curriculum vitae and list of publications

Personal Details
Date and place of Birth:
Date of immigration:
Regular military service:
Address and telephone at work:
Address and telephone at home:
Avraham I. Kudish
June 8,1943; New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
September 4, 1970
Sh'lav bet- July-September 1974
Institutes for Applied Research,
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
Beer Sheva 84105, ISRAEL
Mishol Ekron 6
Beer Sheva 94805, ISRAEL
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York, N.Y.
Department of Chemical Engineering.
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY
Polymer Institute
Prof. F. R. Eirich.
Dimensions and States of Parent Gelatin Molecules Adsorbed at Solid-Aqueous
Employment History
July 2000
Researcher Grade A- research scientist (tenured)
Institutes for Applied Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva
84105, ISRAEL
October 1998-July 2000
Researcher grade B- research scientist .
Institutes for Applied Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva
84105, ISRAEL
April 1980-October 1998
Research scientist
Department of Chemical Engineering
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva 84105, ISRAEL
August 1984-August 1985
Sabbatical-Visiting Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT USA
October 1979-August 1984
Senior scientist in charge of solar desalination project in conjunction with
controlled environmental agriculture
Controlled Environmental Agriculture Unit, Institute for Desert Research, Sde
June 1976-September 1979
Acting Head of the Energy Conversion Unit, Institute for Desert Research, Sde
October 1975-April 1980
Department of Chemical Engineering
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva 84105, ISRAEL
October 1970-October 1975
Research Scientist
Isotope Separation Plant
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, ISRAEL
January 1970-June 1970
Adjunct Instructor
Department of Chemical Engineering
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York, N.Y.
Professional Activities
Membership in professional/scientific societies
International Solar Energy Society
Israeli Section- International Solar Energy Society
Educational Activities
(a) Courses taught
Chemical Engineering Principles 4- undergraduate students
Solar Energy- undergraduate students
Energy in Industrial Processes- undergraduate students
Department of Chemical Engineering
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva 84105, ISRAEL
(b) Research students
Tal Rehima, MS (expected to finish in 2004), Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev, Department of Electro-optics Engineering, Prof. Natan Kopeika.
Haul Israeli, MS (expected to finish in 2004), Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev, Department of Electro-optics Engineering, Prof. Natan Kopeika.
Awards, Citations, Honors, Fellowships
1986 Löf-Duffie Best Solar Energy Journal Paper Award from the International
Solar Energy Society for A Study of Collector Aging, Installation and Material
Problems. Solar Energy 36, 227 (1986).
Scientific Publications
Published-peer reviewed
1. A.I. Kudish, D. Wolf and F. Steckel, Physical Properties of Heavy-Oxygen Water. The
Absolute Viscosity of H2180 between 15 and 35°C. J.C.S. Faraday Trans. I. 68, 2041-2046
2. A.I. Kudish, D. Wolf and S. Pinchas, The Effects of H2180 on the pH of Phosphoric Acid
Solutions. J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 35, 3637-3638 (1973).
3. A.I. Kudish, D. Wolf and F. Steckel, Physical Properties of Oxygen-17 Water. The
Absolute Viscosity and Density of H217O between 15 and 35°C. J.C.S. Faraday Trans. I. 70, 474489 (1974).
4. A.I. Kudish and D. Wolf, Absolute Viscosity of D218O between 15 and 35°C. J. Phys.
Chem. 79, 272-275 (1975).
5. D. Wolf and A.I. Kudish, Absolute Viscosity of D218O between 15 and35°C. J. Phys.
Chem. 79,1481 (1975).
6. A.I. Kudish and D. Wolf, A Compact Shallow Solar Pond Hot Water Heater. Solar
Energy 21, 317-322 (1978).
7. D. Wolf, A. Tamir and A.I. Kudish, A Central Solar Domestic Hot Water System.
Performance and Economic Analysis. Energy 5, 191-205 (1980).
8. D. Wolf and À. I. Kudish, The Effect of Isotope Substitution on the Viscosity of WaterMethanol Mixtures at 25°C. J. Phys. Chem. 84, 921 (1980).
9. A.I. Kudish, Sede Boqer Shallow Solar Pond Project. Energy 6, 277-292 (1981).
10.D. Wolf, A.I. Kudish and A. Sembira, Dynamic Simulation and Parametric Sensitivity
Studies on a Flat Plate Solar Collector. Energy 6, 333 (1981).
11. A.I. Kudish and D. Wolf, Recent Advances in the Use of Solar Energy in Israel. (An
invited review article) Atti della Fondazione Girogio Ronchi 36, 305-347 (1981).
