentation: Lecture on Liability,” Northglenn, Colorado, April 24, 1989 Featured Speaker (Refereed) American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention (AAHPERD). Topic: “Update on Fitness Litigations,” Boston, Massachusetts, April 22, 1989 Commencement Speaker Address (Non-Refereed/Invited) Denver Technical College, Winter Commencement, Denver, Colorado, January 22, 1989 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Athletic Business Magazine National Conference. Topic: “Risk Management and Recent Litigations Involving Health Clubs,” New Orleans, Louisiana, December 8, 1988 Key Note Speaker (Refereed/Invited) Montana State Convention for HPERD, Recreation Therapists and Montana Parks & Recreation Association. Topic: “Physical Education and Recreation, Dinosaurs or Dynasties?” (Also presented three lectures on liability and adult fitness), Missoula, Montana, October 19-21, 1988 Certification Clinician (Invited) USGF National Safety Certification Course and Exam, held in Anaheim, California, October 13, 1988 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention (CAHPERD). Topic: “Liability and Risk Management in P.E. and Sports,” Westin Hotel, Vail, Colorado, October 1, 1988 Featured Speaker (Non-Refereed) The Institute for Study of Aerobic Exercises. Topic: “Aerobic Instructor Liability,” Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, July 10, 1988 Guest Speaker (Non-Refereed) Injury Prevention Network, Colorado Department of Health Care Services. Topic: “The Safety Audit and Risk Management in Sports and Fitness Settings,” Denver, Colorado, July 6, 1988 17 Featured Speaker (Refereed) National Strength and Conditioning Association, National Convention. Topic: “Liability in the Conditioning of Athletes and the Weight Room,” Orlando, Florida, June 25, 1988 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association Annual Meeting. Topic: “Are Health Clubs Really Killing You?” Phoenix, Arizona, May 9-11, 1988 Guest Speaker (Non-Refereed) Downtown Optimist Club. Topic: Litigations in the Health Care Industry,” Denver, Colorado, April 22, 1988 Featured Clinician (Non-Refereed) In-Service Workshop on “Liability in School Sports and Physical Education,” Fort Collins School District, Fort Collins, Colorado, April 20, 1988 Presenter (Invited) Product Liability-Sports Information Booth, The Super Show of Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association, Atlanta, Georgia, February 19-22, 1988 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Symposium on “The Future of Fitness.” Topic: “Tort Reform and the Insurance Crisis and It’s Effects on Fitness,” University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado, January 29, 1988 Featured Speaker (Invited) Physical Education – The Critical Equalizer, a regional conference for elementary and middle school teachers. Topic: “Saving Youth Sports and the Insurance Crisis,” Denver, Colorado, January 15, 1988 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Athletic Business Magazine National Conference. Topic: “Liability Implications of Fitness and Health Clubs – The Safety Audit,” Las Vegas, Nevada, December 10, 1987 Featured Speaker (Invited) “Sports on Trial” Video Participant, Video on Sports Liability, produced by Athletic Institute, North Palm Beach, Florida, December 1987 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Parks and Recreation Association State Conference. Topic: “Shaping Colorado Youth,” Copper Mountain, Colorado, October 8, 1987 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention (CAHPERD). Topic: “The Safety Checklist for Recreation Centers,” Northglenn, Colorado, September 18, 1987 Featured Clinician (Non-Refereed) Colorado Athletic and Recreation Association. Topic: “Gymnastics Safety and Liability,” Denver, Colorado, January 31, 1987 Featured Speaker (Non-Refereed) Denver YMCA Program Directors. Topic: “Liability in Fitness Programs,” Denver, Colorado, January 13, 1987 Featured Speaker (Non-Refereed) Jefferson County Coaches Association. Topic: “Coaching Liability Issues in Public Schools,” Lakewood, Colorado, January 12, 1987 18 National Course Director United States Gymnastics Federation-Gymnastics Safety Certification, (Invited) Indianapolis, Indiana, September 22, 1986; Fort Collins, Colorado, October 11, 1986; Denver, Colorado, November 1, 1987; Denver, Colorado, October 10, 1988 Featured Clinician (Non-Refereed) Liability in the Gym Workshop (In-Service for Aurora Middle Schools’ Physical Education Teachers), Aurora, Colorado, August 1986 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Parks and Recreation Association. Topic: “Fitness and Gymnastics Liability,” Englewood, Colorado, May 2, 1986 Featured Clinician (Non-Refereed) Gymnastics Safety and Liability Workshop (In-Service for Boulder Elementary School Teachers), Boulder, Colorado, April 4, 1986 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Rocky Mountain Regional NIRSA Workshop. Topic: “Liability for Recreation Professionals and Trends in The Courts,” Denver, Colorado, December 6, 1985 Featured Speaker (Refereed) United States Gymnastics Federation Eastern Regional Coaches Convention. Topic: “Gymnastics Safety Manual, Coaches Liability and the New National Certification Course,” Cherry Hills, New Jersey, October 3-5, 1985 Co-Director and Featured Speaker (Non-Refereed) “Symposium on Aerobics and Sports Medicine,” Ramada Renaissance Hotel, Denver, Colorado, September 28-29, 1985 Invited Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention (CAHPERD). Topic: “The Physical Educator and The Fitness Boom,” Denver, Colorado, September 27, 1985 Featured Speaker and Chair (Refereed) For Safety Committee Meeting, United States Gymnastics Federation National Gymnastics Coaches Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 4-8, 1985 Guest Speaker (Non-Refereed) Golden Little League Baseball Coaches Workshop. Topic: “Sports Psychology,” Golden High School, Golden, Colorado, March 3, 1985 Team Member and Lecturer (Non-Refereed) Consortium Grant for Mesa College Enrichment Program in Physical Education, Mesa College, Grand Junction, Colorado, February 21-22, 1985 Featured Clinician (Non-Refereed) City of Lakewood – Recreation Department. Topic: “Gymnastics Instruction Progressions and Legal Liability Clinic,” Lakewood, Colorado, October 19, 1984 Featured Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Parks and Recreation State Conference. Topic: “Liability for the Recreation Profession,” Colorado Springs, Colorado, October 4, 1984 Seminar Speaker (Non-Refereed) The Science of Aerobic Fitness Seminar. Topic: “Fitness Liability for Instructors and Users,” Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, September 29, 1984 19 Guest Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention (CAHPERD). Topic: “Legal Liability Concepts for the Physical Educator and What To Do If Sued,” Northglenn, Colorado, September 27, 1984 Invited Speaker (Non-Refereed) Legal