Home Industries Schedule 4th, 5th and 6th February 2016 HOME INDUSTRIES SCHEDULE 4th, 5th and 6th February 2016 Open to all Exhibitors 1. Mrs J Warrington Trophy. (most points – Cooking and Preserves Section) 2. Mrs Edith MacGibbon Perpetual Cup (to Organisation for gaining most points for Hand Knitting, Sewing and Handcraft) 3. Buchanan Cup (for Fruit Cake) 4. Grant Cup re-donated by Miss M Bernsten (for Bread) 5. Mrs A Wilkinson Perpetual Trophy (for most points in Handwork and Cooking) 6. H I Hunter Tray (for most points in Cooking, Handcraft and Vegetable Sections) 7. Mrs H Cullum Cup ( highest points in Handcraft in the Court Section) Thanks are extended to the following SPONSORS and also for their support towards our 2015 Show Dannevirke Picture Shop Tinkerbell Dairy Long Jewellers Scanpower Stitch One Purl One BNZ VIP Hair Studio Just Gifts and Souvenirs Mitre 10 S.H.B. Federation of W.I. The Vault Daves Sports & Outdoors Caltex Westlow Dnnevirke 4 Square Pam Henricksen Gay Warrington Jocelyn McKay DECORATED COURTS 4 , 5th and 6th February 2016 th THEME: “TEDDY BEARS PICNIC” ENTRY FEE: $8 to be paid at Showtime. Court to be booked by 31 December 2015 Phone (06) 374 2861 – Mrs Phillipa Philip. PRIZE MONEY: This year to be sponsored by Mrs Pam Henricksen. WINNERS TROPHY – S.H.B. Federation of C.W.I. Perpetual Cup. Courts to consist of the following 7 items – accessories allowed. BAKING - 1 Entry OPTIONAL - 6 Different Items (may include floral if wanted) MAXIMIUM POINTS – 100 10 each item – 30 for presentation RULES: 1. Open to Individuals or Organisations. 2. Home Industries Hall will be open on Thursday for competitors to The Warehouse MCI & Associates prepare their Courts. Wai Fayes Takeaways New Vision 3. PLEASE record clearly on score card each item for judging. Black Stump Heather Cullum 4. All cooking to be covered, example glad wrap, see through containers. Wards Pharmacy Red Sky Cafe 5. Cakes will be placed in original state after judging. Police Museum Subway Dannevirke 6. Items to be judged once only, and must not have appeared in a Court Farmlands Mobil Dannevirke before. Dynamikz Ltd Concrete & Crafts 7. Hall will be closed 5 p.m. for judging. Points awarded will be available Bakery New & Café Vision 123 Plus Flower Arrangements to competitors on Friday. Whiplash Jan Course 8. When using area for Floral arranging please tidy up afterwards. Paper Plus Cadbury Ltd 9. Judging of Floral and Presentation will take place Thursday evening. Garry Watts Plumbing 10. Hall will be open to the Public 10 a.m. Friday. Healthnuts Whole Foods 11. Advise stewards if Floral work needs watering each day. Shires Fruit & Vege Market 12. Named Theme should appear in title given for Court. Ballentynes Fashion Central 13. Competitors make sure when it states Baking in Court Fantasy Cave BE SURE that it is baked in the oven and not on top of the stove. Flower Arrangements 14. TIPS: Make sure that when gate is closed, and locked, all items can be viewed clearly. Dannevirke New World 15. Doors shut at 4.00p.m. Saturday to enable exhibitors to dismantle their courts. 16. Please leave Courts in clean condition, removing all tacks, nails etc. CHILDREN’S CLASSES PRIMARY SCHOOL 5 – 7yrs & 8 – 12yrs 84. VEGETABLE CREATION 85. 3 x PIKELETS 86. DECORATED GINGERBREAD MAN 87a. LEGO, DUPLEX, KINEX OR MECCANO TYPE BUILDING BLOCKS 87b. COMPUTER ART 88. HANDCRAFT VEGETABLES 89. COLLECTION not more than 5 varieties (1 of each except when peas or beans 4 of each) PRESENTATION COUNTED – A SMALL TRAY OR BASKET ACCEPTABLE FLOWERS 90. 1 SINGLE BLOOM PRESENTED IN A VASE (container not judged) 91. 1 MULTIPLE BLOOM PRESENTED IN A VASE (container not judged) 2 Entries Per Person NOTE: Any enquiries regarding the Home Industries Schedule Please phone Mrs Phillipa Philip (06 374 2861) TROPHIES will be presented at 3.00pm on Saturday ENTRY FEE: 50c GST inclusive, Children 10c. ENTRIES: Received between 9.