BOOKS WE FINISHED XIV The Caxton Club Revels Auction December 12, 2012 (12-12-12) ART, ANTIQUES, AND ARCHITECTURE 1. Seymour and Violet Altman THE BOOK OF BUFFALO POTTERY Schiffer, 1987 Elbert Hubbard was a party to the founding of this company Donated by Jerry Meyer 2. Thomas Bewick A MEMOIR WRITTEN BY HIMSELF Oxford, 1975 From the Estate of Bernard L. Rost 3. Thomas Bewick THREE PRINTS ON ONE PAGE Hesterberg Press Three great Bewick vignettes on one page, with notes: Cow and Broken Fence, Man Fallen in Stream, and The Little Bustard (probably broke the fence and pushed the man) Donated by William C. Hesterberg 4. BEWICK WOOD-ENGRAVINGS Victoria and Albert Museum, 1985 There’s plenty of Thomas Bewick this year; keep going From the Estate of Bernard L. Rost 5. THE BRILLIANT LINE: Following the Early Modern Engraver, 1480-1650 Providence Museum of Art, 2009 Great collection of the work of engravers, with close-ups to show how they worked Donated by Susan F. Rossen 6. H.R.H. The Prince of Wales A VISION OF BRITAIN Doubleday, 1989 One of Charles’s discussions of British architecture Donated by Bill Locke 7. Alastair Duncan THE PARIS SALONS, VOL. IV: Ceramics and Glass Antique Collectors’ Club, 1998 Solid hardcover of history and beautiful pictures Donated by Jerry Meyer 8. Laurent Felix-Faure LAND OF SKIES AND WATERS: Holland Through The Eyes Of Its Painters Lemniscaat, 2006 These are views of Dutch scenery not just through the eyes of painters of the classical era of Dutch painting, but from more abstract moderns as well Donated by Bob Karrow 9. GLAZE, FORM, AND EXECUTION: American and European Art Pottery Treadway Gallery, 2000 Donated by Jerry Meyer 10. W.J. Hardy BOOK-PLATES Kegan Paul, 1893 An obnoxiously ex-lib copy of a nice book From the Estate of Bernie Rost 11. Lucile Henske ART POTTERY OF AMERICA Schiffer, 1996 Donated by Jerry Meyer 12. Chuimei Ho, Bennet Bronson SPLENDORS OF CHINA’S FORBIDDEN CITY Field Museum, 2004 A memorable exhibition of seldom-seen treasures Donated by Wendy C. Husser 13. HOMAGE TO MARC CHAGALL Tudor Publishing, 1969 American edition of a special issue of XXe Siecle, this one lacking the Chagall lithograph which was bound in. Does have a Chagall obituary and a certificate from Merrill Chase Galleries verifying that it is a book Donated by Bill Locke 14. Sharon and Bob Huxford THE COLLECTOR’S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ROSEVILLE POTTERY Collector, 1997 Donated by Jerry Meyer 15. Sharon and Bob Huxford THE COLLECTOR’S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ROSEVILLE POTTERY, 2d Series Collector, 1997 Donated by Jerry Meyer 16. Sharon and Bob Huxford THE COLLECTOR’S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WELLER POTTERY Collector, 1998 Donated by Jerry Meyer 17. William M. Ivins, Jr. PEOPLE AND PRINTS Harvard, 1926 From the Estate of Bernie Rost 18. Gary Kirsner THE METTLACH BOOK Glentiques, 1994 A guide to great German stoneware Donated by Jerry Meyer 19. Robert Koch LOUIS C. TIFFANY Schiffer, 2001 The collected writings of Koch on the life and work of Tiffany Donated by Jerry Meyer 20. Ralph and Terry Kovel KOVELS’ AMERICAN ART POTTERY Crown, 1993 Donated by Jerry Meyer 21. LETTERIO CALAPAI: A 50-YEAR RETROSPECTIVE (1934-1984) Landfall Press, 1984 And LETTERIO CALAPAI: WOODCUTS AND ENGRAVINGS, 1934-1977 Workshop Gallery, 1977 Two original prints will be found farther along in this catalog From the Estate of Bernard L. Rost 22. Don Marek GRAND RAPIDS ART METALWORK: 1902-1918 Heartwood, 1999 Donated by Jerry Meyer 23. Barbara A. Perry AMERICAN ART POTTERY Abrams, 1997 Donated by Jerry Meyer 24. David Rago AMERICAN ART POTTERY Knickerbocker, 1997 Some of us collect more than books Donated by Jerry Meyer 25. THE ROCKWELL KENT GALLERY AND COLLECTION Dedication program, 1978 And A SELECT GROUP OF GRAPHICS BY ROCKWELL KENT Workshop Gallery of Letterio Calapai, 1974 From the Estate of Bernie Rost 26. J.M. Rogers EMPIRE OF THE SULTANS: Ottoman Art from the Khalil Collection Art Services International, 2000 Couched in splendor Donated by Wendy C. Husser 27. Paul Royka FIREWORKS: New England Art Pottery of the Arts & Crafts Movement Schiffer, 1997 Donated by Jerry Meyer 28. Giuseppi Schiro THE PALATINE CHAPEL Mistretta, 2003 The English edition of this guide to the Palatine artworks Donated by Wendy C. Husser 29. Franz Schulze MIES VAN DER ROHE: A Critical Biography University of Chicago, 1985 If you seek his monument, walk a few blocks east. Donated by John Blew 30. Moise S. Steeg, Jr. TIFFANY FAVRILE ART GLASS Schiffer, 1997 Donated by Jerry Meyer 31. THOMAS BEWICK RE-DISCOVERED Letterio Calapai, 1969 Exhibition catalog, with an introduction by R. Hunter Middleton From the Estate of Bernie Rost 32. Susan Thrane and Tom Patterson STATE HOUSES: America’s 50 State Capitol Buildings Boston Mills, 2005 From the grandiose to the strictly utilitarian Donated by John Blew 33. Larry Ulrich, Pamela Verduin Cain BIG SUR TO BIG BASIN Chronicle, 1998 A photographic study of the neglected central area of the California coast Donated by Bill Locke 34. Martin Van Maele THE SATYRICAL DRAWINGS Cytherea Press, 1978 Very limited edition volume purporting to contain all the art of this master of the questionable illustration Donated by Robert W. Karrow 35. Joan F. Van Patten COLLECTOR’S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF NIPPON PORCELAIN, 4th Series Collector’s, 1997 Donated by Jerry Meyer 36. Joan F. Van Patten COLLECTOR’S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF NIPPON PORCELAIN, 5th Series Collector’s, 1998 Donated by Jerry Meyer 37. Lionello Venturi BOTTICELLI Oxford, 1937 Includes a Rockwell Kent-style bookplate for contrast Gift of Frank Schier and the Gesley estate 38. VISITING SICILY Arnone, 1999 Traveler’s Guide to art encountered along the way Donated by Wendy C. Husser 39. Alexander von Vegesack THONET: Classic Furniture in bent Wood and Tubular Steel Hazar, 1996 Donated by Jerry Meyer 40. Masako Watanabe STORYTELLING IN JAPANESE ARTS Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2011 Numerous folding plates, so you see the full story Donated by Susan Rossen 41. Martha Wolff KINGS, QUEENS, AND COURTIERS: Art in Early Renaissance France The Art Institute of Chicago, 2011 Hardcover edition of pictures of the Beautiful People of their day Donated by Susan F. Rossen : 42.James N. Wood MASTER PAINTINGS IN THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO Art Institute of Chicago, 2006 What would YOU choose as the major masters here? Donated by Wendy Husser BIBLIOGRAPHY & BOOK COLLECTING 43. Phil Baines PENGUIN BY DESIGN Penguin, 2005 A seventieth anniversary look at the art of Penguin covers; paperback, of course Donated by Susan Rossen 44. BOOK TALK Oak Knoll, 2006 Inscribed by one of the editors--Caxtonian Robert H Jackson--and Marty Greeene, author of the essay on the first book published in Antarctica From the Estate of Bernie Rost 45. John Carter TASTE & TECHNIQUE IN BOOK COLLECTING Private Libraries Association, 1977 A later printing of one of the classics in the field From the Estate of Bernard L. Rost 46. Riva Castleman A CENTURY OF ARTISTS’ BOOKS Museum of Modern Art, 1994 Massive catalog of an exhibit showing what some people can do with a book if you aren’t watching Donated by Susan F. Rossen 47. CIRCLE OF KNOWLEDGE: An Exhibition In The Great Hall Of The Library Of Congress Library of Congress, 1979 Beautiful catalog, with an introduction by Caxtonian James M. Wells Donated by Bob Karrow 48. FINE BOOKS AND AUTOGRAPH LETTERS Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1975 From the Estate of Bernie Rost 49. Gilbert Highet PEOPLE, PLACES, AND BOOKS Oxford, 1953 From the Estate of Bernard L. Rost 50. THE IRISH BOOK COLLECTION OF MAE KENNEDY KANE Dominican University, 2012 Donated by Dominican University 51. Holbrook Jackson DREAMERS OF DREAMS Farrar, Straus, nd Special Christmas gift edition for 1950 SIGNED by Caxtonian Carl Kroch Donated by an Anonymous Krochwatcher 52. Llewellyn Jones HOW TO CRITICIZE BOOKS Norton, 1928 Because we all do From the Estate of Bernard L. Rost 53. Diane Klemin THE ILLUSTRATED BOOK: Its Art and Craft Clarkson Potter, 1970 A classic look at the field Donated by Susan Rossen 54. Brian Lamb BOOKNOTES Times Books, 1999 From the Estate of Bernie Rost 55. Wilmarth Lewis COLLECTORS PROGRESS Constable, 1952 From the Estate of Bernard L. Rost 56. James Russell Lowell AMONG MY BOOKS Houghton-Mifflin, 1891 and AMONG MY BOOKS, 2d Series Houghton Mifflin, 1876 From the Estate of Bernie Rost 57. A. Edward Newton THE GREATEST BOOK IN THE WORLD AND OTHER PAPERS Little Brown, 1925, 4th ptg From the Estate of Bernard L. Rost 58. Catherine Porter MILLER’S COLLECTING BOOKS Miller’s, 1998 Guidelines and pictures and prices, oh my Donated by Jerry Meyer 59. Ronald Searle SLIGHTLY FOXED—BUT STILL DESIRABLE 2001 Searle’s cartoons based on bibliographic descriptions Donated by a Random Bibliomaniac 60. George Steele Seymour ADVENTURES WITH BOOKS AND AUTOGRAPHS Chicago: The Bookfellows, 1920 1 of 500 printed at the Torch Press (founded by a Caxtonian); Helmut Seibert’s copy Donated by Lee J. Harrer 61. Marianne Tidcombe “T.J. Cobden-Sanderson and the Doves Press” Antiques, August, 1993 The work of a legendary printer (who, a century ago, addressed the Caxton Club) Donated by Bill Locke 62. Kurt Weitzmann LATE ANTIQUE AND EARLY CHRISTIAN BOOK ILLUMINATION Braziller, 1977 Donated by Minna Novick BOOKS BEAUTIFULLY MADE 63. Alex Borgen MEDITATIONS: Dreams, Water, and Pulp A boxed set of three single page folded booksmade with handmade abaca paper and inclusions. The books follow a surreal dreamscape of watery landscapes and abstracted journeys. Donated by Alex Borgen 64. Will Bradley APPROPRIATENESS IN TYPOGRAPHIC DECORATION Clinker Press, 2003 Printed for the FABS trip to Pasadena From the Estate of Bernard L. Rost 65. Christopher Hausby THE SYNOPTIC COLLECTION 2003 Copy #36 of this specially cased collection of small volumes of the calligraphy and other art of this artist. The NEWBERRY has copy #37. Donated by Robert W. Karrow *66. LEAF 1450-1476 This leaf comes from the Litany of Saints, imploring prayers from, among others, the Patron Saint of Accountants and the Patron Saint of Tent-Makers, for support. There are 16 lines on each side, including 31 illuminated initials and 27 line extenders in blue and red and burnished gold Donated by Junie Sinson 67. THE MONSEN TYPE MANUAL Monsen, 1929 I like the page “Cooper Black for White Letters” Donated by Lynn Martin 68. ROCKWELL KENT DINNER S.T.A. invitation, nd From the Estate of Bernie Rost 69. LA ROSE DE BAKAWATI Piazza, 1924 9th edition of this prettily ornamented little novel