Issues and Student Rights Workshop. Topic: “Sports Law and Liability for Administrators,” Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, March 10, 1984 Guest Speaker (Refereed) American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Convention (AAHPERD). Topic: “Legal Liability for Coaches and Administrators,” Anaheim, California, March 1984 (tape available from AAPHERD, one of the top 20 requested tapes from 250 presentations at this National Convention by membership) Invited Speaker (Non-Refereed) Longmont Public Schools. Topic: “Law Suits and the Coach,” Longmont, Colorado, February 6, 1984 Invited Speaker (Refereed) United States Gymnastics Federation National Coaches Congress. Topic: “How to Avoid Law Suits,” Washington, D.C., October 6-9, 1983 Invited Speaker (Refereed) Jefferson County Schools Physical Education and Athletic Personnel. Topic: “Sport Law: Its Implications on a Daily Basis,” Wheat Ridge, Colorado, January 19, 1983 Seminar Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention (CAHPERD). Topic: “The Law and Physical Education,” Denver, Colorado, October 15, 1982 Invited Speaker (Refereed) United States Gymnastics Federation National Coaches Congress. Topic: “Legal Liability for Gymnastics Coaches in the 1980’s,” Ft. Worth, Texas, September 24, 1982 Featured Clinician (Non-Refereed) President’s Council on Physical Fitness Denver Forum. Topic: “Weight Training for Women,” Denver, Colorado, November 24, 1981 Invited Speaker (Refereed) SMARTS II Conference (Sport Management Art and Science Society). Topic: “A Workable Athletic Policy Manual,” Robert Morris College, Pennsylvania, June 10, 1981 Guest Speaker (Refereed) Eighth Annual National Conference on Humanistic Education. Topic: “Interpersonal Relations and Humanistic Concepts in the Athletic Setting,” Denver, Colorado, April 1981 Invited Speaker (Refereed) National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Athletic Directors’ Workshop. Topic: “Interpersonal Relationship Development in Athletics,” Kansas City, Missouri, March 1980 Seminar Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention (CAPHERD). Topic: “Accountability and Decision Making in Athletics,” Greeley, Colorado, September 1979 Invited Speaker (Refereed) SMARTS I Conference. Topic: “Managing the Human Resource,” University of Massachusetts, May 1979 20 3. Seminar Speaker (Refereed) Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention (CAHPERD). Topic: “The Management of Aggression in Athletics,” Denver, Colorado, September 1977 Guest Speaker (Non-Refereed) Kiwanis Club of Dade City. Topic: “Sport for Youths,” Dade City, Florida, April 1972 Seminar Speaker (Refereed) Connecticut Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance State Convention. Topic: “Teaching Suggestions and the Evaluation of Gymnastic Performance,” New Haven, Connecticut, October 1971 RESEARCH AND GRANTS: RESEARCH PARTICIPATION: Researched” New Concepts in Backyard Trampoline Warnings on the bed of the trampoline”. Used my senior major students starting in May 2006 classes for their input and critique of the new concept designs. Continues each academic term. Researched “Bottoming Out’ on backyard trampolines via drop tests on a trampoline, January 2000. Co-researcher Dr. Louis Cheng,(510-747-1947) Anemet Labs, Haywood, California, January 3, 2000 “The Delphi Study for Liability and Risk Management,” Doctoral Dissertation of Ms. Sarah Young, Indiana University. I served as an Expert/Scholar jury member for this study, Summer 1998 Researched and analyzed the 63 litigations I served as an expert on for the featured article, “Pounds of Prevention,” published by Athletic Business Magazine, July 1998 G. 4. ADVANCED STUDY: N/A 5. CONFERENCES ATTENDED: All conferences where I presented seminars, I also attended as a participant. (See F2). SERVICE: 1, 2 & 3 DEPARTMENT, SCHOOL AND COLLEGE: COLLEGE AND DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE EXPERIENCE: METROPOLITAN STATE COLLEGE OF DENVER: Graduation Faculty Marshall for Spring 2009 Graduation Ceremonies 21 Chair, Human Performance and Sport Department, Sport Industry Operations Curriculum Committee for the Development of a “Certificate in Sport Industry Operations, Post Baccalaureate”. 2008-2009 Peer Classroom Performance Observer, Human Performance and Sport Department, 2006-present Chair, Human Performance and Sport Department, Sport Industry Operations Student Awards Selection Committee, 2006-2009 Chair, Human Performance and Sport Department, Extended Campus Funds Award Selections committee, 2006-2008 Co- Advisor for the Sport Industry Operations Student Campus Club, 2007-present Member, College wide “Ethics Committee” MSCD, Spring 2007 Chair, HPS Department Search Committee for Sport Industry Operations full time faculty appointment, Fall 2006- Spring 2007 Member, HPS Department Promotion, Tenure and Retention Committee, Fall 2006-May 2007 Represents MSCD School of Professional Studies on the College Grade Review Committee, Fall 2006- Spring 2008. Member, MSCD School of Professional Studies Chairs Review Committee for Promotion, Tenure and Retention, 2005 Member, MSCD Dean’s chair Committee for Strategic Planning for the School of Professional Studies, Spring 2006 Mentor for new faculty/ chairs, academic year 2004-2005, 2005-2006 Member, MSCD School of Professional Studies, Professional Development Committee, 2002 -2003 Member, School of Professional Studies Deans Committee OCE Review Committee, 2003-2004 Member, School of Professional Studies Dean’s Committee – planning retreat for chairs, February 2004 Member, School of Professional Studies, Dean's Task Force on summer school operations, Fall 2003 Member, HPSL Position Search Committees, Summer 2003 Chair and Member, MSCD School of Professional Studies, Retention, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2002 - 2003 Member, HPSL Department, Chair Search Committee, 2001 – 2002 Chair, HPSL Department, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2001 – 2004 HPSL Faculty Senator, academic year 2000 – 2001 22 Member, Selection Committee for Teaching Excellence Award for adjunct faculty, Golden Key National Honor Society, MSCD Chapter, April 2001 Chair, HPSL Department, Colorado Scholars Award Committee, 1999 – 2003 Member, HPSL Department, Colorado Scholars Award Selection Committee, 1997 – Present Member, HPSL Curriculum Review Committee, 1999 – Present Selected as a Faculty mentor for new faculty, 1998 - 1999, 2001 - 2002 MSCD School of Professional Studies, Professional Development Program Review Task Force, 1998 - 1999 HPSL Department, Sport Industry Operations Curriculum Development, 1994 - 1997 HPSL Department, Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1994 – Present MSCD Athletic Department, Sports Hall of Fame Policies Committee, June 1993 – December 1993 MSCD School of Professional Studies, Professional Development Grant Review Committee, 1996 – 1997 MSCD School of Professional