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. THURSDAY AT THE HOME INDUSTRIES HALL Entry fees for Home Industries Section do not include entry fee into grounds. Become a member: Single $15.00 Family $30.00 Not more than two entries are allowed by an Exhibitor in each category in every class. Please state if a member of any Organisation, Branch or Club so that points can be awarded for the Edith MacGibbon Cup. The Association will not themselves be responsible for any loss or damage to entries. (Rule 21) Any Entry that has won a first prize at this Show is not eligible to enter. None of the Exhibits to bear distinguishing mark or brand. Infringements of this Rule will disqualify. Doors shut at 4.00 p.m. Saturday to enable competitors to collect their exhibits. The Hall will be open to the Public 10 a.m. Friday If necessary the Committee has the right to alter the Schedule and times. TROPHIES TO BE PRESENTED 3.00 p.m. SATURDAY AT THE HOME INDUSTRIES HALL Judging will commence at 5 p.m. Thursday Home Industries & Decorated Courts Show Meeting to be held the first Tuesday in April at 10.00am COOKING NOTE: Two Entries per Exhibitor in each Class (number) Cooking NOTE: No Packet Cake Mix to be used Exhibitors to supply own clear Plastic Bags & Paper Plates or Flat Firm Boards or Trays to preserve cooking during Show 1. MACHINE MADE PLAIN BREAD 2. FRUIT CAKE 3. BANANA CAKE (square tin) (ICED) 4. FRUIT AND NUT LOAF 5. 3 x UNCOOKED SLICE 6. 3 x BAKED SLICE 7. CARROT CAKE 8. SULTANA CAKE (square tin) 9a SPONGE SANDWICH (no filling) 9b. MELTING MOMENTS 10. 3 x CUP CAKES 11. 3 x PIKELETS 12. 3 x QUEEN CAKES ) 13. 3 x PLAIN SCONES ) 14. 3 x ANZAC BISCUITS ) 15. 3 x SHORTBREAD ) 16. 3 x SWEET MUFFINS ) CHOCOLATE COOKERY Two entries per Exhibitor in Chocolate Cookery CADBURY LTD – DONATE PRIZE PARCELS containing a selection of Cadbury’s Chocolate Cookery Products which shall be awarded for the most points in Classes 17-21. (First, Second and Third Placing). No Cash Prize Money 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 CHOCOLATE CAKE (Plain, iced, no ring tin) 3 x TRUFFLES 3 x CHOCOLATE (cocoa) MUFFINS 3 x KIWI CRISPS (CHOCOLATE CHIP) 3 x AFGHANS There is to be a Home Industries Raffle CROCHET 2 Entries per Exhibitor 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. ITEM WITH CROCHET EDGING CROCHET PEGGY SQUARE (Wool, no larger than 20cm Square) CROCHET TABLE CENTRE RUG BABY GARMENT ANY ITEM IN WOOL DOILEY UP TO 6” WIDTH ANY OTHER ITEM NOT OTHERWISE STATED HANDKNITTING 2 Entries per Exhibitor 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. NATURAL SPUN ITEM BABY’S HAT BOOTIES BABY’S SINGLET MATINEE JACKET 3 PIECE BABY’S SET 3PLY OR 4PLY e.g. Hat, Booties & Matinee Jacket CHILDS CARDIGAN OR JERSEY – DOUBLE KNIT CHILDS GARMENT MULTI COLOURED – (SEPARATE COLOURS) DOUBLE KNIT –UP TO 10 YEARS CHILDS JACKET WITH HOOD IN DOUBLE KNIT ADULTS SLEEVELESS VEST – ANY PLY – WITH BUTTONS ADULTS JERSEY OR CARDIGAN – DOUBLE KNIT GARMENT AS 4PLY (LABEL TO BE ATTACHED) GARMENT IN FASHION YARN (NOT WOOL) SOFT TOY – SIMPLE TRIMMING ANY OTHER ITEM NOT OTHERWISE STATED PRESERVES NEEDLEWORK 2 Entries per Exhibitor 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. PATCHWORK TAPESTRY - Canvas (any medium - mounted) TAPESTRY - Longstitch (rug-wool – mounted) EMBROIDERY - (any item - counted thread) EMBROIDERY – (any item - transfer) CROSS-STITCH ITEM – Framed Picture CROSS STITCH ITEM COATHANGER ( any medium) BOOK MARK PIN CUSHION SMALL BAG – EMBROIDERED ANY OTHER ITEM NOT OTHERWISE STATED Two Entries per Exhibitor in Preserves NOTE: No Mix and Made. Labels to be placed on Jars on Lids 22. RELISH (1 jar) 23. CHUTNEY (1 jar) 24. FRUIT (1 jar) 25. 1 JAM (1 jar) 26. JAR FRUIT CURD eg: Lemon, passionfruit (1 jar) 27. MARMALADE (1 jar) 28. PICKLES (1 jar) 29. ANY SAUCE (1 bottle) 30. BEETROOT (1 jar) 31 a. GHERKIN (1 jar) b. ONIONS (1 jar) NEEDLEWORK CRAFTS 2 Entries per Exhibitor 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. CRAFT USING RE-CYCLED MATERIAL eg: Cardboard boxes, pill packets etc. CREATIVE STAMPING BEADWORK CARD MAKING JEWELLERY SCRAPBOOKING PAGE SOFT TOY FELTED ITEM WOVEN ARTICLE ANY OTHER CRAFT NOT OTHERWISE STATED Two Entries per Exhibitor SECTIONS 32-83 All Exhibitors please read: Any item may be washed, but not starched. An item is eligible for ONE class only Any item which has previously won a First Prize at this Show is not eligible. Hard eyes permitted on Toys. No Articles to have been worn. DEFINITION OF ITEM: MAY BE A GARMENT OR AN ARTICLE. MACHINE SEWING Two Entries per Exhibitor HAND FINISHING PERMITTED. 32. 33. CHILDS FROCK ANY GARMENT any age (stretch material) 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. A GARMENT (not stretch) PATCHWORK SOFT TOY MACHINE EMBROIDERY ITEM ANY OTHER ITEM NOT OTHERWISE STATED