Budget and Justification Placer County Health and Human Services Coalition for Placer Youth Grant Number: 1H79SPO15810-01 REVISION 2011-12 EXPANDED CARRYOVER 10% OF UOB - $12,500 All revisions in red A. Personnel: Provide employee(s) (including names for each identified position) of the applicant/recipient organization, including in-kind costs for those positions whose work is tied to the grant project. FEDERAL REQUEST Position 1. Project Director 2. Grant Coordinator Name Annual Salary/Rate Level of Effort Cost Kara Sutter $ 37,544/yr 15% $ 5,632. Shari Crow $ 63,276/yr 44% $ 27,842. TOTAL $ 33,474. JUSTIFICATION: Describe the role and responsibilities of each position. 1. The Project Director will provide daily oversight of the grant, including fiscal and personnel management, and evaluation. 2. The coordinator will coordinate project services and activities, including training, communication, data collection and dissemination, community relations and project implementation. NON-FEDERAL MATCH Position 1. Program Manager 2. Program Supervisor 3. Grant Coordinator 4. Accounting Technician (extra help no benefits) Name Annual Salary/Rate Level of Effort Cost Joe Arsenith $103,081/yr 5% $ 5,154. Michael Romero $ 85,458/yr 5% $ 4,273. Shari Crow $ 63,276/yr 40% $ 31,005. Ellen Takeuchi $ 25.00/hr x 1000 hr/yr 12% of 1000 hrs = 120 hrs $3,000. Position Annual Salary/Rate Name Level of Effort Cost TOTAL $ 43,432. JUSTIFICATION: Describe the role and responsibilities of each position. 1. The Program Manager will provide administrative support to the program. 2. The Program Supervisor will provide time leadership, development and supervisory support for the Coalition staff. 3. The Grant Coordinator’s ongoing presence with the Coalition is vital to serve as the bridge of knowledge and support, as well as offer continued support for the Coalition members, Advisory Group, and collaborators thus leading to long-term sustainability. 4. The Accounting Technician will provide fiscal support and be involved in all invoicing and fiscal reporting. FEDERAL REQUEST (enter in Section B column 1 line 6a of form SF424A) $ 33,474 NON-FEDERAL MATCH (enter in Section B column 2 line 6a of form SF424A) $ 43,432 B. Fringe Benefits: List all components of fringe benefits rate FEDERAL REQUEST Component FICA Workers Compensation Insurance OPEB PERS Rate 12% Wage $ 33,474 Cost $ 4,017. 1% $ 33,474 $ 12% 9% 20% $ 33,474 $ 33,474 $ 33,474 TOTAL $ 4,017. $ 3,013. $ 6,695. $18,077. Rate 12% Wage $ 43,432 Cost $ 5,212. 1% $ 43,432 $ 12% 9% $ 43,432 $ 43,432 $ 5,212. $ 3,909. 335. NON-FEDERAL MATCH Component FICA Workers Compensation Insurance OPEB 434. Component PERS Rate 22% Wage $ 43,432 TOTAL Cost $ 9,555. $ 24,322 JUSTIFICATION: Fringe reflects current rate for agency. FEDERAL REQUEST (enter in Section B column 1 line 6b of form SF424A) $ 18,077 NON-FEDERAL MATCH (enter in Section B column 2 line 6b of form SF424A) $ 24,322 C. Travel: Explain need for all travel other than that required by this application. Local travel policies prevail. FEDERAL REQUEST Purpose of Travel Grantee Conference Location Item Rate Washington, DC Airfare ticket + tax $435./flight x 1 person $200/night x 1 person x 3 nights Hotel Per Diem (meals and incidentals) Airport/Hotel Transportation Cost $ 435. $ 600. $71/day x 1 person x 3 days $ 213. $20/trip x 2 $ TOTAL $ 1,288 40. JUSTIFICATION: Describe the purpose of travel and how costs were determined. 1. One staff (Coordinator and Evaluator) to attend mandatory grantee meeting in Washington, DC. Per Diem and Hotel figured at 3 days as we would be coming from the West Coast. (Evaluator’s travel rates in their contract costs). Costs based on Federal room rates and per diem for Washington DC. NON-FEDERAL MATCH Purpose of Travel Travel Director & Coordinator Location Item Local meetings, Mileage outreach Rate Cost 2686 mi x .50 mile $ 1.343. Purpose of Travel Location Item Rate Cost TOTAL $ 1,343. JUSTIFICATION: Describe the purpose of travel and how costs were determined. Local travel rate is based on agency’s POV reimbursement rate. Local travel for attending meetings, project activities, outreach, & training events. FEDERAL REQUEST (enter in Section B column 1 line 6c of form SF424A) $ 1,288 NON-FEDERAL MATCH (enter in