1 NCEA LEVEL 2 Year 12 GEOGRAPHY The Ultimate Revision Guide 2012 A workbook containing write-on notes with clear explanations of the Achievement Standards assessed in the NCEA Level 2 Geography External Examination. This workbook uses a metacognitive approach that guides candidates and encourages them to reflect upon what they will write in an essay write before putting pen to paper. Activities that focus candidate topic notes for AS91240 (2.1) Large Natural Environment and AS91242 (2.3) Differences in Development NCEA style practice essays with marking guides detailing NCEA type Grades (Achieve, Merit, Excellence) for externally assessed Achievement Standards 91240 (2.1) Large Natural Environment and 91242 (2.3) Differences in Development Web-link to NCEA past Examinations and Marking Reports Web-link to NCEA 2012 Assessment Specifications Web-link to the 2012 examination timetable Candidates using this revision booklet are strongly advised to ask their teacher about the particular case studies used in their school. Individual schools select their own natural environment and development setting(s) - any provided in this booklet are only examples. Marking rubrics in NCEA follow the principles of solo taxonomy. It would pay to check out this site to see the theory behind how the marking system works. http://www.johnbiggs.com.au/solo_taxonomy.html ©Geostuff Ltd. 2 Contents Introduction NCEA Revision – How to use this workbook Before the exam Writing a solid essay in the exam 3 3 3 Achievement Standard 91240 (2.1) Achievement Criteria Examination Specification and prediction Important terms table Geographic concepts & characteristics diagram Interacting processes Changing natural environment over time Human interaction with the natural environment 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 Essay Practice Large Natural Environment characteristics diagram Interacting processes Changing natural environment over time Changing perceptions over time 14 15 18 21 Achievement Standard 91242 (2.3) Achievement Criteria Examination Specification Characteristics of development table Geographic Concepts Objective indicators summary Problems with using objective indicators 24 25 26 27 27 28 Essay Practice Different measures of development Factors causing differences in development diagram Natural Factors that cause differences in development Cultural Factors that cause differences in development Strategies to reduce differences in development Helpful websites Glossary of Terms 29 32 33 37 40 43 43 ©Geostuff Ltd. 3 NCEA REVISION How do I use this workbook? This workbook should not be seen as the magic solution to get you through the examination at the end of the year; but it’ll definitely help. Use the following steps when writing the essays in this workbook: Step 1 Read the essay question and understand what you have to do before you answering. Highlight the key things the question is asking you to do. Go to the “markers report” that is found at the end of each essay and read what the task requires you to do. Step 2 Focus your study notes – make brief notes that include the important ideas you need to get across in the essay. Bullet point and have a specific diagram you can use in your essay to support your answer (this may be essential to move from Achieved to Merit or Excellence). Step 3 Write the essay – once you clearly understand what you have to do, write the essay. Don’t waffle, be clear and concise, use case study facts throughout your answer and include a diagram. When writing, leave a space between paragraphs because this will make it much easier for the marker. Step 4 Mark your own essay - use the markers report and the judgement matrix to work out what grade your essay would have scored. Do these things before asking your Geography Teacher to read over your essay. Get their professional opinion on the grade you awarded yourself. Careful preparation and learning specific facts from your case studies this year will be essential when it comes to passing. Cramming works for some people, but it is much better if you can become familiar with facts and ideas by learning them off by heart but you need to be able to apply them to the different questions / tasks that pop up in the exam. Before the examination: In the Term 3 holidays, set up a revision timetable that includes revision time slots for all of your subjects, include REST / RECREATION time. You should follow this timetable each day just like you do your normal school timetable. Organise your study notes – throw out the junk and create a small folder (that includes this revision pack) to revise from. Write plenty of practice essays and have them check marked by your teacher, you may like to get an added idea of the type of questions likely to be asked by looking back over old examinations and markers reports you’ll find these at: http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/assessment/search.do?query=Geography&view=exams&level=02 Writing a solid essay in the examination: Read the question – highlight the key points / things the question is asking you to do e.g. ‘Explain variations within a large natural environment’. The key words here are: Explain variations. 1. 2. Writing the essay: Have an introduction that leads directly into your essay e.g. “Variations exist in vegetation, soils and relief features within the Amazon natural environment and these are caused by the operation of natural processes.” Leave a line between paragraphs. ©Geostuff Ltd. 4 3. Use diagrams or maps, even if there is no space provided to draw them, but make sure you refer to them in your paragraphs. You will not go to Merit or Excellence without them. Use lots of specific examples that are relevant THROUGHOUT your answer. These will be things like figures, amounts, speeds, place names or dates. Refer to your case study setting (e.g. Tongariro volcanic environment) and interweave case study material into your answer. Be sure to integrate geographic concepts throughout your answer to show a clear understanding. Make sure you understand the terms in the Glossary at the back of this book. Essay Content: Do not use words like good or bad. Use correct qualifiers, e.g. one negative impact humans have had on biodiversity within the Amazon Environment is…… Use specific locations: Rondonia is located on the western side of the environment to the east of the Andes Mountains and to the north west of Matto Grosso NOT “Rondonia is beside the Mountains”. DO NOT write grand generalisations such as “All of the Amazon environment is covered by rainforest” DO use specifics, “The Amazon Basin has Selva rainforest that is bio-diverse and comprised of stratified vegetation with tall angiosperms being the dominant plant species in the upper canopy”. 4. Essay format (set up): A simple but effective way of planning out an essay is to use the SEED method as a guide. In your essay you may start by making a statement that reflects what is asked in the question and that shows the person who is marking that you are going to focus your answer e.g. S = Statements Different people’s perceptions have influenced and had an impact on the Amazon natural environment. Volcanic and tectonic forces have caused significant changes to the western environment. The Amazon natural environment has evolved through time. There are many differences or variations in the Amazon natural environment. The statement is followed by an explanation e.g. E = Explanations The reasons for the variations in the Amazon natural environment are….. Variations in vegetation exist between the Amazon Basin, Matto Grosso and Andes because…… European settlement in the 20th Century has had the greatest impact on the Amazon natural environment because…… The explanation should include case study specific information or facts e.g. E = Examples These are FACTS you include in your essay: Caatinga forest is found in north east Brazil altitude of 2-500m above sea level where soil temperatures can reach 60 degree Celcius and rainfall is only during a brief rainy season in summer, in contrast alpine vegetation is mainly found… A deep depression that has been filled by alluvial deposits forms the area called the Amazon Basin in the centre of the environment and has influenced the type of vegetation found here… ©Geostuff Ltd. 5 A diagram is required for you to move up grades to Merit and Excellence, usually this requirement will be stated in the question (but not necessarily). Diagrams should always be annotated and include a title