CO-OP/INTERN EMPLOYMENT PACKET FALL 2007 CONGRATULATIONS on securing your first co-op/intern assignment or continuing on to a current assignment. The attached packet will accompany you to your work assignment and will help determine your final grade. NOTE: Please mail your final report and evaluation to the designated person listed below in your college: Julie Wessinger Office of Career Services Clark Annex, 2nd Floor, Netterville Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70813 Math Chairperson T.T. Allain, 3rd Fl. Baton Rouge, LA 70813 Civil Engineering Dr. Patrick Carrriere Electrical Engineering Dr. P. Bhattacharya Mechanical Engineering Dr. S. Ibekwe P.O. Box 9969 Baton Rouge, LA P.O. Box 9969 Baton Rouge, LA 70813 P.O. Box 9969 Baton Rouge, LA Elec. Engr. Tech. M. Randhawa P.O. Box 9969 Baton Rouge, LA 70813 FEES: Please mail a money order, made out to Southern University (please include your name and student ID#) to the Office of Career Services in the amount of $ 855.00 by August 10, 2007. Fees paid after August 13, 2007, will be assessed a $50.00 late fee. If you did not pre-register, a $30.00 late fee will be assessed. WORK ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS FALL 2007 1. HOUSING REPORT, due one week after securing housing. 2. JOB DESCRIPTION, due one week after you report to your assignment. 3. EMPLOYMENT SURVEY, due after receipt of your first pay check. 4. MID-TERM REPORT, MID-SEMESTER APPRAISAL should be received by October 5, 2007. 5. MONTHLY REPORTS due at the end of each month during your work tour. It is a good idea to maintain a planner. Utilize the information to complete monthly and final reports. 6. FINAL REPORTS and EVALUATIONS, due by November 14, 2007 (for Graduating Seniors), all others due on November 19, 2007 report is received, you will receive an I grade. 7. Be sure to visit the Career Services Office upon your returning semester. Please contact us if you encounter any difficulties or need additional assistance during your work tour. 8. Students will not be allowed to continue employment if you withdraw from school. Co-op participation is contingent upon being enrolled in a full-time academic program. No student can work more that one (1) semester and a summer before returning to school. REMEMBER, WE’RE HERE TO HELP! CONTACT US AS OFTEN AS NECESSARY 225-771-2200. HOUSING REPORT Name __________________________________ SS# ______________________________ Work Email Address __________________________________________________________ Classification __________________________ Major________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ (Apt. #, City, State, Zip) ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone# (include area code) __________________ (Home/Apt.) _____________________(Work) Employer __________________________________________________________________ Type of Housing: Apartment ______ Dormitory ______ Un/Furnished _______ Rent per Month $ ________ Utilities Included: Yes_____ No _____ Down payment required: ______ Lease required: _____ Roommate: ______ Area of Housing: Downtown _____ Suburbs _____ Close to Work ______ Will you use personal vehicle ______ or Public transportation ________ Carpool _______ Social Activity Available (Theatre, Bowling, etc.) YES ______ NO _______ Did your employer assist with housing? YES ______ NO _______ Would you recommend that other CO-OP/INTERNS live in this area? ___________ If No, Why not ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Is there an alumni chapter in this area? If not, where is the nearest __________________ EMPLOYMENT SURVEY Name ___________________________________________________________________ Employer _________________________________________________________________ Employer Address __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Job Title _________________________ Work Phone/Fax Nos._______________________ SALARY: Weekly ________________ Monthly _________________ Hours worked per week __________ Union Member _______________ Did your employer pay your travel expenses to/from your work assignment? TO – YES ______ NO _______, FROM – YES ______ NO ______ Did you receive hotel or living expenses until you secured housing? _________ What other benefits does your employer offer? (Insurance, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________ This is my 1ST ______, 2ND _______ 3RD ________ work assignment. Are other co-ops employed at your location? ______ Do you have contact with them? ______ Do Alumni work at this location? If so, have you made contact. _______________ JOB DESCRIPTION (Completed by Immediate Supervisor) STUDENT’S NAME ___________________________________________________ EMPLOYER NAME ___________________________________________________ DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ASSIGNED TO __________________________________ SUPERVISOR’S NAME ________________________________________________ Indicate work elements for which the student is responsible. State objectives and projects that the student should complete during his/her work tour. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ Supervisor’s Signature Student’s Signature __________________________________ DATE CO-OP/INTERN MONTHLY REPORT (Completed by Student) NAME _____________________________ SS# __________________________ EMPLOYER _________________________________________________________ WORK PHONE # __________________ REPORTING MONTH: ________________ GOALS/OBJECTIVES _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ACCOMPLISHMENTS/HONORS _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ CONCERNS _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ use an additional sheet of paper if necessary MID-SEMESTER APPRAISAL (Completed by Supervisor) STUDENT NAME ______________________________SS#________________________ MAJOR __________________________ CLASSIFICATION _______________________ EMPLOYER ______________________________SEMESTER ______________________ Indicate the student’s progress by stating the areas in which improvement may be needed. Evaluate the student’s performance regarding objectives and work assignments. Rate each element as excellent, very good, adequate or poor. OBJECTIVES ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ RATING _________________________ WORK ASSIGNMENTS _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ RATING _________________________ OTHER CONCERNS_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Supervisor’s Signature/Title Date _______________________________________________________________________ Student’s Signature Date MID-TERM REPORT (Completed by Student) NAME ________________________________ STUDENT ID# _____________________ MAJOR __________________________ CLASSIFICATION _______________________ EMPLOYER ______________________________SEMESTER ______________________ Do you feel your assignment has helped you better understand your academic field of study? Yes ______ No ______ Are you having any problems adjusting to the work load? ________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Are you communicating well with your Supervisor and Co-workers? ________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Any additional comments concerning other working conditions, etc. ________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Use an additional sheet of paper if necessary. COOPERATIVE EDUCATION/INTERN AGREEMENT FALL 2007 Name ___________________________________ Soc. Sec. No. __________________________________ School (Current) Address __________________________________________________________________ (P.O. Box, Dorm Name & Room #) Permanent (Parents’s) Address ______________________________________________________________ Telephone ________________________ _________________________ _________________________ (Current) (Cell) (Permanent) Major/Classification ______________________________________________________________________ Email Address ___________________________________________________________________________ I HAVE AGREED TO ENGAGE IN A CO-OP/INTERN WITH: Employer _______________________________________________________________________________ Employer’s Address _______________________________________________________________________ Contact Person/Supervisor __________________________________________________________________ Contact Email Address _____________________________________________________________________ Report to Work Date __________________________________ End Date ___________________________ CO-OP/INTERN – WORK/SCHOOL PLAN WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: SEMESTER/YEAR CO-OP/INTERN STATUS Spring 2008 Work_____ School_____ Summer 2008 Work_____ School_____ Fall 2007 Work_____ School_____ Expected date of Graduation_________________ I agree to abide by the above schedule and it is understood that when I am not employed, I will return to school. I understand that any changes in my work/school rotation schedule must receive prior approval from the Career Services Office. I will not terminate nor arrange with my employer to be relieved of this assignment without prior consultation with the Career Services Office. I will conduct my personal and on the job affairs in a professional manner and will not in any way denigrate the school or participating employer. If this situation presents itself, I understand that I will no longer be able to participate in the Career Services program. I agree to promptly notify the Career Services Office of any difficulties (personal, financial, or academic related.) I fully understand and agree to register and pay fees for the appropriate Co-op course during the first and second semester in which I am employed. I give permission to the Career Service Office to make any adjustments as necessary so that I am properly registered. Employment packet issued __________YES __________NO ____________________________________ Student Signature ____________________________________ Career Services Staff _________________________________ Course to be Enrolled In _________________________________ Date I have already registered and paid for two semester of Cooperative Education ____________ student initials