Studies, Curriculum Committee, 1992 – 1994 Term MSCD Auraria Fitness Center Advisory Committee, January 1992 – Present MSCD Travel Policies and Procedures Review Committee, January 1991 Teacher Education Council, Fall 1990 – Fall 1992 Sub-Committee of the Committee on The Status of Minorities for The Metropolitan State College, Spring 1990 – Spring 1992 Contract Major/Minor Academic Review Committee, June 1990 – Spring 1992 Affirmative Action Program Review Committee (President’s Appointment), October 1989 – Fall 1991 College-wide Physical Education Building Renovation Project, August 1986 – Fall 1991 MSCD School of Professional Studies, Department Chair’s Dean’s Council, 1986 – August 1992 MSCD School of Professional Studies, Task Force on Advisement and Retention for Students, September 1985 – 1986 Department of Physical Education and Recreation, Advisement Consultant and Coordinator, 1984 – 1986 School of Education, Dean’s Advisory Committee on Campus Recreation and Intercollegiate Athletics, September 1983 - 1984 23 School of Education, Advanced Degree Development Task Force in Physical Education, February 1983 – 1986 Colorado Scholars Advisory Committee, 1982 – 1984 Holistic Health Interdisciplinary Advisory Committee, 1981 – 1984 Affirmative Action Council – Chair, Education Sub-Committee, 1983 Served on two faculty hearing tribunals, 1985 School of Education, Added Endorsement Committee, 1982 – 1983 Faculty Senator, Physical Education and Recreation Department, 1981 – 1985 Faculty Senate Sabbatical Leave Committee, 1982 – 1983 School of Education, Merit Pay Development Committee, 1982 – 1986 School of Education, Curriculum Task Force, 1982 – 1983 Faculty Senate Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1981 – 1983 School of Education, Sabbatical Leave Committee, 1979 – 1980 School of Education, Faculty Evaluation Development Instrument Committee, 1979 – 1980 School of Education, Student Seminar Evaluation Task Force, 1979 – 1980 School of Education, Goals and Objectives for Faculty Committee, 1979 – 1980 Ad Hoc Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Programs, 1977 – 1978 4. COMMUNITY: COMMUNITY SERVICES: (Committees and Presentations) Member, Denver Public Schools Teacher Award for Excellence Selection Committee, 2001 - 2002 Member, Accreditation Team for ACCSCT (Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and College of Technology): 2000-present) for the following colleges: Harris School Of Business, Upper Darby, Pa. May 23, 2009 Institute of Technology, Roseville, Cal., July 31, 2008 National Career Education Schools, Citrus Heights CAL. July 30, 2008 Central Florida College, Largo, Florida, May 28-29, 2008 Lebanon County Career School, Lebanon, Pa., March 3-5, 2008 Remington College-Largo Campus, Florida, Aug.1-2, 2006 Advanced Technology Institute, Virginia Beach, VA, June 8-9, 2006 Georgia Medical Institute, Norcross GA, June 5-7 2005 New York Institute of Culinary Education, NY, May 19-20, 2005 24 Southeastern School of Neuromuscular & Massage Therapy, Columbia SC, Feb 24-25, 2005 NOSSI College of Art, Nashville, TN July 28-30, 2004 Expressions Center for New Media, Berkeley, California, October 15-17, 2002 Silicon Valley College, San Jose, California, February 14-15, 2002 Travel University International, San Diego, California, August 9-10, 2000 New York Culinary and Hotel Management School, New York, New York, March 10-12, 2000 Speaker, Contemporary Learning Academy, Denver Schools. Topic: “Careers in HPSL,” Denver, Colorado, May 24, 1998 Member, Accreditation Team for ACCSCT (Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and College of Technology), Concord College, Denver, Colorado, October 17-18, 1994 Head Official, Swimming Competition, High School Upward Bound Olympics, Denver, Colorado, 1994 Member, Civil Rights Committee Anti-Defamation League of Denver, 1978 – Present Member, Selection Committee, Leadership America Scholarship Program, March 1989 Panel Participant, Hugh O’Brian Youth Foundation Lecture. Topic: “Drugs & Athletics for Youths,” Denver, Colorado, June 23, 1989 Member, Metropolitan Denver YMCA Program Committee, January 1987 – July 1989 (Includes all 10 YMCA Branches) Presented and Exhibited Rocky Mountain Regional Conference of National Council of Social Studies, attended and exhibited for A.D.L. Holocaust Jewish Education Booth, Denver, Colorado, April 2, 1987 Member, Anti-Defamation League Education Sub-Committee on Holocaust Education in Our Society, January 1985 – July 1989 Member, Decision Seminars, Jefferson County Public Schools. Topic: “Future Missions and Goals for the R-1 School District,” Jefferson County, Colorado, September 1983 Member, Colorado Awards, Education and Civic Achievement Selection Committee, 1983 – Present Member, Blue Ribbon Committee, Jefferson County Public Schools. Topic: “Religion in the Schools.” (Appointed by Civil Rights Commission of the Anti-Defamation League of Denver) Director of Meet and Liaison to USGF, International Gymnastics Meet, Japan vs. USA, Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, January 8, 1982. (First International Meet in Denver in 10 years) 25 COMMUNITY SERVICES: (Media Presentation) National Network Media: Expert Commentator/Consultant “CBS, The Early Show”, aired April 3, 2008, topic: Dangers of Unqualified Personal Trainers” (Audrey Gruber, producer) Expert Commentator/Consultant “CNN New York” aired August 4, 2005. Topic: Dangers of Backyard Trampoline (Audrey Gruber, producer) Expert Commentator/Consultant “20/20 ABC” aired September 22, 2000. Topic: Backyard Trampoline Dangers and Injuries Expert Commentator/Consultant “NBC Later Today Show,” aired May 10, 2000. Topic: Evaluating Infomercials of Fitness Products Expert Commentator/Consultant “Total Gym” Infomercial, aired January 2000 – April 2002 Expert Commentator/Consultant “ABC Good Morning America,” aired March 12, 1999. Topic: Infomercials for Fitness Equipment and Products Expert Commentator/Consultant “Special Reports T.V.,” taped Summer 1992, aired August 1992. Topic: Unfit Kids Expert Commentator/Consultant “Special Reports T.V.,” taped April 1992, aired July 1992, Physicians offices nationally, moderated by Joan Lunden. Topic: Health Club Horrors (tape available) Guest Speaker “Good Morning America,” live from Miami (Doral Saturnia Spa) with Joan Lunden. Topic: Health Club Operations and Instructor Liabilities, November 17, 1988 (tape available) Guest Speaker “The Today Show,” live from New York. Topic: Debate with Insurance Industry and the Effects on American Sports, June 16, 1988 (tape available) Guest Speaker “Hour Magazine,” with Gary Collins, taped in L.A. Topic: Bogus Fitness Instructors and Injuries in Health Clubs, aired April 22, 1987 (tape available) Guest Speaker “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” live from Chicago. Topic: The Obsession of Fitness, December 16, 1986 (tape available) Guest Speaker “The Today Show,” with Bryant Gumbel and Jane