Naval Education and Training Command NAVEDTRA 43301-5 August 2006 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION STANDARD FOR LITTORAL COMBAT SHIP (LCS) TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) NAME (Rate/Rank)______________________________ DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT B: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies only due to administrative/operational use on 1 August 06. Other requests for this document must be referred to the Commanding Officer, Center for Information Dominance, N325, 640 Roberts Avenue, Corry Station, Pensacola, Florida 32511-5138. DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy by any means that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Unclassified technical documents bearing this distribution statement will be given the same physical protection prescribed in SECNAVINST 5720.42F for "For Official Use Only" material. Although the words “he”, “him,” and “his” are used sparingly in this manual to enhance communication, they are not intended to be gender driven nor to affront or discriminate against anyone reading this material. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................................................... 5 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7 ACRONYMS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9 101 102 103 105 106 106 107 108 109 110 Safety Fundamentals Security Fundamentals Networking Fundamentals LCS Maintenance/Combat System Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) Basic Test/Special Purpose Test Equipment Trouble Shooting Operating System Fundamentals Hand Tools Fiber Optics Numbering System Fundamentals 200 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMS TRS-3D Radar Bridge Master Radar UPX-29 Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) AIMS MK XII WBR-2000 Electronic Warfare System DORNA Gun Fire Control MK-110 Gun Mount Rolling Airframe Missile Ship (RAM) Self Defense Systems (SSDS) Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server Mail Servers Domain Servers Application Servers Network Attached Storage (NAS) Edge Switch Core Switch Enclave Router Computer/Peripheral Operating Systems Total Ships Computing Environment 3 Eye Multifunction Console TSCE Equipment Enclosure Total Ships Computing Environment (TSCE) Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Global Command and Control System - Maritime (GCCS-M) Exterior Communication (EXCOMM) Interior Communication (ICOMM) Navigation/Weather COMBATSS-21 Integrated Bridge System (IBS) TSCE Real Time Services (RTS) SMARTS 3 2** 2** 2** 2** 2** Navigation Data Distribution System (NDDS) Ship Automation System (SSA) Machinery Plant Control and Monitoring System (MPCMS) TSCE Management System (TMS) Mission Package Computing Environment (MPCE)Error! Bookmark not defined. 300 3** 3** INTRODUCTION TO WATCHSTATIONS Total Shipboard Computing Environment (TSCE) Technician Total Shipboard Computing Environment (TSCE) Supervisor QUALIFICATION PROGRESS SUMMARY ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. LIST OF REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................. 141 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The PQS Development Group gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the following personnel in writing this PQS: ITCS (SW) Mr. Mr. Mr. Brenda Kendrick Jeff Alonge Ray Taylor Michael Mershon CENINFODOM Pensacola LCS SBTF, San Diego, CA LCS SBTF, San Diego, CA LCS SBTF, San Diego, CA The PQS Development Group recognizes the following commands for the time and effort put forth reviewing and providing feedback to improve this Standard: LCS Shore Based Training Facility PQS Development Group personnel who provided direct support for this PQS. Mrs. Laurie Luke Production Officer The Model Manager for this PQS: CENINFODOM, Pensacola DSN 922-6658 5 INTRODUCTION PQS PROGRAM This PQS program is a qualification system for officers and enlisted personnel where certification of a minimum level of competency is required prior to qualifying to perform specific duties. A PQS is a compilation of the minimum knowledge and skills that an individual must demonstrate in order to qualify to stand watches or perform other specific routine duties necessary for the safety, security or proper operation of a ship, aircraft or support system. The objective of PQS is to standardize and facilitate these qualifications. APPLICABILITY This PQS is applicable to the personnel working on information systems onboard the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) MODEL MANAGER The Model Manager Command manages a specific PQS manual. This includes overseeing the process of monitoring and updating assigned PQS manuals from the standpoint of technical content and relevance within the community. TAILORING To command tailor this package, first have it reviewed by one or more of your most qualified individuals. Delete any portions covering systems and equipment not installed on your ship, aircraft or unit. Next, add any line items, fundamentals, systems and watch stations/workstations that are unique to your command but not already covered in this package. Finally, the package should be reviewed by the cognizant department head and required changes approved by the Commanding Officer or his designated representative. Retain the approved master copy on file for use in tailoring individual packages. QUALIFIER The PQS Qualifier is designated in writing by the Commanding Officer to sign off individual watch stations. Qualifiers will normally be E-5 or above and, as a minimum, must have completed the PQS they are authorized to sign off. The names of designated Qualifiers should be made known to all members of the unit or department. The means of maintaining this listing is at the discretion of individual commands. For more information on the duties and responsibilities of PQS Qualifiers, see the PQS Unit Coordinator’s Guide. 7 INTRODUCTION (CONT’D) CONTENTS PQS is divided into three sections. The 100 Section (Fundamentals) contains the fundamental knowledge from technical manuals and other texts necessary to satisfactorily understand the watch station/workstation duties. The 200 Section (Systems) is designed to acquaint you with the systems you will be required to operate at your watch station/workstation. The 300 Section (Watch stations) lists the tasks you will be required to satisfactorily perform in order to achieve final PQS qualification for a particular watch station/workstation. All three sections may not apply to this PQS, but where applicable, detailed explanations are provided at the front of each section. REFERENCES The references used during the writing of this PQS package were the latest available to the workshop; however, the most current references available should be used when qualifying with this Standard. NOTES Classified references may be used in the development of PQS. If such references are used, do not make notes in this book as answers to questions in this Standard may be classified. TRAINEE Your supervisor will tell you which watch stations/workstations you are to complete and in what order. Before getting started, turn to the 300 Section first and find your watch station/workstation. This will tell you what you should do before starting your watch station/workstation tasks. You may be required to complete another PQS, a school, or other watch stations/workstations within this package. It will also tell you which fundamentals and/or systems from this package you must complete prior to qualification at your watch station/workstation. If you have any questions or are unable to locate references, contact your supervisor or qualifier. Good luck! PQS FEEDBACK REPORTS This PQS was developed using information available at the time of writing. When equipment and requirements change, the PQS needs to be revised. The only way the PQS Development Group knows of these changes is by you, the user, telling us either in a letter or via the Feedback Report contained in the back of this book. You can tell us of new systems and requirements, or of errors you find. 8 ACRONYMS USED IN THIS PQS Not all acronyms or abbreviations used in this PQS are defined here. The Subject Matter Experts from the Fleet who wrote this Standard determined the following acronyms or abbreviations may not be commonly known throughout their community and should be defined to avoid confusion. If there is a question concerning an acronym or abbreviation not spelled out on this page or anywhere else in the Standard, use the references listed on the line item containing the acronym or abbreviation in question. ADNS ADS AIG BC/RAS C2P CIA CIB C&D CDLMS COMBATSS-21 COMMPLAN COMSEC COMSPOT COWAN COLAN CSOCC CSOP CSOSS CSS CSTOM EAM EAP FDDI FRR ICOMM IWS LAN LIMDIS LRL MPC MPCE MPCMS NAS NOW OPORD OASIS OPTASK ORM PICT Automated Digital Network Systems Advance Display System Address Indicator Group Boundary Component/Readiness Assessment Server Command and Control Processor Communications Information Advisory Communications Information Bulletin Command And Decision Common Data Link Management System Component Based Total Ship System – 21 Century Communications Plan Communications Security Communications Spot Report Coalition Wide Area Network Coalition Local Area Network Combat System Operational Casualty Control Combat System Operation Preparation Combat Systems Operational Sequencing System Command Switching System Combat System Technical Operation Manual Emergency Action Messages Emergency Action Plan Fiber Distribution Data Interface Fast Reaction Response Interior Communication Information Watch Supervisor Local Area Network Limited Distribution Local Routing List Media Processing Center Mission Package Computing Environment Machinery Plant Control & Monitoring System Network Attached Storage Navy Orderwire Operations Orders Open Architecture Simulation System Operational Task Operational Risk Management Programmable Interior Communication Terminal 9 PCU SMS SPECAT STANAG Power Control Unit Single Messaging Solution System Special Category Standing NATO Agreement 10 100 INTRODUCTION TO FUNDAMENTALS 100.1 INTRODUCTION This PQS begins with a Fundamentals section covering the basic knowledge and principles needed to understand the equipment or duties to be studied. Normally, you would have acquired the knowledge required in the Fundamentals section during the school phase of your training. If you have not been to school or if you need a refresher, the references listed at the beginning of each fundamental will aid you in a self-study program. All references cited for study are selected according to their credibility and availability. 100.2 HOW TO COMPLETE The fundamentals you will have to complete are listed in the watch station (300 section) for each watch station. You should complete all required fundamentals before starting the systems and watch station portions of this PQS, since knowledge gained from fundamentals will aid you in understanding the systems and your watch station tasks. When you feel you have a complete understanding of one fundamental or more, contact your Qualifier. If you are attempting initial qualification, your Qualifier will expect you to satisfactorily answer all line items in the fundamentals. If you are re-qualifying or have completed the appropriate schools, your Qualifier may require you to answer representative line items to determine if you have retained the necessary knowledge for your watch station. If your command requires an oral board or written examination for final qualification, you may be asked any questions from the fundamentals required for your watch station. 11 101 101 SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS References: [a] OPNAVINST 5100.19C, Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual for Forces Afloat [b] NAVEDTRA 10546, Electrician's Mate 3 & 2 [c] Ship's Information Books [d] OPNAVINST 3500.39, Operational Risk Management 101.1 Discuss the concept of ORM. [ref. e] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Explain the following terms as they apply to ORM: [ref. e] a. b. c. d. e. Identify hazards Assess hazards Make risk decisions Implement controls Supervise ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .3 Explain how electrical shock can be prevented when working on an energized circuit. [ref. c, ch. 2] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Explain the use of insulating material to protect personnel. [ref. c, ch. 2] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Explain the use of interlocks in electrical equipment. [ref. b, Safety Summary] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 12 101 SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS (CONT'D) 101.6 Discuss the proper procedure to be used when working with test equipment. [ref. c, ch. 2] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .7 Explain when and how a shorting probe is used. [ref. c, ch. 2] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .8 Discuss the procedures to be followed when troubleshooting energized equipment. [ref. b, Safety Summary] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .9 Discuss the safety precautions applicable to portable electrical equipment. [ref. b, ch. 2] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .10 Discuss the procedures to be followed when measuring voltage in excess of 300 V. [ref. b, Safety Summary] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .11 Explain radio frequency and electromagnetic radiation hazards. [ref. b, Safety Summary] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .12 Discuss the safety precautions to be followed when handling and disposing of a cathode-ray tube. [ref. c, ch. 2] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .13 Discuss the procedures to be followed when using test equipment on live electrical/electronic circuits. [ref. c, ch. 2] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 13 101 SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS (CONT'D) 101.14 Explain how various levels of potential affect current flow through the body. [ref. c, ch. 2] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .15 Explain the requirements for grounding portable and non-portable power tools and equipment. [ref. c, ch. 2] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .16 Explain the procedure and requirements for the maintenance of ground connections. [ref. c, ch. 2] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .17 When can interlocks and safety devices installed in or on electronic equipment be modified? [ref. b, Safety Summary] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .18 State the location of the nearest first aid boxes and stations. [ref. d, ch. 2] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .19 Explain the hazards associated with the use of LP air. [ref. a, ch. 23] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 14 102 102 SECURITY FUNDAMENTALS References: [a] NAVEDTRA 14222, Information Systems Technician Training Series, Module 1-Administration and Security NWP 6-01 (Rev. A), Basic Operational Communications Doctrine Local Security Instructions SECNAVINST 5510.30A, Department of the Navy Personnel Security Program SECNAVINST 5510.36, Department of the Navy (DON) Information Security Program (ISP) Regulation [b] [c] [d] [e] 102.1 Discuss the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. Security area [ref. a, ch. 5] Clearance [ref. d, ch. 8] Need to know [ref. d, ch. 9] Access [ref. d, ch. 9] Automated Information System security [ref. a, ch. 4] Classification [ref. d, ch. 9] Classified information [ref. a, ch. 4] Compromise [ref. d, Annex A] Marking [ref. a, ch. 5; ref. e, ch. 6] Downgrading/declassification procedures [ref. e, ch. 4] COMSEC/CMS [ref. a, ch. 3] Two-person integrity [ref. a, ch. 3] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Discuss the following security classification categories: [ref. a, ch. 5] a. b. c. Top secret Secret Confidential ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 15 102 SECURITY FUNDAMENTALS (CONT’D) 102.3 Discuss the following warning notices and the handling requirement for each: a. b. c. d. e. f. Formerly restricted data [ref. a, ch. 5] NOFORN [ref. a, ch. 5] EFTO [ref. a, ch. 5] FOUO [ref. a, ch. 5] Personal for [ref. b, ch. 8] Exclusive for [ref. b, ch. 8] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Discuss