and at least 3 of the following: orientation, scale, annotations, and a key. D = Diagrams Matto Grosso Look at the diagram above, state the conventions that are missing: ___________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Marking: You will be marked using the new points system that will be applied something like this: N0 Nothing written on the script N1 Something written but nothing relevant N2 One relevant point A3 Several relevant points that demonstrates very basic understanding A4 Several relevant points that demonstrated understanding M5 Several valid points including specific case study material and possibly diagram M6 Several valid points demonstrating in-depth understanding with examples and diagram E7 Demonstrates comprehensive understanding with specific case study examples and diagram E8 Demonstrates fully comprehensive understanding, is able to discuss with specific case study examples and appropriately placed diagram/illustration – outstanding response Where you see A3 or A4 etc. in the marking guides below, look back to this page and assess your essay against it and judge whether it is a strong or weak A, M or E and what score you would give your work. ©Geostuff Ltd. 6 91240 (version 1) Demonstrate geographic understanding of a large natural environment Externally assessed 4 credits Assessment will involve a selection from: NCEA Achievement Standard 2.1 The characteristics of a large natural environment How elements and processes of the large natural environment interact How a large natural environment is formed and changes over time How people interact with a large natural environment How people’s perceptions of a large natural environment change over time Achievement Criteria: Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence Demonstrate geographic understanding of a large natural environment Demonstrate in-depth geographic understanding of a large natural environment Demonstrate comprehensive geographic understanding of a large natural environment Achievement Standard 2.1 requires candidates be familiar with a case study of a large natural environment, to be able to show a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics including soil, vegetation, relief and climate. Candidates will also have to show an understanding of how different natural processes have worked together (interacted) to create and shaped the natural features found in the natural environment. Candidates must be able to use specific information from a case in their answers. Finally, understanding how people interact with the natural environment and how the perspectives towards the environment have change over time. Before going into the examination, you should be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of: 1. The characteristics of a large environment – This means you need to be able to identify the features that make your case study environment distinct or unique from other types of environment. Your case study environment will have vegetation, soil, climate and relief types that set it apart from locations in the world. The Amazon environment has a diverse range of vegetation from tall Selva vegetation on the Varzea in the central part of environment to shorter Caatinga vegetation in the north east of the landscape, alpine vegetation on the Andes in the west and Llanos vegetation in the south east. The reason for the different vegetation type is linked to soil and climatic differences like orographic, cyclonic and convectional rainfall patterns influencing each location. Likewise soil types around a natural environment and landform types have different characteristics (show variation) because natural processes have created them in those specific locations. You will need to know different soil, vegetation. Climate and relief specifics…..rainfall amounts, soil types, named landforms and named vegetation types to use in diagrams and essays. ©Geostuff Ltd. 7 2. How elements and process interact – This means you need to know how different processes have worked together to create the natural environment and all of the features in it. Features are the important landforms, soils and vegetation types found in your environment. The processes that you could use to show interaction could be TECTONIC, VOLCANIC, SUCCESSION, EROSION, TRANSPORTATION and DEPOSITION. If you are studying a dry or arid environment a process like desertification with a focus on interactions between Aeolian erosion, transportation and deposition might be more relevant. Some processes have worked together to build up the land e.g. volcanic and tectonic processes; other processes have worked to wear down and shape the land e.g. Fluvial erosion, fluvial transportation and fluvial deposition. You need to be able to explain how the processes have worked together to build up and wear down the relief, soil, and vegetation features over time e.g. Tectonic and volcanic processes worked together to initially create the Andes mountains. Through faulting and folding caused by the collision of the South American and Nazca/ Pacific plates the Andes Mountains were upthrust in the West of the environment. Erosion by glacial processes combined with fluvial erosion interacting with fluvial transportation that carries sediments through rivers, have carved out u-shaped and v-shaped valleys in the Andes. The process of deposition interacts with Transportation causing alluvium to be deposited in the Amazon Basin; over time the interaction of these processes gradually built the Varzea floodplain. You would need to be able to go into the specific detail of how the processes work and how they interact or are linked/influence each other. 3. How a large natural environment is formed and changes over time – This means you will need to show an understanding of how different processes have worked to create the natural environment and changed important characteristics of the environment through time. It is the same knowledge as the previous bullet point except you need to be able to apply dates or stages of development in your response. A website like http://www.slideshare.net/nigelcato/amazon-basin-geological-development might help you understand the geological processes and how they have worked to build up the relief in the Amazon over the last 200 million years (you might like to search the internet if you studied a different large natural environment for changes over time); you would also need to discuss changes to vegetation, soil and climate over this time period. 4. How people interact with a large natural environment – This means you will have to know how people use the relief, vegetation, and soils in the environment and how they take advantage of the climatic characteristics in the large environment. People can interact with the environment in positive ways by protecting and enhancing it. An example is the protection of parts of the Amazon http://news.mongabay.com/2006/1204-brazil.html where the PARA region has been designated protected from development. People can interact with the natural environment in negative ways e.g. agro-industrialisation of Matto Grosso by companies like Cargill causes large-scale destruction of rainforest as it is cleared to grow soya bean and raise cattle. You should be able to identify different groups and discuss how they interact with the environment and the reasons for that interaction. 