Pauley, live from NBC Studios, New York. Topic: Fitness Fraud, November 30, 1984 (tape available) 26 Local and Regional Network Media: Expert Commentator: CBS 4News (Denver),” Recreational Sport: Mock Sumo Suit Injury Jury Verdict and Reasons”, May 14, 2009 Expert Commentator: CBS Channel 4(Denver), Personal Trainers-How to Pick One” February 26, 2007 Expert Commentator: Channel 7 News (ABC,Denver) “Exercise Equipment: How to Choose the Best for You”, January 13, 2007 Guest Interview KOA Radio, Topic: “Kids Getting Fit Like Clinton Portus, Denver Broncos, Denver, CO, Dec 7, 2003 Guest Interview KOA Radio. Topic: “How to Stay Fit During the Holidays,” Denver, Colorado, November 28, 2002 Expert Commentator KUSI 51 News. “Total Gym and Over 50 Exercises,” (live), San Diego, California, September 14, 2002 Expert Commentator/Consultant Fox 31 News. “Fame or Shame,” Denver, Colorado 1. Reebox Core Board, May 2002 2. Jackie Chan Cable Flex, June 2002 3. Ab Energizer, July 2002 4. Six Second Abs, March 1, 2004 Guest Interview KOA Radio. Topic: Motivation ideas to get people exercising in New Year, Denver, Colorado, January 1, 2002 Guest Interview WB2 News “How to select a health club,” (live), Denver, Colorado, December 26, 2001 Guest Interview KOA Radio “Exercise Products,” live, Denver, Colorado, December 26, 2001 Guest Interview WB2 News “Home Exercise Equipment,” live, Amy Freeze host, Denver, Colorado, December 6, 2000 Guest Interview WB2 News “Denver as #1 Fitness Town in America” segment, live, Amy Freeze host, Denver, Colorado, March 8, 2000 Guest Interview Tom Martino “Troubleshooter Show,” (interviewed by David Horowitz), L.A., live. Topic: Infomercial Problems in Fitness Products, Denver, Colorado, March 12, 1999 Guest Interview Metropolitan State College of Denver Radio Network with Dr. Sheila Kaplan. Topic: Health and Fitness Myths and Thoughts for 1998 Health, Denver, Colorado, January 1998 Guest Interview KYBG Peter Boyles Talk Radio, live. Topic: Health Clubs, National Health Club Association and Risk Management, Denver, Colorado, October 17, 1990 27 Guest Interview KYBG Peter Boyles Talk Radio, live. Topic: Health Clubs, Safety Tips for Consumers, Denver, Colorado, September 18, 1990 Guest Interview KBXG Peter Boyles Talk Radio, live. Topic: $800,000 Verdict Against Holiday Health Club in Denver, Denver, Colorado, March 13, 1990 Guest Interview KBXG Talk Radio, live. Topic: Backyard Swimming Pools Dangers and Health Club Injuries, Denver, Colorado, December 15, 1989 Featured Guest KNUS Live Talk Radio, Alan Dumas Show. Topic: Sports Injuries and Litigations/PH-S National Program for Tort Reform, Denver, Colorado, April 13, 1988 Guest Interview KMGH-TV “Midday Show.” Topic: Health Club Litigations and Recent Jury Verdicts, Denver, Colorado, March 30, 1988 (tape available) Featured Guest KCNC-TV “Dimension Four,” Channel 4. Topic: Product Liability – Sports – The Insurance Crisis in Sports, Denver, Colorado, April 3, 1988 Featured Guest “Family Talk,” Covenant House of New York syndicated radio show. Topic: Sports in America, live from New York, March 6, 1988 (tape available) Featured Guest KNUS Talk Radio, live. Topic: Health Clubs and the Insurance Crisis for Sports in America, Denver, Colorado, September 30, 1987 Featured Guest KYBG Radio Talk Show, live. Topic: Conditioning With Weights and Athletes, Denver, Colorado, May 4, 1987 Guest Interview KAZY Radio Show “Living Well.” Topic: How to Select a Health Club, Denver, Colorado, February 8, 1987 Guest Interview KOA – “Rick Barber Show,” live, 8 p.m. Topic: Denver and Adult Fitness, Denver, Colorado, December 17, 1986 Guest Interview KBPI – “Woody Paige Talk Radio,” live, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Topic: Fitness Centers and Legislation, Denver, Colorado, May 24, 1985 Live Interview KMGH TV (Channel 7), 10:00 p.m. News – Special News Feature, “Chiropractors and Health Clubs,” Denver, Colorado, May 6, 1985 Guest Interview KOA Radio – “Sports Talk,” live, 7:00 p.m. Topic: “Fitness Certifications – Do They Exist?” Denver, Colorado, April 9, 1985, October 22, 1985 Gust Interview KRDO Radio – Fitness Fraud,” Colorado Springs, Colorado, December 4, 1984 Guest Interview KKRM Radio – Topic: Safety Tips for Fitness Center Use, Colorado Springs, Colorado, December 5, 1984 Guest Interview KDEN Radio – Topic: Fitness Fraud in Denver and Nationally, Denver, Colorado, December 5, 1984 28 Guest Interview KNUS Radio – “Peter Boyles Show,” live. Topic: Body WRap, Denver, Colorado, December 18, 1985; Topic: Legislation, Denver, Colorado, September 5, 1985; Topic: The Fitness Boom and Its Problems, Denver, Colorado, February 5, 1985, April 24, 1985, June 4, 1985, December 3, 1985 Guest Speaker Channel 4 “Denver Showcase.” Topic: Sports Liability Issues, Gymnastics and the 1984 Olympics, Denver, Colorado, July 29, 1984 Guest Speaker KDKO Radio – “Community Talk.” Topic: Gymnastics Liability and Future Trends, Denver, Colorado, November 20, 1983 Guest Speaker Channel 12 TV – “Off the Wall” Talk Show. Topic: Youth Sports and Problems of Violence in Sports, May 10, 1981 (live telecast) Cable Television: Featured Guest Littleton Cablevision. Topic: Dangers in Sports and Sports Equipment Usage, Littleton, Colorado, September 4, 1984 Featured Guest Aurora Cable TV, Channel 28, Public Affairs. Topic: 24-Hour Nautilus Closing and Tips for Consumers on Joining Health Clubs, Aurora, Colorado, June 3, 1985 Featured Guest Aurora Cable TV, Channel 28, Public Affairs. Topic: Fitness Centers and Safety, Aurora, Colorado, April 1, 1985 Featured Guest “Talk TV with Peter Boyles,” live, Channel 26, Denver Cable. Topic: Fitness Liability, October 31, 1984 (tape available) Guest Speaker Littleton Cablevision. Topic: Gymnastics and Legal Liability Issues in Fitness, Littleton, Colorado, August 2, 1984 Guest Speaker American Cablevision of Littleton (live telecast). Topic: Sports Law, Littleton, Colorado, Denver 15, 1982 Print Media Interviews: Featured Expert “Bouncing Trampolines”, Denver Post Fitness article by Linda Buch, May 18, 2009 Featured Expert “Certification: It’s More Important Than You Think”, Bigger Faster Stronger Magazine, November/December 2008 Referenced Expert Colorado Action Plan for Older Adults Wellness: A Public Health Strategy, First Edition, 2007, pages 59-64 Featured Expert “Find an exercise Plan to fit you”, Linda Buch, Denver Post, October 1, 2007 Featured Expert “Those who can do, those who retire Do”, Abby Ellin, writer, New York Times, April 12, 2007 Featured Expert “The ABC’s Of Weight Room Design-Practical Tips On Designing Safe and Effective Weight Rooms”, Kim Goss, Bigger, Faster, Stronger Magazine, March/April 2007 29 Featured Expert “The Case Against Stability Training”, Kim Goss, Bigger, Faster, Stronger Magazine, March/April 2007 Featured Expert “10 Things Your Fitness Club Won’t Tell You”, Reshma Kapadia, writer, Smart Magazine, January 2007 Featured Expert “Fitness Trainers,” Men’s Health