Section B column 2 line 6c of form SF424A) $ 1,343 D. Equipment: an article of tangible, nonexpendable, personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit – federal definition. FEDERAL REQUEST – (enter in Section B column 1 line 6d of form SF424A) $0 NON-FEDERAL MATCH – (enter in Section B column 2 line 6d of form SF424A) $0 E. Supplies: materials costing less that $5,000 per unit and often having one-time use FEDERAL REQUEST: Item(s) 1.Parent Pledge Campaign Full color 8.25 x 16.5 – 70# offset, tri-fold Rate Cost 10K x .29 per copy $ 2,900. Parent Pledge return card 5 x 7 110# index full color 2.Underage Drinking Report 11x17 2 sided, fold Full Color w/ bleeds 70# offset 10K x .09 per copy $ 5K x .26 per copy $ 1,300. Underage drinking card 5 x7 110# index full color Bleeds both sides 2K x .12 per copy $ 900. 240. Item(s) 3.Community Report Card printing 11 x 17 half-fold 70# offset Full Color 4.Pharmaceutical tool kit POS patient handouts --how to Secure, Monitor, Disposal of Rx --signs/symptoms of abuse --resource info ½ page cut 70# Color/Black / White Front /back 5. Projector 6. Laptop computer 7. Presenter Tool Kit Supplies Rate Cost 500 x 1.13 per copy $ 10K x. .12 per copy $ 1,200. $ 500. $ 495 Medicine lock box 10x $20. Flash drive 10 x $20. Drug test kit 10 x $10 Alcohol test 10 x $2.00 TOTAL $ $ 500. 495. $ 520. 565. $ 8,620. JUSTIFICATION: Describe the need and include an adequate justification of how each cost was estimated. 1. Parent Pledge materials used in heightening awareness and education of parents and community in reference to Social Hosting and Rx/OTC abuse, legal, health and safety consequences, concrete tips for parents. Parents pledge to host alcohol and drug free parties and actively chaperone events at their home. They return the Pledge card and are placed in a county-wide data base where other parents can check on registered homes. Campaign materials distributed around seasonal milestones ie., prom, graduation, and back to school. Parent mailings in area high schools, events and presentations. Cost estimates from County print/copy services. 2. Placer County Underage Drinking report is a companion collateral piece to the Parent Pledge. Topics include: drinking is not a rite of passage, information on adolescent brain construction and how drugs and alcohol affect the brain development, concrete tips for parents and how they can get involved. Cost estimates from County print/copy services. 3. The Community Report Card is printed annually to highlight CPY activities accomplished over the past year, goals for the upcoming year. Distributed to Advisory committee, media, community at large, meetings, COE, City Council, BOS, etc. CPY also uses this report card for member recruitment. Cost estimates from County print/copy services. 4. Pharmaceutical tool kit : Rx/OTC tool-kit campaign information to be handed out at POS and in doctor offices to increase responsible securing, monitoring and disposal of Rx medications as well as signs and symptoms of abuse. Cost estimates from County print/copy services. 5. The laptop computer is needed for both project work and presentations. 6. The projector is needed for presentations and outreach workshops. 7. Presenter tool kit supplies – Presenters need a tool kit to use as examples during their community presentations. Tool kit items include flash drive to be able to store power point and other materials for presenters, medicine lock boxes, drug test kits and alcohol test strips (purchased from the Sheriff’s office at cost), to be shown to audience as examples to purchase and how they work. All costs were based on retail values at the time the application was written NON-FEDERAL MATCH Item(s) 1.General office supplies 2.Postage 3.Color Brochures - recruitment 4.Posters for patient wait rooms, pharmacies 12 x 18 Gloss - color 5..General Printing – 6.Development of Placer County Underage Drinking Report Rate $50/mo. x 12 mo. Cost $ 600. $40/mo. X 12 mo $ 480. 200 double sided x .89 copy $ 178. 100 x 4.00 per copy $ 400. 3000 x .08 16 hrs x 34.88. 7 hrs x 45. $ 240. $ 873. TOTAL $ 2,771. JUSTIFICATION: Describe need and include explanation of how costs were estimated. 