5. How people’s perceptions of a large natural environment change over time – Looking back over time, some people’s attitudes towards the environment have changed whilst others have remained the same. If we look at the Amazon example, Native Amazonian Indians have not changed their views of the rainforest environment over time; Traditional views that the forest is sacred and is to be respected remain strong. European views however have changed significantly since the first Spanish explorer Don Francisco Orellana in 1541 who viewed the forest as a barrier and a potential source of gold and riches. The forest has been variously seen as a barrier to economic progress by farmers, a solution to Brazil’s urban overpopulation in the 1980’s, an economic solution to slow economic growth in the 1990’s, and more recently as a potential source of medicines and as an important factor in global climate change as human population continues to grow and global awareness increases, as science gives us greater understanding of natural process operating at a global level and of sustainability. You will need to be able to explain how people’s perceptions have changed over time and why. ©Geostuff Ltd. 8 LARGE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT (AS91240) SPECIFICATION This is what will be covered in the 2012 examination . You will probably be asked THREE questions and you will have to answer all three. Some questions will require students to complete labelled sketch maps and/or diagrams accompanied by a written explanation. Other questions will require students to complete a longer written response, which may also be supported by sketch maps or diagrams. All questions must be answered using the same large natural environment. Prediction about how your exam could look: (NOTE: Disclaimer -This is only a prediction, the actual paper could be structured differently). Question 1: a. Draw an annotated map, sketch or diagram to show the characteristics of your chosen natural environment b. Fully explain how natural processes have interacted over time to create the large natural environment shown on your map or diagram Question 2: Fully explain how natural processes have interacted over time to create the large natural environment you have studied this year Use specific detail and illustrate your answer with supporting maps and/or diagrams. Question 3: Over time, with changes in technology, greater environmental awareness, and through cultural interactions, the way cultures view and interact with large natural environments can change. Fully explain how people’s perceptions of your chosen large natural environment have changed over time. ©Geostuff Ltd. 9 Important Key Terms and Knowledge Put together a list of specific examples that you can use with your topic and learn them off by heart. These examples are what will take your essay answers to Merit or Excellence and you will need to use them wherever you can and as appropriate in your diagrams and essays. Specific examples for: (name your case study environment) ___________________________________ E.g. Amazon large environment Matto Grosso Para Andes Selva Geographic terminology and concepts that relate to the large natural environment: ©Geostuff Ltd. 10 Geographic Concepts: Geographic terminology and concepts should be referred to and integrated, where appropriate, in essay answers. You need to be aware of geographic concepts like sustainability, environments, perspectives, patterns, processes, interactions, change. For more explanation and concepts go to: http://seniorsecondary.tki.org.nz/Social-sciences/Geography/Key-concepts Diagrams – get your teacher to check these after you have done them Characteristics Diagram: Construct a fully annotated diagram showing characteristic soil, vegetation, climate and landforms within your chosen natural environment. Characteristics of the ________________________________environment Key: ©Geostuff Ltd. 11 Interacting Processes Diagram: Construct a fully annotated diagram to show how different processes interact in your chosen natural environment. Interacting processes in the _________________________________natural environment Key ©Geostuff Ltd. 12 Changing environment over time: Construct a fully annotated diagram to show how your chosen natural environment has changed over time. Changes in the ___________________________________environment over time Key ©Geostuff Ltd. 13 Human Interaction: Construct a fully annotated diagram to show how humans have interacted with your chosen natural environment. Human interaction with the ___________________________________environment Key ©Geostuff Ltd. 14 Essay Practice 1 – Large Natural Environment: Note: Before attempting to answer any of the practice essay questions, read the assessment criteria and the marking guide thoroughly. a. Draw an annotated map, sketch or diagram to show the characteristics of your chosen natural environment. . ©Geostuff Ltd. 15 (b) Fully explain how natural processes have interacted over time to create ONE characteristic in the large natural environment shown on your map or diagram. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 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____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Grade: ©Geostuff Ltd. 17 Assessment Criteria: Evidence Fully annotated colour diagram, sketch, or map with conventions showing the characteristics of the natural environment which should include a range of soil, vegetation, relief and climate characteristics Achievement Merit Excellence Fully annotated colour diagram, sketch, or map with conventions showing the characteristics of the natural environment which should include a range of soil, vegetation, relief and climate characteristics Fully annotated colour diagram, sketch, or map with conventions showing the characteristics of the natural environment which should include a range of soil, vegetation, relief and climate characteristics Fully annotated colour diagram, sketch, or map with conventions showing the characteristics of the natural environment which should include a range of soil, vegetation, relief and climate characteristics OR AND AND *Demonstrates understanding of how interacting natural processes have worked together to produce ONE characteristic feature of the environment *Demonstrates in-depth understanding of how interacting natural processes have worked together to produce ONE characteristic feature of the environment * Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of how interacting natural processes have worked together to produce ONE characteristic feature of the environment using geographic concepts and terminology AND * Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of how interacting natural processes have worked together to produce ONE characteristic feature of the environment using geographic concepts and terminology * Shows some understanding of interacting processes involved in creating a characteristic feature. * Limited case study material from a large natural environment Only fully labelled colour diagram, sketch, or map with conventions = maximum of Achieved is awarded. A3 or A4 * Shows a good understanding of interacting processes involved in creating a characteristic feature. * Detailed case study material from a large natural environment M5 or M6 * Shows a excellent understanding of interacting processes involved in creating a characteristic feature * Detailed case study material from a large natural environment E7 or E8 Only *Demonstrates understanding of how interacting natural processes have worked together to produce ONE characteristic feature of the environment using geography concepts or terminology = maximum of Achieved is awarded. The task requires the candidate to show an understanding that different natural processes interact with each other within a natural environment. Candidates could do this by identifying different processes (Glacial, fluvial, erosional) and explaining how they work in conjunction with each other to shape the environment. The best responses will show a detailed understanding of how the different processes work on their own but are linked to other processes that together are important in shaping the environment and have specific detail interwoven into the response e.g. “The fluvial processes of erosion are important in eroding sediments off the Andes Mountains in the west of the Amazon natural environment. Rain falls onto the Andes washing eroding volcanic rocks into tributaries through surface runoff and sheet wash resulting in rilling and gullying. Glacial erosion is another process that is acting to erode the Andes at the same time. Terminal moraine deposited by glaciers is also carried into streams and tributaries of the Amazon River by melt waters. Once in the stream, sediments are carried by the process of fluvial transportation. Sediments are suspended, saltated, and rolled through stream channels off the Andes Mountains and onto the Varzea floodplain where the slope dramatically reduces to 2 degrees causing heavier material to be deposited on the river bed. Frequent flooding of the Amazon River and tributaries caused by heavy convectional rainfall processes, carries and deposits sediments onto the Varzea floodplain. Through the interaction of the processes of glacial erosion by plucking and transporting sediments to the terminal moraine where it can be further transported by melt-waters, combined with the interacting processes of fluvial erosion, fluvial transportation and fluvial deposition; have created the characteristic alluvial soils of the Amazon Varzea.” Some ideas of what may be included in an answer: INTERACTING PROCESSES - Fluvial erosion, fluvial transportation, fluvial deposition, glacial erosion, glacial transportation, glacial deposition, Aeolian erosion, Aeolian transportation, Aeolian deposition. You must LINK the process by saying how one works with the other. ©Geostuff Ltd. 18 Essay Practice 2 - Large Natural Environment: Note: Before attempting to answer any of the practice essay questions, read the assessment criteria and the marking guide thoroughly. Fully explain how the large natural environment you studied this year was formed and has changed over time. Use specific detail and illustrate your answer with supporting maps and/or diagrams. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 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*Demonstrates understanding of how a large natural environment has been formed and shows changes that have occurred in the environment over time *Shows limited understanding. Some specific case study material is present in the response *Shows excellent understanding and has detailed specific case study material interwoven throughout the response *An illustration or diagram or map(s) is present that shows changes to the environment over different time periods Merit Excellence *Demonstrates in-depth understanding of how a large natural environment has been formed and shows changes that have occurred in the environment over time *Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of how a large natural environment has been formed and shows changes that have occurred in the environment over time *Shows good understanding and has detailed specific case study material interwoven throughout the response *Shows excellent understanding and has detailed specific case study material interwoven throughout the response using geographic concepts and terminology *An illustration or diagram or map(s) is present *An illustration or diagram or map(s) is present A3 or A4 M5 or M6 E7 or E8 The task requires the candidate to explain how the large natural environment has changed over a long period of time. Generally changes in the environment happen as different processes build up and wear down features within the landscape, explaining how natural processes build and wear down features is a significant part in explaining how the natural environment has changed over time. Soils, vegetation and landforms, have changed (evolved) over time due to the operation of climatic processes, tectonic and other internal processes, erosion, transportation, deposition and other surface processes. The candidate needs to explain these but could also recognise that most recent changes in the natural environment have been caused by humans through agro-industrial processes, tourism, urban expansion or other human induced processes. Geographic concepts that could be applied to this question are change and processes. They can be used to help explain how different features of the natural environment have been created by processes and a time element should be clearly evident to show that change could happen in stages. An indication that one process may have been more important, or more significant, than other processes in building up the natural environment could be explained e.g. tectonic and volcanic forces continue to force the Andes Mountains upwards creating land (the Andes Mountain chain) in the west of the landscape, while weathering and fluvial erosion are agents of erosion that are constantly wearing the land down. The best answers will use a specific case study and clearly explain how the operation of different processes over time has resulted in the different characteristics visible in the environment today. Specifically named processes like fluvial erosion, aeolian erosion, glacial erosion and volcanic eruption, linked to the formation of named landform features like the Andes, the Guyana Higland or the Matto Grosso, and linked to soil and vegetation features will typically score best. It is essential candidates show a clear understanding of how different processes changed the whole natural environment and created the different features visible in the environment today, this could include which of those processes has been most dominant in the formation of the environment and also look at human induced changes as well as natural. Candidates need to weave their case study information throughout their paragraphs and it needs to be relevant. Attempting to incorporate diagrams and maps into the answer effectively will mean the difference between Achievement and a Merit or Excellence. ©Geostuff Ltd. 21 Essay Practice 3 – Large Natural Environment: Note: Before attempting to answer any of the practice essay questions, read the assessment criteria and the marking guide thoroughly. Fully explain how people’s perceptions of your chosen large natural environment have changed over time. Refer to how and why people’s perceptions about the large environment have changed. Use specific detail and illustrate your answer with supporting maps and/or diagrams. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 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specific case study material interwoven throughout the response using geographic concepts and terminology Achievement Merit *Demonstrates understanding of how people’s perception of a large natural environment has changed over time *Shows understanding and has some case study material in the response Excellence *Demonstrates in-depth understanding of how people’s perception of a large natural environment has changed over time *Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of how people’s perception of a large natural environment has changed over time *Shows good understanding and has detailed specific case study material in the response *Shows excellent understanding and has detailed specific case study material interwoven throughout the response using geographic concepts and terminology *An illustration or diagram or map(s) is present *An illustration or diagram or map(s) is present *An illustration or diagram or map(s) is present A3 or A4 M5 or M6 E7 or E8 The task requires the candidate to explain particular ways in which people’s (groups/individuals) perceptions of a natural environment has changed over time. The response should show an understanding of the people’s knowledge, practices and beliefs and how these factors influence how they see the natural environment. A geographic concept that could have been applied to this question is Perspectives because different cultural groups have had different perceptions and perspectives about the environment. Perspective can be used to help explain how different groups and/or individuals view and use the natural environment and also to explain why some views (perceptions) change over time. It is important to note that some groups may not change their perception. E.g. “Amazon Indians like the Yanomami and the Xingu people have held a traditional view of the Selva rainforest that has remained unchanged throughout historical accounts. They perceive forest flora and fauna as the host spirits and therefore biodiversity holds special spiritual significance. This mystic perspective generates great respect for the forest and influences these people to use forest resources in a sustainable way. Not understanding modern farming techniques, nor having access to farm machinery, means these groups also have less capacity to impact the forest, by employing subsistence swidden agriculture methods only small areas of the forest are impacted and these are able to recover and regenerate over time. This perception of the environment has remained unchanged for over 10,000 thousand of years. In contrast, European views of the environment have changed significantly since the Amazon Rainforest environment was first explored by Spanish explorer Don Francisco Orellana in 1541 -1542. He was in search of El Dorado (the city of gold) and the environment was viewed as a barrier or obstacle to be overcome. Later, Portuguese settlers saw the environment as virgin territory whose resources could be exploited for wealth. The thickness of the jungle was also viewed as a barrier to progress by settlers and later farmers who resorted to slash and burn techniques to clear the forest. In the 20 th Century European perspectives changed as economic crises struck Brazil and overpopulation of cities became an issue. The environment was seen as a potential saviour and the Brazilian government gave