in French Donated by Bev Offen 70. SCRAPPED Pony Barn Press, 1932 An excerpt from Paraphs, a book originally published by Knopf for the Society of Calligraphers Donated by Steve Tomashefsky 71. Robert Seaver YE BUTCHER, YE BAKER, YE CANDLE STICK MAKER Houghton Mifflin, 1908 Verse on modern society, written and illustrated by this quite unsung maker of satiric woodcuts. Two pages in the back advertise other books using these imitation primitives Donated by Muriel Underwood 72. William Shakespeare HAMLET Folio Society, 2007 From the Letter-Press Shakespeare, text in a slipcase accompanied by the Oxford Press edition; 1 of 3750. Shakespeare goes to ancient Danish history for his classic tale of revenge and madness (and flower language) Donated by James R. Donnelley 73. William Shakespeare KING LEAR Folio Society, 2007 From the Letter-Press Shakespeare, text in a slipcase accompanied by the Oxford Press edition; 1 of 3750. Shakespeare goes to ancient English history for a tale of fathers and daughters, age and youth, love and death Donated by James R. Donnelley 74. William Shakespeare MACBETH Folio Society, 2007 From the Letter-Press Shakespeare, text in a slipcase accompanied by the Oxford Press edition; 1 of 3750. Shakespeare turned to ancient Scottish history for a tale of ambition, murder, and guilt Donated by Jim Donnelley 75. William Shakespeare OTHELLO Folio Society, 2007 From the Letter-Press Shakespeare, text in a slipcase accompanied by the Oxford Press edition; 1 of 3750. Shakespeare produced this tale of jealousy and suspicion, and the Folio Society tried to make an edition of it that was as readable as it was beautiful Donated by Jim Donnelley 76. William Shakespeare TRAGEDY OF JULIUS CAESAR Ballantyne Press, 1900 The title page is unnecessarily artsy, but the rest of the book is readable; illustration by Charles Ricketts Donated by Steve Tomashefsky 77. SPECIMEN OF BASKERVILLE Hesterberg Press, 2011 9 of 25 copies Donated by Bill Hesterberg 78. THINGS THAT DREAM Stanford University, 2012 Catalog of an exhibition of drawings and calligraphy based around the poetry of Pablo Neruda and Federico Garcia Lorca, with text by Bruce Nixon, drawings by Manuel Neri, and calligraphy by Thomas Ingmire *79. Mark Twain HUCKLEBERRY FINN Pennyroyal Press, 1985 This is the signed, limited edition, with a slipcased portfolio of individual prints of the Barry Moser illustrations for this cornerstone of American literature Donated by Bob McCamant 80. TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM ADDISON DWIGGINS Inkwell Press, 1980 (1983?) 1 of 500 copies, heavy on illustrations, of this memorial to WAD, artist, designer, and advertising pioneer Donated by Lee J. Harrer 81. TYPE TAKES A BEATING S.T.A. Keepsake, 1941 From the Estate of Bernard L. Rost 82. VOICES TO SHARE Haybarn Press, 2011 Poetry in translation; 1 of 100 copies, signed and illustrated by Ed Colker Donated by Ed Colker 83. Jack Walsdorf ON COLLECTING WILLIAM MORRIS The Printery, 2006 Includes two tipped-in photos of Morris and a facsimile leaf; #113 of 150 copies Donated by Kay Michael Kramer 84. XXX PLUS ONE LaFayette, CA: 1978 The printer’s copy of this limited edition retrospective of Tommy’s Christmas Books, listing each of Mr. Tommasini’s annual publications, with the print run o each, and a directory of persons and institutions with complete or nearly complete collections. The donor wonders how many Caxtonians are in this list Donated by Lee J. Harrer CARTOGRAPHY & TRAVEL 85. A LA PHOTO VIEWS/INDEXED WORLD ATLAS Rand McNally, ca. 1887 A pocket-sized advertisement for the printing available from Rand McNally, as well as for their new indexed world atlas Donated by Roger S. Baskes 86. Melville G. Branch ATLAS OF RARE CITY MAPS: Comparative Urban Design, 1830-1842 Princeton Architectural Press, 1997 Deluxe format reprint of this classic Donated by Morrell M. Shoemaker, Jr. 87. GREAT BRITAIN Baedeker, 1910 Expertly rebound, with the original cloth over leather Donated by Minna Novick 88 HOLLAND Grieben, 1929 German travel guide with plenty of maps Donated by Roger S. Baskes 89. ITALIA CENTRALE Touring Club of Italy, 1925 Originally designed for bicycle tours, these are some of the nicest guides to Italy Donated by Roger S. Baskes 90. ITALY AND NAPLES Baedeker, 1909 Expertly rebound, with the original cloth over leather Donated by Minna Novick 91. LONDON Baedeker, 1911 Expertly rebound, with the original cloth over leather Donated by Minna Novick 92. Rolland Jenkins THE MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE Putnam, 1927 Profusely illustrated with photos and maps: how to take a cruise during the Roaring Twenties Donated by Roger S. Baskes 93. MUNSTER HOLY LAND MAP PUZZLE Facsimile of an antique geometrical puzzle, in which blocks must be moved a certain way to attain the correct new position. This one is based on Sebastien Munster’s map of the Holy Land, and requires redistribution of the Twelve Tribes Donated by Bob Karrow 94. NORWAY, SWEDEN AND DENMARK Baedeker, 1909 Expertly rebound, with the original cloth over leather Donated by Minna Novick 95. PEOPLE’S HANDY ATLAS OF THE WORLD Geographical Publishing Co., ca. 1912 Nifty maps and charts; the one explaining time zones with different sizes of clock faces is by itself worth the price of admission Donated by Roger S. Baskes 96. SIZILIEN’S