1 & 2. general office supplies and postage needed for general correspondence, operation, and implementation of program. Costs based on average costs of prior activities. 3. Brochures for ongoing recruitment of general coalition members as well as specific task force members – key to sustainability. Costs based on inner-office color copier. 4. Rx/OTC campaign posters. To be used as part of the pharmacist tool-kit. Color, gloss posters for medical community and pharmacists to be placed in patient rooms and waiting areas to heighten awareness to secure, monitor, dispose of Rx. Cost estimate from local Kinko’s Fed Ex facility. 5. General Printing – in-house copier for agendas, flyers, announcements, some color, some in black and white. Cost estimates based on inner-office copier costs. 6. California Prevention Initiative development of the Placer County Underage Drinking Report in both English and Spanish as well as a postcard. Report used as companion piece to Parent Pledge. Cost estimate provided by Center for Applied Research Solutions for the Community Prevention Initiative Project. FEDERAL REQUEST – (enter in Section B column 1 line 6e of form SF424A) $ 8,620. NON-FEDERAL MATCH - (enter in Section B column 2 line 6e of form SF24A) $ 2,771. F. Contract: A contractual arrangement to carry out a portion of the programmatic effort or for the acquisition of routine goods or services under the grant. Such arrangements may be in the form of consortium agreements or contracts. A consultant is an individual retained to provide professional advice or services for a fee. The applicant/grantee must establish written procurement policies and procedures that are consistently applied. All procurement transactions shall be conducted in a manner to provide to the maximum extent practical, open and free competition. FEDERAL REQUEST Name 1.ProProse Social Marketing Solutuions 2.Avid Writers 3.Latino Leadership Council Service Rate A. Social Marketing Coordination B, Local media buy - advertising w/ bonus media Other Cost A.$17,000. Costs attached B $15,628. Evaluation Costs attached $ 13,313. Latino leadership campaign Costs attached $ 18,600. Name 5.PCOE 6.exit 74 designs Service Youth Commission operational costs Technical design support Rate Other Cost Costs attached $10,000. Cost estimate $ 1,500. TOTAL $76,041. JUSTIFICATION: Explain the need for each contractual agreement and how they relate to the overall project. 1. A. Costs attached. The ProProse marketing plan for the Coalition is based on anticipated marketing and outreach needs, which will include goals and objectives as well as recommended strategies. The recommended budget for services to implement the marketing plan is based on best estimate of what will likely be needed : media planning advertising and collateral materials creation, media relations support, including writing press releases and pitching to media, management of website design, CMS and hosting services. 1. B. Costs attached for media buy. CPY is moving the local media buy plan under the ProProse contract umbrella to: A. ensure media buys are purchased with better leverage for negotiation B. to streamline for efficiency of the payment process - payment can go directly from the marketing contract vendor (ProProse) to the media vendors. ProProse will then bill CPY for media buys. C. Contractor has to gain approval from CPY steering committee for all media purchase they make. Targeted media plan uses local media sources to increase message distribution, for both social hosting, and OTC/Rx campaigns as well as messaging to raise awareness of Coalition existence in the community and promotion of social norm and behavior change. 2. Costs attached. Local evaluators, Avid writers, are responsible for both outcomes and process evaluation. They assist staff in formulating the program evaluation, selecting measurement tools, data collection methods, data storage, and integrating evaluation methods into every day program activities. Evaluator prepares the annual Community Report Card as well as the bi-monthly newsletter. Evaluator has included travel fees to CADCA Washington DC conference in their costs – could be applied to other workshops or conferences if DC conference not called. Evaluator donates all mileage for meetings, trainings. 