Evaluasi Penggunaan Layar Touchscreen Click here to enter text

Evaluasi Penggunaan Layar Touchscreen
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by Irene Paramita
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Evaluasi Penggunaan Layar Touchscreen
Pusat Informasi, Dokumentasi, dan Keluhan (PIDK) Universitas Brawijaya (UB)
menyelenggarakan evaluasi penerapan penggunaan layar touchscreen sebagai media informasi
di UB, Kamis (14/11). Kegiatan yang dipusatkan di Ruang Jamuan Gedung Rektorat lantai enam
ini dihadiri Pusat Sistem Informasi dan Keluhan (PSIK) masing-masing fakultas dan unit kerja di
UB serta operator unit touchscreen.
Tim monev Chomsin S. Widodo, Ph.D yang memimpin pertemuan ini mengatakan, hasil
evaluasi ini didapatkan setelah tim monev melakukan monitoring dan penyebaran kuesioner
evaluasi penggunaan layar touchscreen yang ada di berbagai Fakultas dan Unit Kerja di UB.
Disampaikan Chomsin, dari responden yang terdiri dari 13 operator, 81 mahasiswa berbagai
fakultas di UB, dan 19 unit kerja UB, didapatkan hasil 58 persen responden merasakan manfaat
adanya unit touchscreen, 31 persen kadang-kadang, dan hanya 11 persen yang tidak
merasakan manfaat.
Sedangkan pada pertanyaan konten apa yang diharapkan ada di layar touchscreen, 52 persen
responden menjawab website unit kerja, 35 persen menjawab manual prosedur unit kerja, dan
13 persen menjawab lain-lain.
Kuesioner tersebut juga menggali masukan, kritik, serta saran dari para responden. Adapun
saran dari responden antara lain perlunya diadakan sosialisasi karena dirasakan kurang
sosialisasi, jumlah unit touchscreen yang perlu ditambah, konten lebih diperbanyak dan up to
date, adanya monitor yang rusak dan perlu diperbaiki, dan perlunya konten informasi
Chomsin mengatakan, konten yang diutamakan untuk dapat diakses di layar touchscreen ini
adalah alur manual prosedur dari pelayanan-pelayanan yang dilaksanakan oleh fakultas/unit
kerja masing-masing sesuai standar yang ada.
“Format alur manual prosedur yang berbasis pelayanan prima yaitu yang mencantumkan
waktu. Misal mahasiswa yang perlu membuat surat keterangan Praktek Kerja Lapangan,
dicantumkan janji waktu surat akan selesai dalam berapa hari dihitung mulai awal
permohonan surat sampai selesainya surat,” jelasnya.
Di akhir acara Chomsin berharap dengan adanya evaluasi ini, pemanfaatan terhadap layar
touchscreen di masing-masing fakultas dan unit kerja akan semakin optimal. “Mahasiswa atau
dosen yang membutuhkan layanan tidak perlu menanyakan prosedur, cukup dengan
mengakses layar touchscreen, sehingga pada jam istirahat atau waktu tertentu saat pegawai
tidak ditempat, layanan tetap berjalan. Selain itu juga dapat mengurangi tempelan-tempelan
pengumuman di depan loket atau kaca, karena segala informasi dapat diakses melalui layar
touchscreen,” pungkasnya. [irene]
[ irene ]
Hubungan Masyarakat
Universitas Brawijaya
Kamis, 14 Nopember 2013
Evaluate the Use of Touchscreen Display
by Irene Paramita
Evaluate the use of touchscreen
The Center of Information, Documentation, and Complaint (PIDK) Universitas Brawijaya (UB)
held the evaluation to the use of touchscreen display as an information media in UB on
Thursday (14/11). The event which was centralized in Meeting Room, Sixth Floor of Rectorate
was attended by the Center of Information System and Complaint (PSIK) from each faculty and
working unit in UB and the operators of touchscreen display.
The team of monitoring and evaluation, Chomsin S. Widodo, Ph.D who led this meeting said
that the result of evaluation was achieved after the team had done monitoring and the
distribution of questionnaires of the evaluation of the use of touchscreen display in various
faculties and working units in UB.
As stated by Chomsin, from the respondents which consist of 13 operators, 81 students from
various faculties, and 19 working units in UB, achieved 58 percent of the respondents get the
advantages from touchscreen display, 31 percent were sometimes, and only 11 percents who
do not fell the advantages.
While on a question about what kind of content which is expected to be displayed in a
touchscreen, 52 percent of the respondents answered the website of working unit, 35 percent
said the manual procedure of working unit, and 13 percent said others.
The questionnaire also dig input, criticism, and suggestion from the respondants. The
suggestion from the respondents are, it needs a socialization because it perceives lack of
socialization, the number of touchscreen units needto be added, the content must be added
more and up to date, while the broken monitos are required to be fixed, and it requires
academic information.
Chomsin said, the precedence content to be able to access in touchscreen display is the flow of
manual procedure from the services which are done by each faculty or working unit based on
the standard.
“The format of manual procedure flow which is based on excellent service is to mention the
date and time. For example, a student needs to make job training certificate, mentioned the
date to finish the task in home many days. It is measured from the beginning of the letter and
mentioned the estimation to finish the complaint,” he explained.
At the end of the meeting, Chomsin expects this evaluation that the utilization through
touchscreen display in each faculty and working unit will be more optimal. “Students or
lecturers who need services do not need to ask the procedure, it is enough to access the
touchscreen display, therefore during the break time or certain time when the staff is not in
the office, the services are still available. In addition, it also can minimize the patched
announcement in front of the counter or on the glasses, because all infomation can be
accessed through touchscreen display,” he said. [irene/translated by agung]
[ irene ]
Hubungan Masyarakat
Universitas Brawijaya
Kamis, 14 Nopember 2013