storage requirements in terms of the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. Standards for storage equipment [ref. e, ch. 10] Storing classified material (national and NATO) [ref. a, ch. 5] Designations and combinations [ref. a, ch. 5] Care during working hours [ref. a, ch. 5] Care after working hours [ref. a, ch. 5] Emergency planning [ref. a, ch. 5] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Define the following security areas: [ref. a, ch. 5] a. b. c. d. Exclusion Limited Controlled Restricted ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .6 State the responsibility of the discoverer of a compromise or a suspected compromise. [ref. c] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .7 State the accountability requirements for top secret and SPECAT. [ref. a, ch. 5; ref. c] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 16 102 SECURITY FUNDAMENTALS (CONT’D) 102.8 State the rules for the following as applied to classified material: [ref. a, ch. 5] a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Method of destruction Records of destruction Classified waste Emergency destruction Priority of emergency destruction Method of emergency destruction Destruction of burn bags ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .9 State the destruction rules of COMSEC material as applied to the following: [ref. a, ch. 3] a. b. c. d. e. f. Methods of routine destruction Records of destruction Emergency destruction Priority of emergency destruction Method of emergency destruction Reports of emergency destruction ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .10 State the location and requirements of the command EAP in regard to the following: [ref. c] a. b. c. Authority to carry out the EAP Radio personnel actions and responsibilities Follow up procedures and reports to higher authority ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .11 State the security requirements of the EXCOMM to support normal operation. [ref a, ch. 5] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 17 103 103 NETWORKING FUNDAMENTALS References: [a] [b] [c] CompTIA A+ Certification Fundamentals CompTIA N+ Certification Fundamentals 103.1 Discuss the following Hardware: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Switch Hub Router Server Network Attached Storage Printer KVM Switch Terminal ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Describe the basic networking concepts: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. Addressing Bandwidth Status Indicators Protocols Full/Half Duplex Peer to Peer Client/Server LAN/WAN ISDN VoIP 802.11 Wireless Gateway Subnet Route a. Dynamic b. Static SIPR NIPR VLAN ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 18 103 103 NETWORKING FUNDAMENTALS (CONT’D) 103.3 Discuss the following networking interface and cabling terms: a. Fast Ethernet a. 100BASE-T b. 100BASE-FX b. Gig Ethernet a. 1000BASE-T b. 1000BASE-SX c. 1000BASE-LX d. 1000BASE-CX c. FDDI d. UTP e. STP f. Fiber a. Single Mode b. Multi Mode ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Describe the following protocols: a. TCP/IP b. IPX/SPX c. NETBEUI/NETBIOS d. SMTP e. IMAP f. HTML g. HTTP h. HTTPS i. SSL j. Telnet k. FTP l. DNS ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 19 104 104 Operating System Fundamentals References: [a] [b] [c] CompTIA A+ Certification Fundamentals 104.1 Discuss the following Operating Systems and their hardware requirements: a. Windows 2000 b. Windows 2003 c. Windows XP d. Solaris 8 e. Solaris 9 f. HP-UX g. HP-RT h. VxWorks i. LINUX j. UNIX ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Discuss the following terms as they are associated with their relevant operating systems: a. Registry b. File Systems a. NTFS b. FAT c. FAT32 d. UFS c. File Types d. System Memory ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 21 104 104 Operating System Fundamentals (cont’d) 104.3 Discuss the following commands as they relate to their specific operating systems: a. UNIX/LINUX A. FSCK B. TELNET C. PWD D. MORE E. MAN F. FORMAT G. INIT H. CD I. CP J. MKDIR K. RM L. FTP b. Windows A. CMD B. HELP C. DIR D. ATTRIB E. EDIT F. COPY G. XCOPY H. FORMAT I. IPCONFIG J. PING k. MD /CD / RD ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 22 105 105 LCS MAINTENANCE/COMBAT SYSTEM OPERATIONAL SEQUENCING SYSTEM (CSOSS) FUNDAMENTALS References: [a] [b] Combat System Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) Users Guide 105.1 Define the following functions within the LCS maintenance concept: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. BITE Fault detection Fault isolation FID LRU MAM Operability assessment Readiness assessment Work packages ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Describe the maintenance philosophy of LCS and how it differs from other Naval Platforms and why. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .3 Define the precepts of SHIPMAIN maintenance and distance support as it applies to LCS. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Explain the purpose of the LCS Maintenance Team. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Explain communications as it pertains to CSOSS. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 23 105 LCS MAINTENANCE/COMBAT SYSTEM OPERATIONAL SEQUENCING SYSTEM (CSOSS) FUNDAMENTALS (CONT’D) 105.3 Explain the following separate but independent sections and components: [ref. b] a. b. CSOP 1. MP 2. OP 3. SP 4. CP CSOCC 1. MESP 2. MEP 3. MRCP 4. CRP ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Explain the purpose of CSOSS. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Explain the purpose of the following CSOSS strategies: a. Configuration control b. Casualty control c. Tactical support d. Maintenance support e. Readiness assessment and training support ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .6 Explain the purpose of the Status Board system. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .7 Explain autonomous action. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 24 106 106 BASIC TEST/SPECIAL PURPOSE TEST EQUIPMENT FUNDAMENTALS References: NAVEDTRA 14188, NEETS Module 16 – Introduction to Test Equipment Manufacturers' Technical Manuals [a] [b] [c] 106.1 Discuss the proper use of the following test equipment: a. b. c. d. Digital multimeter ac/dc differential voltmeter Multimeter (ac/dc) Oscilloscope Probe 10:1, 1:1 ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Discuss the proper use of the following special purpose test equipment: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. CA100, Minolta color analyzer Optical time-domain reflectometer-MW9070A Fiber optic power meter (optical loss test set)-SCAT 9545 USM-646 test set Digital storage oscilloscope LAN tester Huntron 2000 Fiber optic leak detector-SCAT XX19 Optical LAN analyzer (sniffer)-SCAT 4161 ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 25 107 107 TROUBLE SHOOTING FUNDAMENTALS References: [a] NAVEDTRA B72-21-00-87, NEETS Module 21—Test Methods and Practices 107.1 Discuss each of the steps of the six-step troubleshooting procedures listed below: [ch. 2] a. b. c. d. e. f. Symptom recognition Symptom elaboration Listing of probable faulty function Localizing the faulty function Localizing trouble to the circuit Failure analysis ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Discuss how the six-step procedure is used to troubleshoot an electrical/electronic, mechanical device circuit. [ch. 2] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .3 Discuss how the senses (i.e., sight, hearing, etc.) may be used to locate a faulty system/component/component part. [ch. 2] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 27 108 108 HAND TOOLS FUNDAMENTALS References: [a] [b] 108.1 NAVEDTRA 12085, Use and Care of Tools and Measuring Tools NAVEDTRA B72-04-00-92, NEETS Module 4--Introduction to Electrical Conductors, Wiring Techniques, and Schematic Reading Describe the following hand tools and explain their application: [ref. a] a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. Adjustable wrenches [ch. 25] Allen wrenches [ch. 25] Bearing puller [ch. 41] Box wrenches [ch. 25] Diagonal pliers [ch. 17] Drills [ch. 23] Files [ch. 28] Hacksaws [ch. 46] Hammers [ch. 21] Lug crimper [ch. 17] Mechanical fingers [ch. 17] Needle-nose pliers [ch. 17] Open-end wrenches [ch. 25] Pin insertions/removal tools [ch. 17] Punches [ch. 27] Retaining ring pliers [ch. 17] Screw extractors [ch. 22] Screw starter [ch. 22] Screwdrivers [ch. 22] SMA torque wrench [ch. 25] Socket wrench set [ch. 25] Strap wrench [ch. 25] Water pump pliers [ch. 17] Wire strippers [ch. 17] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 29 108 HAND TOOLS FUNDAMENTALS (CONT’D) 108.2 Discuss the use of the following soldering tools: [ref. b, chs. 2, 3] a. b. c. d. e. f. Electric heating element soldering tool Heat sink Magnifying light Rosin core solder Soldering aid tool Soldering sucker ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .3 Discuss tinning a soldering iron. [ref. b, ch. 3] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Discuss the importance of using the right tool for the job. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 30 109 109 FIBER OPTICS FUNDAMENTALS References: [a] NAVEDTRA B72-24-00-92, NEETS Module 24--Introduction to Fiber Optics 109.1 Define fiber optics. [ch. 1] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Discuss the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Fiber optic data link [ch. 1] Light loss [ch. 1] Properties of light [ch. 2] Reflection of light [ch. 2] Refraction of light [ch. 2] Propagation of light in fiber [ch. 2] Micro bend [ch. 2] Macro bend [ch. 2] Fresnel reflection [ch. 4] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .3 Explain the advantages/disadvantages of fiber optics. [ch. 1] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 What is the normal operating wavelength for fiber optics? [ch. 6] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Explain the types of connectors used in fiber optics. [ch. 4] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .6 Discuss optical sources and transmitters. [ch. 6] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 31 109 109 FIBER OPTICS FUNDAMENTALS (CONT’D) 109.7 Discuss optical detectors and receivers. [ch. 7] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 32 110 110 NUMBERING SYSTEM FUNDAMENTALS References: [a] NAVEDTRA B72-13-00-86, NEETS Module 13--Introduction to Numbering Systems and Logic Circuits 110.1 Define the following: [ch. 1] a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Base Complimentary arithmetic Digit Digit position LSD Modules MSD Positional notation Radix Radix point Subscript ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 What is the largest single number in any numbering system and why? [ch. 1] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .3 Discuss the following: [ch. 1] a. b. c. d. Addition problems in octal and binary math Subtraction problems in octal and binary math Multiplication problems in octal and binary math Division problems in octal and binary math ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Discuss converting a number from decimal to binary. [ch. 1] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 33 110 110 NUMBERING SYSTEM FUNDAMENTALS (CONT'D) 110.5 Explain the following methods for converting a number from one base system to another: [ch. 1] a. b. c. Division Inspection Expansion ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .6 Discuss how arithmetic problems are solved using the radix complement method. [ch. 1] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 35 200 INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMS 200.1 BASIC BUILDING BLOCKS In this section, the equipment is broken down into smaller, more comprehensible, functional systems as basic building blocks in the learning process. Each system is written to reflect specific watchstation requirements by identifying the equipment most relevant to one or more designated watchstanders. The less complex systems may be identified and covered quickly or relegated to a lower priority to permit greater emphasis on more significant or complex systems. 200.2 COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS For learning purposes each system is disassembled into two levels. Systems have components and components have parts. Do not expect to see every item which appears on a parts list to be in the PQS. Only those items which must be understood for operation/maintenance are listed. Normally a number of very broad (overview) systems are disassembled into their components or parts with the big picture as the learning goal. Items listed as components in such a system may then be analyzed as separate systems and broken down into components and parts. Example: the turbogenerators may be listed as a component of the Ship’s Service Electrical Distribution system and then later detailed as an individual system for closer study. 200.3 FORMAT Each system is organized within the following format: 200.4 It lists the references to be used for study and asks you to explain the function of each system. It asks for the static facts of what or where the components and component parts are in relation to the system. It directs attention to the dynamics of how the component and component parts operate to make the system function. It specifies the parameters that must be immediately recalled. It requires study of the relationship between the system being studied and other systems or areas. HOW TO COMPLETE The systems you must complete are listed in the Prerequisites section of each watchstation. When you have mastered one or more systems, contact your Qualifier. The Qualifier will give you an oral examination on each system and, if satisfied you have sufficient knowledge of the system, will sign the appropriate system line items. You will be expected to demonstrate through oral or written examination a thorough understanding of each system required for your watchstation. 36 201 201 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) ASSETS References: [a] [b] [c] Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) 201.1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: [ref. a, chs. 2, 3; refs. b, c] A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. 201.1.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 What is its function? What are the levels of classifications? What sub-networks are included? What are the modes of operation or control? What are the security concerns associated? What security protection is in place? What are the probable indications if this component fails? What is the source of control signals? What is the function of each position? What are the interlocks? Questions ABCDGH ABCDGH AGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH SBU Network Secret Network Top Secret/SCI Network Coalition LAN/WAN Network Enclave Routers Network Core Switches Network Edge Switches Application Servers Core Mission Systems Servers Network Attached Storage (NAS) Radar Distribution Server Administrative Laptops Stateroom Workstation Printers Firewalls Network Time Protocol Servers Domain Servers Mail Servers Network Management Servers Topology Single Bay Enclosure Dual Bay Enclosure 17U Enclosure 37 201.1.24 .25 .26 .27 .2 3 Eye Multi-Function Console (OJ-7XX) 2 Eye Multi-Function Console (OJ-7XX) 2 Eye EXCOMM Workstation (OJ-7XX) Large Screen Displays w/ Quadview ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH ABCDEFGH Explain the following interfaces used to connect the TSCE enclosures and related equipment: a. b. c. d. e. Fiber Fast Ethernet NTDS Type-E LLS ISDN RGB/VGA ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 201.1.2 Describe the operational characteristics, capabilities, and limitations of TSCE Network to support normal operations. .3 Describe the major components of the TSCE. Include name, nomenclature, physical appearance, and location as applicable to support normal operations .4 Describe the controls, indicators, graphic user interfaces, and alarms directly associated with normal operation of the TSCE. Include, name, location, position, format, as required to support normal operations. .5 Name and describe the physical appearance, location, purpose, and nomenclature of auxiliary equipment associated with normal operation of the TSCE. .6 Describe the functional operation of the TSCE. Include control, sequential operation, modes, input/output, as applicable to support normal operations. .7 Describe the function of displays, controls, indicators, and alarms directly associated with normal operation of the TSCE. Include name, position, color, and location as required to support normal operation. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 201.2 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 201.2.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system’s function? .2 What indications are received if the system is malfunctioning? ___________________________________ 38 (Signature and Date) 201.3 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS – None to be discussed. 201.4 SYSTEM INTERFACE 201.4.1 Describe the software programs used with the TSCE. Include routine commands and instructions as required to support normal operation. .2 Describe the functional interfaces that exist between the TSCE and external subsystem/systems. Include inputs and sources, outputs and destinations to support normal operation. .3 Describe the indications that should or may occur during normal operation of the TSCE .4 Recognize indications that should or may occur during normal operating procedures for the TSCE. .5 Describe the software/firmware programs used with the TSCE. Include routine commands and instructions as required to support casualty/degraded operations, preventive maintenance and documented corrective maintenance. .6 Describe the function of displays, controls, indicators, graphic user interfaces, and alarms directly associated with normal operation of the TSCE. Include name, position, color, reference designators, and location as required to support casualty/degraded operations, preventive maintenance, and documented corrective maintenance .7 Name and describe the physical appearance, location, purpose, and nomenclature of auxillary equipment associated with casualty/degraded operations, preventive maintenance, and documented corrective maintenance of TSCE. 201.4.8 .9 Describe the functional operation of the tsce. Include control, sequential operation, modes, input/output, as applicable to support casualty/degraded operations, preventive maintenance, and documented corrective maintenance. Describe the physical interfaces that exist between the tsce and external subsystem/systems. Include name, physical appearance, reference designator, and location to support casulaty/degraded operations, preventive maintenance, and documented corrective maintenance. .10 Describe the functional interfaces that exist between the TSCE and external subsystem/systems. Include inputs and sources, outputs and destinations, and sequence of events to support casualty/degraded operations, preventive maintenance, and documented corrective maintenance. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 39 201.5 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 201.5.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? [refs. ??] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Describe the authority and regulations that govern normal operation of the following networks that make up the TSCE: i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. TSCE TMS SMARTS SSA IBS NDDS RADDS COMBATSS-21 ICOMMS EXCOMMS CMS MPCE MPCMS ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Describe the personnel and equipment safety precautions to be observed during normal operation. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .6 Adhere to personnel and equipment safety precautions during normal operation of the TSCE. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .7 Describe the authority and regulations that govern casualty/degraded operations of the TSCE. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .8 Describe the indications that should or may occur during casualty/degraded operations of the TSCE. 40 ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .9 Describe the personnel and equipment safety precautions to be observed during casualty/degraded operations of the TSCE. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .10 Define the maintenance philosophy for the TSCE to support preventive and documented corrective maintenance. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .11 Using a basic block diagram of the TSCE, explain the following segments and describe how they are connected: [ref. a, chs. 2, 3; ref. b, chs. 2, 3] a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. Multifunction 3 Eye Console OJ-7XX Multifunction 2 Eye Mission Package Console OJ-7XX ICOMM EXCOMM COMBATSS-21 MPCE TNAS SSA IBS NDDS Radar Data Distribution Network MPCMS NIPR Network SIPR Network COLAN/COWAN ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 202 202 TRS-3D AIR SEARCH RADAR SYSTEM References: [a] Combat System Technical Operations Manual (CSTOM) [b] Combat System Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) Manual/Guide [c] Ship's Instructions/Bills [d] Ship's Information Book (SIB) 202.1 FUNCTION 41 202.1.1 What is the function of this system? [ref. a] 202.2 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: [refs. a, b, d] A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 202.2.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 Explain their functions. Identify system components and their locations. What Area Supervisor has responsibility for this system/system component? What are the sources of the following support items (as applicable): (1) Power (normal/alternate) (2) Cooling water (3) Air (dry/LP/HP) (4) Air conditioning/ventilation What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What are the probable alarms/alerts/indications if this component fails? What is the effect on system operation if this component fails? What redundancy/reconfiguration is available within this component, and how is it activated? Antenna Transmitter Receiver Processor Computer group Control console/panel Auxiliary/ancillary equipment Video distribution 202 202 TRS-3D AIR SEARCH RADAR SYSTEM (CONT’D) 202.3 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 202.3.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system's function? [ref. a] 202.3.2 What indications will you receive if the system is malfunctioning? [refs. a, b] 42 .3 Using a diagram of the system, show the path of: [refs. a, b] a. b. c. Power Cooling water Dry air .4 What checks are required prior to getting underway/entering port? [refs. b, d] .5 What permission/keys/programs are required to make this system fully capable? [ref. c] 202.4 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS For the items listed, answer the following questions: [ref. a] A. B. C. D. What are the modes of operation? What is the output power? What is the operating frequency range? What are the minimum and maximum ranges? 202.4.1 TRS-3D air search radar 202.5 SYSTEM INTERFACE 202.5.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: [refs. a, b] a. Loss of power b. Loss of ventilation c. Loss of navigational data d. Loss of cooling water e. Loss of LP/HP/dry air 202 202 TRS-3D AIR SEARCH RADAR SYSTEM (CONT’D) 202.5.2 How is this system affected by the following evolutions (as applicable): [ref. c] a. b. c. EMCON Flight operations Ordnance handling 43 d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. Man aloft Underway replenishment Cold/heavy weather operations Battleshort Quiet ship Diving operations HERO/HERF ACTS/OBT Dress ship 202.6 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 202.6.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? [refs. a thru d] 44 203 203 SURFACE SEARCH RADAR SYSTEMS References: [a] Combat System Technical Operations Manual (CSTOM) [b] Combat System Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) Manual/Guide [c] Ship's Instructions/Bills [d] Ship's Information Book (SIB) 203.1 FUNCTION 203.1.1 What is the function of this system? [ref. a] 203.2 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: [refs. a, b, d] A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Explain their functions. Identify system components and their locations. What Area Supervisor has responsibility for this system/component? What are the sources of the following support items (as applicable)? (1) Power (2) Cooling water (3) Air (dry/LP/HP) (4) Air conditioning/ventilation What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What are the probable alarms/alerts/indications if this component fails? What is the effect on system operation if this component fails? What redundancy/reconfiguration is available within this component and how is it activated? 203.2.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 Antenna Transmitter Receiver Processor/computer group Control console/panel Auxiliary/ancillary equipment Video distribution 203.3 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 203.3.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system's function? [ref. a] .2 What indications will you receive if the system is malfunctioning? [refs. a, b] 45 203 203 SURFACE SEARCH RADAR SYSTEMS (CONT’D) 203.3.3 Using a diagram of the system, show the path of: [refs. a, b] a. b. Power Dry air .4 What checks are required prior to getting underway/entering port? [refs. b, d] .5 What permission/keys/programs are required to make this system fully capable? [ref. c] 203.4 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS For the items listed, answer the following questions: [ref. a] A. B. C. D. What are the modes of operation? What is the output power? What is the operating frequency range? What are the minimum and maximum ranges? 203.4.1 Bridge Master radar 203.5 SYSTEM INTERFACE 203.5.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: [refs. a, b] a. b. c. d. .2 Loss of power Loss of ventilation Loss of navigational data Loss of LP/HP/dry air How is this system affected by the following evolutions (as applicable): [ref. c] a. EMCON b. Flight operations c. Ordnance handling d. Man aloft e. Underway replenishment f. Cold/heavy weather operations g. Battleshort h. Quiet ship i. Diving operations j. HERO/HERF k. ACTS/OBT l. Dress ship 46 203 203 SURFACE SEARCH RADAR SYSTEMS (CONT’D) 203.6 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 203.6.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? [refs. a thru d] 47 204 204 IDENTIFICATION FRIEND OR FOE (IFF) AIMS MK XII SYSTEM References: [a] Combat System Technical Operations Manual (CSTOM) [b] Combat System Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) Manual/Guide [c] Ship's Instructions/Bills [d] Ship's Information Book (SIB) 204.1 FUNCTION 204.1.1 What is the function of this system? [ref. a] 204.2 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: [refs. a, b, d] A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Explain their functions. Identify system components and their locations. What Area Supervisor has responsibility for this system/component? What are the sources of the following support items (as applicable): (1) Power (normal/alternate) (2) Cooling water (3) Air (dry/LP/HP) (4) Air conditioning/ventilation What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What are the probable alarms/alerts/indications if this component fails? What is the effect on system operation if this component fails? What redundancy/reconfiguration is available within this component, and how is it activated? 204.2.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 Interrogator Transponder Decoder Test group Antennas Auxiliary/ancillary equipment Video distribution Crypto 204.3 204.3.1 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION How do the components work together to achieve the system's function? [ref. a] .2 What indications will you receive if the system is malfunctioning? [refs. a, b] 48 204.3.3 .4 204.4 What checks are required prior to getting underway/entering port? [refs. b, d] What permission/keys/programs/key materials are required to make this system fully capable? [ref. c] PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS For the items listed, answer the following questions: [refs. a, c] A. B. C. D. What are the modes of operation? What is the output power? What is the operating frequency range? What are the minimum and maximum ranges? 204.4.1 IFF system 204.5 SYSTEM INTERFACE 204.5.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: [refs. a, b] a. b. c. .2 Loss of power Loss of ventilation Loss of navigational data How is this system affected by the following evolutions (as applicable): [ref. c] a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. EMCON Flight operations Ordnance handling Man aloft Underway replenishment Cold/heavy weather conditions Battleshort Quiet ship Diving operations HERO/HERF ACTS/OBT Dress ship 204.6 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 204.6.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? [refs. a thru d] 49 205 205 TACTICAL AIR NAVIGATION (TACAN) CONTROL SYSTEMS References: [a] Combat System Technical Operations Manual (CSTOM) [b] Combat System Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) Manual/Guide [c] Ship's Instructions/Bills [d] Ship's Information Book (SIB) 205.1 FUNCTION 205.1.1 What is the function of this system? [ref. a] 205.2 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: [refs. a, b, d] A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Explain their functions. Identify system components and their locations. What Area Supervisor has responsibility for this system/component? What are the sources of the following support items (as applicable): (1) Power (normal/alternate) (2) Cooling water (3) Air (dry/LP/HP) (4) Air conditioning/ventilation What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What are the probable alarms/alerts/indications if this component fails? What is the effect on system operation if this component fails? What redundancy/reconfiguration is available within this component and how is it activated? 205.2.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 Display group Processor/multiplexer group Peripheral/control group Transmitter group Receiver group Antenna group Auxiliary/ancillary group 205.3 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 205.3.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system's function? [ref. a] .2 What indications will you receive if the system is malfunctioning? [refs. a, b] 50 205 205 TACTICAL AIR NAVIGATION (TACAN) CONTROL SYSTEMS (CONT’D) 205.3.3 Using a diagram of the system, show the path of: [refs. a, b] a. b. c. 205.4 Power Cooling water Dry air PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS For the items listed, answer the following questions: [ref. a] A. B. C. D. What are the modes of operation? What is the output power? What is the operating frequency range? What are the minimum and maximum ranges? 205.4.1 Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) Control system 205.5 SYSTEM INTERFACE 205.5.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: [refs. a, b] a. b. c. d. e. .2 Loss of power Loss of ventilation Loss of navigational data Loss of cooling water Loss of LP/HP/dry air How is this system affected by the following evolutions (as applicable): [ref. c] a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. EMCON Flight operations Ordnance handling Man aloft Underway replenishment Cold/heavy weather operations Battleshort Quiet ship Diving operations HERO/HERF ACTS/OBT Dress ship 51 205 205 TACTICAL AIR NAVIGATION (TACAN) CONTROL SYSTEMS (CONT’D) 205.6 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 205.6.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? [refs. a thru d] 52 210 210 WBR-2000/SOFT KILL WEAPON SYSTEM ELECTRONIC WARFARE SYSTEMS References: [a] Combat System Technical Operations Manual (CSTOM) [b] Combat System Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) Manual/Guide [c] Electronic Surveillance Measures (ESM) System WBR-2000 S9472-AB-MMC-010 [d] Ship's Information Book (SIB) 210.1 FUNCTION 210.1.1 What is the function of this system? [ref. a] 210.2 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: [refs. a, b, d] A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 210.2.1 210.2.2 Explain their functions. Identify system components and their locations. What Area Supervisor has responsibility for this system/component? What are the sources of the following support items (as applicable): (1) Power (normal/alternate) (2) Air conditioning/ventilation What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What are the probable alarms/alerts/indications if this component fails? What is the effect on system operation if this component fails? What redundancy/reconfiguration is available within this component, and how is it activated? WBR-2000 a. Antenna Unit b. Receiver/Processor Unit (RPU) c. Control Display Processor (CDP) d. HMI Soft Kill Weapon System (SKWS) a. Control Unit (CU) b. Launcher Control Computer (LCC) c. Launcher Interface Unit (LIU) d. DL-12T Launching Tubes e. Horn f. Safety Switches/Keys 210.3 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 210.3.