12. A.I. Kudish, D. Wolf and Y. Machlav, A Novel Approach for Calculating the Monthly
Average Daily Fraction of Diffuse Solar Radiation. Solar Energy 28, 181-186 (1982).
13.Y. David, J. Porat, A.I. Kudish and S.B. Lang, Integrating Spherical Reflectometer: An
Undergraduate Research Project. The Physics Teacher 20, 254-256 (1982).
14.A.I. Kudish, J. Gale and Y. Zarmi, A Low Cost Design Solar Desalination Unit. Energy
Conversion and Management 22, 269-274 (1982).
15.A.I. Kudish, D. Wolf and Y. Machlav, Solar Radiation Data for Beer Sheva, Israel. Solar
Energy 30, 33-37 (1983).
16.D. Wolf, A.N. Sembira and A.I Kudish, Dynamic Simulation and Parametric Sensitivity
Studies on a Central Solar Domestic Hot Water System. Energy 9, 169-181 (1984).
17.A.I. Kudish, J. Gale and Y. Zarmi, Solar Desalination in Conjunction with Controlled
Environment Agriculture in Arid Zones. Proc.The Solar Energy Conference - 1985 (ASME
Solar Energy and ASES Engineering Divisions), Knoxville, TN, Mar. 1985, pp. 117-122.
18.A.I. Kudish P. Santamaura and P. Beaufort, Direct Measurement and Analysis of
Thermosiphon Flow. Solar Energy 35, 167-173 (1985).
19.A. Rudnick, Y. Kaplan, A.I. Kudish and D. Wolf, A Study of Collector Aging, Installation
and Material Problems. Solar Energy 36, 227-240 (1986). Awarded the 1986 Löf-Duffie Best
Paper Award by the International Solar Energy Society
20. A.I. Kudish and J. Gale, Solar Desalination in Conjunction with Controlled Environment
Agriculture in Arid Zones. Energy Conversion and Management 26, 201-207 (1986).
21. A.I. Kudish and A. Ianetz, Evaluation of the Relative Ability of Three Models, the
Isotropic, Klucher and Hay, to Predict the Global Radiation in Beer Sheva, Israel. Energy
Conversion and Management 32, 387-394 (1991).
22. A.I. Kudish and A. Ianetz, Analysis of the Solar Radiation Data for Beer Sheva, Israel
and Its Environs. Solar Energy 48, 97-106 (1992).
23. A. Ianetz and A.I. Kudish, Correlations between Values of Daily Beam, Diffuse and
Global Radiation for Beer Sheva, Israel. Energy 17, 523-533 (1992).
24. A.I. Kudish and A. Ianetz, Analysis of Diffuse Radiation Data for Beer Sheva: Measured
(Shadow Ring) vs. Calculated (Global - Horizontal Beam) Values. Solar Energy 51, 495-503
25. A. Ianetz and A.I. Kudish, Correlations between Values of Daily Horizontal Beam and
Global Radiation for Beer Sheva, Israel. Energy 19, 751-764 (1994).
26. A. Ianetz and A.I. Kudish, Empirical correlations between global radiation and its
components for Beer Sheva, Israel. Israel Meteorological Research Papers 5, 28-36 (1994).
27. A.I. Kudish and A. Ianetz, Analysis of daily clearness index, global and beam radiation
for Beer Sheva, Israel: Partition according to day type and statistical analysis. Energy Conversion
and Management 37, 405-416 (1996).
28. A.P. Kushelevsky and A.I. Kudish, Inter comparison of global, UVB and UVA radiation
measurements in the Dead Sea Region (Ein Bokek) and Beer Sheva. Israel J. Medical Science
32S, 24-27 (1996).
29. M.M. Aboabboud, L. Horváth, G. Mink, M. Yasin, and A.I. Kudish, An energy saving
atmospheric evaporator utilizing low grade thermal or waste energy. Energy 21, 1107-1117
30. M.M. Aboabboud, L. Horváth, J. Szépvölgyi, G. Mink, E. Radhika, and A.I. Kudish, The
use of a thermal energy recycle device in conjunction with a basin-type solar still for enhanced
productivity. Energy 22, 83-91 (1997).
31. A.I. Kudish, E. Evseev and A.P. Kushelevsky, The analysis of ultraviolet radiation in the
Dead Sea Basin. Int’l. J. Climatology 17, 1697-1704 (1997).
32. A.P. Kushelevsky, M. Harari, A.I. Kudish, E. Hristakieva, A. Ingber and J. Shani, Safety
of solar phototherapy at the Dead Sea. J. Amer. Acad. Dermatology 38, 447-452 (1998).
33. G. Mink, L. Horváth, E.G. Evseev and A.I. Kudish, Design parameters, performance
testing and analysis of a double-glazed, air-blown solar still with thermal energy recycle. Solar
Energy 64, 265-277 (1998).