3. Costs attached. The Latino Leadership Council (LLC) is a crucial collaborative component enabling the CPY to outreach to the Latino community using culturally competent methods. The LLC manages the overall Latino campaign, including managing and meeting with forum coordinator, follow-up with group facilitators and youth social norms marketing team advisors. In addition, the coordinator will coordinate input and direction for the Latino campaign, coordinate materials and approvals through CPY. The LLC will work w/ 3 local Latino communities to educate Latino parents and community around American culture in re to the consequences of underage drinking. The Latino youth group will work with evaluator to create survey instruments, and then collect data from the community, research substance abuse prevention messages, and identify what strategies to work on. 4. Costs attached. PCOE (Placer County Office of Education) advises the Youth Commission. The Youth Commission works with and advises CPY on youth trends, youth culture, teen issues and challenges and gives valuable input on strategies. Their Substance Abuse Prevention Committee focuses on and works toward change on specific youth alcohol and drug abuse ie., research on Social Host Ordinance or retail selling to minors. 5. Costs attached. Exit 74 designs. Web design is an ongoing need. Coalition members can make minor updates to the website but a professional web service is needed for technical expertise and support to add dynamic and complex pages not in the expertise of coalition members. NON-FEDERAL MATCH (Consultant) Name 1.ProProse Service Social Marketing Coordination Rate Costs Attached Other Cost $ 9,850. 100 hrs/qtr x 4 qtr. x $27.68 10 mbrs x46 hrs/yr x 20.25/hr 10 mbrs x 140 miles x .50 /mi, 2.Kerri Fulton Advisor to Youth Commission $27.68/ hr 3.Coalition Members Outreach, CPY meetings, website input $20.25/hr 4. Coalition members Mileage expense .50/mil 5. Kathie Sinor Curriculum development, teacher in-service $50./hr 112 hrs x $50/ hr $ 5,600. 6. Straight Talk for Teens Weekly teen column $35/hr 144 hrs x $35. $ 5,040. 7. Joanna Jullien Examiner.com Sacramento & Banana Moments $85. /hr 45 hrs x 85. hr $ 3,825. 8.Toastmaster members Parent/comm. presentations $20.25/hr 11 mbrs x $ 20.25 x 4.5 hrs $ 1,002. $ 11,072. $ 9,315. $ 700. Name Service Rate 9. Youth Commissioners Outreach, Yth Comm,/CPY mtgs. $20.25/hr 10. Youth commissioners Mileage expense .50/mi 11. City of Roseville Environmental Utilities Administration Analyst 12. LE agencies Sheriff Auburn Lincoln Roseville Rocklin 13. Sacramento State University Intern Other 5 mbrs x $21.25/hr x40 hrs yr 5 membrs x 148 mi x .50 Cost $ 4,250. $ 370. $ 3,476. $ 2,500. . City of Roseville, Rx Regional workgroup, Rx Take Back paid media contribution Rx Take Back organization Assistance with Coalition administrative responsibilities $69.52 hr. Flat rate paid media contriburtion for Rx events $1250. $78./hr $69.52/hr x 50 hours/yr $1,250 x 2 events $78. hr x 35 hrs x 2 per $ 5,460 year $20.25/hr $20.25 hr x 10 hrs wk x 9.95 weeks $ 2,015. (one quarter) TOTAL $ 64,475. JUSTIFICATION: Explain the need for each agreement and how they relate to the overall project. 1. Costs attached. ProProse is vested and committed to improve the health, safety environment and quality of life of the citizens in the local and regional communities. The firm marshals all of the strategic marketing and communication tools used by for-profit marketing campaigns to help stage agencies, local governments, and cause-related organizations achieve their goals and change behavior in positive ways. They have committed to fully match contractual dollars received. 2. Kerri Fulton, PCOE (Placer County Office of Education), is the advisor for the Youth Commission. She works to build youth/community capacity, assist youth to assess and plan in reference to youth AOD issues, ensure youth commission integration and communication with CPY. 3. Coalition members volunteer their time to facilitate the prevention and outreach sessions outlined in the strategic plan as well as conduct research on needs, collect data, facilitate groups, offer community presentations and work to make the coalition a success. Hourly rate is based on national volunteer rate released in April 2009. 