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system's function? [ref. a] .2 What are the modes of operation or control? [ref. a] 53 210 210 WBR-2000/SOFT KILL WEAPON SYSTEM ELECTRONIC WARFARE SYSTEMS (CONT’D) 210.3.3 Using a diagram of the system, show the path of: [refs. a thru c] a. Power .4 What checks are required prior to getting underway/entering port? [refs. b, d] .5 What is the normal configuration for all battle conditions? [ref. c] .6 What permission/keys/programs are required to make this system fully capable? [ref. c] 210.4 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS 210.4.1 For the installed ES/EA equipment, what are the operating bands? [ref. a] 210.5 SYSTEM INTERFACE 210.5.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: [refs. a, b] a. b. c. .2 Loss of power Loss of ventilation Loss of navigational data How is this system affected by the following evolutions (as applicable): [ref. c] a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. EMCON Flight operations Ordnance handling Man aloft Underway replenishment Cold/heavy weather operations Battleshort Quiet ship Diving operations HERO/HERF OBT Dress ship 54 210 210 WBR-2000/SOFT KILL WEAPON SYSTEM ELECTRONIC WARFARE SYSTEMS (CON’T) 210.6 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 210.6.1 What safety precautions apply to: [ref. c] a. b. Soft Kill Weapon System (SKWS) Storage lockers .2 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? [ref. c] .3 What safety precautions must be observed during: [ref. c] a. b. Firings Misfire/dud 55 212 212 DORNA GUN FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM References: [a] Combat System Technical Operations Manual (CSTOM) [b] Combat System Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) Manual/Guide [c] Ship's Instructions/Bills [d] Ship's Information Book (SIB) 212.1 FUNCTION 212.1.1 What is the function of this system? [ref. a] 212.2 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: [refs. a, b, d] A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 212.2.1 .2 .3 .4 Explain their functions. Identify system components and their locations. What Area Supervisor has responsibility for this system/component? What are the sources of the following support items (as applicable): (1) Power (normal/alternate) (2) Air (dry/LP/HP) (3) Air conditioning/ventilation What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What are the probable alarms/alerts/indications if this component fails? What is the effect on system operation if this component fails? What redundancy/reconfiguration is available within this component, and how is it activated? Tracking Subsystem a. EO/IR Camera b. Tracking Unit Ship Interface Subsystem Weapon Control Subsystem Console 212.3 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 212.3.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system's function? [ref. a] .2 What are the modes of operation or control? [ref. a] 56 212 212 DORNA GUN FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM (CONT’D) 212.3.3 Using a diagram of the system, show the path of: [refs. a, b, d] a. Power .4 What checks are required prior to getting underway/entering port? [refs. b, d] .5 What permission/keys/programs are required to make this system fully capable? [ref. c] .6 What indication will you receive if the system is malfunctioning? [refs. a, b] .7 What is the normal configuration for all battle conditions? [ref. c] .8 What is the sequence of component involvement from detect to engage for: [refs. a, c] a. .9 Guns What is the sequence of component involvement for NSFS? [refs. a, c] .10 What pre-fire/post-fire checks are required? [ref. c] 212.4 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS 212.4.1 What are the train and elevation limits? [refs. a, d] .2 What are the minimum and maximum ranges of the radars? [refs. a, d] .3 What are the frequency ranges of the radars? [refs. a, c] .4 What are the non-pointing/firing/radar cutouts? [refs. a, d] 212.5 SYSTEM INTERFACE 212.5.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: [refs. a, b] a. b. c. d. e. Loss of power Loss of ventilation Loss of navigational data Loss of cooling water Loss of LP/HP/dry air 57 212 212 DORNA GUN FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM (CONT’D) 212.5.2 How is this system affected by the following evolutions (as applicable): [ref. c] a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. 212.6 212.6.1 EMCON Flight operations Ordnance handling Man aloft Underway replenishment Cold/heavy weather operations Battleshort Quiet ship Diving operations HERO/HERF ACTS/OBT Dress ship SAFETY PRECAUTIONS What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? [refs. a thru d 59 213 213 MK-110 GUN SYSTEM References: [a] Combat System Technical Operations Manual (CSTOM) [b] Combat System Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) Manual/Guide [c] Ship's Instructions/Bills [d] Ship's Information Book (SIB) 213.1 FUNCTION 213.1.1 What is the function of this system? [ref. a] 213.2 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: [refs. a, b, d] A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Explain their functions. Identify system components and their locations. What Area Supervisor has responsibility for this system/component? What are the sources of the following support items (as applicable): (1) Power (normal/alternate) (2) Cooling water (3) Air (LP/HP) (4) Air conditioning/ventilation What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What are the probable alarms/alerts/indications if this component fails? What is the effect on system operation if this component fails? What redundancy/reconfiguration is available within this component, and how is it activated? 213.2.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 Gun mount Loading systems Control/display group Magazines Sprinkler systems Auxiliary/ancillary 213.3 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 213.3.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system's function? [ref. a] .2 What are the modes of operation or control? [ref. a] 60 213 213 MK-110 GUN SYSTEM 213.3.3 Using a diagram of the system, show the path of: [refs. a, b, d] a. c. Power LP/HP air .4 What checks are required prior to getting underway/entering port? [refs. b, d] .5 What permission/keys/programs are required to make this system fully capable? [ref. c] .6 What indication will you receive if the system is malfunctioning? [refs. a, b] .7 What is the normal configuration for all battle conditions? [ref. c] .8 What is the sequence of component involvement: [ref. a] a. .9 Detect to engage What pre-fire/post-fire checks are required? [ref. c] 213.4 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS 213.4.1 What are the train and elevation limits? [refs. a, d] .2 What are the minimum and maximum firing ranges? [refs. a, d] .3 What are the non-pointing/firing cutouts? [refs. a, d] .4 What is the rate of fire? [ref. a] 213.5 SYSTEM INTERFACE 213.5.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: [refs. a, b] a. b. c. d. Loss of power Loss of navigation data Loss of ventilation Loss of IC 61 213 213 MK-110 GUN SYSTEM 213.5.2 How is this system affected by the following evolutions (as applicable): [ref. c] a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Flight operations Ordnance handling Man aloft Underway replenishment Cold/heavy weather operations Battleshort Quiet ship Diving operations HERO/HERF OASIS Dress ship 213.6 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 213.6.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? [ref. c] .2 What safety precautions must be observed during: a. b. c. Misfire [refs. b, c] Jammed gun [refs. b, c] High magazine temperature [ref. c] 62 215 215 ROLLING AIRFRAME MISSILE (RAM) SHIP SELF DEFENSE SYSTEM (SSDS) References: [a] Combat System Technical Operations Manual (CSTOM) [b] Combat System Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) Manual/Guide [c] Ship's Instructions/Bills [d] Ship's Information Book (SIB) 215.1 FUNCTION 215.1.1 What is the function of this system? [ref. a] 215.2 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: [refs. a, b, d] A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Explain their functions. Identify system components and their locations. What Area Supervisor has responsibility for this system/component? What are the sources of the following support items (as applicable): (1) Power (normal/alternate) (2) Air conditioning/ventilation What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What are the probable alarms/alerts/indications if this component fails? What is the effect on system operation is this component fails? What redundancy/reconfiguration is available within this component, and how is it activated? 215.2.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 MK-144 Mod1 Guided Missile Launcher (GML) MK-477 Weapons Control Panel (WCP) 1/2 MK-201 Launcher Servo Control Unit (LSCU) Launcher Safety Switch Deck Station Launcher Control Box Ship Self Defense System 215.3 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 215.3.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system's function? [ref. a] .2 What are the modes of operation or control? [ref. a] 63 215 215 ROLLING AIRFRAME MISSILE (RAM) SHIP SELF DEFENSE SYSTEM (SSDS) 215.3.3 Using a diagram of the system, show the path of: [refs. a, b, d] a. b. c. Power RAM to SSDS Interface SSDS to COMBATSS-21 Interface .4 What indication will you receive if the system is malfunctioning? [refs. a, b] .5 What is the normal configuration for all battle conditions? [ref. c] .6 What is the sequence of component involvement from detect to engage? [ref. a] .7 What permission/keys/programs are required to make this system fully capable? [ref. c] .8 What checks are required prior to getting underway/entering port? [refs. b, c] .9 What pre-fire/post-fire checks are required? [ref. c] 215.4 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS 215.4.1 What are the train and elevation limits? [refs. a, d] .2 What are the minimum and maximum ranges? [refs. a, d] .3 What are the non-pointing/firing/radar cutouts? [refs. a, d] .4 What are the operating frequencies of the radars? [refs. a, d] .5 What is the rate of fire? [ref. a] 215.5 SYSTEM INTERFACE 215.5.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: [refs. a, b] a. b. c. d. Loss of power Loss of ventilation Loss of navigational data Loss of communications 64 215 215 ROLLING AIRFRAME MISSILE (RAM) SHIP SELF DEFENSE SYSTEM (SSDS) 215.5.2 How is this system affected by the following evolutions (as applicable): [ref. c] a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. EMCON Flight operations Ordnance handling Man aloft Underway replenishment Cold/heavy weather operations Battleshort Quiet ship Diving operations HERO/HERF OASIS Dress ship 215.6 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 215.6.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? [ref. c] .2 What safety precautions must be observed during: [refs. b, c] a. b. c. Misfire/dud Hot/jammed gun High magazine temperature 65 202 202 TSCE DATA DISPLAY GROUP a. b. Data to/from the ADS servers Power distribution to the ADS Servers, 3 Eye Multi-Function Console, 2 Eye Mission Package Console, 2 Eye EXCOMM KVM Console, Large Screen Displays, 32 x 32 Video Matrix Switch, CCTV Cameras, and Thin Clients from the power panels ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 202.3 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS For the items listed, answer the following questions: A. B. C. D. E. 202.3.1 What is the normal operating value? What are the allowable operating limits? Where are the parameters sensed or monitored? What is the physical location of the indicators? What is the alarm set point? Voltage for the 3 Eye Multi-Function Console (OJ-7XX) Questions ABCD ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Voltage for the 2 Eye Multi-Function Console (OJ-7XX) ABCD .3 ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) Voltage for the 2 Eye EXCOMM KVM Console ABCD ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Voltage for the ADS Servers ABCD ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .3 Voltage for the Large Screen Displays w/ Quadview ABCD ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Voltage for the 32 x 32 Video Matrix Switch 66 ABCD ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Voltage for the CCTV Cameras ABCD ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .6 Temperature for the 3 Eye Multi-Function Console (OJ-7XX) ABCDE ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .7 Temperature for the 2 Eye Multi-Function Console (OJ-7XX) ABCDE ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .8 Temperature for the 2 Eye EXCOMM KVM Console ABCDE ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .9 Temperature for the ADS Servers ABCDE ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .10 Temperature for the Large Screen Displays w/ Quadview ABCDE ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Voltage for the 32 x 32 Video Matrix Switch ABCD ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Voltage for the CCTV Cameras ABCD ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 202.4 SYSTEM INTERFACE 202.4.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: [ref. f] a. Loss of power 67 b. Loss of LAN ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 How does the Data Display Group interface with the following: a. b. c. d. COMBATSS-21 EXCOMM Group ICOMM Group MPCE ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 202.5 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 202.5.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? [ref. a, Safety Summary; ref. b, Safety Summary; ref. e] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 68 202 202 SHIP SYSTEMS AUTOMATION (SSA) References: [a] Applicable Manufacturer’s Technical Manual [b] Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) [c] OPNAVINST 5100.19D (Change 1), Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual for Forces Afloat, Vol. II, Ch. C9 [d] OPNAVINST 5100.23E (Change 1), Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual, Ch. 20 202.1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: [refs. a, b] A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. What is its function? Where is it located? What are the sources of power? What are the modes of operation or control? What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What protection is provided by this component/component part? What are the probable indications if this component fails? What is the source of control signals? What Operating System is installed? Questions 202.1.1 1) Integrated Bridge System a) Ship Control Console i) Voyage Management System (VMS) ii) Advanced Radar Plot (ARPA) iii) Advanced Identification System (AIS) iv) Unclassified Workstation b) Bridge Wing Control Console 2) Navigation Data Distribution System (NDDS) a) Ring Laser Gyro, WSN-7 FWD/AFT b) NAVSSI i) Real Time System (RTS) 1 ii) Real Time System (RTS) 2 iii) Display Control System (DCS) c) Electronic Chart Display and Information System – Naval (ECDIS-N) d) National Maritime Electrical Association (NMEA) 0183 Splitter e) Network Repeater Box (NRB) f) Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Antenna 69 202 SHIP SYSTEMS AUTOMATION (SSA) (CONT’D) 202 3) Machinery Plant Control and Monitoring System (MPCMS) a) NAVLAN Server Primary b) NAVLAN Server Secondary c) Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) d) Input/Output (I/O) Box e) Bulkhead Mounted Console f) Deck Mounted Console g) PROFIBUS h) Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Monitoring System i) CCTV Pan/Tilt/Zoom Camera ii) RF Modulator iii) Digital Video Recorder (DVR) iv) Video Matrix Switch v) Quadview Display System vi) Auxiliary Equipment ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 205.2 IBS PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 205.2.