3rd Grade Lesson Plans October 22-26 Standards Math: CC3.OA.1: Interpret product of whole numbers, e.g. interpret 5x7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. ( I can multiply whole numbers.) CC.3.NBT22: Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. (I can subtract with regrouping) Reading: CC RL.3.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in text.(I can context clues to find the meaning of an unfamiliar word) SPI 0301.3.1: Identify the purpose for writing (i.e., to entertain, to inform, to respond to a picture, story, or art) ( I can identify the author’s purpose) English: CC L.3.1.a: Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adj., and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences. (I can use plural possessive nouns correctly) CCL.3.2.d: Form and use possessives Science: SPI 0307.1.1: Identify specific parts of a plant and describe their function ( I can identify the parts of a plant) SPI 0307.3.1: Identify the basic needs of plants and animals (I can identify the basic needs of plants and animals) Social Studies: Subject Math 8:00-9:00 Reading whole group 9:00-10:20 Reading small group Monday Review Topic 5 TSW complete constructive responses in Math packet. Review subtraction small group Tuesday Topic 5 Absent TSW design flash cards for 3’s TSW complete Sunshine Math Wednesday Lessons 2&3: Subtraction 2-Digit Numbers p. 86-87 & p. 88-89 Continue Multiplication 3’s Continue Multiplication 3’s Continue Multiplication 3’s Read Story p.260-271 Read p. 268-271 Skill: Repetition and Alliteration W/B #70 Author: A True Story Vocabulary p. 258-259 read and discuss vocabulary words TTW introduce Author’s purpose Teacher- (low) possessive noun sort/Comprehension/Author’s purpose Seatwork- A Map Key, Our Neighbor in Space; Possessive noun review Writing- Choose facts from Skill: Author’s Purpose Frida Absent TSW complet Subtraction w problems Continue Multiplication give 3’s multiplication timed test introduce 4’s Skill: Context Clues W/B 71 Continue Mul Read Story Phonics: Silent consonants W/B p.72 Teacher- (low) possessive noun sort/Comprehension/Author’s purpose Seatwork- A Map Key, Our Neighbor in Space; Possessive noun review Writing- Choose facts from Unit 2 Vocabulary Review W/B #73-74 Teacher- (low) possessive noun sort/Comprehension/ Author’s purpose Seatwork- A Map Key, Our Neighbor in Space; Possessive noun review Story Map W/B p. 68 Teacher- (low) possessive noun sort/Comprehension/Aut hor’s purpose Seatwork- A Map Key, Our Neighbor in Space; Possessive noun review Writing- Choose facts Thursday Subtracting 0’s in the ones place Selection Test Vocabulary TCAP Practic Unit 2: Week story and create fact mobile Computer- Complete AR tests Science-Read passage/Answer comprehension questions/write main idea English/Writing Introduce transition 11:15-11:50 words Identify Expository writing from story and create fact mobile Computer- Complete AR tests Science-Read passage/Answer comprehension questions/write main idea story and create fact mobile Computer- Complete AR tests Science-Read passage/Answer comprehension questions/write main idea Specialty Area 10:25-11:10 Review transition words Complete expository Begin creating expository writing writing Begin editing and revising Writing- Choose facts from story and create fact mobile ComputerComplete AR tests Science-Read passage/Answer comprehension questions/write main idea Complete editing and revising Introduce figurative language begin Begin creating figurative booklet Lunch Science/ Social Studies 12:25-1:00 Content Mastery 1:00-2:00 Social Studies Chapter 4 Test Ch. 4 Study Guide Introduce Map Skills Longitude/Latitude Compare/Contrast Rural and Urban communities Science: Chapter 1: Plants meet Their Needs p. 16-23 Lesson 2: Plant Life Cycles p. 28-31 W/B #6-13 W/B #14-17 Read a story and determine Author’s Purpose Subtracting with regrouping W/S Les Ani Cyc p. 3 W/B Dra Cyc Physical Activity 2:05-2:30 Read Aloud, Agendas, Dismissal 2:40-2:55