4. Coalition member mileage is based on distance between volunteer’s location and the meeting sites. Mileage rate is based on Federal POV reimbursement rate. 5. Kathie Sinor, Health and Safety teacher for local high school (and Rx committee chair) is active in ongoing curriculum development and teaching unit for both Rx and underage alcohol for HS students. She works with other health and safety teachers to integrate the curriculum she has developed. She will be instrumental in developing and in-service for teachers at other districts to better identify signs and symptoms of Rx abuse on campus, has committed to coordinate 2 drug forums per year and ensures attendance at district safety meetings where drug and take back information is discussed. 6. Straight Talk for Teens (Lauren Forcella) is a weekly column circulated in all local Placer County papers. It is a column for teens by teens with facilitation by Lauren Forcella. MOU agreement based on columns dedicated to heightening awareness of AOD use and abuse. (Average number of AOD columns per month = 2). 7. Joanna Jullien, founder of Banana Moments, a newsletter to help parents rise above the noise of the ongoing press of information and life’s stresses of family life. Banana Moments has partnered with CPY and offers insights and inspiration to reinforce family values and help lead children in this network culture that pressures all of us. Joanna is also the author of Examiner.com Sacramento – based on articles about cyber safety. It is a local internet source for parents wanting to understand teen culture today and how it impacts their (family) life. CPY works with her on articles specifically relating to AOD use/abuse. 8. Toastmaster members volunteer to assist CPY in giving parent, community and civic presentations in reference to underage drinking and prescription drug abuse. 9. Youth Commissioners volunteer their time to facilitate prevention and out reach outlined in the plan, conduct research, gather data, develop strategies and activities that align the with the coalition strategies, advise and report out to CPY on their progress. Hourly rate is based on national volunteer rate released in April 2009. 10. Youth Commissioner mileage is based on distance between volunteer’s location and the meeting sites. Mileage rate is based on Federal POV reimbursement rate. 11. The City of Roseville, Environmental Utilities, is dedicated to provide an environmentally safe alternative to dispose of medications in landfills and sewer systems which may negatively affect the environment. They are an active partner with CPY in a Regional Work Group that works to encourage citizens to remove unneeded medications from their homes. Their time will be dedicated to actively coordinate a regional workgroup for pharmaceutical and sharps (takeback events, permanent disposal, product stewardship). 12. Five law enforcement agencies (12 different Rx collection sites) are involved in the Rx Take Back events. Costs include meeting time, coordination of officers and volunteers for events, supplies, officer’s time on day of event, delivery and transportation to DEA for incineration. 13. Sacramento State University Intern – Job duties include attending meetings, taking notes, disseminating meeting minutes, development of event fliers, research for activities. NON-FEDERAL MATCH (Contract) Entity Product/Service Cost TOTAL JUSTIFICATION: Explain the need for each agreement and how they relate to the overall project. FEDERAL REQUEST – (enter in Section B column 1 line 6f of form SF424A) $ 76,041. NON-FEDERAL MATCH -(enter in Section B column 2 line 6f of form SF424A) $ 64,475. G. Construction: NOT ALLOWED – Leave Section B columns 1&2 line 6g on SF424A blank. H. Other: expenses not covered in any of the previous budget categories FEDERAL REQUEST Item Rate Cost JUSTIFICATION: Break down costs into cost/unit (e.g. cost/square foot, etc.). Explain the use of each item requested. NON-FEDERAL MATCH Item 2. Rocklin PD website hosting 3. Rocklin PD maintenance of Parent Pledge data base Rate Cost $137. costs attached from 2010-11 $ 1 person x $21.25/hr x 4 hrs/mo x12mo $ 1,020. TOTAL $ 1,157. 137. JUSTIFICATION: Breakdown costs into cost/unit: i.e. cost/square foot. Explain the use of each item requested. 