SCHONSTE PLATZE Grieben, 1926, 2d ed. Scarce softcover German guide to the beauties of Sicily Donated by Roger S. Baskes 97. TWO DUTCH SCHOOL ATLASES A. Van Berkom, Atlas Des Oude Geschiedenis In Karten En Platen Wolters, 1901 And A.L. De Bont, Atlas, ca. 1922 Donated by Roger S. Baskes CAXTONIAN CREATORS 98. Dr. Benjamin Franklin TWO TRACTS: “Introduction for Those Who Would Remove to America” and “Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America” The Printery, 2004 The text of these two tracts is taken from the 1784 edition, reset in Caslon (long s, ligatures, capping scheme, catch-words and signature indicators, and all) by Caxtonian Kay Michael Kramer; #55 of 90 Donated by Kay Michael Kramer 99. William Hesterberg THOMAS BEWICK 16 mm. Sound film documentary From the Estate of Bernie Rost 100. Thomas Wentworth Higginson AGE Hesterberg Press, 1991 1 of 50 copies of this print, hand-colored "for those of his mature friends who know the importance of toys" Donated by William Hesterberg 101. Celia Hilliard THE WOMAN’S ATHLETIC CLUB OF CHICAGO Woman’s Athletic Club, 1998 1 of 500 copies: researched and written by Celia Hilliard and produced by Kim Coventry Donated by Evelyn J. Lampe 102. Susan Jackson Keig RACING SILKS AND WINNING COLORS Beckett Paper, 1987 To show off the glory of its paper, Beckett published this slipcased volume with cutout covers about a part of the racing life few people consider; designed by Susan Keig Donated by Susan J. Keig 103. David Meyer ERNIE & ME Privately printed, 2003 1 of 100 copies: A tribute to the kind of friend everyone has at least one of Donated by David Meyer 104. Audrey Niffenegger THE NIGHT BOOKMOBILE 2010 A graphic novel about the books in the life of the main character Donated by a Laughing Whitefish 105. NEWBERRY 125 The Book of the Newberry Quasquicentennial, designed by Hal Kugeler and edited by Kim Coventry, authors include a goodly a dozen Caxtonians and seven non-Caxtonians who have spoken at lunch or dinner, SIGNED by Newberry President David Spadafora Gift of Dorothy L. Sinson 106. OPPOSED TO INDIFFERENCE: Poems of Memory and Conscience Haybarn Press, 2012 1 of 100 copies illustrated and signed by Ed Colker Donated by Ed Colker *107. PANDORA’S BOX Epicenter, 2002 A handmade box with 50 handmade prints (with and without text) exploring the myth of Pandora, whose name means All Gifts but whose legacy was considered to be all the evils of the world (plus one good). Among the writers and makers are Claire Van Vliet, Michael Thompson, Martha Chiplis, Marilyn Sward, and Audrey Niffenegger. Like the original, this box comes with a final surprise. #41 of 150 copies Donated by Steve Woodall 108. Stanley Pargelis “CLIO IN A STRAIT JACKET” American Quarterly, Summer, 1959 On the subject of whether History is a Social Science Donated by The Newberry Library 109. Tom Reilly DEVELOPING SOCIAL SKILLS 1 of 36 copies of this autobiographical anecdote, signed by the author and the illustrator (Lydia Halversen) Printed, bound, and donated by Muriel Underwood CAXTONIANA 110. BOOK ANNOUNCEMENTS Caxton Club flyers announcing the publication of John T. McCutcheon’s Book, Lincoln: The Constitutional Lawyer, Vincent Starrett’s Book Column, and A Visitor to Chicago in Indian Days (which includes a separate map of the route of the visitor), plus a request in 1988 for someone to donate the only two Caxton publications missing from the Club archives 111. THE CAXTON CLUB The Caxton Club, 1895 Club directory printed by R.R. Donnelley, setting out the Officers, the Committee Members, and the Council, with the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, and (the Club was two years old) one deceased member Donated by Susan Levy 112. THE CAXTONIAN May, 1996 issues, with articles about Gwendolyn Brooks, Abel Berland, and William Caxton. INSCRIBED by Abel Berland Donated by Evelyn J. Lampe 113. THE CAXTONIAN Lot of about 130 issues, so you can catch up on what you’ve missed Donated by Richardson Spofford 114. COLLECTORS AND CONNOISSEURS: THE CAXTON CLUB OF CHICAGO gallery guide to a 1984 exhibition at the Newberry Library Donated by The Caxton Club 115. DVD SET: Chicago : Just a small selection from the Caxton meeting talks on Chicago, including Nathan Mason on Chicago’s public art (April, 2010), Richard Cahan and Michael Williams on Edgar Miller, and the subjects of some of their other Chicago books (October, 2010), Carl Smith on the Plan of Chicago (September, 2007), and George Lane on Chicago’s 19th Century Churches and Synagogues (September, 1998) 116. DVD SET: Crime in the World of Books NOT including the Symposium on the subject, but instead Robert K. O’Neill on a sting to catch looters of Irish national culture (March 17, 1999), George Ritzlin on the map thefts of E. Forbes Smiley III (March, 2007), and Travis McDade with a tale of 19th century book theft, of which it was written “Perhaps these people, like the dog poisoners whom they resemble, cumber the earth merely to teach humility to those of us who are apt sometimes to think too complacently of human nature (June, 2009) 117. DVD SET: Last Mid-Day Dinner Two-DVD set commemorating the last Caxton Club dinner at the Mid-Day Club, after a long relationship. One disc records the speeches of the evening; the other is a highlight reel of previously recorded dinners at the Mid-Day 