Magazine, September, 2005 Referenced Expert “Are You Neglecting Training,” Bigger, Faster, Stronger Magazine, March/April 2005 Referenced Expert/Consultant “Leisure v. Liability,” Athletic Business Magazine, August 2002 Featured Expert “Electirc Abs,” by Sam Grobart, Mens Journal Magazine, May 2002 Referenced Expert National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCD) Standards published November 2001 (cited and quoted in text of standards) Referenced Expert “Should You Buy That Fitness Gadget?”, Michelle Bendor, Self Magazine, October 2000 Referenced Expert “H20 SOS” by Lisa Soddders, Topeka Capital Journal, March 28, 2000 Referenced Expert “Exercise Caution with Informericals,” by Art Corey, Philadelphia Inquier, March 27, 2000 Referenced Expert “Fitness For Sale?”, Health Magazine, March 2000 Referenced Expert “Fit to be Tied,” by Sabrina Erdely. Philadelphia Magazine, January 2000 Referenced Expert “Kick in with Tae Bo,” by Megan Miller, Columbia Missourian, June 22, 1999 Referenced Expert “Fit or Fad,” by Lori Tobias, Denver Rocky Mountain News, July 18, 1999 “The Newest Kick At Fitness,” by Darryl Owens, Orlando Sentinel, May 4, 1999 Referenced Expert Referenced Expert (Featured Expert) “The Other Side of Tae Bo,” by Claire Martin, Denver Post, May 2, 1999 Referenced Expert “Don’t Risk Workout Injuries,” by Jordan Matis, Self Magazine, March 1999 Referenced Expert “Buying Into Fitness: Get Ripped, Not Ripped Off Acquiring Exercise Equipment,” by Charles Mallory, Exercise and Health Magazine, Summer 1998 30 Referenced Expert “Pooling Resources for Sports Medicine,” by Mindy Toran, Advance for Directors in Rehabilitation Magazine, March 1998 Referenced Expert “Trampolines Bouncing Back Despite High Risks,” by Christine Schiano, The Morning Call, Allentown, Pennsylvania, August 22, 1996 Referenced Expert “Fitness for Sale,” by Linda Castrone, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado, December 17, 1996 Referenced Expert “Go Green: Power Your Own Treadmill,” by Dana Sullivan, Walking Magazine, February 1997 Referenced Expert “Trampolines: Are They Safe?”, by Linda Castrone, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado, June 4, 1996 (appeared again in the Grand Rapids Press, July 18, 1996) Referenced Expert “More Intense Exercise Offers Women Greater Health Benefits, Study Shows, In Colorado,” by Paul Raeburn and Linda Castrone, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado, November 17, 1995 Referenced Expert “Who Is Your Fitness Instructor Anyway?”, by Lisa Iannucci, Weight Watchers Magazine, November 1995 Referenced Expert “Play It Safe,” by Liz Neporent, Shape Magazine, April 1995 Referenced Expert “Is Your Health Club Up To Snuff,” by Liz Neporent, Women’s Sport and Fitness Magazine, April 1995 Referenced Expert “Playground Kings: Building A Better Swing Set,” by Jack El-Hai, Twin Cities Business Monthly, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 1995 Referenced Expert “Supervision – How Much Is Enough?”, by John Taylor, Strength and Conditioning Journal, April 1995 Referenced Expert “Safety Tips From the Expert Witness,” by Gary Gray, JOHPERD, January 1995 Referenced Expert “New Litigations on Exercise Equipment,” by David Herbert, Fitness Management, January 1994 Featured Expert “Employee Services and Recreation: Beyond the Company Picnic,” Employee Relations and Human Resources Bulletin, No. 1804, Liability Chapter, Bureau of Business Practice, Waterford, Connecticut, March 21, 1994 Featured Expert “RX: Campus Recreation for Stress Reduction,” by Lisa Lang, The Community News, Community College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, March 2, 1994 Referenced Expert “Legal Aspects of Strength and Conditioning,” by David Herbert, NSCA Journal, Vol. 15, No. 4, 1993 31 Referenced Expert “Weight Room Litigations: Statistics and Trends,” by David Herbert, Fitness Management, September 1993 Referenced Expert “Weight Room Applications for Program Development,” by Paul Pitton, NSCA Journal, Vol. 15, No. 3, 1993 Featured Expert “How to Find Yourself a Top-Notch Personal Trainer,” by Laura Dayton, Muscle and Health Magazine, Spring 1993 Featured Expert “Supervision is Key When Looking for a Place to Workout,” by Alan Dumas, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado, February 8, 1993 Featured Expert “Don’t Let Supervision Slide in the Backyard,” by Alan Dumas, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado, April 4, 1993 Referenced Expert “Who’s Watching The Weight Room?” by Stephen G. Eaton, Colorado Journal of HPERD, Winter 1992 Featured Expert “Staying Out of Hot Water,” by Rick Berg, Athletic Business Magazine, December 1992 Featured Expert “Sports Psychology Puts Mind Over Matter for Improvement,” by Doug Freed, Up The Creek, July 10-16, 1992 Featured Expert “Warning: Health Clubs May Be Hazardous to Your Health,” by Jeanne Huff, Colorado Women’s News, June 1992 Featured Expert “Health Clubs Leave Members Fit To Be Tied,” by David Iler, Up The Creek, March 1992 Featured Expert “Faulty Equipment, Ill-Kept Facilities Lead to Hefty Fitness Lawsuits,” Hospitality Law, December 1990 Featured Expert “Stair-Climber Steps up Exercise,” by Diane Eicher, Denver Post, Denver, Colorado, January 9, 1990 Featured Expert “Is Your Health Club Healthy,” Changing Times Magazine, September 1989 Featured Expert “What to Look For in a Health Club,” Corporate Connection Magazine, Denver, Colorado, October 1989 “The Health Spa Rip Off,” by Ron Chepesiuk, Cavalier Magazine, March 1989 Featured Expert Featured Expert “Resolved-1989 Resolutions,” by Diane Eicher, Denver Post (Cover Story), Denver, Colorado, January 1, 1989 Featured Expert “Fitness Kick May Lead to Pain for Hoteliers,” Hospitality Law, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 1989 Referenced Expert “Liability Claims Based Upon Advertising Representations,” by David Herbert, Fitness Management, Nov./Dec. 1988 32 Featured Expert “Buyer: Better Beware,” by Jill Fraser, Working Mother Magazine, November 1988 Featured Expert “Accident-Proofing Your Weight Room,” Athletic Business, July 1988 Referenced Expert “A Trial Lawyer’s Guide to Legal Implications of Recreational, Preventive and Rehabilitative Exercise Program Standards of Care,” by Herbert and Herbert, American Journal of Trial Advocacy, Spring 1988 Featured Expert “Health Clubs: Exercise Caution,” by Wally Conrad, Business Weekly Magazine, June 6, 1988 Featured Expert “Dr. Marc Rabinoff Takes the Forefront to Assure Recognition of Higher Standards in Sports Industry,” by Gerald Mellman, Intermountain Jewish News, March 18, 1988 Featured Expert “Denver Fitness Scene Regains Health,” by Gail Randall, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado, March 16, 1988 Featured Expert “Body Wrap: Wrapped Up In Controversy,” by Brent Diamond, Looking Fit Magazine, June 1987 Featured Expert “Take it Cool and Easy, Weekend Athletes Told,” by Kris