distance delivery management plan template

Distance delivery management plan
What does a distance delivery management plan contain? It is the result of the
planning that a teacher/ trainer undertakes to ensure the course or training
session will be effective.
Course/Module/Training session content
What will be taught? Here you describe the training package competency, TAFE
NSW syllabus or objectives that are to be met, and any distance delivery
requirements. You might, for example, need to plan how to organise a practical
session in the workplace.
Your learners
Who are the learners, and what are their characteristics? How does this impact on
their learning by distance, and therefore your planning? For example, OTEN
learners are twice as likely to declare a disability than other TAFE NSW learners
and are, in general, older than the TAFE NSW population.
Communication and support mechanisms
How will you communicate with your learners, and what support mechanisms are
they likely to need? For example, do all of your learners have email, or will you
need to send items to some of them through the post? Are they happy to receive
SMS messages? Who will be available for them to ask questions, and when?
What resources will you be using? Is there a need to contextualise them, and will
you need to develop new ones?
Process management and record keeping
How will you ensure logical progression and continuity of distance learning
content? What timeframes will you be working to (for example, HSC learners will
need to know when the exams need to be sat, and when their assignments will be
due). How will you and other teachers/trainers be able to check on how your
learners are progressing? How will you know about them contacting your
institution (learner contact data). For example, a record is kept of the date and
content of the conversation when OTEN learners ring or email. Obviously the more
learners there are, and the greater the breadth of course/training session content,
the greater the requirements for detailed record keeping.
Learner induction
What information will you be sending to learners before they start? How will you
ensure that they understand what they will be doing, and have clear expectations?
Will they have an individual learning plan? For example, OTEN learners have a
section at the start of their learning materials that tells them all about their
assessment and timeframes. They are contacted after a certain period of time if
they haven’t submitted any work for comment.
Learner feedback
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© State of NSW, Department of Education and Training, 2005. Supplementary materials developed for TAADEL405A Coordinate and
facilitate distance-based learning.
How will learners receive information about work they have handed in? For
example, at OTEN written comments are provided on work sent in for teacher
Here is a proforma which might be useful for you to set up your Distance delivery
management plan. This will help you in your first assignment. It’s intended as a
summary only – you would fill in more precise details for your course and students.
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© State of NSW, Department of Education and Training, 2005. Supplementary materials developed for TAADEL405A Coordinate and
facilitate distance-based learning.
Distance delivery management plan
Learner (Student) Names
Course No. & Name
Prepared by
ID Number
Key Questions
1. The learning environment
(ie. What can you learn about the conditions
and circumstances in which this learner is
2. Learner characteristics
(ie. What background information about the
learner might assist you in your approach?)
Location of learner
Contact numbers for
Access to workplace?
Workplace mentor/contact?
Learning partners?
Contact details of learning
Equipment needs?
Disability and support needs?
Preferred learning style?
Age group?
Literacy, language level, ESL?
PC literate (including use of
Relevant past learning
Relevant past work
Details, your notes/actions
(group characteristics)
Details, your notes/actions
(individual characteristics)
Student name:
Student name:
Student name:
Student name:
Student name:
Student name:
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© State of NSW, Department of Education and Training, 2005. Supplementary materials developed for TAADEL405A Coordinate and facilitate distance-based learning.
Relevant current work
Disability needs?
*Note: At this point you need to have
determined the suitability of distance-based
learning as a delivery mode for this learner
(and have made appropriate
Available communication
mechanisms:- Mail
- Phone/email
- Net
- Audio
- Video
- Study group
- Study support/counselling
Student name:
Student name:
Student name:
4. Learner induction
(ie. Have you ensured that all relevant
introductory material, explanations and
guidance have been provided to the learner?)
Enrolment details/processes
Introductory information pack
forwarded to learner?
Initial contact made to check
Learner group details, roles
and responsibilities identified?
Roles and responsibilities of
facilitator explained?
Introduce concept of
Individual Learning Plan?
Student name:
Student name:
Student name:
3. Communication and support
(ie. What communications mechanisms are
preferred/available to the learner?)
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© State of NSW, Department of Education and Training, 2005. Supplementary materials developed for TAADEL405A Coordinate and facilitate distance-based learning.
5. The learning content
(ie. Have you ensured that essential details
relating to the content of the unit have been
provided and explained to the learner?)
Access/communication (with
facilitator and organisation)
details provided?
Relevant competency(s)
Unit title
Learning outcomes
Other objectives (eg. group
learning needs, individual
learning needs)
Compulsory learning activities
Optional learning activities
Need to contextualise
Need to customise, create new
Group activities
Workplace practice/activities
Assessment methods
Formative assessment
Assessment events
Student name:
Student name:
Student name:
Timeframe for completion of
Unit outline
Critical milestones
Mechanisms for progress
review (dates)
Student name:
Student name:
Student name:
6. The learning process
(ie. How you will ensure the logical
progression and continuity of distance
learning content)
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© State of NSW, Department of Education and Training, 2005. Supplementary materials developed for TAADEL405A Coordinate and facilitate distance-based learning.
7. The learner/facilitator
(i.e. What strategies and techniques will you
employ to optimise learning, provide
constructive advice and guidance and
encourage the learner?)
Record of content
Check learner understanding
of expected outcomes and
assessment events?
Preferred method of feedback
Phone support acceptable?
Learner usage relevant
Learning partners/study group
Learner using of forum/chat,
other interactive tools?
Review progress/individual
learning plan reviewed as
Need to modify examples,
case studies etc. contextualise
to ensure relevance to learner?
Student name:
Student name:
Student name:
Structured feedback tool and
instructions distributed?
Feedback from distance
learners gathered?
Learner performance and
Student name:
Student name:
Student name:
8. Review of the management of
the distance learning process
(i.e. What did the learner's performance,
feedback and other available information tell
you about the management and effectiveness
of distance learning?)
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© State of NSW, Department of Education and Training, 2005. Supplementary materials developed for TAADEL405A Coordinate and facilitate distance-based learning.
results considered?
Other sources of information
relevant to this learner
Data analysed?
Management effective?
Meet learner's needs and
Assess own
coordination/facilitation role?
Need for change?
An action plan for change?
Use this short checklist to select which elements you will require.
learning outcomes
sequence, packaging, timing and distribution requirements of specific learning resources and learning materials
timelines for completion of learning outcomes/ learning activities
formative assessment requirements
expectations of the learner
instructions to the learner
list of other learners
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© State of NSW, Department of Education and Training, 2005. Supplementary materials developed for TAADEL405A Coordinate and facilitate distance-based learning.