118. ECONOMICS LOOKED IN THE EYE The Caxton Club, 1947 Small but unapologetic flyer announcing that the price of Caxton luncheons will be going from $1.75 to $2.00; nicely written by the Treasurer who pleaded for the hike so that at least he wouldn’t have to keep making so much change while collecting the money 119. INVITATIONS: Anniversaries Invitations to the Caxton Club’s Centennial Gala, a dinner in honor of the Newberry Library’s 50th anniversary, and a dinner in honor of the Caxton Club’s 50th (with a list of current members serving overseas) 120. INVITATIONS: Chicago and Illinois Invitations to dinners on Prairie Platitudes, Maps and Books of the Great Lakes Region, and Early Illinois Writers, as well as a 1977 field trip to Hull House and a 1944 trip to the Art Institute 121. INVITATIONS: Cowboys Invitations to dinner talks on They Called It the West (1954), The Cowboy in American Literature (1952), and Books of Western Fiction (1955) 122. INVITATIONS: David Randall Invitations to a 1956 talk by the bookdealer turned Lilly Librarian, and a 1977 talk about him 123. INVITATIONS: Giants Invitations to Caxton talks by some very big names: Stanley Morison (Typography), John Drury (Midwest Heritage), John G. Cawelti (Pornography), and Bruce Catton (The Civil War) 124. INVITATIONS: Literature Invitations to talks entitled The Bad Boy in American Literature, With Henty in he Middle Ages, Imaginary Books and Libraries, and Adventures in Translating an Old Tale 125. INVITATIONS: 1957 Miscellany The Caxton schedule for 1957 included talks on subjects as multifarious as Indiana’s superiority I literature, books on science, the future of the book, epitaphs of the famous, and copyright and personal property laws 126. INVITATIONS: Revels Invitations to the 1945, 1949, 1950, 1951, and 1957 year-end bacchanal; the 1945 Revels met in the Love Through The Ages Room at the Tavern Club and featured a storyteller from the USO 127. McCutcheon, John T. JOHN MCCUTCHEON’S BOOK Caxton Club, 1948 One of two books illustrated by McCutcheon published by the Club (to the disgust of some members who thought cartoons frivolous and McCutcheon too contemporary), 1 of 1000 copies, colophon by Bruce Rogers Donated by Lee J. Harrer 128. THEODORE WESLEY KOCH: Address of Franklyn B. Snyder Snyder delivered these remarks at the funeral of author/bibliographer/librarian/ Caxtonian Koch in 1941; this booklet was co-produced by The Caxton Club (of which he was President) and Northwestern University (at which he was Librarian). In its original, unused, mailing envelope Donated by The Caxton Club 129. Amos R. Wells SOCIAL EVENINGS United Society of Christian Education, 1894 Another book by the author of that children’s classic “The Caxton Club” Donated by The Newberry Library 130. WOOD-WORKING MACHINERY LIST A.H.Hitchcock, August, 1924 Monthly from the Hitchcock offices at 1220-1235 The Caxton Building, in Chicago Donated by The Newberry Library 131. Stefan Zweig THE OLD BOOK-PEDDLER AND OTHER TALES FOR BIBLIOPHILES Caxton Club, 1937 Translated by Caxtonian Theodore W. Koch Donated by John Blew CHICAGO AND ILLINOIS 132. CHICAGO-LAKE GENEVA: A 100-Year Road Trip Chicago Map Society/Newberry Library, 2008 In 1905, a pioneering tour guide was published which printed pictures of the route you were to follow, rather than just maps and printed directions, to get from Chicago to Lake Geneva. A century later, an intrepid band took the same route, taking pictures along the way, so you could see how it had changed over the years Donated by Robert W. Karrow 133. CHICAGO PHOTOGRAPHS LaSalle Bank, 2004 SIGNED by the curator of the collection Donated by Bob Karrow 134. THE DEERING LIBRARY: An Illustrated History Northwestern Library, 2008 A history of just one of the libraries named for Caxton Club Members Donated by Northwestern University 135. Paul Dickson BILL VEECK: Basbeall’s Greatest Maverick Walker, 2012 SIGNED by the author as well as by Mrs. Bill Veeck and Mrs.Wendell Smith Donated by Susan Levy 136. Jeanette Fields A COMMUNITY LIFE Keith Bringe, 2012 SIGNED by publisher for the auction Interviews with the founder of the Chicago Architecture Foundation and other Chicago area cultural institution, also includes interviews with other people, including Caxtonians Wilbert Hasbrouck and Barbara Ballinger Donated by Keith Bringe 137. Henry B. Fuller THE CLIFF-DWELLERS Harper, 1893 First edition of this classic of Chicago literature, with a bookplate based on a Dil Pickle Club design Donated by John Blew 138. HANDWRITTEN ABSTRACT OF TITLE Chicago, 1874 Investigating the provision of a canal to attach the Illinois River to Lake Michigan Donated by Richard Lamm 139. Denison Bingham Hull DENNIS BINGHAM HULL: A Man of Many Talents, Written By Himself Privately published, 1985 Printed by R.R. Donnelley, this copy is SIGNED by the author Donated by J. W. Locke 140. Archie Lieberman, Robert Cromie CHICAGO Rand McNally, 1985 Handsome coffee table exploration of Chicago in photographs Donated by Minna Novick 141. Charles H. Rammelkamp ILLINOIS COLLEGE: A Centennial History Yale, 1928 A solid narrative history Donated by John Blew 142. Alan B. Reed COLLECTOR’S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PICKARD CHINA Collector’s, 1995 Chicago company whose china was often painted first by artists at the Art Institute and sent to