1. Rocklin PD contributes to the payment for website hosting services for The Coalition for Placer Youth. 3. Rocklin PD hosts the maintenance of the Parent Pledge data base. Police Department volunteers do the data input. All costs are the value placed on the service at the time of this grant application. FEDERAL REQUEST – (enter in Section B column 1 line 6h of form SF424A) $ NON-FEDERAL MATCH - (enter in Section B column 2 line 6h of form SF424A) $ 1,157. Indirect cost rate: Indirect costs can only be claimed if your organization has a negotiated indirect cost rate agreement. It is applied only to direct costs to the agency as allowed in the agreement. For information on applying for the indirect rate go to: http://www.samhsa.gov then click on grants – Grants Management – Contact Information – Important Offices at SAMHSA and DHHS - HHS Division of Cost Allocation – Regional Offices. FEDERAL REQUEST (enter in Section B column 1 line 6j of form SF424A) personnel and fringe $0 NON-FEDERAL MATCH (enter in Section B column 2 line 6j of form SF424A) personnel and fringe $0 ================================================================== TOTAL DIRECT CHARGES: FEDERAL REQUEST – (enter in Section B column 1 line 6i of form SF424A) $137,500. NON-FEDERAL MATCH -(enter in Section B column 2 line 6i of form SF424A) $137,500. INDIRECT CHARGES: FEDERAL REQUEST – (enter in Section B column 1 line 6j of form SF424A) $0 NON-FEDERAL MATCH –(enter in Section B column 2 line 6j* of form SF424A) $0 TOTALS: (sum of 6i and 6j) FEDERAL REQUEST – (enter in Section B column 1 line 6k of form SF424A) $137,500 NON-FEDERAL MATCH- (enter in Section B column 2 line 6k of form SF424A) $137,500 ================================================================== UNDER THIS SECTION REFLECT OTHER NON-FEDERAL SOURCES OF FUNDING BY DOLLAR AMOUNT AND NAME OF FUNDER e.g., Applicant, State, Local, Other, Program Income, etc. Provide the total proposed Project Period Federal & Non-Federal funding as follows: Proposed Project Period a. Start Date: 09/30/2009 b. End Date: 09/29/2014 BUDGET SUMMARY (should include future years and projected total) Category Federal Request For Year 1 Non-Federal Match for Year 1 Year 2 Federal Request * Year 2 NonFederal Match * Year 3 Federal Request * Year 3 NonFederal Match * Year 4 Federal Request * Year 4 NonFederal Match * Year 5 Federal Request * Year 5 NonFederal Match * Personnel $38,750 $45,109 $ 33,474 $ 43,432 $ 33,474 $43,432 $33,474 $43,432 $33.474 $43,000 Fringe $20,925 $25,260 $ 18.077 $ 24,322 $18,077 $24,322 $18.077 $24,322 $18.077 $24,322 Travel $10,779 $2,750 $ 1,288 $ 1,343 $ 1,288 $ 1,343 $1,288 $ 1,343 $1,288 $ 1,343 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Supplies $4,000 $2,528 $ 8,620 $ 2,771 $ 8,620 $2771 $ 8,620 $2771 $ 8,620 $2771 Contractual $49,346 $39,900 $ 75,441 $ 64,475 $ 76,041 $ 64,475 $ 63,541 $ 51,975 $ 63,541 $ 51,975 Other $1,200 $9,453 $ $ 1,157 0 $1,157 0 0 0 0 $125,000 $125,000 $137,500 $137,500 $137,500 $172,241 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $0 $0 $ 0 0 0 $ 1,157 0 $ 1,157 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $137,500 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 Equipment Total Direct Charges Indirect Charges Total Project Costs 6 00 $137,500 $ 0 125,000 $137,500 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS: Sum of Total Direct Costs and Indirect Costs FEDERAL REQUEST (enter in Section B column 1 line 6k of form SF424A) $137,500 NON-FEDERAL MATCH(enter in Section B column 2 line 6k of form SF424A) $137,500 * FOR REQUESTED FUTURE YEARS: . Changes to year 3 budget: The Coalition would like to use $12,500 UOB funds --addition of $7,000 to ProProse Social Marketing Contractor. We have found that our marketing exceeds what we had initially planned for. Key to the work plan is the marketing and outreach plan. --addition of $3,121 to the media plan – local media and moving local media under the umbrella of ProProse the social marketing contractor. --addition of $2,379 to Avid Writers Evaluation –schools are no longer doing the state survey. As a result the CPY evaluation team must work with schools to create a school student survey, collect the data and analyze results of partner schools that agree to administer the CPY student survey.