CURRICULUM VITAE and LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (March 2003) Tchernov D. Environmental Biophysics and Molecular Ecology Program Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 71 Dudley Road New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA Phone (office): (732) 932-3497 Fax: (732) 932-4083 E-mail: Date and Place of Birth: September 22, 1967; Israel Citizenship / Residency: Israeli (Permanent Resident) Military Service Marital Status: 1985-1990 Married, 2 children (born 1996 and 2000). EDUCATION 1981 - 1985 High School, Israel 1991 - 1995 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Biology 1997- 2002 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Oceanography 1998-2002 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2002-2003 IMCS, Rutgers University Languages (spoken, read and written): Hebrew, English, and Arabic. Diploma 1985 B.A. 1995 M.Sc. 1998 Ph.D. 2002 Postdoctoral Associate Title of Doctoral Dissertation: Response of photosynthetic marine organisms to changing ambient CO2 concentration. PROFESSIONAL ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE 1995 - 2002 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Graduate Research Assistant. 1997 – 2000 International Marine Microbiology Course; IUI, Eilat, Israel. Instructor 2000 - 2002 Head of Offek Educational Project (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Philip Leon community center). GRANTS AND AWARDS 1997 1997 1998 2003 The Avner Ezion award (in Oceanography).. The Polack award (The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences). The Israeli Ecological Fund. IMCS, Rutgers Fellowship INVITED LECTURES 2000 Gordon Research Conference, One-Carbon Metabolism. New London, CT, USA. 2000 Rutgers University Marine and Coastal Sciences, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. 2000 Washington University Department of Biology, St Louis, MO, USA. ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS 1997 The 3 Int. Symp. on Inorganic Carbon., UBC, Vancouver, Canada. 1999 The 3rd Int. Conf. of the ISEEQS on Environmental Challenges., Jerusalem, Israel. 1999 EURESCO on the Mol. Bioenergetics of Cyanobacteria , Gmunden, Austria . 2000 Gordon Research Conf. on the Microbial One-Carbon Metabolism New London, CT,USA. rd PUBLICATIONS A. ARTICLES (peer reviewed) 1. Sukenik, A., Tchernov, D., Huerta, E., Lubian, L.M. Kaplan, A., Livne, A. (1997) Uptake, efflux and photosynthetic utilization of inorganic carbon by the marine eustigmatophyte Nannochloropsis sp. J. Phycol. 33: 969-974. 2. Tchernov, D., Hassidim, M., Luz, B., Sukenik, A., Reinhold, L., Kaplan, A. (1997) Sustained net CO2 evolution during photosynthesis by marine microorganisms. Current Biology 7: 723-728. 3. Kaplan, A., Ronen-Tarazi, M., Zer, H., Schwarz, R., Tchernov, D., Bonfil, D.J., Schatz, D., Vardi, A., Hassidim, M., Reinhold, L. (1998) The inorganic carbon-concentrating mechanism in cyanobacteria: induction and ecological significance. Can. J. Bot. 76: 917-924. 4. Tchernov, D., Hassidim, M., A. Vardi., Luz, B., Sukenik, A., Reinhold, L., Kaplan, A. (1998) Photosynthesizing marine microorganisms can constitute a source of CO2 rather than a sink. Can. J. Bot.76: 949-953. 5. Kaplan, A., Ronen-Tarazi, M., Tchernov, D., Bonfil, D.J., Zer, H., Schatz, D., Vardi, A., Hassidim, M., Reinhold, L. (1998) The inorganic carbonconcentrating mechanism of cyanobacteria: Genes and ecological significance. In Peschek, G. A., Loeffelhardt, W. Schmetterer G. eds. The phototrophic prokaryotes. Kluwer Academic New York pp 561-571. 6. Kaplan, A.,. Helman, Y., Tchernov, D. and Reinhold, L. (2001) Acclimation of photosynthetic microorganisms to changing ambient CO2 concentration. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98: 4817-4818. 7. Tchernov, D., Helman, Y., Keren, N., Luz, B., Ohad, I., Reinhold, L., Ogawa, T. and Kaplan, A. (2001) Passive entry of CO2 and its energydependent intracellular conversion to HCO3- in cyanobacteria are driven by a photosystem I- generated ∆µH+. J. Biol. Chem. 276: 23450-23455. 8. Helman Y, Tchernov D, Reinhold L, Shibata M, Ogawa T, Schwarz R, Ohad I, Kaplan A. (2003) Genes encoding a-type flavoproteins are essential for photoreduction of O-2 in cyanobacteria Current Biology 13 (3): 230-235 . 9. Sukenik A, Eshkol R, Livne A, Hadas O, Rom M, Tchernov D, Vardi A, Kaplan A: Inhibition of growth and photosynthesis of the dinoflagellate Peridinium gatunense by Microcystis sp. cyanobacteria): A novel allelopathic mechanism. Limnology and Oceanography 2002; 47: 1656-1663. 10. Shaked Y, Lazar B, Marco S, Stein M, Tchernov D, Agnon A: Evolution of fringing reefs illuminated by subsidence at the NW Gulf of Aqaba. Coral Reefs 2003; in review 11. Tchernov D, Silverman J, Luz B, Reinhold L, Kaplan A: Massive lightdependent cycling of inorganic carbon between photosynthetic microorganisms and their surroundings Photosynthesis Research 2003; in press. 12. Tchernov D, Livne A, Luz B, Kaplan A, Sukenik A: A novel approach towards the kinetic study of rebulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase , using membrane inlet mass spectrometry. Plant physiology 2003; submitted. B. PAPERS IN PREPARATION 1. Lipschultz F. and Tchernov D: Carbon isotopic composition of Trichodesmium spp. colonies off Bermuda: Effects of colony mass and season 2003; in prep. 2. Tchernov D, Gorbunov M, Haggblom M and Falkowski P.G: Photosynthesis, membranes and coral bleaching. 2003; in prep. 3. Tchernov D, Falkowski P.G and Rosenthal Y, Effects of physical conditions during growth, on the isotopic composition of Emiliania huxley. 2003 in prep. 4. Von de Schootbrugge B, Tchernov D and Falkowski P.G: The evolutionary patterns that define symbiotic dinoflagellates and stony corals species distribution over time. 2003; in prep. C. PAPERS AND ABSTRACTS PRESENTED AT SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS presenter (for lectures / oral presentations) underlined 1. Tchernov D, Hassidim M, Luz B, et al. Strategies for dissipation of excess light energy in a marine Cyanobacterium. Plant Physiology 114 (3): 421-421 Suppl. S JUL 1997.