Europe to be fired Donated by Jerry Meyer 143. David C. Stockwell CHICAGO Bonecchi, 1999 A guide in German to the sights of The Windy City Donated by Janis Wellin Notz CHILDREN 144. Jean de Brunhoff HISTOIRE DE BABAR Hachette, 2008 A nice new copy of this classic Donated by Janis W. Notz 145. CORNELL’S GRAMMAR SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY D. Appleton, 1863 With insert on the 1860 Census Donated by Roger S. Baskes 146. Nora Gaydos NOW I KNOW MY ABCS Innovative Kids, 2006 ABC book with riddles, puzzles, and letter tiles Donated by Janis Wellin Notz 147. Harriet E. Huntington TUNE UP: The Instruments of the Orchestra and Their Players Junior Literary Guild, 1942 A sort of prose Young Person’s Guide to he Orchestra, with artistic photography by the author Donated by Celia Hilliard CHRISTMAS 148. BOOKLIKE BOX OF CHRISTMAS CARDS This pretty volume conceals a collection of Christmas cards and envelopes, and can be used to tuck correspondence, Christmas mailing lists, etc., away on a shelf the rest of the year Donated by Evelyn J. Lampe 149. DVD CLASSICS (?) Actually a collection of Christmas cartoons and movies the company could reprint for a song: includes one 1950s Santa Claus played by a celebrity Mexican wrestler, and a 1960s made-for-TV heartwarmer with John Houseman as a crusty old choir director. Cheesy fun for the whole family Donated by a Christmas cinephile 150 LEFTOVER CHRISTMAS CRACKERS Karen Skubish insisted on having good old English crackers--those tubes that pop open with a bang and dispense jokes, toys, and party hats--at the Caxton Revels. We haven't used them in a while, and there are some left over from the last time we did: not enough for another revel, but enough for a family party. I hope the gunpowder is still good 151. David Sedaris HOLIDAY ON ICE Book on CD, read by the author: how his family did the holidays Donated by Bill Locke 152. Hendrik Willem Van Loon THE MESSAGE OF THE BELLS Garden City, 1947 Donated by Lee J. Harrer 153. WAR BONDS CHRISTMAS CARDS Four designs from World War II Christmas War Bond Posters become cards Donated by the Pritzker Military Museum FOOD & WINE 154. Jane Brody JANE BRODY’S GOOD FOOD BOOK: Living the High-Carbohydrate Way Norton, 1985 They don’t hardly make ‘em like that no more Donated by Susan J. Keig 155. Jane Grigson THE ART OF CHARCUTERIE Knopf, 1968 That’s meat preparation, for those of you not in on the vocabulary of Q-sine Donated by Susan Jackson Keig 156. THE STAG AT EASE Caxton Printers, 1938 A collection of recipes from male celebrities of the day, including George Ade, Sherwood Anderson, Robert Frost, Carl Sandburg, Ogden Nash, William Steig, A.A. Milne, and Caxtonian Christopher Morley Donated by Janis W. Notz 157. Alice B. Toklas THE ALICE B. TOKLAS COOKBOOK Harper, 1984 This is the edition with the introduction by M.F.K. Fisher Donated by Susan J. Keig HISTORY 158. Isabella Bird THE ENGLISHWOMAN IN AMERICA Lakeside Press, 2012 The Lakeside Classic for this year features the experiences of a great traveler Donated by Susan Levy 159. Will and Ariel Durant A DUAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY Simon & Schuster, 1977 The folks who did Civilization before Kenneth Clarke got to it Donated by Jeanne Zasadil and Nancy Brzezinski 160. Thomas Frank WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH KANSAS? Holt, 2005 The revised paperback edition, SIGNED by the author Donated by Ed Quattrocchi 161. Geoffrey Hindley ENGLAND IN THE AGE OF CAXTON That’s William, not the Caxton Club Donated by a Shelf-Cleaner 162. Sean Parnell OUTLAW PLATOON Morrow, 2012 One Platoon’s War in Afghanistan, w/ DVD of the author's talk at the Pritzker; SIGNED Donated by the Prizker Military Museum 163. PICTORIAL REVIEW OF WORLD WAR II Geographical Publishing Co., 1946 Though the cover title of this is Monarch Atlas of the World, the first half of the book is, indeed, dedicated to a pictorial history of the war Donated by Roger S. Baskes 164. Paul Pike Pullen COUNTRY BANKER Privately published, 1976 Memoirs discovered after the death of the author, who was banker in Evansville, Wisconsin, "Where everyone knows whose check is good and whose husband isn't" Donated by Mary Morony 165. SAN FRANCISCO AND OAKLAND: A Visitor’s Guide Rand McNally, 1923 A thoroughly illustrated little handbook (the photo captioned “Celebrating the Visit of the Wild Ducks to Lake Merritt”—p. 44--sticks in the mind, rather.) Donated by Roger S. Baskes *166. Ida B. Tarbell THE HISTORY OF THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY 1925 Two volumes, in dust jacket of one of the great works of Twentiet Century historical writing Donated by John Blew LITERATURE 167. Ray Bradbury FOREVER AND THE EARTH Croissant & Co., 1984 #62 of 300 copies of this radio drama SIGNED by the author Donated by Ed Quattrocchi 168. Cervantes DON QUIXOTE Random House, 1941 Slipcased; illustrated by Hans Alexander Mueller Donated by Jan Figa 169. Joseph Heller GOOD AS GOLD Simon & Schuster, 1979 SIGNED by the author of Catch-22 Donated by Jeanne Zasadil and Nancy Brzezinski 170. Ernest Hemingway ACROSS THE RIVER AND INTO THE TREES Scribner, 1950 NOT Over the River and Through the Woods; a Caxton Christmas favorite Donated from the direction of Oak Park 171. C.E.M. Joad THE BOOK OF JOAD Faber, 1941 One of this book’s subtitles describes