34. A.I. Kudish and E.G. Evseev, Statistical relationships between solar UVB and UVA
radiation and global radiation measurements at two sites in Israel. Int’l. J.Climatology 20,
759-770 (2000).
*35. A. Ianetz, V. Lyubansky, I. Setter, E.G. Evseev and A.I. Kudish, A method for
characterization and inter-comparison of sites with regard to solar energy utilization by statistical
analysis of their solar radiation data as performed for three sites in the Negev region of Israel.
Solar Energy 69, 283-293 (2000).
*36. A. Ianetz, V. Lyubansky, E.G. Evseev and A.I. Kudish, Correlations for determining the
daily diffuse radiation as a function of daily beam radiation on a horizontal surface in the semiarid region of Israel. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 69, 213-220 (2001).
*37. A.I. Kudish, E.G. Evseev, G. Walter and T. Leukefeld, A simulation study of a solar
collector with a selectively coated polymeric double-walled absorber plate. Energy Conversion
and Management 43, 651-671(2002).
*38. A.I. Kudish, E.G. Evseev, G. Walter and T. Priebe, A simulation study on a solar
desalination system utilizing an evaporator/condenser chamber. Energy Conversion and
Management 44,1653-1670(2003).
*39. A.I. Kudish, E.G. Evseev, G. Walter and T. Priebe, A coaxial tubular solar collector
constructed from polymeric materials: An experimental and transient simulation study. Energy
Conversion and Management 44,2549-2566(2003).
*40. A.I. Kudish, D. Abels and M. Harari, Ultraviolet radiation properties as applied to
photoclimatherapy at the Dead Sea. International Journal of Dermatology, 42,359-365(2003).
1. Kudish, A.I. and Eirich, F.R., The Adsorption of Gelatin at Solid-Liquid Interfaces.
Chapter 17 in: J.L. Brash and T. Horbett (Editors) Proteins at Interfaces: Physiochemical and
Biochemical Studies, American Chemical Society Symposium Series 343, 1987, pp. 261 - 277.
2. Kudish, A.I., Water Desalination. Chapter 8 in: B.F. Parker (Editor) Solar Energy in
Agriculture-Energy in World Agriculture, Vol. 4, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., Amsterdam,
1991, pp. 255 - 294.
Conference proceedings
1. F.R. Eirich and A.I. Kudish, Adsorption of Polyelectrolytes and Polyampholytes at
Liquid-Solid Interfaces. Polymer Preprints, Amer. Chem. Soc. 11(2),1350-1359 (1970).
2. D. Wolf, A. Tamir, A.I. Kudish and D.H. White, Developments in Domestic Solar Hot
Water Heating. Proc. Intl. Conference of Energy Use Management, Tucson, AZ, Oct. 1977.
3. A.I. Kudish and A. Roy, Sede Boqer-Shallow Solar Pond Project. Proc. 14th Intersociety
Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Boston, MA, Aug. 1979.
4. A.I. Kudish, D. Wolf and Y. Machlav, Determination of the Monthly Average Fraction of
Diffuse Radiation from Insolation Measurements on a Tilted and on a Horizontal Surface. Proc.
Intl. Solar Energy Society Conference, Solar World Forum, 2370-2374 Brighton, England, Aug.
5. A.I. Kudish, D. Wolf and Y. Machlav, The Availability of Solar Radiation in Beer Sheva
(The Negev Region). Proc. of the Meeting of the Intl. Institute of Refrigeration, Commissions E1, E-2, Jerusalem, Israel, Mar. 1982.
6. A.I. Kudish and P. Santamaura, A Direct Measurement of Thermosiphon Flow. Proc.
Amer. Solar Energy Soc. Conf., Renewable Energy Renewable Living, 337340, Minneapolis,
MN, June 1983.
7. A.I. Kudish, A. Rudnick and Y. Kaplan, Application of Infrared Thermographic Analysis
to Solar Collectors. Proc. Int. Solar Energy Soc Conference, Intersol-85. Montreal, Canada,
June 1985.
8. A.I. Kudish, Availability of Solar Radiation (Global and Beam) in the Beer Sheva
Region. Proc. First Sede Boqer Workshop on Sola Electricity Production, Sede Boqer, Israel,
Feb. 1986.
9. A.I. Kudish and A. Ianetz, Solar Beam Radiation Available for Concentrating Solar
Collectors in the Beer Sheva Region. Proc. Second Sede Boqer Symposium on Solar Electricity
Production, Sede Boqer, Israel, Feb. 1987.