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system’s function? a. Ship Control Console b. Voyage Management System (VMS) c. Advanced Radar Plot (ARPA) d. Advanced Identification System (AIS) e. Unclassified Workstation .* Draw a diagram of this system. .* Using a diagram of this system, show the path of: a. b. c. d. e. f. Ring Laser Gyro, WSN-7 FWD/AFT NAVSSI i. Real Time System (RTS) 1 ii. Real Time System (RTS) 2 iii. Display Control System (DCS) Electronic Chart Display and Information System – Naval (ECDIS-N) National Maritime Electrical Association (NMEA) 0183 Splitter Network Repeater Box (NRB) Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Antenna 70 202 SHIP SYSTEMS AUTOMATION (SSA) (CONT’D) 202 .* What is the sequence of component involvement to initiate the MPCMS System: a. b. c. .* What indications are received if the system is malfunctioning? ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 205.2 NDDS PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 205.2.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system’s function? g. Ring Laser Gyro, WSN-7 FWD/AFT h. NAVSSI i. Real Time System (RTS) 1 ii. Real Time System (RTS) 2 iii. Display Control System (DCS) i. Electronic Chart Display and Information System – Naval (ECDIS-N) j. National Maritime Electrical Association (NMEA) 0183 Splitter k. Network Repeater Box (NRB) l. Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Antenna .* Draw a diagram of this system. .* Using a diagram of this system, show the path of: m. n. o. p. q. r. .* Ring Laser Gyro, WSN-7 FWD/AFT NAVSSI i. Real Time System (RTS) 1 ii. Real Time System (RTS) 2 iii. Display Control System (DCS) Electronic Chart Display and Information System – Naval (ECDIS-N) National Maritime Electrical Association (NMEA) 0183 Splitter Network Repeater Box (NRB) Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Antenna What is the sequence of component involvement to initiate the MPCMS System: a. b. c. .* What indications are received if the system is malfunctioning? 71 ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 205.2 MPCMS PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 205.2.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system’s function? a. NAVLAN Server Primary b. NAVLAN Server Secondary c. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) d. Input/Output (I/O) Box e. Bulkhead Mounted Console f. Deck Mounted Console .* Draw a diagram of this system. .* Using a diagram of this system, show the path of: a. b. c. d. e. f. .* NAVLAN Server Primary NAVLAN Server Secondary Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Input/Output (I/O) Box Bulkhead Mounted Console Deck Mounted Console What is the sequence of component involvement to initiate the MPCMS System: a. b. c. .* What indications are received if the system is malfunctioning? ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 202.2 CCTV MONITORING SYSTEM PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 206.2.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system’s function? .* .* Describe the Main Components associated with the CCTV system (1) CCTV Pan/Tilt/Zoom Camera (2) RF Modulator (3) Digital Video Recorder (DVR) (4) Video Matrix Switch (5) Quadview Display System (6) Auxiliary Equipment Draw a diagram of this system. 72 202 SHIP SYSTEMS AUTOMATION (SSA) (CONT’D) 202 .* Using a diagram of this system, show the path of: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) .* What is the sequence of component involvement to display an external or internal camera in: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) .* PTZ External Camera PTZ Internal Camera Video Matrix Switch (CCS) Video Matrix Switch (MCC) Digital Video Recorder (DVR) Quadview Display The Pilot House MCC Large Screen Display MCC 3 Eye Multifunction Console MP 2 Eye Multifunction Console CCS RCO Console DC Console Ship’s Entertainment System Streaming video offboard What indications are received if the system is malfunctioning? ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 202.3 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS – None to be discussed. 202.4 SYSTEM INTERFACE 202.4.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: [refs. a, b] a. b. c. Temperature and humidity Fluctuation in ship’s power Loss of air-conditioning 73 202 SHIP SYSTEMS AUTOMATION (SSA) (CONT’D) 202 .2 How does this system interface with the following: [refs. a, b] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) EXCOMM ICOMM COMBATSS-21 DORNA GFCS Ships Entertainment System ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 202.5 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 202.5.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? [refs. c, d] ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 206.1.1 a. PTZ External Camera b. PTZ Internal Camera c. Video Matrix Switch (CCS) d. Video Matrix Switch (MCC) e. Quadview Display ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 206.3 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS For the items listed, answer the following questions: A. B. C. D. E. What is the normal operating value? What are the allowable operating limits? Where are the parameters sensed or monitored? What is the physical location of the indicators? What is the alarm set point? Questions 206.3.1 Click & Type First Parameter here (Press <shift>+<enter> to wrap lines) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 206.4 SYSTEM INTERFACE 74 202 202 SHIP SYSTEMS AUTOMATION (SSA) (CONT’D) 206.4.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: a. b. c. .* Fire Flooding Loss of Power How does this system interface with the following: a. b. c. MCC LSD Multifunction Consoles ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 206.5 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 206.5.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? .* What special safety precautions apply to: a. b. c. .* What safety precautions must be observed Click & Type when OR during: a. b. c. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 75 207 207 TSCE REAL TIME SERVICES (RTS) TOOL SUITE References: [a] [b] [c] [d] 207.1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. What is its function? Where is it located? What are the sources of power? What are the modes of operation or control? What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What protection is provided by this component/component part? What are the probable indications if this component fails? What is the source of control signals? What is the function of each position? What are the interlocks? Questions 207.1.1 Click & Type First Component here (Press <shift>+<enter> to wrap lines) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 207.2 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 207.2.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system’s function? .* Draw a diagram of this system. .* Using a diagram of this system, show the path of: a. b. c. .* What is the sequence of component involvement to Click & Type initiate OR accomplish: 77 a. b. c. .* What indications are received if the system is malfunctioning? ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 207.3 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS For the items listed, answer the following questions: A. B. C. D. E. What is the normal operating value? What are the allowable operating limits? Where are the parameters sensed or monitored? What is the physical location of the indicators? What is the alarm set point? Questions 207.3.1 Click & Type First Parameter here (Press <shift>+<enter> to wrap lines) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 207.4 SYSTEM INTERFACE 207.4.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: a. b. c. .* How does this system interface with the following: a. b. c. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 207.5 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 207.5.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? .* What special safety precautions apply to: a. b. 78 c. .* What safety precautions must be observed during: a. b. c. Fire Flooding Loss of Power ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 79 220 220 GLOBAL COMMAND AND CONTROL SYSTEM – MARITIME (GCCS-M) References: [a] Combat System Technical Operations Manual (CSTOM) [b] Combat System Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) Manual/Guide [c] Ship's Instructions/Bills [d] Ship's Information Book (SIB) 220.1 FUNCTION 220.1.1 What is the function of this system? [ref. a] 220.2 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: [refs. a, b, d] A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 220.2.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 Explain their functions. Identify system components and their locations. What Area Supervisor has responsibility for this system/component? What are the sources of the following support items (as applicable): 1. Power (normal/alternate) 2. Cooling water 3. Air conditioning/ventilation What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What are the probable alarms/alerts/indications if this component fails? What is the effect on system operation if this component fails? What redundancy/reconfiguration is available within this component, and how is it activated? Transmitter group Receiver group Transceiver group Antenna/coupler group Crypto Display group Data conversion/processing group Switchboard Auxiliary/ancillary equipment 81 220.3 220.3.1 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION How do the components work together to achieve the system's function? [ref. a] .2 Utilizing a diagram of all applicable systems, trace the signal/data flow. [refs. a, b] .3 What indications will you receive if the system is malfunctioning? [refs. a, b] .4 Using a diagram of the system, show the path of: [refs. a, b] a. Power .5 What checks are required prior to getting underway/entering port? [refs. b, d] .6 What permission/keys/programs are required to make this system fully capable? [ref. c] 220.4 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS — None to be discussed. 220.5 SYSTEM INTERFACE 220.5.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: [refs. a, b] a. b. c. .2 Loss of power Loss of ventilation Loss of navigational data How is this system affected by the following evolutions (as applicable): [ref. c] a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. EMCON Flight operations Ordnance handling Man aloft Underway replenishment Cold/heavy weather operations Battleshort Quiet ship HERO/HERF OASIS Dress ship 220.6 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 220.6.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? [refs. a thru d] 82 221 221 EXTERIOR COMMUNICATION (EXCOMM) SYSTEMS References: [a] Combat System Technical Operations Manual (CSTOM) [b] Combat System Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) Manual/Guide [c] Ship's Instructions/Bills [d] Ship's Information Book (SIB) 221.1 FUNCTION 221.1.1 What is the function of this system? [ref. a] 221.2 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: [refs. a, b, d] A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 221.2.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .10 .11 .12 Explain their functions. Identify system components and their locations. What Area Supervisor has responsibility for this system/component? What are the sources of the following support items (as applicable): (1) Power (normal/alternate) (2) Cooling water (3) Air (dry/LP/HP) (4) Air conditioning/ventilation What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What are the probable alarms/alerts/indications if this component fails? What is the effect on system operation if this component fails? What redundancy/reconfiguration is available within this component, and how is it activated? Transmit group Receive group Transceiver group Crypto equipment Terminal equipment Landline equipment Quality monitoring equipment Antenna systems Combiner/multiplexers Frequency standard group Interconnecting facilities Auxiliary/ancillary 83 221.3 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 221.3.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system's function? [ref. a] .2 What indications will you receive if the system is malfunctioning? [refs. a, b] .3 Using a diagram of the system, show the path of: [refs. a, b] (a) Power (b) Dry air .4 What checks are required prior to getting underway/entering port? [refs. b, c] .5 What permission/keys/programs/key materials are required to make this system fully capable? [ref. c] 221.4 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS 221.4.1 State the frequency bands for the following: [ref. d] a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. VLF LF MF HF VHF UHF SHF EHF 221.5 SYSTEM INTERFACE 221.5.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: [refs. a, b] a. b. c. d. Loss of power Loss of ventilation Loss of dry air Loss of navigational data 84 221.5.2 How is this system affected by the following evolutions (as applicable): [ref. c] a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. EMCON Flight operations Ordnance handling Man aloft Underway replenishment Cold/heavy weather operations Battleshort Quiet ship Diving operations HERO/HERF OASIS Dress ship 221.6 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 221.6.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? [ref. c] 85 208 208 TSCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (TMS) References: [a] [b] [c] [d] 208.1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. What is its function? Where is it located? What are the sources of power? What are the modes of operation or control? What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What protection is provided by this component/component part? What are the probable indications if this component fails? What is the source of control signals? What is the function of each position? What are the interlocks? Questions 208.1.1 UNIX/SOLARIS Based Servers 3 Eye Multi-Modal Console 2 Eye Multi-Modal Console Windows Based Servers ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 208.2 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 208.2.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system’s function? .* Draw a diagram of this system. .* Using a diagram of this system, show the path of: a. b. 87 208 TSCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (TMS) (CONT’D) .* What is the sequence of component involvement to accomplish: a. b. c. .* Starting of TMS DAEMON Starting/Stopping Server Application Shutting Down Server What indications are received if the system is malfunctioning? ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 208.3 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS For the items listed, answer the following questions: A. B. C. D. E. What is the normal operating value? What are the allowable operating limits? Where are the parameters sensed or monitored? What is the physical location of the indicators? What is the alarm set point? Questions 208.3.1 Click & Type First Parameter here (Press <shift>+<enter> to wrap lines) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 208.4 SYSTEM INTERFACE 208.4.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: a. b. c. .* How does this system interface with the following: a. COMBATSS-21 b. ICOMM c. EXCOMM d. SSA e. MPCMS f. MPCE ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 88 208 TSCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (TMS) (CONT’D) 208.5 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 208.5.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? .* What special safety precautions apply to: a. b. c. .