Newcomer, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado, April 11, 1987 Featured Expert “How to Select a Health Club Where You Can Exercise Your Options, Too,” by Diane Eicher, Denver Post, Denver, Colorado, January 3, 1986 Featured Expert “Legal Aspects of Health and Fitness Clubs: A Healthy and Dangerous Industry,” by Feiger & Hyman, Colorado Lawyer, October 1986 Featured Expert “Exercise Programs Should Pass Muster,” by Diane Eicher, Denver Post, Denver, Colorado, May 14, 1986 Featured Expert “Fighting Fitness Fraud,” by Faye Ignatowski, Colorado Sports Styles, April 1986 Featured Expert “Group Formed to Promote Quality Instructors,” Update on Wellness, Club Industry Magazine, February 1986 “Aerobics: For Better or Worse?”, by John Meyer, SpareTime Section, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado, December 5, 1985 Featured Expert Featured Expert “Group Wants Aerobics Teachers to be Licensed,” by Deborah Belgum, Health and Fitness Section, Gazette Telegraph, Colorado Springs, Colorado, November 24, 1985 Featured Editorial Expert “Danger: Instructor on Duty,” editorial by Joe Weider, publisher of Sports Fitness Magazine, November 1985 33 5. Featured Expert “Is Your Fitness Instructor Qualified?”, by Diane Eicher, Contemporary Magazine, Denver Post, Denver, Colorado, September 29, 1985 Featured Expert “Health Clubs – The Good, The Bad, The Indifferent,” by Bill Smith, Empire Magazine, Denver Post, Denver, Colorado, September 22, 1985 Featured Expert “Is Your Health Club Healthy?”, by Joanne Tracey, Colorado Sports Monthly, October 1985 Featured Expert “Colleges Promote Quotable Experts to Enhance Image,” by Brian Coffey-Weber, Denver Post, Denver, Colorado, February 24, 1985 Featured Expert “Caveat: Sports Consultant Blasts Fitness Instruction Quality,” by Patricia Raybon, Rocky Mountain News, Denver, Colorado, December 3, 1984 PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: STATE LEVEL COMMITTEE EXPERIENCE: Physical Education & Recreation Department Chair Council for Colorado Universities and Colleges, Colorado Department of Education, Denver, Colorado, January 1987 to Spring 1992 Grant Proposal Award Committee Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), Chairperson, 1983 – 1984 Budget Committee Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), 1982 - 1983 Exhibits Chair State Convention, Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), 1982 – 1984 Convention Planning Committee Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), 1981 – 1982 Voting Delegate for Colorado National Alliance for the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), (Houston, Minneapolis, New Orleans), 1981 – 1984 34 BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITIONS AND BOARD ADVISOR APPOINTMENTS: (Corporate and Professional) Chair, College of Exercise Professionals, Board of Advisors, 2000 – 2002 Chair, American Board of Forensic Examiners, 1999 – 2000 (Chair Emeritus 2000-01) (Board responsible for Continuing Education Programs, Certifications, Diplomat and Fellow Standards) (Vice-Chair, 2002-2003), (Chair, 2005-2006), (Member, 2006-2007, and 2007-2008, 2008-2009) Member, Advisory Board, The American Academy of Certified Consultants and Experts, April 1999 – April 2000 Member, Ph.D. in Forensic Science Curriculum Development Committee, American College of Forensic Examiners, 1996 – 2000 Member, ACFE Continuing Education Committee, Section on Recorded Evidence, 1998-99 Term Member, Scientific and Technical Advisory Board, American Board of Forensic Examiners, 1994 – Present Member, Editorial Review Board, Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Journal (CAHPERD), January 2000 – Present Member, Editorial Review Board, ACFE, 1994 – Present Member, Editorial Review Board, Aquatic Therapy Rehab Institute, 1999 – 2002 Member, Advisory Board, National Academy of Sports Medicine, Chicago, Illinois, July 1993 – 1995 National Coordinator for Instructor Education & National Board Member, National Health Club Association, Lakewood, Colorado, January 1991 – 1993 Vice President Board of Directors & Senior Consultant Sport/Fitness Risk Management, Inc., Denver, Colorado, 1989 – July 1993 Member, Advisory Committee IDEA Foundation, San Diego, California, July 1989 (The development of standards for new certification exam for personal fitness trainers and staff) Member, National Strength & Conditioning Foundation National Newsletter Review Board and Editorial Consultant for legal issues (establish criteria for standards of publications and issues of curriculum for fitness instructors at health clubs and personal trainers), Lincoln, Nebraska, August 1989 Member, Advisory Board To Board of Directors, Doctors to the World, January 1989 – 2002 Member, Advisory Board Fitlife Systems Fitness Motivation Company, Denver, Colorado, January 1989 – December 1990 35 Member, Advisory Board Committee Wellness/Fitness Program, Career Education Center, Denver Public Schools, Denver, Colorado, November 1988 – 1991 Member, Athletic Institute Advisory Board For Elementary P.E. & Fitness Programs, North Palm Beach, Florida, April 1988 – 1991 Founder, Board of Directors, Member PAFF (Professionals Against Fitness Fraud), a non-profit network and resource organization whose purpose is to examine the Fitness Industry in a highly professional level, National Headquarters, Denver, Colorado, April 1985 – June 1987 Chair, Advisory Board Sports and Fitness Technology A.A. Degree Program, Denver Technical College, Denver, Colorado, March 1985 – August 1986, Chair 1993 – 2000 Member, Board of Directors NAIA, Representative to United States Gymnastics Federation Board of Directors (USGF), 1981 – 1983. (This is a National Governing Board (NGB) for all gymnastics competitions in the United States) NATIONAL LEVEL COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT: ASTM Sub-Committee’s for Sports/Fitness Equipment, 1995 – Present ASTM Sub-Committee’s for Trampoline Standards and Warnings, 1995 – Present Gymnastic Safety Video Script Writing Team United States Gymnastics Federation, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 1986 Safety Committee (Chair) Unites States Gymnastics Federation, Department of Education and Safety, February 1985 – 1989 Credentials Committee United States Gymnastics Federation Board of Directors, 1981 – 1983 Equipment Safety and Policies Committee (Chair) United States Gymnastics Federation, 1981 - 1983 CURRENT PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS: Member, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), 2001 - Present Member, Scientific and Technical Advisory Board, American Board of Forensic Examiners, since 1994 36 Member, ASTM Sub-Committee’s for Sport/Fitness Equipment and Trampoline Standards, since 1995 Member, National Strength and Conditioning Association, since 1978 Member, Past Division Chairman, President Elect, President (1982), Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (CAHPERD), since 1977 Member, United States Gymnastic Federation (now, USA Gymnastics), since 1970 Member and Former Voting Delegate, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD), since 1969 Member, National Forensic Center, 1991 – Present 5. CONSULTING: CONSULTANT EXPERIENCES: Consultant/testimony/research to law firms and for litigations, 1977 – Present Consultant to Jefferson County Schools, Dakota Ridge High School Forensic Science Education Program, Ms. Theresa Giarrantano, science teacher, October 2008 - present Consultant to Denver Public Schools on Weight Room Design and Flooring, July 2008 Consultant to Hilton Hotels, Garden Inn and Hampton Inn, Staten Island, New York, Fitness Room safety and equipment purchases, October 2008-2009. Consultant to “CBS The Early Show” on Personal Trainers Professional Qualifications (2008) Consultant to FOX News (Denver affiliate) on fitness equipment, January 2002 – Present 1. Ab Energizer 2. Cable Flex 3. Core Board 4. 