10.A.I. Kudish and A. Ianetz, Test of the Validity of the Isotropic Model in Determining the
Average Seasonal Global Radiation on a Surface Tilted to the South. Proc. Int'l. Solar Energy
Society Conference, Solar World Congress 1987, Hamburg, Fed. Rep. Germany, Sept. 1987.
11. A.I. Kudish, Long-Term Performance of Solar Water Heaters: The Israeli Experience.
(invited) Solar Water Heating Systems for Rural Areas, Report and Proceedings of CNRE
Workshop, 1-3 June 1988, Naxos, Greece. CNRE Bulletin No. 22 1988.
12. A.I. Kudish and A. Ianetz, Verification of a Method for Calculating the Monthly Average
Daily Fraction of Diffuse Radiation. Proc. 1988 Annual Meeting of ASES,337-340, Cambridge,
MA, June 1988.
13. A. Ianetz and A.I. Kudish, Empirical Correlations between Values of Daily Beam,
Diffuse and Global Radiation for Beer Sheva, Israel. Proc. Int'l. Solar Energy Society
Conference, Solar World Congress 1991, Denver, CO, Aug. 1991.
14. A.I. Kudish and A. Ianetz, Solar Radiation Climate of Beer Sheva, Israel. Proc. Int'l.
Solar Energy Society Conference, Solar World Congress 1991, Denver, CO, Aug. 1991.
15. A.I. Kudish and A. Ianetz, Analysis of Solar Radiation Data for Beer Sheva and Its
Environs. Proc. Fourth Sede Boqer Symposium on Solar Electricity Generation, The Jacob
Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, Sede Boqer, Israel,
Oct. 1991.
16. A.I. Kudish and A. Ianetz, Analysis and Frequency Distribution of the Hourly and Daily
Beam and Global Radiation Values for the Northern Negev Region of Israel. Proc. Second
World Renewable Energy Congress, 5, 2789-2793, Reading, United Kingdom, Sept. 1992.
17. A.I. Kudish and A. Ianetz, Analysis of Diffuse Radiation Data: Measured (Shadow-ring)
vs. Calculated (Global - Horizontal Beam) Values. Proc. Int'l. Solar Energy Society Conference,
Solar World Congress 1993, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 1993.
18. A. Ianetz and A.I. Kudish, Correlations between Beam Transmittance, Kb, and Daily
Clearness Index, Kt, for Beer Sheva, Israel. Proc. Int'l. Solar Energy Society Conference,Solar
World Congress 1993, Budapest, Hungary, Aug. 1993.
19. A.I. Kudish and A. Kushelevsky, Measurement of UV-B radiation in Israel using the
Model 501a UV-Biometer (Solar Light Co.). International Workshop on Biological UVDosimetry, Budapest, Hungary, Nov. 1994.
20. G. Mink, E. Karmazsina, M. Yasina, M.M. Aboabboud, L. Horváth and A.I. Kudish,
Energy Recycling in Air-Blown Solar Stills. Sixth ASEAN Conference on Energy Technology,
Bangkok, Thailand, Aug. 1995.
21. G. Mink, M.M. Aboabboud, M. Yasina, A.I. Kudish and E. Karmazsina, Energy Saving
Method for Evaporation & Thickening Processes Using Waste Energy. Sixth ASEAN Conference
on Energy Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, Aug. 1995.
22. G. Mink, M.M. Aboabboud, L. Horváth, E.G. Evseev and A.I. Kudish, Design and
performance of an air-blown, multiple-effect solar still with thermal energy recycle. Proc. Int'l.
Solar Energy Society Conference, Solar World Congress, 6, 135-144, Taejon, Korea, Aug. 1997.
23. A.I. Kudish, E.G. Evseev, M.M. Aboabboud, L. Horváth and G. Mink, Heat transfer
processes in an air-blown, multiple-effect solar still with thermal energy recycle. Proc. Int'l.
Solar Energy Society Conference, Solar World Congress, 6, 158-167, Taejon, Korea, Aug. 1997.
24. A.I. Kudish, E.G. Evseev, L. Horváth and G. Mink, Performance studies on an air-blown,
multiple-effect solar still operating on solar and/or waste energy. Proc. Int'l Congress Energy
and the Environment, II, 57-69, Opatija, Croatia, Oct. 1998.
25. G. Mink, M.M. Aboabboud, L. Horváth, E.G. Evseev and A.I. Kudish, Performance of an
air-blown solar still with internal multitubular heat exchanger for condensation heat recycle.
Proc. Int'l Congress Energy and the Environment, II, 71-77, Opatija, Croatia, Oct. 1998.
26. G. Mink, L. Horváth, E.G. Evseev and A.I. Kudish, Performance and analysis of a
multiple-effect solar still utilizing an internal multi-tubular heat exchanger for thermal energy
recycle. Proc. Int'l. Solar Energy Society Conference, Solar World Congress, III, 226-235,
Jerusalem, Israel, July 1999.
