CHM 653 FINAL EXAM 2008 QUESTION #1 A specialty Chemical Company located in Toronto has hired your environmental consulting company to do some wastewater sampling at their production facility and test the samples for levels of zinc, phenolics (not 4AAP method) and ATG 17 (no residual chlorine present). The company wants to determine if they are compliant with the Sewer –use Bylaw. The production is set up with one batch reactor and one continuous production process. The wastewaters from both processes are combined prior to discharge into a large lagoon prior. The wastewater is then discharged to the sewer. The company wants assurance that proper sampling protocols are followed and that no degradation of the sample parameters has occurred during the transport of the samples from the site to the lab. The company also wants to determine if concentrations of ATG 17 are lower after the holding time in the lagoon because of their volatility hence causing an air pollution problem. They also require that your lab assures them that no extraneous contamination from the laboratory has occurred during analysis. Analytical results that the company has received in the past indicate that the zinc levels in the batch process are elevated but the company questions the reliability of the analyst at that lab. They want assurance that your analytical data for all parameters is reliable. There is concern that sample matrix might interfere with all analysis and you are required to check this potential problem. You decide to run a control that will indicate the percent recovery for ATG 17 only. Your lab has limited information concerning percent recovery using the special system for ATG 17 because it is a relatively new piece of equipment in your lab. A) Write a complete sampling schedule. For marking purposes explain why samples are combined, kept separate etc. Present the data in a NEATLY PREPARED TABLE OR CHART as we have done in the class. Include in your answer all the information required in a sampling protocol. (15) 1 QUESTION #2 (5 marks) A) Interpret the following set of controls. Zinc Analysis (ppm) MDL= 0.1 ppm CONTROL SET#1 SET #2 Traveling blank Traveling Spike (10 ppm) <0.1 4.8 2.1 6.8 Method Blank <0.1 0.1 Duplicate Bottle a Bottle b 23.9 24.1 32.8 23.7 Replicate (bottle a) 23.6 21.1 Sample Spike (10 ppm) Bottle a 33.7 27.2 Blank Spike (10 ppm) 5.0 14.1 QUESTION #3 (6 marks) SHOW ALL YOUR CALCULATIONS Given the following data calculate the concentration of anthracene (R.T.= 7.10). Anthracene standard concentration = 1000ug/ml Type of sample: soil wet weight = 1.236 g, dry weight = 0.9886 g 578.8 g of soil extracted, final volume of extract after sample prep steps = 2 ml 20 ul standard injected and 10 ul of sample injected 2 Integrated data of STANDARD Peak # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Retention Time 1.90 2.40 4.88 5.66 6.21 7.10 9.08 11.30 15.34 17.30 21.90 23.00 26.56 27.56 32.89 Area 921 210 100 100320 213992 312098 510654 210987 390765 421368 89706 76098 125436 319853 21009 Integration data for SAMPLE Peak # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Retention Time 2.39 5.69 5.99 6.21 6.89 7.15 9.11 11.35 13.88 15.39 17.35 18.56 21.85 22.95 26.53 27.49 30.78 33.00 33.99 41.00 Area 289 10320 23009 213476 12543 32678 5135 67521 1265 976543 21456 9876 8976 7865 1098 19345 324543 87654 9807 8767 3 QUESTION #4 For each of the following situations: i) briefly explain how you would take the sample ii) what type of sample and sampling equipment used iii)and briefly explain how the sampling equipment works. (3 marks each) a) b) c) d) e) f) g) soil samples to determine the depth of migration high volume air particulate sample air sample with water soluble noxious gases air sample with extremely high conc of organic vapors lake sediment samples ATG 16 for continuous process wastewater sample stratified liquid sample from a 45 gallon drum QUESTION #5 (2 marks each) BREIFLY EXPLAIN: A) why you would use stratified vs. non stratified sampling protocols B) why you would use high volume vs. low volume air sampling protocols C) why you would use plain filter paper vs. sorbent filter paper for air sampling D) why you add preservatives to the sample E) why you would implement a blind sample in the analytical run F) what a background sample is and what is it used for. QUESTION #6 Name and describe the principle/operation for 2 methods used to concentrate VOCs in aqueous samples. (6) QUESTION #7 List the 3 most common column clean-up principles and explain the theory for each. (9) 4 QUESTION # 8 Analysis of Whale Blubber for Environmental Contaminants (20 marks) 1) A weighed blubber sample (10.2372g) is cut into small pieces and placed in a mortar and pestle along with sodium sulfate for the first step in processing. 2) The sample was transferred to the thimble in the Soxhlet apparatus and refluxed with hexane for 4 hours. 3) Nitrogen was bubbled through the sample to a volume of 1 mL. 4) The sample was then applied to a gel permeation column and eluted with hexane. 5) The first fraction was evaporated to dryness. The residue was weighed and then this part of the sample was discarded and the second fraction was placed in a container and nitrogen was bubbled through the sample to a volume of 1 mL. 6) The sample was applied to a silica gel containing a top layer of sodium sulfate. 7) The column was eluted with 30 mL of hexane and the fraction was collected. This fractioned contained the PCBs. 8) The column was then eluted with a 30 mL of a 1:1 mixture of pentane and dichloromethane. This fraction was collected and contains the DDT and other organochlorinated pesticides. 9) Both fractions were reduced in volume to 1 mL and analyzed by GC. 10) The results from the chromatogram indicate sample concentrations of PCBs at 22.3 ppb and the sample concentration of DDT at 12.9 ppb. What are the concentrations of PCB and DDT in the bubbler (ug/g) Show all your calculations. (6) For each of the numbered steps above explain the theory that applies and which 1 of the 3 sample preparation steps is involved (if applicable) (20) QUESTION #9 Explain the operation of the Soxhlet apparatus, its’ purpose and the advantages of this method versus tradition methods. (4) 5 QUESTION #10 BRIEFLY explain each of the following a) solid phase extraction (2) b) isolating metals from sample using a chelating agent (3) c) purpose of each step involved in sample preparation (3) 6