it excellently: “A Belligerent Autobiography” Donated by Ed Quattrocchi 172. John LeCarre THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD Coward, 1964 First American edition of this landmark novel Donated by Ed Quatrocchi 173. Lincoln MacVeagh OLD MONEY Tower, 2012 A farce about exclusive people in exclusive clubs, a copy of this shiny new book was sent to the Caxton Club by its author, with never a mention as to whether he is related to any of the MacVeaghs who were Caxtonians in days of yore. Donated by Lincoln MacVeagh 174. Edna St. Vincent Millay HUNSTMAN, WHAT QUARRY? Harper, 1939 A classic collection of her work Donated by Ed Quattrocchi 175. Eugene O’Neill LONG DAY’S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT Yale, 1956 and A MOON FOR THE MISBEGOTTEN Random House, 1952 Two late books from the master of theatre Donated by Ed Quattrocchi 176. PARIS GUIDE, TOME II: La Vie 1869 1200 page guide to life in Paris (in French) by the best writers the editors could get hold of: Nadar, Hugo, Sardou, etc. Some water damage at back Donated by Roger S. Baskes 177. Charles E. Quirk RHYMES OF A SUMMER 1932 Inscribed by Quirk to "a fellow rower": Typescript carbon bound in what was no doubt a small edition of poetry, some of it dealing with inside jokes among fellow sailors, some on concerns of interest to all poets, some good, some verse Donated by Richard Lamm 178. John Sandford STORM PREY Putnam, 2010 Wouldn’t be a Caxton auction without a few thrills Donated by Roger S. Baskes 179. Gore Vidal 1876 Random House, 1976 SIGNED by Vidal; buy it now: the price will go up in 2026 Donated by Jeanne Zasadil and Nancy Brzezinski MUSIC AND DANCE 180. Gabriel Faure THE 2 PIANOS CONCERTOS CD of the Schubert Ensemble (Doesn’t anybody say “conerti” any more?) Donated by Bruce Boyer 181. FIRESIDE BOOK OF FOLK SONGS Simon & Schuster, 1947, 9th ptg. A classic collection, illustrated by Alice and Martin Provensen Donated by Beverly Offen 182. Joseph Hayden THE VIOLIN CONCERTOS CD OF Jan Stigmer’s performances Donated by Bruce Boyer 183. ITALIAN BAROQUE MASTERS CD from the Vienna Masters Series Donated by Bruce Boyer 184. Tom Lehrer THE TOM LEHRER SONG BOOK Crown, 1957, 5th ptg This will have you humming to yourself all evening Donated by Bev Offen 185. Eleanor Rachel Luger DANCE POSTERS Fireside, 1979 Numerous examples of poster art, including one by Edward Gorey Donated by Bill Locke 186. Guillaume de Machaut MESSE DE NOTRE DAME A Harmonia Mundi CD Donated by bruce H. Boyer 187. Keith Money FONTEYN AND NUREYEV: The Great Years Harvill, 1994 Photographs and accounts of this great pairing Donated by J. William Locke 188. Wolfgang A. Mozart DON GIOVANNI 1995 CD of a live performance of this opera, with Rodney Gilfoy in the title role Donated by Bruce H. Boyer 189. MUSIC OF THE CRUSADES CD by the Early Music Consort of London Donated by Bruce Boyer 190. Edith Piaf THE SOUVENIRS COLLECTION CD featuring just a few of the immortal songs Donated by Bruce H. Boyer 191. Sergei Rachmaninov PIANO CONCERTO #2, RHAPSODY ON A THEME OF PAGANINI, PRELUDES A CD to make you forget the background music at the Revels Donated By Bruce H. Boyer 192. Dawn Upshaw and Kent Nagaro CANTELOUBE/EMMANUEL CD featuring recent work by this pair Donated by Bruce Boyer 193. Giuseppe Verdi UN BALLO IN MASCHERA CD of the Maria Callas performance Donated by Bruce Boyer 194. Giuseppe Verdi OTELLO CD: Solti, Pavarotti, Te Kanawa, Nucci Donated by Bruce H. Boyer 195. Yo-Yo Ma BOCCHERINI/BACH CD of cello masterpieces Donated by Bruce Boyer PRINTS AND ORIGINAL ART 196. Barnett THE GREAT ROSTENKOWSKI Cartoon for the Indianapolis News, 1995 Donated by David Meyer 197. William Cullen Bryant OCTOBER Hesterberg Press, 1989 Printed for the October, 1989 Typocrafters gathering Donated by Bill Hesterberg 198. Letterio Calapai FEAR 1 of 25 copies, 3 ¾” x 5” From the Estate of Bernard L. Rost 199. Letterio Calapai NORTHERN LIGHTS 1 of 50 copies, 4 ¼” x 5 ¼” From the Estate of Bernie Rost 200. Artist unknown CARICATURE 1940s Fritz Kreisler? Bob Cotner? You decide Donated by Someone Fiddling Around 201. OVER THE TOP, ILLINOIS! Facsimile of a World War I recruiting poster Donated by the Pritzker Military Museum 202. David Singer TEN YEARS AFTER/TERRY REID/BARKAYS/ SPIRIT/SAVOY BROWN/WOMB, 1969 The vibrant and creative posters created to promote rock concerts left a lasting influence on graphic design. The posters, influenced by Art Nouveau, Op and Pop Art, were commissioned by rock prmoters Bill graham and Helms. Donated by Alice Schreyer and Tony Batko 203. David Singer SAVOY BROWN, SEA TRAIN, RY COODER, HUMBLE PIE, 1970 As described on the website of Wolfgang’s vault, Bill graham’s Archive, “Vivid colors, innovative lettering, imagery that ranged from the sensuous to the bizarre and an overall visual intensity were the hallmarks of the psychedelic graphic style associated with that exhilarating and tumultuous era.” Donated by Tony Batko and Alice Schreyer *204. Wes Wilson CAPTAIN BEEFHEART, 1966 Printed in small editions, the posters immediately became collectible and were printed in different sizes and on different paper stocks. Donated by Tony Batko and Alice Schreyer 205. Wes Wilson YOUNG RASCALS, SOPWITH CAMEL, THE DOORS, 1967 Wes Wilson, who introduced the freehand lettering that became a hallmark of the genre, and David