27. A.I. Kudish, E.G. Evseev, L. Horváth and G. Mink, Performance and analysis of a
multiple-effect solar still utilizing solar and/or waste thermal energy. Proc. Int'l. Solar Energy
Society Conference, Solar World Congress, III, 216-225, Jerusalem, Israel, July 1999.
28. V. Lyubansky, A. Ianetz, I. Seter, A.I. Kudish and E. Evseev, Characterization and intercomparison of the global and beam radiation measured at three sites in the southern region of
Israel by statistical analysis. Proc. Int'l. Solar Energy Society Conference, Solar World Congress,
I, 419-426, Jerusalem, Israel, July 1999.
29. A.I. Kudish, E. Evseev, M. Rommel, M. Köhl, G. Walter and T. Leukefeld, Research and
development of solar collectors fabricated from polymeric material. Proc. Int'l. Solar Energy
Society Conference, Solar World Congress, III, 40-49, Jerusalem, Israel, July 1999.
30. A. Ianetz, V. Lyubansky, I. Setter, E.G. Evseev and A.I. Kudish, An inter-comparison of
the radiation intensities measured at three sites in the southern region of Israel by regression
analysis. Proc. World Renewable Energy Congress-VI, Renewables: The Energy for the 21st
Century, IV, 2477-2480, Brighton, United Kingdom, July 2000.
31. A.I. Kudish, G. Mink, E.G. Evseev and L. Horváth, Technical and economic features of
advanced air-blown solar desalination systems. Proc. Int'l Congress Energy and the Environment
2000, I, 89-97, Opatija, Croatia, Oct. 2000.
32. A.I. Kudish, E.G. Evseev, G. Walter and T. Priebe, A coaxial tubular solar collector
constructed from polymeric materials: An experimental and transient simulation study. Proc.
Int'l. Solar Energy Society Conference, Solar World Congress, Göteborg, Sweden, June 2003.
33. A.I. Kudish and E.G. Evseev, Thermosiphon domestic hot water system: A study of
system pressure and tap water temperature. Proc. Int'l. Solar Energy Society Conference, Solar
World Congress, Göteborg, Sweden, June 2003.
34. A.I. Kudish , A. Ianetz, V. Lyubansky and E.G. Evseev, Inter-comparison of Solar UVB,
UVA and Global Radiation Clearness Indices and UV Indicies for Beer Sheva and Neve Zohar
(Dead Sea), Israel. Measuring and Modeling Solar Radiation and Daylight, Edinburgh,
Scotland, Sept. 2003.
Proceedings available on: (link to conference via News
Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars not Followed by Published
Proceedings (last 2 years)
Invited plenary lectures at conference/meetings
1. September 7-10, 2000
The analysis of ultraviolet radiation in the Dead Sea Basin
International Symposium on Psoriasis 2000 at the Dead Sea, Israel
Hyatt Hotel, Dead Sea, ISRAEL
2. November 2, 2001
The uniqueness of the climate with regard to barometric pressure in the Dead Sea region
Workshop on the Applied Medical Aspects of the Hyperbarometric Conditions at the
Dead Sea
Hyatt Hotel, Dead Sea, ISRAEL
3. December 27, 2002
The unique climate and radiation conditions at the Dead Sea- A review of the multi-year
The Forum for Dermatological Climatotherapy at the Dead Sea
The Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tikva, ISRAEL
Presentations of papers at conferences/meetings
1. September 7-10, 2000
Heliotherapy for psoriasis vulgaris in the Dead Sea area: Correlation between the
radiation dosage and clinical improvement- preliminary results.
International Symposium on Psoriasis 2000 at the Dead Sea, Israel
Hyatt Hotel, Dead Sea, ISRAEL
2. May 16-17, 2001
What is the optimum dose of UVB radiation for psoriasis patients undergoing
climatotherapy treatment at the Dead Sea? Preliminary results.
The 25th Annual Meeting of the Israel Dermatological Society
David Intercontinental Hotel, Tel-Aviv, ISRAEL
3. March 21, 2002
The determination of diffuse radiation from the beam radiation on a horizontal surface.