* Normal Operations Casualty Mode Battle Short What safety precautions must be observed during: a. b. c. Fire Flooding Loss of Power ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 89 209 209 INTERIOR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM (ICOMMS) References: [a] [b] [c] [d] 209.1 LM LCS-1 TSCE Trainee Guide SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. What is its function? Where is it located? What are the sources of power? What are the modes of operation or control? What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What protection is provided by this component/component part? What are the probable indications if this component fails? What is the source of control signals? What is the function of each position? What are the interlocks? a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. CISCO 7800 Call Manger Avaya G700 Gateway PBX System Programmable Interior Communications Terminal (PICT) VoIP Phone Analog Phone Secure Telephone Equipment 1MC General Announcing System Sound-powered phone systems Portable communication systems Alarm/indicator systems Ship's Entertainment and Training system Questions 209.1.1 ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 209.2 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 209.2.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system’s function? 90 .* Draw a diagram of this system. .* Using a diagram of this system, show the path of: a. b. c. 209.2.* What is the sequence of component involvement to initiate: a. b. c. d. e. .* Programmable Interior Communications Terminal (PICT) CISCO Call Manger CISCO VoIP Phone Avaya G700 Gateway PBX System What indications are received if the system is malfunctioning? ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 209.3 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS For the items listed, answer the following questions: A. B. C. D. E. What is the normal operating value? What are the allowable operating limits? Where are the parameters sensed or monitored? What is the physical location of the indicators? What is the alarm set point? Questions 209.3.1 Click & Type First Parameter here (Press <shift>+<enter> to wrap lines) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 209.4 SYSTEM INTERFACE 209.4.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: a. b. c. .* Temperature Humidity How does this system interface with the following: 91 a. b. c. EXCOMMS Ship Announcing System COMBATSS-21 ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 209.5 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 209.5.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? .* What special safety precautions apply to: a. b. c. .* Normal operations Casualty modes Maintenance What safety precautions must be observed during: a. b. c. Fire Flooding Loss of Power ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 92 211 210 MISSION PACKAGE COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (MPCE) References: [a] [b] [c] [d] 211.1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. What is its function? Where is it located? What are the sources of power? What are the modes of operation or control? What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What protection is provided by this component/component part? What are the probable indications if this component fails? What is the source of control signals? What is the function of each position? What are the interlocks? Questions 211.1.1 Click & Type First Component here (Press <shift>+<enter> to wrap lines) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 211.2 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 211.2.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system’s function? .* Draw a diagram of this system. .* Using a diagram of this system, show the path of: a. b. c. 93 211 MISSION PACKAGE COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (MPCE) (CONT’D) 211.2.* What is the sequence of component involvement to initiate: a. b. c. d. .* ASW Mission Package Server SUW Mission Package Server MCM Mission Package Server 2 Eye Multi-modal Mission Package Console What indications are received if the system is malfunctioning? ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 211.3 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS For the items listed, answer the following questions: A. B. C. D. E. What is the normal operating value? What are the allowable operating limits? Where are the parameters sensed or monitored? What is the physical location of the indicators? What is the alarm set point? Questions 211.3.1 Click & Type First Parameter here (Press <shift>+<enter> to wrap lines) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 211.4 SYSTEM INTERFACE 211.4.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of these systems: a. b. c. .* Heat Cold Humidity How does this system interface with the following: a. b. c. d. COMBATSS-21 Network Time Servers Navigation Data Distribution System Closed Circuit Television System ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 94 211 MISSION PACKAGE COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (MPCE) (CONT’D) 211.5 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 211.5.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? .* What special safety precautions apply to: a. b. c. .* Normal Operations Casualty Mode Battle Short What safety precautions must be observed during: a. b. c. Fire Flooding Loss of Power ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 95 212 212 NETWORK TIME PROTOCOL SERVER References: [a] [b] [c] [d] 212.1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 212.1.1 What is its function? Where is it located? What are the sources of power? What are the modes of operation or control? What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What protection is provided by this component/component part? What are the probable indications if this component fails? What is the source of control signals? Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server (CLASS) Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server (UNLASS) Questions ABCDEFG ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 212.2 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 212.2.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system’s function? .* Draw a diagram of this system. .* Using a diagram of this system, show the path of: a. b. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Satellite Time Reference 97 212 NETWORK TIME PROTOCOL SERVER (CONT’D) 212.2.* What is the sequence of component involvement to Click & Type initiate OR accomplish: a. b. c. .* What indications are received if the system is malfunctioning? ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 212.3 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS For the items listed, answer the following questions: A. B. C. D. E. What is the normal operating value? What are the allowable operating limits? Where are the parameters sensed or monitored? What is the physical location of the indicators? What is the alarm set point? Questions 212.3.1 Click & Type First Parameter here (Press <shift>+<enter> to wrap lines) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 212.4 SYSTEM INTERFACE 212.4.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: a. b. c. .* Humidity How does this system interface with the following: a. b. c. d. e. COMBATSS-21 Navigation Data Distribution System UNCLASS/CLASS Servers Gun Fire Control System TRS-3D ___________________________________ 98 (Signature and Date) 212.5 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 212.5.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? .* What special safety precautions apply to: a. b. c. .* Normal Operations Casualty Modes Battle Short What safety precautions must be observed: a. b. c. Fire Flooding Loss of Power ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 99 213 213 COMBATSS-21 References: [a] [b] [c] 213.1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND COMPONENT PARTS Referring to a standard print of this system or the actual equipment, identify the following system components and component parts and discuss the designated items for each: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. What is its function? Where is it located? What are the sources of power? What are the modes of operation or control? What are the safety/protective devices for this component/component part? What protection is provided by this component/component part? What are the probable indications if this component fails? What is the source of control signals? What is the function of each position? What are the interlocks? Questions 213.1 Mission Control Center Tri-modal Display Console OJ-XXX .2 Open C&D a. Primary Server b. Secondary Server .3 Advanced Display System (ADS) a. Primary Server b. Secondary Server c. Thin Client Server .4 Boundry Component/Readiness Assesment System (BC/RAS) Server a. Primary Server b. Secondary Server .5 Open Architecture Simulation System (OASIS) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 213.2 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 213.2.1 How do the components work together to achieve the system’s function? 100 213.2.4 .5 Using a block diagram of the COMBATSS-21, briefly explain the message format and prioritization structure, and how data is routed between functional segments. Explain the following modes of the DORNA Weapon System as it relates to COMBATSS-21 and how they operate: a. b. c. .7 Semiautomatic Automatic Automatic-special What indications are received if the system is malfunctioning? ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 213.3 PARAMETERS/OPERATING LIMITS - None to be discussed. 213.4 SYSTEM INTERFACE 213.4.1 How do the following outside influences affect the operation of this system: a. b. c. 2 Loss of power Loss of ventilation (AC) Loss of computer data How does this system interface with the following: a. b. d. e. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. X-Band/S-Band Navigation Radar L3 NDS MAS/ Ultra Sea Sentor AN/UPX-29 IFF system WBR-2000 ICOMM EADS TRS-3D/16 Bofors 57MM MK3 Gun DORNA EOD DORNA GFCS SSDS/WDS/WIAC CDLMS GCCS-M Mission Package Computing Environment (MPCE) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 213.5 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 101 213.5.1 What safety precautions must be observed when operating this system? .2 What special safety precautions apply to tagging out this system? .* What safety precautions must be observed during: a. b. c. Fire Flooding Loss of Power ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 105.1 Using a block diagram of the COMBATSS-21 combat system, identify the following systems and explain how they are used: [ref. a, ch. 1; ref. b, ch. 1; ref. c, ch. 1] a. b. c. d. e. j. C&D ADS BC/RAS TNAS Multifunction 3 Eye Console OJ-7XX OASIS ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Briefly discuss the series of events that take place during a RAM engagement. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Briefly discuss the series of events that take place during a MK-110 engagement. .3 Explain the following doctrine modes of the COMBATSS-21 system and how they operate: [ref. a, ch. 8; ref. b, ch. 8; ref. c, ch. 8] a. b. c. Semiautomatic Automatic Automatic-special ___________________________________ (SIGNATURE AND DATE) 102 300 INTRODUCTION TO WATCHSTATIONS 300.1 INTRODUCTION The Watchstation section of your PQS is where you get a chance to demonstrate to your Qualifier that you can put the knowledge you have gained in the previous sections to use. It allows you to practice the tasks required for your watchstation and to handle abnormal conditions and emergencies. Before starting your assigned tasks, you must complete the prerequisites that pertain to the performance of that particular task. Satisfactory completion of all prerequisites is required prior to achievement of final watchstation qualification. 300.2 FORMAT Each watchstation in this section contains: A FINAL QUALIFICATION PAGE, which is used to obtain the required signatures for approval and recording of Final Qualification. PREREQUISITES, which are items that must be certified completed before you can begin qualification for a particular watchstation. Prerequisites may include schools, watchstation qualifications from other PQS books, and fundamentals, systems, or watchstation qualifications from this book. Prior to signing off each prerequisite line item, the Qualifier must verify completion from existing records. Record the date of actual completion, not the sign-off date. WATCHSTATION Performance, which is the practical factors portion of your qualification. The performance is broken down as follows: Tasks (routine operating tasks that are performed frequently) Infrequent Tasks Abnormal Conditions Emergencies Training Watches If there are multiple watchstations, a QUALIFICATION PROGRESS SUMMARY will appear at the end of the Standard. 103 300 INTRODUCTION TO WATCHSTATIONS (CONT’D) 300.3 OPERATING PROCEDURES The PQS deliberately makes no attempt to specify the procedures to be used to complete a task or control or correct a casualty. The only proper sources of this information are the technical manuals, Engineering Operational Sequencing System (EOSS), Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization (NATOPS) or other policy-making documents prepared for a specific installation or a piece of equipment. Additionally, the level of accuracy required of a trainee may vary from school to school, ship to ship, and squadron to squadron based upon such factors as mission requirements. Thus, proficiency may be confirmed only through demonstrated performance at a level of competency sufficient to satisfy the Commanding Officer. 300.4 DISCUSSION ITEMS Though actual performance of evolutions is always preferable to observation or discussion, some items listed in each watchstation may be too hazardous or time consuming to perform or simulate. Therefore, you may be required to discuss such items with your Qualifier. 300.5 NUMBERING Each Final Qualification is assigned both a watchstation number and a NAVEDTRA Final Qualification number. The NAVEDTRA number is to be used for recording qualifications in service and training records. 300.6 HOW TO COMPLETE After completing the required prerequisites applicable to a particular task, you may perform the task under the supervision of a qualified watchstander. If you satisfactorily perform the task and can explain each step, your Qualifier will sign you off for that task. After all line items have been completed, your Qualifier will verify Final Qualification by signing and dating the Final Qualification pages. 104 FINAL QUALIFICATION 301 NAVEDTRA 43301-5 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR NAME______________________________ RATE/RANK____________________ This page is to be used as a record of satisfactory completion of designated sections of the Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS). Only specified supervisors may signify completion of applicable sections either by written or oral examination, or by observation of performance. The examination or checkout need not cover every item; however, a sufficient number should be covered to demonstrate the examinee’s knowledge. Should supervisors give away their signatures, unnecessary difficulties can be expected in future routine operations. A copy of this completed page shall be kept in the individual’s training jacket. The trainee has completed all PQS requirements for this watchstation. Recommend designation as a qualified Total Shipboard Computing Environment (TSCE) Supervisor (NAVEDTRA 433015). RECOMMENDED________________________________________ Supervisor DATE______________ RECOMMENDED________________________________________ Division Officer DATE______________ RECOMMENDED________________________________________ Department Head DATE______________ QUALIFIED_____________________________________________ Commanding Officer or Designated Representative DATE______________ SERVICE RECORD ENTRY________________________________ DATE______________ 105 301 WATCHSTATION 301 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR Estimated completion time: 4 weeks 301.1 PREREQUISITES FOR OPTIMUM TRAINING EFFECTIVENESS, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS SHOULD BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO STARTING YOUR ASSIGNED TASKS BUT SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO FINAL WATCHSTATION QUALIFICATION. 