6 Second Abs Consultant to” CNN-New York”, Summer 2005 (Trampoline Injuries and Dangers) Consultant to Thane International, Inc., Bun and Thigh Isolator, La Quinta, California, August 2001 - Present Consultant to Adams County Schools, Traversing Wall Elementary School Liability and Curriculum, Skyview Elementary School, March 2001 Consultant to NBC “Today Show” and “Later Today Show,” January 2000 – Present Consultant to ABC “20/20,” Backyard Trampoline Dangers, aired September 22, 2000 Consultant to Ground Zero (weight training equipment company), Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 1999 – Present (on warnings and manuals) 37 Consultant to “Balance Enterprises,” Denver, Colorado, as text reviewed for “Commercial Break: The Complete Couch Potato’s Guide to Fitness,” by Linda Buch and Seth Snider-Copley, January 2000 Consultant to Fitour, Denver, Colorado, Fitness Seminar Educational Company, October 1999 – Present Consultant to U. S. Marines on Fitness/Recreation/Sport Risk Management, December 1998 – 1999 Consultant to ABC “20/20” and “Good Morning America” on “Backyard Trampoline Injuries,” Ms. Allison Loop, producer for ABC “20/20” and Mr. Steve Livingstone for “Good Morning America,” Summer 1998, Fitness Infomercials (“Good Morning America”) aired March 12, 1999 Consultant to The Ithaca Journal News Paper on “Trampoline Dangers,” Mr. Kevin Yamamura, reporter for the Journal, July 1998 Consultant to Quality Living Inc., Omaha Nebraska, Brain Injury Rehab Facility on “Liability issues surrounding brain injuries in sport and recreation,” San Francisco Conference, San Francisco, California, September 24-26, 1997 Consultant to “Jungle Quest” indoor ropes and climbing course risk management manual development, Denver, Colorado, August 1997 Consultant to Insurance Management Associates, The International Golf Tournament, Castle Pines, Colorado, July 29, 1997 (site review inspection) Consultant to CNBC “Steals and Deals Show,” on Trampoline Safety and Standards of Care, aired July 30-31, 1997 Consultant to Chicago Kent School of Law, Topic: The Forensic Expert’s Role in Litigation, June 2-3, 1997 Consultant to American Journal (King World), Topic: Health Club and Personal Trainer Standards of Care and Injury Issues, January 1996 – November 1997 (aired November 12, 1997) Consultant to “Dateline NBC” and “Inside Edition” on Trampoline Injuries and Fitness Industry Standards, July 1996 Consultant to Front Range Community College of Facilities Design, Equipment Needs and Staffing for a New Fitness Physical Education Program and Facility, April – June, 1996 Consultant, Rocky Mountain News, “Does It Work?”, feature on Health and Fitness Exercise Products and Programs, January 1996 Consultant to Cherry Creek II Homeowners Association, Topic: Playground Equipment Safety and Trends, Denver, Colorado, March 15, 1995 Consultant to Recreation Dept. Movenpick Hotel, Bejing, China, Topic: Weight Room Signs, Warnings and Instructional Information, July 1995 (Ms. Neisha Swenson, Recreation Dept. Staff) Consultant to Cybex Corporation, Topic: Warning Signs and Equipment Usage in the Field, Colorado Springs, Colorado, January 1995, March 2000 38 Consultant, Bureau of Business Practice, Topic: Liability in Recreation, Bulletin #1804, Paramount Publishing, Waterford, Connecticut, March 21, 1994 Consultant/Committee Member, Governors Ranch Elementary School Playground Safety and Policies Committee, Jefferson County Schools, Colorado, October 1993 – Present Consultant to KMGH T.V., Topic: Backyard Playground Safety, Denver, Colorado, May 1993, April 1994 Consultant to the Rocky Mountain News, Topic: Backyard Playground Safety and Equipment, Denver, Colorado, April 1993 Consultant, Westin Hotel, Topic: Health Club/Pool Facilities Risk Management Review and Warning Signage Recommendations, Denver, Colorado, January 6, 1993 (Risk Management Audit Conducted), Second Site Inspection, December 6, 1994, Third Site Inspection, September 18, 1997 Consultant, Department of the U.S. Army, Youth Sport and Fitness Services Division, Topic: Trampoline Safety and Fitness Risk Management, Washington, D.C., January 1993 Consultant/Workshop clinician, Santa Fe Community College, Topic: Risk Management Safety Audit/Lecture Facilities Equipment and Curriculum, Santa Fe, New Mexico, December 12, 1992 Consultant/Workshop Clinician, North Harris College, Topic: Risk Management Safety Audit/Lecture on Facilities Programs & Curriculum, Houston, Texas, November 14, 1992 Consultant to Whittle Communications Producers for “Special Reports T.V.,” May 1992 (two segments aired, July and October 1992) Professional Textbook Reviewer, Professional Reports Corporation, Ohio, 1991 Consultant to National Health Club Association, Issue: Risk Management for members and National Education Program Director, Lakewood, Colorado, August 1990 – Present Consultant to Arapahoe Community College Wellness Center, Littleton, Colorado (Safety Audit conducted August 8, 1990) Consultant to “Sport/Fitness Risk Management, Inc.,” National Corporation on Health/Fitness & Recreation Safety, May 1990 – Present Consultant to Littleton Public Schools, Issue: Indoor/outdoor rope course and system (Mr. Tim Taylor, P.E. Teacher), Littleton, Colorado, November 1989 (Safety Audit conducted November 29, 1989) Consultant to Hotel du Pont, Issue: Research and Risk Management Information to Fitness Club Coordinator, Wilmington, Delaware, November 1989 Consultant to Tom Landry Sports Medicine and Research Center, Risk Management and Facility Safety, Dallas, Texas, July 1989 – Present (Pre-opening risk analysis site inspection, November 9, 1990) Consultant to Colorado Department of Health “Injury Prevention Network,” Topic: Assisted in the production of “Is Your Health Club Healthy?” information for the consumer, 1998 – 1989 39 Consultant to “Changing Times Magazine,” Mr. Charles Shaeffer, article on Fitness to appear September 1989 Consultant to Club USA Health Club, Denver, Colorado, February 1989 – Present (Safety Audits