Annual Conference of the Israel Meteorological Society-2002
Rishon Le’Zion Museum, Rishon Le’Zion, ISRAEL
4. June 5-6, 2002
a. The measurement of UVB radiation to which psoriasis patients are exposed to during
climatotherapy at the Dead Sea.
b. The cumulative UVB radiation exposure dose during climatotherapy at the Dead Sea:
Inter-comparison between ambient and incident radiation.
c. The unique properties of the ultraviolet radiation at the Dead Sea as a basis for
The 26th Annual Meeting of the Israel Dermatological Society
Royal Hotel, Dead Sea, ISRAEL
5. July 1-5, 2002
a. Evaluating solar radiation in psoriatic patients during climatotherapy in the Dead Sea
b. Correlations between the solar radiation and personal UVB dosimetry in the Dead Sea
The 20th World Congress of Dermatology
Palais des Congres de Paris, Paris, France
Seminar presentations at universities and institutions
A Short Historical Review of Solar Energy Usage
March 29,2000
Department of Chemical Engineering
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, HUNGARY
Ultraviolet Radiation Properties as Applied to Photoclimatherapy at the Dead Sea and
Clinical Results
October 9, 2002
Dermatology Division, Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Jacobi Medical Center
Jacobi Medical Center, NY, USA
1. 1978
Solar collector for heating swimming pools
Israeli design registration # 7273
2. 1978
Compact solar hot water Heater
Israeli patent # 56246
Research Grants
1. 1975-176
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
D. Wolf and A.I. Kudish
Development of Solar Collectors Utilizing Plastic Components.
I.L. 150,000
2. 1975-1976
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
D. Wolf, A. Tamir and A.I. Kudish
Design and Construction of a Solar-Assisted Central Domestic Hot Water System.
I.L. 230,000
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
A. Roy and A.I. Kudish
The Utilization of Shallow Solar Ponds for the Production of Low-Grade Thermal
I.L. 380,000
Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure
D. Wolf and A.I. Kudish
Performance and Economic Analysis of a Solar-Assisted Central Domestic Hot Water
I.L. 75,000
D. Wolf and A.I. Kudish
Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure
Solar-Assisted Central Space Heating and Nocturnal Cooling.
I.L. 400,900.
A.I. Kudish, M. Shacham and J. Gale
Federal Republic of Germany, Ministry of Research and Technology
Solar Desalination of Brackish Water for Closed System Agriculture in Arid Regions.
D.M. 149,580.
Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure
A.I. Kudish, D. Wolf, Y, Kapaln and A. Rudnik
Investigation on the Aging of Flat Plate Solar Collectors.
I.S. 583,000.
Federal Republic of Germany, Ministry of Research and Technology
A.I. Kudish, Y. Zarmi and J. Gale
Controlled Environment Agriculture and Solar Desalination of Brackish Water for
Arid Regions.
D.M. 274,500.
Regional Council of Tamar
A.P. Kushelevsky and A.I. Kudish
Bio-climatological Measurements in the Dead Sea Region at Ein Bokek. I.
Regional Council of Tamar
A.P. Kushelevsky and A.I. Kudish
Bio-climatological Measurements in the Dead Sea Region at Ein Bokek. II.
USAID Grant No. TA-MOU-95-C15-050
A.I. Kudish and G. Mink; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU, Israel) & The
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary)
Highly Efficient Methods for Sea-Water Distillation Utilizing Solar Energy. $165,000.
Regional Council of Tamar
A.P. Kushelevsky and A.I. Kudish
Bio-climatological Measurements in the Dead Sea Region at Ein Bokek. III.
Regional Council of Tamar
A.I. Kudish
Bio-climatological Measurements in the Dead Sea Region at Ein Bokek. IV.
Israeli Ministry of Science (MOS)/Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft,
Forschung und Technologie (BMBF)
A.I. Kudish, G. Walter and M. Rommel
Research, Development and Testing of Desalination Systems Utilizing Solar Collectors
Fabricated from Polymeric Materials
DM 55,000.
Regional Council of Tamar
A.I. Kudish
Bio-climatological Measurements in the Dead Sea Region at Ein Bokek. V.
Israeli Ministry of Science/Hungarian OMFB
A.I. Kudish (PI), E.G. Evseev, G. Mink (PI) and L. Horváth
Exchange of Researchers in the Framework of Israeli-Hungarian Scientific Cooperation.
Provides travel fare and per diem for two visiting scientists from each institution, each
Israeli Ministry of Science (MOS)/Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft,
Forschung und Technologie (BMBF)
A.I. Kudish, G. Walter and M. Rommel
Research, Development and Testing of Desalination Systems Utilizing Solar Collectors
Fabricated from Polymeric Materials.
DM 85,000.
Regional Council of Tamar
A.I. Kudish
Bio-climatological Measurements in the Dead Sea Region at Ein Bokek. VI.
Israeli Ministry of Science (MOS)/Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft,
Forschung und Technologie (BMBF)
A.I. Kudish, G. Walter and M. Rommel
Research, Development and Testing of Desalination Systems Utilizing Solar Collectors
Fabricated from Polymeric Materials.