out free land to depopulate overcrowded cities. More recently the Amazon environment has been viewed as a way of increasing Brazil’s GNI through agro-industrialisation. Technological change has meant the forest can be cleared at a faster rate than in previous centuries, trans-national companies like Cargill see potential in converting forest into agricultural land for soy bean production and palm oil for bio-fuels. This has been happening in Matto Grosso. The environment has also been exploited for minerals like tin, gold and iron ore at Minas Guerras where the push to supply raw materials for global consumption has had devastating environmental effects but brought economic benefits to Brazil. As understanding of global issues changed with scientific study of the atmosphere, soils and water, humans have come to realise that impacting the Amazon Large environment could have a global impact through global warming and global climate change. This realisation has caused a change in people’s perspective towards the Amazon environment and now civil societies like Green Peace and World Wildlife Fund are creating greater global awareness of the issues. The Government of Brazil has now created the world’s largest forest reserve in PARA as a result of their changing perspective……..” An answer like this is well on the way to excellence. ©Geostuff Ltd. 24 91242 (version 1) Demonstrate geographic understanding of differences in development NCEA Achievement Standard 2.3 Externally assessed 4 credits Assessment will involve a selection from: Characteristics of development based on economic, social and political factors and features Different ways development can be measured, such as objective indicators – including composite measures eg the Brandt report (North-South Division), GNP, HDI, literacy rates subjective indicators eg happiness problems associated with the measurement of development Natural factors contributing to differences in development, such as: extreme natural events; drought, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes environmental conditions; soil type, landform, rainfall, minerals, location Cultural factors contributing to differences in development, such as: health famine educational opportunities government systems political stability language multinationals religious groups gender groups Strategies for reducing the differences in development, referring to the actions that have been or may be taken by governments and/or non-governmental organisations to reduce differences Achievement Criteria Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence Demonstrate in-depth geographic understanding of differences in development. Demonstrate comprehensive geographic understanding of differences in development. Demonstrate in-depth geographic understanding of differences in development. ©Geostuff Ltd. 25 DIFFERENCES IN DEVELOPMENT (AS91242) SPECIFICATION This is what will be covered in the 2012 examination You will probably be asked THREE questions and you will have to answer all three. “Case studies must refer to communities, areas, or countries across the globe at different stages of development” You must be able to name communities, areas or countries that you have studied this year which show differences in development. This could be two different communities or areas within a country that are at different stages of development OR it could be two different countries at different stages of development. Prediction about how your exam could look: (NOTE: Disclaimer -This is only a prediction, the actual paper could be structured differently). Question 1: Fully explain how cultural factors contribute to the differences in levels of development. Question 2: Fully explain the differences in levels of development using TWO objective indicators. Question 3: Fully explain how TWO strategies could make a significant reduction in the differences in development. ©Geostuff Ltd. 26 Important Key Terms and Knowledge for Characteristics of development based on economic, social and political factors and features Put together a list of specific examples of characteristics of development for both case studies that you can use in the exam, learn them off by heart. These examples are what will take your essay answers to Merit or Excellence and you will need to use them wherever you can and as appropriate in your essays. Specific examples for: (name your case study settings) ___________________________________ Indicators & measures of development Subjective – Qualitative e.g. happiness = inaccurate measures Objective – Quantitative e.g. statistics = more accurate measures Capitalist, Socialist, Sustainable Disparities 80% of population live in Rural areas, 20% live in urban areas ©Geostuff Ltd. 27 Geographic Concepts: Geographic terminology and concepts should be referred to and integrated, where appropriate, in essay answers. You need to be aware of geographic concepts like sustainability, environments, perspectives, patterns, processes, interactions, change. For more explanation and concepts go to: http://seniorsecondary.tki.org.nz/Social-sciences/Geography/Key-concepts A helpful place to find statistics about two different countries is: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ Construct a summary of the different ways development can be measured using objective indicators The Brandt report http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandt_Report The Human Development Index http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Development_Index The KOF Globalisation Index http://globalization.kof.ethz.ch/ ©Geostuff Ltd. 28 Problems with using objective indicators What are objective indicators? Objective indicators of development are an attempt to standardise measurements as a way of working out how “developed” a country is by using data gathered from very different, and constantly changing, populations. Although the populations in Tanzania and in the USA live in very different countries, with very different levels of social and economic development, some things will always still stay the same. These “truths” apply no matter which population or which country you look at e.g. people will be born, people will die, people will live for a certain period of time before they die, countries will earn money from trade, people will do work of one kind or another such as subsistence farming, agriculture, manufacturing, and/or administrative. The things that don’t change between populations are called objective indicators e.g. births, deaths, life expectancy, GNP / GDP (gross national product / gross domestic product), employment sectors. By comparing different objective indicators you can get an idea of how “developed” a country is. Problems with using indicators as a measure of development Objective indicators are averages, they do not give a clear picture of what is happening to specific individuals or groups within a country, they only give average statistics for a whole country. This does not give a true indication of living standard for the whole population. Inaccuracy in collection of census data prevents a true comparison between and within countries being made. Not all people in rural areas of lesser developed countries will be counted in a census, sometimes it is impossible to get into some villages because of tribal tensions or inaccessibility. Governments’ base economic and social policy on generalised average statistics, they may not be meeting the needs of specific communities within their country. Governments in lesser economically developed countries may want to conceal levels of development by not correctly reporting census data to make their country look better / or worse in order to deflect international attention away from their government or to get international aid. Using single indicators on their own does not give an accurate picture of where a country is at in terms of development e.g. just GDP or just life expectancy and can be misleading. Some countries have comparatively low life expectancies yet still have high living standards e.g. Japan’s average life expectancy is 82 but the USA only 78 years but the USA is considered more economically developed than Japan. “What is developed?” Nobody can point to a set level or specific number in social or economic indicators and say that a country is “developed”. Perspectives – the idea of comparing countries and trying to “develop” them socially and economically is a western view and assumes that improving