Noun Menu Name: ____________________________________________Period____________ My Pretest Score: ________/50 _________% Total Menu Score: _________/40 My Area(s) of Weakness: _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Menu Due Date _______________ Test Date_________________ Directions: o ALL students MUST complete the Learn section. o Students who scored a 95% or better on the pretest MUST complete three (3) activities from the Apply section. o Students who scored an 85% or better on the pretest MUST complete two (2) exercises from the Practice section and three (3) activities from the Apply section. Upon completion, get teacher initials. o Students who scored an 84% or less on the pretest MUST complete five (5) exercises from the Practice section and three (3) activities from the Apply section. Upon completion, get teacher initials. o When choosing your exercises and activities, please consult your pretest for direction. Choose exercises and activities that will strengthen your “weaker” areas. o After you finish an activity or worksheet, check it using the answer key. Mark and correct those questions that were wrong using a pen. Then see teacher for my initials. You may complete NO MORE than 2 “online” exercises for the apply section! Learn All must complete As we watch the video, complete the corresponding sections of the Learn Handout. When we view the PowerPoint, fill in the blanks on the Learn Handout. Use the completed note sheet to help you study for the test. Attach your completed note sheet to this menu: Teacher Initials: ____ Practice I must complete ____ exercises. All Nouns My pretest score: _____/10 (#s 1-10 on pretest) Complete Exercise 1 in Green Holt Text (page 337-338) Teacher Initials:____ Complete Dead Nouns Worksheet (FOLDER 1) Teacher Initials:____ Complete Nouns worksheet (FOLDER 2) Teacher Initials:____ Common and Proper Nouns My pretest score: _____/10 (#s 11-20 on pretest) Complete Exercise 2 in Green Holt Text (page 338-339) Teacher Initials:____ Complete Exercise 3 in Green Holt Text (page 339) Teacher Initials:____ Complete Common & Proper Nouns worksheet (FOLDER 3) Teacher Initials:____ Complete Common & Proper Nouns worksheet (FOLDER 4) Teacher Initials:____ Concrete and Abstract Nouns My pretest score: _____/10 (#s 21-30 on pretest) Complete Exercise 5 in Green Holt Text (page 341) Teacher Initials:____ Complete Identifying Kinds of Nouns Worksheet (FOLDER 5) Teacher Initials:____ Plural Nouns My pretest score: _____/10 (#s 31-40 on pretest) Complete Exercise 7 in Green Holt Text (page 664) Teacher Initials:____ Complete page 150 in Language Handbook Workbook Teacher Initials:____ Complete Singular & Plural Nouns Worksheet (FOLDER 6) Teacher Initials:____ Possessive Nouns My pretest score: _____/10 (#s 41-50 on pretest) Complete Apostrophes Worksheet (FOLDER 7) Teacher Initials:____ Complete Singular Possessive & Plural Possessive worksheet (FOLDER 8) Teacher Initials:____ Complete page 140 in Language Handbook Workbook Teacher Initials:____ Apply I must complete ____ exercises. All Nouns Write a Nature Noun Poem (FOLDER 9) Teacher Initials:____ Complete Leaving Home (FOLDER 10) Teacher Initials:____ Create a 20 question Noun Quiz. Questions should cover all topics; create an answer key. Teacher Initials:____ Create a song about nouns; include definitions, types, and examples. Perform! Teacher Initials:____ Common and Proper Nouns Complete Muckberry Times Worksheet (FOLDER 11) Teacher Initials:____ Find a newspaper article and cut it out. Highlight all nouns; above each noun identify them as common or proper using “C” or “P”. Teacher Initials:____ Go to Take the quiz. Write your answers in your spiral. My score: ________/12 Teacher Initials:____ Make 15 flashcards. On the front side of each card write a common noun, on the back write a corresponding proper noun. (Example: school and Williamsburg Middle School) Teacher Initials:____ Concrete and Abstract Nouns Find a newspaper article and cut it out. Highlight all nouns; above each noun identify them as abstract or concrete using “A” or “C”. Teacher Initials:____ Write a ½ page journal entry about your day at school using at least 10 abstract nouns. Highlight the abstract nouns. Teacher Initials:____ Create a 10 slide power point presentation. Identify 5 concrete and 5 abstract nouns. Use a visual component for each noun. Teacher Initials:____ Go to Take the quiz. Write your answers in your spiral. My score: ________/10 Teacher Initials:____ Plural Nouns Take a paragraph from the book you are currently reading; change each singular noun into a plural noun. Don’t forget to change the verbs so that they agree. Teacher Initials:____ Go to Take the plural nouns quiz. Write your answers in your spiral. My score: ________/8 Teacher Initials:____ Go . Take the quiz. Write your answers in your spiral. My score: ________/12 Teacher Initials:____ Possessive Nouns Create a board game that will challenge your classmate’s knowledge of possessive nouns. Teacher Initials:____ Use a paragraph from your American Studies textbook. Write down all of the nouns (both common and proper). Make each of these nouns possessive. Teacher Initials:____ Go to . Take the quiz. Write your answers in your spiral. My score: ________/12 Teacher Initials:____ Resources in your Green Holt Text Book: All Nouns: page 337 Common and Proper Nouns: page 338 Concrete and Abstract Nouns: pages 340-341 Plural Nouns: pages 663-666 Possessive Nouns: 638-640