DM 85,000.
Regional Council of Tamar
A.I. Kudish and H, Giryes
A Study on the Inter-comparison between the Clinical Improvement in Psoriasis Patients
and Controlled Exposure to Solar Radiation (Climatic Therapy) in the Dead Sea Region.
21. 2000-2001
Regional Council of Tamar
A.I. Kudish
Bio-climatological Measurements in the Dead Sea Region at Ein Bokek. VII.
22. 2001
Israeli Ministry of Science (MOS)/Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft,
Forschung und Technologie (BMBF)
A.I. Kudish, G. Walter and M. Rommel
Research, Development and Testing of Desalination Systems Utilizing Solar Collectors
Fabricated from Polymeric Materials.
DM 50,000.
23. 2001-2002
Regional Council of Tamar
A.I. Kudish
Bio-climatological Measurements in the Dead Sea Region at Ein Bokek. VIII.
24. 2001-2002
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Dean, Research and Development (seed money)
A Study on the Inter-comparison between the Clinical Improvement in Psoriasis Patients
and Controlled Exposure to Solar Radiation (Climatic Therapy) in the Dead Sea Region.
NIS 40,000
25. 2001-2002
Ministry of Science- Regional R&D Program
A.I.Kudish and M. Friger
A Study on the Inter-comparison between the Clinical Improvement in Psoriasis Patients
and Controlled Exposure to Solar Radiation (Climatic Therapy) in the Dead Sea Region.
NIS 55,028
26. 2002
Israeli Ministry of Science (MOS)/Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft,
Forschung und Technologie (BMBF)
A.I. Kudish, G. Walter and M. Rommel
Research, Development and Testing of Desalination Systems Utilizing Solar Collectors
Fabricated from Polymeric Materials.
4441 Euros.
27. 2002-2003
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Dean, Research and Development (seed money)
A Study on the Inter-comparison between the Clinical Improvement in Psoriasis Patients
and Controlled Exposure to Solar Radiation (Climatic Therapy) in the Dead Sea Region.
NIS 20,000
28. 2002-2003
Regional Council of Tamar
A.I. Kudish
Bio-climatological Measurements in the Dead Sea Region at Ein Bokek. IX.
29. 2002-2003
Ministry of Science- Regional R&D Program
A.I. Kudish and M. Friger
A Study on the Inter-comparison between the Clinical Improvement in Psoriasis Patients
and Controlled Exposure to Solar Radiation (Climatic Therapy) in the Dead Sea Region.
NIS 97,125
Industrial Research Contracts
1. June-September 2000
Huliot Plastic Industries
Simulation of Consumer Consumption Pattern of DHW from Solar Thermosiphon Unit:
System Pressure and Tap Water Temperature.
NIS 18,762
2. July-November 2000
Skyrad Ltd.
Testing of Personal UVB Dosimetry Badges.
NIS 6250
3. August-October 2003
Ramat Hanegev Industries, Ltd.
Pilot Plant to Exhibit a Technique for Enhancing the Evaporation Rate from a Slurry
NIS 9688
Synopsis of Research
1. Measurement and analysis of solar radiation: A meteorological station located on the roof
of the Poster Building is an integral part of the solar energy research program. It is part of the
national network of meteorological stations, providing the radiation data for this area. It has been
in operation since 1975, initially on the Beit HIAS campus, moving to its present location in
1981. The initial purpose of the station was to provide the radiation data required for the testing
and analysis of solar radiation conversion systems. It measures global radiation on both a
horizontal surface and one tilted to the south at 40°, normal incidence radiation, diffuse radiation,
UVB and UVA radiation and dry and wet bulb temperatures. During the years the data measured
by this station have been analyzed and reported upon in 14 journal manuscripts (four of which
deal with UV radiation, cf., next section) and numerous papers published in conference
proceedings. A major portion of this work is the result of an on-going collaborative research
effort with Dr. Amiram Ianetz of the Israel Meteorological Service.
Publications: 12, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 35, 36
Conferences: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12-18, 28, 30, 34
2. Dead Sea as a therapeutic center: A meteorological station was established at Neve Zohar,
on the roof of the building housing the Tamar Regional Council, located in the Dead Sea Basin in
1975. It was funded by the Dead Sea Medical Research Center, which is also funding the ongoing research studies utilizing the data measured by this station. The station measures global,
UVB and UVA radiation, dry and wet bulb temperatures, barometric pressure, wind velocity and
direction. It also is part of the national network of meteorological stations. The UV radiation
measurement data are being used to compile a broad database to be utilized in the development of
a treatment protocol that will optimize the use of heliotherapy for psoriasis patients by reducing
to a minimum the deleterious effects of the exposure to solar UV radiation. The UV database is
already being applied by some of medical staff at the Dead Sea medical centers for prescribing
the daily solar radiation exposure time limits or the patients. A major result of this on-going
study has been to confirm by measurement that the UV radiation in the Dead Sea Basin is unique
as a consequence of it being the lowest terrestrial point on the earth, i.e., longest optical path-
length for the UV rays. Other contributing factors may the increased aerosol concentration and
water vapor over the Dead Sea Basin. The latter factors are presently under investigation.