Singer, noted for his collage designs, are among the most highly regarded rock poster artists. Donated by Alice Schreyer and Tony Batko SERVICES 206. BOOKPLATE This renowned artist and all-around Caxtonian will produce a bookplate just for your use Donated by Hayward Blake 207. DROP-SPINE BOX Get a protective box designed just for one of your favorite books Donated by Jamie Weaver TOURS AND MEMBERSHIPS 208. ABRAHAM LINCOLN TOUR Brooks Davis will take you on a tour of Lincoln sites in Chicago Donated by Brooks Davis 209. ADLER PLANETARIUM MEMBERSHIP A one year membership, with all the privileges thereof Donated by Marvin Bolt 210. ADLER PLANETARIUM WEBSTER CLUB MEMBERSHIP A one year membership in The Webster Club, the Adler’s insider group Donated by Marvin Bolt 211. CHICAGO ART DECO SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP One year’s entitlement as a full member Donated by Jackie Vossler 212. CHICAGO HISTORY MUSEUM MEMBERSHIP One year’s free entrée to the museum Donated by Gary T. Johnson 213. THE LAKESIDE LIBRARY TOUR A tour of the new, larger facility in Warrenville Donated by Doug Fitzgerald 214. THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY TOUR Jill Gage will show you everything you could want to see (limit 6 people; no pushing) Donated by Jill Gage 215. PRITZKER MILITARY MUSEUM A behind-the-scenes tour for a group of 4, with Pritzker Museum Medal Donated by the Pritzker Military Museum 216. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LIBRARY SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP This entitles the winner to membership at the Collectors’ Circle level, the level awarded to those who donate at least $250 Donated by Alice Schreyer MISCELLANEOUS 217. ANNA LEE BABY ANNOUNCEMENT A bunny rabbit in a pink slipper. Donated by a dour donor 218. ARTS & CRAFTS TILES BY MOTAWI TILEWORKS 16 notecards of four different designs from this classic line of tiles Donated by Janis W. Notz 219. BILL OF SALE A 1698 bill of sale between Thomas Hodson and Agents of William Penn, paying 275 pounds for 1050 acres in Berks County, Pennsylvania, with seal Donated by Thomas J. Joyce 220. BRASS BOOKENDS Small (about five inches tall) but heavy, showing a candle in front of a shelf of books. Wildly appropriate for this crowd. Donated by Evelyn J. Lampe 221. CASSETTE PLAYER The Club bought a small cassette player to augment audio-visual needs at a luncheon talk (this very player will be seen on the DVD thereof.) Rather than keep it on the off-chance that it will be needed again (whereupon it will be necessary to remember where it is), the Club is offering you a chance to own this vintage, but excellent, piece of technology. (Batteries not included.) 222. A CRACK AT INTERNATIONAL OBSCURITY In return for your winning bid, the author will add your name, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, to a short story to be submitted to the 2014 Mystery Writers of America anthology of stories on the Cold War. The higher your bid, the less likely you will turn out to be the murdered bodyguard or the disgraced former head of an unnamed spy agency Donated by Dan Crawford 223. CRAWFORD COLLECTION Oh, another pile of this bloke’s stuff Donated by Evelyn J. Lampe 224. FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT DESIGNS FOR LIBERTY MAGAZINE Geometric Art Deco Designs on notecards Donated by Janis Wellin Notz 225. KEY CHAIN A pewter fob in the shape of William Faulkner’s Soldier’s Pay Donated by Evelyn J. Lampe 226. LALIQUE PAPERWEIGHT, BOTANIC DESIGN A modern glass weight from the masters of glass Donated by Janis W. Notz 227. THE LAST WHOLE EARTH CATALOG October, 1971 A blast from the past Donated by Robert W. Karrow 228. John Lubbock THE SCENERY OF SWITZERLAND AND THE CAUSES TO WHICH IT IS DUE Macmillan, 1896 Ah, Victorian science! Not a lot of scenic photographs, but lots of graphs and diagrams to explain the mountains and valleys Donated by Roger S. Baskes 229. PENCIL SHARPENER This electric pencil sharpener is concealed inside a a box meant to look like a small stack of books Donated by Evelyn J. Lampe 230. THE READER’S DIGEST BOOK OF GARDENING Reader’s Digest, 1966 Massive reference Donated by Susan Jackson Keig 231. Bruce Richardson THE GREAT TEAROOMS OF AMERICA Benjamin, 2006 A SIGNED copy of this guide to travel, food, and history, just to give a hint to the sort of thing you might find when the triennial P.G. Wodehouse National Convention comes to Chicago (the Union League Club) in 2013 Donated by The Wodehouse Society 232. ROY LICHTENSTEIN: A retrospective Art Institute of Chicago, 2012 Book of postcards from this summer’s blockbuster show Donated by Susan F. Rossen 233. WINDOWS ON THE WAR: Soviet TASS Posters at Home and Abroad, 1941-45 Art Institute of Chicago, 2011 Postcard book of striking images from the exhibition Donated by Susan Rossen 234. Henny Youngman THE BEST LITTLE BOOK OF ONE LINERS Running Press, 1992 From the Estate of Bernard L. Rost 235. TREASURE BOX A 236. TREASURE BOX B Just in case anything is left over at the end of the silent auction, such items will be tucked away in these boxes and sold at the end of the Live Auction. Do not count on your favorite being a leftover (You know it’s always the treacle tofu casserole.) “There is no mistaking a real book when one meets it. It is like falling in love.” Christopher Morley