conducted May 25, 1989, August 13, 1990, October 27, 1995), Kids Club Equipment and Design and Programming, 2007 Consultant to AMI Presbyterian Aurora Hospital, “The Challenge Center,” Aurora, Colorado, January 1989 (Safety Audit conducted) Consultant, Business Week Magazine, Ms. Wally Conrad, Fitness Editor, May – June, 1988 Consultant to “The Today Show,” Janet Schuler, producer, Insurance Crisis and Sports, live from New York, New York, aired June 15, 1988 Consultant to “Good Morning America,” Linda Myer, producer, Fitness Segments, live from Miami, Florida, aired November 16, 1988 Professional Textbook Reviewer, Issue: Undergraduate Psychology of Coaching, Mosby College Publishing, July 1, 1988 Consultant to Newsweek Magazine (Denver Bureau Chief), Issue: Fitness Fraud (“Are Health Clubs Risky?”), February 17, 1988 Consultant, Dove Creek School District, Area of Expertise: Outcome Based Curriculum, Dove Creek, Colorado, February 1988 Consultant to University of Colorado Health Science Center School of Nursing Fitness and Aerobic Program, February 1988 – 1989 Consultant to Governors Ranch Home Owners Association, Issue: Swimming Pool and Staff Safety Awareness Training, Littleton, Colorado, July 1987 (Safety Audit conducted July 12, 1997), second consulting assignment, July 1990 Consultant to International Athletic Club, Aurora, Colorado, 1987 Consultant to “West 57th Show” (CBS), Topic: Fitness Litigations and Instructor Qualifications, 1987 Consultant to Sandia Laboratories, Issue: Fitness Testing and Job Related Fitness Requirements, Security Guards Union, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 1986 and August 1992 (update and review of programs) Consultant to Educational Development Corporation, Issue: Advanced Training Seminars in Sports Medicine, Denver, Colorado, April 1986 – August 1986 Consultant to The Sporting Clubs of America (Naiman Company), Issue: Sports Fitness and Facilities Audits, San Diego, California, March 1986 – 1987 (Safety Audits conducted) Consultant to Sports Club, Lakewood, Colorado, 1985 – Present (Safety Audit conducted 1986, 1987) 40 Consultant to Channel 7 News (KMGH), Topic: Fitness Fraud and Consumer Tips, televised 3-part series, Denver, Colorado, aired March 26, 27, 28, 1985 (tape available) Chief Consultant to Denver Technical College, Sports Medicine Technology Program (AA in Applied Science Degree (, March 1985 – August 1986 Consultant to North Central Association of Schools and Colleges, Accreditation Visitation Team to Columbine High School, Area of Expertise: Physical Education Facilities, Jefferson County, Colorado, March 15-18, 1982 H. HONORS AND AWARDS: 1. HONOR SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP: Honorary Member, Golden Key National Honor Society, Metropolitan State College of Denver Chapter, Inducted November 23, 1998 2. HONORS/AWARDS RECEIVED: GYMNASTIC EXPERIENCE: (Highlights) Competitive: Placed Sixth on Pommel Horse, New England Championships, 1969; Pommel Horse Champion, State of Connecticut AAU Meet, 1969; Varsity Gymnast, Southern Connecticut State College, 1965-69 Team (team placed third NCAA 1968 and second in 1969) Coaching: Head Coach, Women – Saint Leo College, Saint Leo, Florida, 1973 – 1976 Head Coach, Men and Women – University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1969 – 1970 HONORS AND AWARDS: Recipient, 2005 Distinguished Advisory Board Service Award, American College of Forensic Examiners Recipient, 2004, Teaching Excellence Stipend Award, MSCD Recipient, 2002-2003 Distinguished Service Award, American College of Forensic Examiners Recipient, 2002-2003 Outstanding Teaching Award, School of Professional Studies, MSCD Recipient, 1999 Colorado Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance President’s Citation for Outstanding Service and Mentorship to the HPERD Profession Recipient, 1997-98 Metropolitan State College of Denver Student Services “Going The Extra Mile For Students” Award 41 Recipient, 1997 Golden Eagle Award for outstanding service to the American College of Forensic Examiners and for my work in Human Performance Forensics Recipient, 1996-97 National Golden Key Honor Society, Teacher Excellence Award, Metropolitan State College of Denver Recipient, 1994 Alumni Citation Award from Southern Connecticut State University for outstanding contributions to the field of Human Performance and Sports Medicine, May 1994 Selected by “Fitness Management Magazine” as “An 80’s Doer & 90’s Person to Watch in the Fitness Industry,” January 1990 Nominated by Metropolitan State College and its President, Dr. Thomas Brewer, for the “Charles A. Dana Foundation” Award for “Pioneering Achievements in Health,” for 1989 Selected as One of “Fifty People to Watch in Denver in 1986” by Denver Magazine Honor Award for Outstanding Contributions to Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Colorado Association for HPERD, September 28, 1984 (highest award at the state level) Recognition of Service Award to Jefferson County Public Schools, Colorado, January 1984 Doctoral Research Fellowship, College of Education, Department of Administration and Supervision, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, June 1976 – August 1977 Outstanding College Educator, Saint Leo College, 1975 Who’s Who in Gymnastics, 1973 and 1977 Editions Graduate Teaching Assistantship, College of Education, University of Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1969 – 1970 ACADEMIC CLASSES TAUGHT: Undergraduate Sport Venue Operations Sport Business/Industry Comparative Fitness Programs Risk Management in Hotel/Resort Industry workshop Law and Sport Institute workshops Legal Liability for Physical Education Teacher, Coaches and Administrators Aerobic and Fitness Concepts for Instructor and the Consumer Managing Interpersonal Relationships in Athletics: A Systems Approach 42 Science and Art of Coaching, and Administration of Athletics Organization and Administration of Physical Education (Human Performance and Sport) Recreational Leadership and Administrative Theories Administration and Supervision of Intramural and Student Services Issues and Trends in Physical Education, Sports and Fitness Psychology of Sport Test and Measurements of Physical Education Physiology of Exercise History and Principles of Physical Education Introduction of Physical Education (Human Performance and Sport) Adapted Physical Education Fundamentals of Movement Internship Supervisor – Sport Industry Operations Major Concentration Graduate Sport Law Liability in Fitness and Exercise Special Topics in Sports Medicine Major Research Project Advisor Internship Supervisor – Graduate Exercise Science ACTIVITY COURSES TAUGHT: Gymnastics – Majors and Non-majors Weight Training – Majors and Non-majors Tumbling and Trampoline – Majors and Non-majors Aerobic Conditioning Swimming for Conditioning Body Building Swimming and Diving – Beginner to Advanced Tennis – Beginner to Advanced (Revised: July 7, 2009) 43