The barometric pressure measurement data have shown that there are optimum seasons for the
treatment of patients suffering from CF and other pulmonary ailments. Recently, the Dead Sea
Basin has begun to be recognized as having a definite advantage in the treatment of such diseases.
Grant: Bio-climatological Measurements in the Dead Sea Region at Ein Bokek I-VII
Regional Council of Tamar
Publications: 28, 31, 32, 34, 40
Conferences: 19, 34
3. Ozone layer thickness: As a by-product of the above research program, the measurement
of the ozone layer thickness in this region has been initiated as of March 1998. As part of the
above project, a Microtops II Ozone Monitor was purchased in order to measure the relative
intensity at three wavelengths in the UVB range. These measurements afford us a means to
determine the optimum exposure times to UV radiation, viz., minimize the exposure to the
erythema range while providing sufficient exposure to the wavelength range used in heliotherapy.
Such measurements also provide a measure of the ozone layer thickness. Once again, this project
is being funded by the Dead Sea Medical Research Center.
Grant: Climatological Measurements in the Dead Sea Region at Ein Bokek I-VII
Regional Council of Tamar
4. Solar desalination: This on-going project is in collaboration with Dr. György Mink of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It began in 1996, funded by the USAID, and involves the
development of a multi-effect, air-blown solar still. A five prototype solar still have been
designed, constructed and tested and to date it has resulted in 3 journal publications and numerous
manuscripts published in conference proceedings. The USAID funded the project until January
2000 and we are presently preparing a proposal for further funding. The two research groups
were also awarded a 2-year scientist exchange travel grant by the Ministry of Science and its
Hungarian counterpart for 1999-2000.
Grant: Highly Efficient Methods for Sea-Water Distillation Utilizing Solar Energy.
Publications: 29, 30, 33
Conferences: 20-27, 31
5. Selectively coated polymer absorber plate: This project is funded by the Ministry of
Science under the joint Israel-German research program. The program was initiated in January
1998 and is now into its third year. The program involves BGU, the Fraunhofer Institute for
Solar Energy Systems (Mr. Mathias Rommel) and the Technical University Bergakademie
Freiberg (Prof. Gerd Walter). It involves the use of selectively coated polymer absorber plates
(provided by Mr. Rommel) for the construction of non-corrosive solar collectors, which will
provide the thermal energy for an evaporator-condenser solar distillation system presently under
construction. The initial results of the study have been published in the proceedings of the 1999
ISES congress in Jerusalem.
Grant: Research, Development and Testing of Desalination Systems Utilizing Solar
Collectors Fabricated from Polymeric Materials.
Israeli Ministry of Science (MOS)/Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft,
Forschung und Technologie (BMBF)
Publications: 37, 38, 39
Conferences: 29, 32
6. Clinical studies on heliotherapy and inter-comparison between the measured ‘ambient’
UVB radiation and that measured by dosimetry badges: This study is in its preliminary stage,
awaiting the signing of a research contract between BGU and the Dead Sea Medical Research
Center. It will investigate both the correlation between the clinical improvement of
dermatological patients under heliotherapy with UVB exposure and the correlation between the
UVB dosage as measured by the meteorological UVB meter (i.e., ambient) and that measured by
polysulphone dosimetry badges. It is in collaboration with Dr. Hani Giryes (European Medical
Center, Dead Sea)
Grant: A Study on the Inter-comparison between the Clinical Improvement in Psoriasis
Patients and Controlled Exposure to solar Radiation (Climatic Therapy) in the Dead Sea Region.
Regional Council of Tamar (2000-2001)
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Dean, Research and Development (2001-2002)
Ministry of Science- Regional R&D Program (2001-2002)
Present Academic Activities
Research in progress- cf., above listing
Articles submitted for publication
1. The barometric pressure at the lowest terrestrial site on earth: Dead Sea basin, Israel. AI
Kudish and EG Evseev
2. Statistical analysis and inter-comparison of the solar UVB, UVA and global radiation for
Beer Sheva and Neve Zohar (Dead Sea), Israel. AI Kudish, V Lyubansky, EG Evseev and
A Ianetz
Keywords: Solar radiation, UVB radiation, UVA radiation, photoclimatherapy, solar
desalination, solar collectors.