health, wealth, education, literacy, and the economy is the “best” way, however, who has the right to say a tribal lifestyle that leaves less of a carbon footprint and uses natural resources in a sustainable way is not the best way to develop? The use of objective indicators in a development model could be viewed as condescending to indigenous cultures. A country can look rich on paper in terms of natural resources and seemingly be well developed and rich; however, levels of technology, diseases like HIV /AIDS, wars and natural factors like depth of resource, floods, and droughts can make the resources inaccessible. Globalization – a country can seemingly be earning a lot of money through trade & tourism and have high GDP but the profits from industry might be going to a few individuals within the country or being sent off-shore. For more information about a commonly used objective method (HDI) go to: http://hdr.undp.org/en/statistics/faq/ ©Geostuff Ltd. 29 Essay Practice 1 – Different measures of Development: Note: Before attempting to answer any of the practice essay questions, read the assessment criteria and the marking guide thoroughly. Fully explain the problems associated with the use of objective indicators to measure development in your chosen case studies. Specific reference to named case studies should be included throughout your answer. Be sure to incorporate geographic terminology and concepts throughout your answer. Diagrams, graphs or maps should be used where they may add to the answer. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ©Geostuff Ltd. 30 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ©Geostuff Ltd. Grade: 31 Assessment criteria: Evidence Achievement Merit Excellence Diagrams incorporated into the answer can be used to indicate detailed description if they are appropriate and suitable. *Demonstrates understanding of the problems associated with the use of objective indicators to measure disparities in development within or between countries. *Demonstrates in-depth understanding of the problems associated with the use of objective indicators to measure disparities in development within or between countries. *Demonstrates Comprehensive understanding of the problems associated with the use of objective indicators to measure disparities in development within or between countries with specific case study material covering a range of problems. *Specific case study identified and covers 2 problems with using objective indicators to measure development within or between countries in detail. Answer clearly has details of both breadth and depth about the different problems of using objective indicators to measure development and using geographic terminology and concepts. *Shows a good understanding of the problems. *Shows excellent understanding of the problems. *Specific case study named identifies and covers a problem with using objective indicators to measure disparities within or between countries. *Shows a limited understanding of the problems. A3 or A4 M5 or M6 E7 or E8 Candidates need to read the task instructions carefully and answer the questions using appropriate case study material from both settings to illustrate why objective measures can be problematic to use when comparing countries. The task required paragraphs explaining different problems associated with the use of Objective Indicators to measure development within OR between countries (either is acceptable because the question specifies OR). Look for a clear understanding of what objective indicators are e.g. “….Objective indicators of development are standardised measurements used to work out how “developed” a country is. The Human Development Index is one such method that allows countries to be compared to each-other. Indicators like life expectancy…” Once an understanding of objective indicators has been established, look for clearly identified specific problems that are directly related to the use of objective indicators to compare countries’ levels of development an explanation of why it is problematic to use these kinds of measures e.g. “…One of the problems with using GDP per capita to measure and compare levels of development is that GDP only measures a country’s outputs that have monetary value. It ignores work that may be voluntary or of a subsistence nature and is not paid. A developing nation’s economy often has a large subsistence economy and so it cannot be directly compared to a developing nation which does not. This means GDP is not an effective indicator to use as a comparison between countries…” This kind of answer is on track for Achieved. A very good / excellent answer will also include specific evidence from a specific case to support the response e.g. “….South Africa and Brazil are a good examples of why GDP is problematic when comparing countries, South Africa has a slightly lower GDP per capita ranking than Brazil – 71st compared to South Africa 69th, suggesting the inequalities are not that great, but if you include other social, environmental and economic measures South Africa is much less developed than GDP alone would suggest. Using the Human Development index (HDI) gives a more accurate picture. South Africa is ranked at 111, while Brazil is ranked at 65, indicating that disparities within Brazil are not so great as disparities within South Africa…” The Achieved type answer adds to what is previously written and is detailed, it is a merit type answer. A very good / excellent answer will also include discussion of different objective measures and the problems with them e.g. “…the HDI is a composite index and includes literacy rates, purchasing power and life expectancy. It tries to measure overall quality of life rather than just economics / money. This gives a better picture of a country’s level of development and is therefore a better indicator of a country’s level of development but there can also be problems with this type of measure because it relies on census data, not all people in rural areas of Africa or in the city slums, will be counted in a census, sometimes it is impossible to get into villages or neighbourhoods to conduct a census because of tribal or gang tensions. This inaccessibility means the raw data is incomplete and not 100% reliable….” Combined with the previous two parts, this answer is on track for excellence. ©Geostuff Ltd. 32 DIAGRAM FOR FACTORS CAUSING DIFFERENCES IN DEVELOPMENT Construct an annotated diagram to show the differences in development that have been caused by natural factors in your case studies. Disparities caused by natural factors in and ©Geostuff Ltd. 33 Essay Practice 2 – Factors influencing Development: Note: Before attempting to answer any of the practice essay questions, read the assessment criteria and the marking guide thoroughly. Fully explain how natural factors have caused differences in development in your case study areas. Specific reference to named case studies should be included throughout your answer. Be sure to incorporate geographic terminology and concepts throughout your answer. Diagrams, graphs or maps should be used where they may add to the answer. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ©Geostuff Ltd. 34 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ©Geostuff Ltd. Grade: 35 Assessment Criteria: Evidence Diagrams incorporated into the answer can be used to indicate detailed description if they are appropriate and suitable. Natural factors could include drought, hurricanes, location, rainfall, TseTse fly. Achievement Merit *Demonstrates understanding of how different natural factors have caused differences in development. *Demonstrates understanding indepth of how different natural factors have caused differences in development with detailed case study material interwoven into the answer. *Demonstrates Comprehensive understanding of how different natural factors have caused differences in development with detailed use of case study material throughout the answer. Answer uses geographic terminology and concepts. *Shows in-depth understanding of the different natural factors and the differences they have caused. *Shows excellent understanding of the different natural factors and the differences they have caused. *Diagram or illustration is included in response *Diagram or illustration is included in response M5 or M6 E7 or E8 *May have little specific case study evidence mentioned. *Shows understanding of the different natural factors and the differences they have caused. A3 or A4 Excellence Candidates