301.1.1 SCHOOLS: Information Systems Administrator (ISA), A-531-0046 Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 301.1.1 PQS QUALIFICATIONS: Basic Damage Control (NAVEDTRA 43119-G) Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) Maintenance and Material Management (3M) (NAVEDTRA 43241-G), 301 Maintenance Person Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) LCS-1 Exterior Communications (EXCOMM) (NAVEDTRA 43301-4), 301 Operator Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) Information Systems and Telecommunications (Common) (NAVEDTRA 43355-E), 312 Network Administrator Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) Information Systems and Telecommunications (Common) (NAVEDTRA 43355-E) 303 Publications Clerk Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 106 .2 OTHER QUALIFICATIONS: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) certification Completed____________________ (Qualifier and Date) Combat System Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) Operation and Watches 301.1.3 FUNDAMENTALS FROM THIS PQS: 101 Safety Fundamentals Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 102 Security Fundamentals Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 103 Networking Fundamentals Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 104 LCS Maintenance/Combat System Operation Sequencing System (CSOSS) Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 105 Basic Test/Special Purpose Test Equipment Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 106 Troubleshooting Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 107 Operating System Fundamentals Completed ___________________________________ 107 (Qualifier and Date) 108 Hand Tools Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 109 Fiber Optics Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 110 Numbering Systems Fundamentals Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 108 301 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR (CONT’D) 301.1.4 SYSTEMS FROM THIS PQS: 202 Integrated Bridge System (IBS) Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 203 Shipboard Messaging System - Defense Message Delivery System (SMS-DMDS) Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 204 Total Shipboard Computing Environment (TSCE) Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 205 MPCMS Consoles/Servers) Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 206 CCTV Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 109 301 Total Shipboard Computing Environment (TSCE) Supervisor (Cont’d) 207 Total Shipboard Computing Environment (TSCE) Real Time Services (RTS) Tool Suite Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 208 Total Shipboard Computing Environment (TSCE) Management System (TMS) Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 209 Total Shipboard Computing Environment (TSCE) Interior Communications System (ICOMMS) Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 211 Mission Package Servers Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 212 Network Time Server Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 213 Total Shipboard Computing Environment (TSCE) Display Components Completed ___________________________________ (Qualifier and Date) 301.2 TASKS For the tasks listed below: A. B. C. D. E. F. 301.2.1 What are the steps of this procedure? What are the reasons for each step? What control/coordination is required? What means of communications are used? What safety precautions must be observed? Satisfactorily perform this task. Energize equipment using CSOP (2 times) 110 Questions ABCDEFG ___________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Verify proper equipment operation (2 times) ___________________ (Signature and Date) .3 AEFG ___________________ (Signature and Date) Secure equipment using CSOP (2 times) ___________________ (Signature and Date) .4 ___________________ (Signature and Date) ABCDEFG ___________________ (Signature and Date) Maintain record of HERO/HERF/EMCON conditions (5 times) ___________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________ (Signature and Date) ACDG ___________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Secure ventilation to space (3 times) ___________________ (Signature and Date) ABCDEFGHI ___________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Reconfigure equipment (3 times) ___________________ (Signature and Date) ABCDEFGHI ___________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________ (Signature and Date) .6 Re-initialize equipment using CSOCC procedures (3 times) ___________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________ (Signature and Date) 111 ABCDEFGHI .10 Draw emergency repair parts (3 times) ___________________ (Signature and Date) ABDI ___________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________ (Signature and Date) .7 Identify equipment malfunctions (3 times) ___________________ (Signature and Date) ABCDFGHI ___________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________ (Signature and Date) .8 Place equipment in battleshort (3 times) ___________________ (Signature and Date) ABCDEFGHI ___________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Ensure proper storage of media ABF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .3 Clean and maintain media ABEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Interpret and respond to error notices ABF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Perform virus scans on incoming media ABF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .6 Declassify media ABEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 112 .7 Format media ABF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .8 Serialize media ABF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .9 Maintain software documentation ABF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .10 Maintain software media accountability ABF ___________________________________ (SIGNATURE AND DATE) 301.2.11 Maintain software license agreement Questions ABF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .12 Maintain offsite storage of disaster data files ABCF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .16 Conduct physical inventory of media library ABCDF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .17 Energize equipment: a. OJ-XXX 3-Eye Multifunction Console b. OJ-XXX 2-Eye Multifunction Console c. OJ-XXX 2-Eye EXCOMM Console d. COMBATSS-21 Server e. MPCMS Console f. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .18 Load ___________________________________ 113 ABCDEF (Signature and Date) .2 Supervise watch-to-watch inventory (2 times) ABCG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .3 Verify watch is familiar with current COMMPLAN, OPORDs, EMCON/HERO/RADHAZ restrictions, CIBs/CIAs, daily communications status messages/SOPs, and EAP (2 times) ABCEG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Conduct watchstation training with operators ABCG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Initiate procedures to eliminate backlog ABCDFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .6 Verify processing of messages requiring special handling ABCDFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .7 Monitor security of all watchstations ABG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .8 Coordinate circuit restoration ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .9 Maintain and review all applicable watch logs ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 114 ABG .10 Report abnormalities to appropriate authority ABG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .11 Draft broadcast shifts/termination requests/ COMSPOTS/BSR (2 times) ABG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .12 Supervise during general quarters ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .13 Supervise and coordinate maintenance personnel ABG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .14 Coordinate system maintenance (3 times) ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .15 Supervise backups ABG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .24 Duplicate program on ABCF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .38 Hold closeouts (day) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 115 ABCF .39 Respond to system alerts ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 116 301 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR 301.2.40 Respond to error notices Questions ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .41 Perform system bypass for preventive maintenance ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .42 Perform system restart and recovery ABCEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .43 Load parameters page system data tape ABCEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .44 Stop the system ABCEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .45 Administer and supervise network training ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .46 Administer AIS security requirements ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .47 Monitor LAN status ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .48 Set up network printer ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 117 301 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR (CONT’D) 301.2.49 Display current users Questions ABEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .50 Add, modify, delete user groups or domains ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .51 Verify user and group domain security ABF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .52 Display system processing ABF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .53 Stop system processing (3 times) ABCDF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .54 Stop a background process (3 times) ABCDF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .55 Determine connectivity status between a client and server ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 118 ABF 301 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR (CONT’D) 301.2.56 Review status of all LAN nodes (3 times) Questions ABF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .57 List/modify host files (3 times) ABF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .58 Reboot LAN servers ABCDEF ____________________________________ (Signature and Date) .59 Monitor/identify LAN faults ABEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .60 Verify network configuration ABF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .61 Set up new LAN nodes (3 times) ABCDEF ____________________________________ (Signature and Date) ____________________________________ (Signature and Date) ____________________________________ (Signature and Date) 119 301 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR (CONT’D) 301.2.62 Establish in-port connectivity (3 times) Questions ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .63 Establish underway connectivity (3 times) ABCDF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .64 Verify e-mail configuration ABF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .65 Oversee Information Watch Supervisor/AIS Operator/Media Clerk ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .66 Explain what a VLAN is and what it is used for ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .67 Explain what port mobility does ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 120 ABCF 301 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR (CONT’D) 301.2.68 What is a super scope and which Vlan’s use it? Questions ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .69 What is a subnet mask is and how it is used? ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .70 Explain what a default gateway is, and how it is used. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .71 Explain what OSPF is and how it works. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .72 What version of software is used in the core and edge switches. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .73 What types of switches are used on board? ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .74 What is the location of all the switches on the ship? ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .75 What is the difference between Gig Ethernet, and Cat.5 Ethernet? ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 301.2.19 Ensure the watch personnel conform to standards prescribed in Standard operating procedures 121 ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 20 Monitor all systems thru system administration tools/utilities. (3 times) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .21 Maintain watch supervisor log (3 times) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .22 Monitor Proxy Logs and report unauthorized activity (2 times) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .23 Report Network Probe/Intrusion (2 times) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .1 Coordinate functions of MPC ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Coordinate functions of technical control ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 122 ABCDEFG .3 Coordinate functions of IWS ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Maintain CWO/radio log ABCFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Utilize OPORDs/COMMPLANs/OPTASKs ABCDFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .6 Correct reported discrepancies ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .7 Maintain overall security of spaces ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .9 Make required reports to appropriate authority ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 123 ABCDG 301 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR (CONT’D) 301.2.76 Explain the procedures required to access the web view on a switch. Questions ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .77 Explain start up and shut down procedures for switches. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .78 Configure the speed and duplex on a port. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .79 Set a port to default to a specific Vlan. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .80 Set up a DHCP rule. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .81 Check the health of a switch. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .82 Demonstrate how to find a port on the switch using a cable drop number. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 124 301 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR (CONT’D) 301.2.83 Demonstrate how to check the status of a port. Questions ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .84 Demonstrate how to save the configuration of a switch. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .85 Demonstrate how to backup the configuration. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .86 Explain the procedures required to change the password on the switch. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .87 Explain how to rejoin the switches when the 2nd stack is lost from the configuration. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .88 Describe the software programs used with the TSCE. Include routine commands and instructions as required to support normal operation. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .89 Describe the functional interfaces that exist between the TSCE and external subsystem/systems. Include inputs and sources, outputs and destinations to support normal operation. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 125 301 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR (CONT’D) 301.2.90 Perform the tasks required for operation of the TSCE in accordance with normal operational procedures. Questions ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .91 Describe the use of diagnostic and operational tests to measure system operation to a functional level, as described in applicable documentation. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .92 Describe the use of special tools and test equipment required for maintenance of the TSCE, as prescribed in applicable maintenance documentation. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .93 Describe preventive maintenance procedures used with the TSCE. Include name, use, and procedure as applicable. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .94 Describe the systematic fault isolation procedures for the TSCE as described in applicable maintenance documentation. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .95 Describe post-repair procedures used for validation of effected repair, as described in applicable maintenance documentation. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .96 Describe the personnel and equipment safety precautions to be observed while performing maintenance on the TSCE. Include handling ESD parts or materials as required to support preventive and documented corrective maintenance. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 126 301 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR (CONT’D) 301.2.97 Perform the tasks required for operation of the TSCE in accordance with casualty/degraded operational procedures. Questions ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .98 Recognize indications that should or may occur during execution of casualty/degraded operational procedures for the TSCE. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .99 Adhere to personnel and equipment safety precautions during casualty/degraded operation of the TSCE. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .100 Adhere to authority and regulations that govern operations of the TSCE in accordance with casualty/degraded operational procedures. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .101 Use diagnostic and operational tests to perform equipment evaluation of the TSCE, in accordance with documented corrective maintenance procedures. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .102 Perform systematic fault isolation procedures for the TSCE, in accordance with documented corrective maintenance procedures. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .103 Use special tools and test equipment required to perform basic corrective maintenance on the TSCE, in accordance with documented corrective maintenance procedures. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 127 301 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR (CONT’D) Questions 301.2.104 Recognize and interpret indications of malfunctions that may occur within the TSCE in accordance with documented corrective maintenance procedures. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .105 Perform post-repair procedures required for validation of TSCE maintenance in accordance with documented corrective maintenance procedures. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .106 Adhere to personnel and equipment safety precautions while performing basic corrective maintenance on the TSCE in accordance with documented corrective maintenance procedures. ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .107 Supervise use of alternate message delivery methods ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .108 Supervise setup and use of distress communications ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .109 Supervise during minimize conditions ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Supervise during special circuit communications ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Supervise use of authentication procedures ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 128 ABCDEF .6 Supervise implementing emergency destruction ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .7 Coordinate restoration of local area network ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .8 Coordinate hardware/software upgrade/repair ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .14 Coordinate system maintenance (3 times) ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .15 Supervise backups ABG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .6 Verify processing of messages requiring special handling ABCDFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .7 Monitor security of all watchstations ABG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .8 Coordinate circuit restoration ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .9 Maintain and review all applicable watch logs ___________________________________ 129 ABG (Signature and Date) .10 Report abnormalities to appropriate authority ABG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .11 Draft broadcast shifts/termination requests/ COMSPOTS/BSR (2 times) ABG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .12 Supervise during general quarters ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .13 Supervise and evaluate shift operators ABG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .1 Assign personnel to cover all watchstations (2 times) ABCG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Supervise watch-to-watch inventory (2 times) ABCG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .3 Verify watch is familiar with current COMMPLAN, OPORDs, EMCON/HERO/RADHAZ restrictions, CIBs/CIAs, daily communications status messages/SOPs, and EAP (2 times) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ 130 ABCEG (Signature and Date) .4 Conduct watchstation training with operators ABCG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Initiate procedures to eliminate backlog ABCDFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) REPORT VIRUSES (2 TIMES) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .25 Screen Message Traffic (2 times) and provide status of all pending emails (3 times) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .26 Inform Chain-of-Command of unusual circumstances, events (2 times) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .27 Manually update Virus Signatures/Definitions (2 times) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .28 Maintain physical security of all spaces and systems ___________________________________ 131 (Signature and Date) .29 Ensure proper handling/storage of all classified material (2 times) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .1 INFOCON Drills (2 times) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 River City Drills (2 times) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Emergency Destruction of Classified Material (2 times) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .1 Network Probe/Intrusion ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) COMPLETED .2 AREA COMPRISES 60% OF WATCHSTATION. 301.3 INFREQUENT TASKS For the infrequent tasks listed below: A. B. C. D. What are the steps of this procedure? What are the reasons for each step? What control/coordination is required? What means of communications are used? 132 E. F. 301.3.1 What conditions require this infrequent task? Satisfactorily perform or simulate this infrequent task. Questions ABCDEF Process job requests from users ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Destroy media ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .3 Perform virus debug procedures ABCEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Operate under EMCON ABCDEFGH ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Reset incoming/outgoing CSN and OTO numbers ABCEFGH ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .6 Add a message to the WML ABCEFGH ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .7 Verify LAN card configuration ABFGH ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .8 Reload LAN software ABCDEGH ____________________________________ (Signature and Date) .9 Ensure system software is applied upon receipt ABCDEFGH ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .10 Ensure application software is applied upon receipt 133 ABCDEFGH ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .11 Verify, plan, and implement AIS Security Plan ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 134 ABDGH 301 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR (CONT’D) 301.3.12 Verify, diagram, and plan network layout, network requirements, and workstation requirements Questions ABFGH ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .13 Verify AIS hardware and software inventory ABGH ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .1 Execute emergency supersession destruction ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Implement EAP ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .3 Submit battle readiness reports ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) COMPLETED .3 AREA COMPRISES 12% OF WATCHSTATION. 301.4 ABNORMAL CONDITIONS For the abnormal conditions listed below: A. B. C. D. E. F. 301.4.1 What immediate action is required? What operating limitations are imposed? What emergencies or malfunctions may occur if immediate action is not taken? How does this condition affect other operations/equipment/watchstations? What follow-up action is required? Satisfactorily perform or simulate the corrective/immediate action for this abnormal condition. Questions ABCDEF Improperly labeled media ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 135 .2 Improperly destroyed effective media files and logs ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .3 HSPTR/P failure ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Printer failure ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Loss of ship's heading input ___________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Loss of anemometer input ___________________ (Signature and Date) .6 Loss of ship's speed input ___________________ (Signature and Date) .7 Loss of GPS input ___________________ (Signature and Date) .8 Loss of LP/HP/dry air ___________________ (Signature and Date) .9 Loss of internal/external communications ___________________ (Signature and Date) .10 Equipment over/high temperature ___________________ 136 (Signature and Date) .11 Loss of ventilation ___________________ (Signature and Date) .12 Rig casualty power ___________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Level converter/patch panel failure ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .7 Message processing device failure ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .8 Broadcast failure ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .10 Loss of environmental controls ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .11 Virus infection ABCDEF ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .12 Loss of CMS material ABCDEFGH ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .13 Improper watch-to-watch turnover ABCDEFGH ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 137 301 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR (CONT’D) .14 Questions ABCDEFGH Practices dangerous to security ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .15 Unauthorized access to material/spaces ABCDEFGH ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .16 Loss of air-conditioning ABCDEFGH ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .17 Electrical power fluctuations ABCDEFGH ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 301.5 EMERGENCIES For the emergencies listed below: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. 301.5.1 What indications and alarms are received? What immediate action is required? What are the probable causes? What operating limitations are imposed? What other emergencies or malfunctions may occur if immediate action is not taken? What follow-up action is required? Satisfactorily perform or simulate the immediate action for this emergency. Questions ABCDEFG Virus infected media ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 Personnel casualties ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 138 301 TOTAL SHIPBOARD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT (TSCE) SUPERVISOR (CONT’D) .3 Questions ABCDEFG Equipment casualties ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .4 Compromise ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .5 Loss of power ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .6 Fire ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .7 Loss of classified material ABCDEFGH ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .8 Flooding ABCDEFG ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) COMPLETED .5 AREA COMPRISES 8% OF WATCHSTATION. 301.6 WATCHES 301.6.1 STAND THE FOLLOWING WATCHES UNDER QUALIFIED SUPERVISION: TSCE Supervisor (5 times) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 139 ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) COMPLETED .6 AREA COMPRISES 12% OF WATCHSTATION. 301.7 EXAMINATIONS 301.7.1 EXAMINATIONS (OPTIONAL EXCEPT AS REQUIRED BY TYCOM/ISIC, ETC.) Pass a written examination ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) .2 EXAMINATIONS Pass an oral examination board ___________________________________ (Signature and Date) 140 LIST OF REFERENCES USED IN THIS PQS [Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) ACP 131(E), Communications Instructions, Operating Signals Applicable Manufacturer’s Technical Manual Combat System Operational Sequencing System (CSOSS) Local Security Instructions Local Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Local Subject Matter Expert NAVEDTRA 14194, NEETS Module 22--Introduction to Digital Computers NAVEDTRA 14222, Information Systems Technician Training Series, Module 1-Administration and Security NAVEDTRA 14223, Information Systems Technician Training Series, Module 2-Computer Systems NAVEDTRA 14226, Information Systems Technician Training Series, Module 5-Communications Center Operations NCTS 50C1012 OM-V2R11, Naval Modular Automated Communications System (NAVMACS V2) Operator's Manual NTP 3 (J), Telecommunications Users Manual NTP 4 (D), Fleet Communications NWP 6-01 (Rev. A), Basic Operational Communications Doctrine OPNAVINST 3500.39A, Operational Risk Management OPNAVINST 5100.19D (Change 1), Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual for Forces Afloat OPNAVINST 5100.19D (Change 1), Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual for Forces Afloat, Vol. II, Ch. C9 OPNAVINST 5100.23E (Change 1), Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual SECNAVINST 5510.30A, Department of the Navy Personnel Security Program SECNAVINST 5510.36, Department of the Navy (DON) Information Security Program (ISP) Regulation Turboprep User’s Manual, Windows, WIN95, WinNT, Version 2.02A-(3)N 141 LIST OF REFERENCES USED IN THIS PQS (CONT’D) OPNAVINST 3120.32C, Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy (SORM) OPNAVINST 3500.39A, Operational Risk Management OPNAVINST 5100.19D (Change 1), Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual for Forces Afloat OPNAVINST 5100.23E (Change 1), Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program Manual OPNAVINST 5239.1B, Navy Information Assurance (IA) Program Own Ship's Antenna Radiation Patterns Own Ship's Antenna Systems R-2368B(V)1/URR Radio Receiver Instruction Manual SECNAVINST 5510.30A, Department of the Navy Personnel Security Program SECNAVINST 5510.36, Department of the Navy (DON) Information Security Program (ISP) Regulation Ship's Electronic Casualty Plan SPAWAR 0967-LP-432-3030, Maintenance Manual, Radio Sets AN/VRC-12,-43,-44,-45,-46, -47,-48,-49, Vol. 1 SPAWAR 0967-LP-541-9010, Technical Manual, Operation and Maintenance Instructions, Receiving Set, Satellite Signal AN/SSR-1 and AN/SSR-1A SPAWAR EE111-AD-OMI-010/P616 SRA CHG 1, Operation and Maintenance Instructions, Organizational, Antenna Coupler Groups AN/SRA-38,-39,-40,-49,-49A,-49B,-50 SPAWARINST 2700.1, Shipboard Quality Monitoring Control System Turboprep User’s Manual, Windows, WIN95, WinNT, Version 2.02A-(3)N 142 Personal Qualification Standard Feedback Form for NAVEDTRA 43355-E From____________________________________________________ Date_______________ Via______________________________________________________Date_______________ Department Head Activity ______________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address_______________________________________________________________ E-mail Address ____________________________________________DSN_______________ PQS Title____________________________________________NAVEDTRA_______________ Section Affected_______________________________________________________________ Page Number(s)_______________________________________________________________ For faster response, you may e-mail your feedback to the PQS Development Group at: Please include the above information so that we may better serve you. Remarks/Recommendations (Use additional sheets if necessary): 143 (FOLD HERE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY ___________________________ OFFICIAL BUSINESS COMMANDING OFFICER CENTER FOR INFORMATION DOMINANCE N325 640 ROBERTS AVENUE CORRY STATION PENSACOLA FL 32511-5138 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(FOLD HERE) 144