need to read the task instructions carefully and answer the questions using appropriate case study material. The task required paragraphs explaining how different natural forces or events have caused or influenced differences in a case study area like Tanzania, or between two countries. The emphasis should have been on the explanation of how different forces caused the differences. A description of the factors responsible for the differences should have been clearly evident. Candidates often discussed the differences that exist in a country without discussing the reasons or causes for these differences or making clear the powerful group or force that caused the difference. The best answers used case study material incorporated throughout the answer. They stated specific examples of powerful natural forces that have caused differences in the levels of development e.g. Natural factors have caused disparities within Tanzania between rural and urban areas. Drought has been the most significant natural factor causing disparities but location on the globe and the TseTse fly, have also contributed to the differences. Drought is a significant natural factor that has been responsible for disparities within Tanzania. The cause of this can be different climatic conditions in different locations. The inland rural areas receive less rainfall therefore a lower number of people have access to a reliable, clean water supply than those who live in urban areas. People in areas like Dodoma have piped water whereas people in rural areas like Shinyanga often reduced to having to scoop up water out of dried up stream beds as they cannot afford to dig bores. Access to clean water differs between rural and urban areas. Only 56% of the rural population have access to safe drinking water whereas in cities 96% have fresh drinking water which contributes to the poorer health of rural people. The major cities also have more reliable water sources from volcanic soils which are more moisture retentive. The problem of the Tsetse fly is another natural factor that has contributed to the droughts experienced in rural Tanzania and the resulting disparities in the country. In the 1950s the British colonial government decided to try and eliminate the Tsetse fly (to stop sleeping sickness) by cutting down trees in inland forested areas. 9000 kilometres square of forest was destroyed and this has significantly added to the drought problem as soil was exposed to the effects of sun and wind and this has allowed the soil to dry out and resulted in a lowering of the water table. Desertification has been the result and contributes to the differences between rural and urban areas. 80% of rural dwellers are involved in subsistence agriculture (raising livestock and growing crops) and drought conditions have a major impact on their lives and what they are able to contribute to the economy. The results of a drought in rural areas often lead to malnutrition, disease and a drop in productivity. Urban dwellers are insulated from the effects of drought as most are employed in the secondary and tertiary sector and earn money that they can use to purchase imported food and water. Drought is of less significance to them. ©Geostuff Ltd. 36 The location of Tanzania in the equatorial zone south of the equator, also contributes to the disparities that exist between rural and urban areas. The climate of Tanzania is hot all year round averaging 26 degrees C but inland areas which are surrounded by land are cooler and drier than coastal regions where the large cities like Dodoma are to be found. The constant heat contributes to tropical diseases such as typhoid, malaria and cholera which are more prevalent in rural areas due to the lack of access to health facilities compared to those who live in urban settings. Location on the globe sees inland (rural) areas experiencing drought conditions whereas coastal areas have more moderate conditions with more consistent rainfall. The resulting access to water creates differences between the two areas. Natural factors such as drought and location make a significant contribution to the differences that exist in Tanzania and these are most evident in the differences that exist between rural and urban areas. Natural Factors: Drought Lowering of the water table Availability of fresh water for drinking and irrigation Fertility of soil Diverseness of resources Topography of and location of land ©Geostuff Ltd. 37 Essay Practice 3 – Factors influencing Development: Note: Before attempting to answer any of the practice essay questions, read the assessment criteria and the marking guide thoroughly. Fully explain how cultural factors have caused differences in development in your case study areas. Specific reference to named case studies should be included throughout your answer. Be sure to incorporate geographic terminology and concepts throughout your answer. Diagrams, graphs or maps should be used where they may add to the answer. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ©Geostuff Ltd. 38 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ©Geostuff Ltd. Grade: 39 Assessment Criteria: Evidence Diagrams incorporated into the answer can be used to indicate detailed description if they are appropriate and suitable. Cultural factors could include health, access to doctors/nurses, HIV/Aids, access to education, access to sanitation, disease, and life expectancy. Achievement *Demonstrates understanding of how different cultural factors have caused differences in development. *Specific case study evidence mentioned. *Shows understanding of the different cultural factors and the differences they have caused. A3 or A4 Merit *Demonstrates in-depth understanding of how different cultural factors have caused differences in development with some detailed case study material in the answer. Answer shows how different cultural factors have caused differences in development. *Demonstrates in-depth understanding of the different cultural factors and the differences they have caused. Excellence *Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of how different cultural factors have caused differences in development with case study material throughout the answer. Answer clearly shows how different cultural factors have caused differences in development using geographic terminology and concepts. *Shows excellent understanding of the different cultural factors and the differences they have caused. *Diagram or illustration is included in response *Diagram or illustration is included in response M5 or M6 E7 or E8 Candidates need to read the task instructions carefully and answer the questions using appropriate case study material. The task required paragraphs explaining how different cultural factors or events have caused or influenced differences in a case study area like Tanzania, or between two countries. The emphasis should have been on the explanation of how different factors caused the differences. A description of the factors responsible for the differences should have been clearly evident. Candidates often discussed the differences that exist in a country without discussing the reasons or causes for these differences or making clear the powerful group or force that caused the difference. Many candidates had obviously not prepared thoroughly enough and the lack of specific examples or depth of discussion was disturbing. The best answers used case study material incorporated throughout the answer. They stated specific examples of powerful cultural forces that have caused differences in the levels of development e.g. Tanzania is a country affected by disease and illness (largely contributed to by lack of access to clean water) and the disparity between Health in rural and urban areas is significant. The World Health Organisation is currently involved in a programme to vaccinate the general population against Malaria that affects over 60% of the rural population in Tanzania. Disease and poor health plays a major role in the Poverty Cycle as people who are sick are not able to work as much, produce as much, or earn as much money as people who are well. This disparity is most evident in rural areas and is reflected in the life expectancy of Tanzania which is 48. When people in rural areas like Shinyanga get sick they are less likely to be able to access basic medical health care as only 77% of rural people have access to some form of health care, whereas 99% of urban people in cities like Dodoma have access to health care. Access to adequate health care is limited in Tanzania with only 1 doctor for every 250 000 people, most doctors being concentrated in the urban centres like Dar Es Salaam and Dodoma, creating a rural / urban disparity. The location of rural and urban areas in Tanzania also creates differences in the levels of development. People who live in rural areas, because of their location have less access to education than those people who live in urban areas because they often live a long distance away from schools. Educational facilities are concentrated in the urban areas so people who live there have better access. 8% of boys and 3% of girls attend secondary schools in Tanzania and the vast majority of these students are to be found in the cities of Dodoma and Dar es Salaam where families have a greater income as students in rural areas are required at an earlier age to contribute to the income of their families and most do not complete primary school. This means that urban populations are able to gain qualifications and obtain better paying employment. In Tanzania there are higher illiteracy rates in rural areas (70%) than in urban areas (29%). ©Geostuff Ltd. 40 Essay Practice 4 – Differences in Development: Note: Before attempting to answer any of the practice essay questions, read the assessment criteria and the marking guide thoroughly. Fully explain the strategies that help reduce differences in development in your case study areas. Specific reference to named case studies should be included throughout your answer. Be sure to incorporate geographic terminology and concepts throughout your answer. Diagrams, graphs or maps should be used where they may add to the answer. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ©Geostuff Ltd. 41 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ©Geostuff Ltd. Grade: 42 Assessment Criteria: Evidence Achievement Merit Excellence Diagrams incorporated into the answer can be used to indicate detailed description if they are appropriate and suitable. *Demonstrates understanding of strategies that have helped to reduce differences in development. *Demonstrates in-depth understanding of strategies that have helped to reduce differences in development. Answer shows has details about strategies that have helped to reduce differences in development with specific and detailed case study material interwoven throughout the answer. *Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of strategies that have helped to reduce differences in development with detailed use of case study material throughout the answer. Answer shows has details about strategies that have helped to reduce differences in development with specific and detailed case study material interwoven throughout the answer, using geographic terminology and concepts. *Supporting case study material is included. Strategies could include government initiatives, NGO initiatives such as World Vision, Oxfam and UNICEF, education programmes, drilling wells, access to healthcare *Shows understanding of the strategies helped to reduce the differences in development. A3 or A4 *Shows in-depth understanding of the strategies helped to reduce the differences in development. *Shows an excellent understanding of the strategies helped to reduce the differences in development. *Diagram or illustration is included in response *Diagram or illustration is included in response M5 or M6 E7 or E8 Candidates need to read the task instructions carefully and answer the questions using appropriate case study material. The task required paragraphs explaining how different strategies help reduce the differences in development in a case study such as Tanzania, or between countries. A description of the strategies responsible for the reducing the differences should have been clearly evident. Candidates must prepare thoroughly enough and include specific examples or depth of discussion. The best answers use case study material incorporated throughout the answer. They state specific examples of strategies that reduce the differences in levels of development e.g. In many rural areas of Tanzania, drinking water is only clean and safe to drink for 49% of people. Non-government organisations such as World Vision or Oxfam have initiatives such as drilling a well in the village that people can pump water from. Tanzania has over 8.1 million children dying every year before their 5th birthday and many could be saved by better access to health workers and clinics within their communities. This is especially true for new-borns who make up 40% of total child deaths each year. In Tanzania, the infant mortality rate for under 5 year-olds is 108 deaths per 1000 live births – 188 000 infants are dying each year. With trained health workers able to educate parents and intervene early this would bring the death rates down quickly and improve quality of life for a large sector of the population. Tanzania has one of the 6th highest HIV/AIDS contaminations with over 1.6 million people (or 8% of its population). The people could be educated in local communities by community leaders and nurses and doctors as there is a need to break down the culture of unsafe sex. Music and role-plays and taking away the social stigma of talking about sex are all important aspects to the education programme. Beginning with the children in schools before they become sexually active is important. Stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS will mean a healthier working population and fewer orphaned children being looked after by grandparents. More government funds will be able to be directed to education and other infrastructure to help develop opportunities for people to improve their lives. ©Geostuff Ltd. 43 Helpful Websites Past exams: http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/assessment/search.do?query=geography&view=exams&level=02 Assessment reports: http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/assessment/search.do?query=geography&view=reports&level=02 Assessment Specification 2012: http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/assessment/search.do?query=geography&view=achievements&level=02 The Examination Timetable 2012: http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualifications-standards/qualifications/ncea/ncea-exams-and-portfolios/external/nationalsecondary-examinations-timetable/ Helpful Glossary of Terms Annotations – Brief written descriptions and details on a diagram to explain what is happening or what occurs at different locations in the sketch, map or diagram Change – Geographic idea that nothing remains the same or constant over time Comprehensive – in great depth of explanation and with great detail Cultural – To do with people Describe – giving an overview of characteristics or nature of something Detail – specific examples and named evidence from a case study Develop – change from being something into being something different over time as a result of the operation of a process / processes e.g. after a thousand years of wave action a cave may develop or be formed in a headland. Discuss – requires an in-depth response with the pro’s and con’s talked about Environment – the world around us, it can be narrowed down to specific regions or areas that have different processes working in them and different features. The environment can be split into two parts, Cultural and Natural Evidence / specific examples – proof, examples, statistics, facts Explain – requires detailed reasons Features – Things in the environment e.g. stack, beach, dunes, cliff, river, meander, interfluve, geyser, mud-pool, crater…… Geographic – involves BOTH people and the environment Identify – point out, show, give, indicate, state from the evidence Illustrate – Show or provide a diagram / model / sketch that shows Justify – Give reasons for, backed up by specific evidence Maintain – keep the same Modify - change Natural – to do with nature, does NOT involve people Operate - work Outline – give an overview of the main points with some specific examples (great detail is not required) Perspective – Viewpoint or opinion, the way people see the world Process – a series of related actions that maintain or modify an environment Spatial Variation – differences from one place to another within an environment State – say in a sentence or a few words, it may require just an amount or number (very short answer required) Temporal Variations – Short term and long term differences in the way natural processes operate ©Geostuff Ltd.