率團教授 André Laliberté(安德瑞) 性別:男 生日:1959 年 7 月 16 日 出生地:魁北克省蒙特婁市 學歷:魁北克大學蒙特婁分校學士;卑詩大學碩士、政治學博士 經歷:渥太華大學政治系教授(2010-),副教授(2008-09)、助理教授 (2000-02);魁北克大學蒙特婁分校副教授(2003-07) 語文:母語為法語,中英文流利 著作:(僅列近期作品) “The Expansion of a Taiwanese Buddhist Association in China: Soft Power and Institutional Learning”, China Information, 27 no 1, March 2013. “Buddhist Charities and China’ Social Policy: An Opportunity for Alternate Civility?", Archives de sciences sociales des religions, 158, 95-117, July 2012. guest ed., "The State and Religion in China: Buddhism, Christianity, and the Catholic Church", Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 40(2), summer 2011. Contributions by Richard Madsen, David Shack, and Laurence Reardon "Buddhist Revival Under State Watch", Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 40(2), 107-134, Summer 2011. "Religion and the State in China: The Limits of Institutionalization", Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 40(2), 3-15, Summer 2011. "Contemporary Issues in State-Religion Relations", Chinese Religious Life, edited by David Palmer, Glenn Shive and Philip Wickeri, Oxford University Press, 2011, 191-208. with Wu Keping and David Palmer, "Social Services, Philanthropy and Religion in Chinese Society", Religion and Public Life in the Chinese World, edited by David Palmer, Glenn Shive and Philip Wickeri, Oxford University Press, 2011, 139-154. "‘Beliefs’ and ‘religion’: categorizing cultural distinctions among East Asians.", How Public Institutions Assess Identity, edited by Avigail Eisenberg and Will Kymlicka, Vancouver, UBC Press, 2011, 215-237. co-ed. with Jacques Bertrand, Multination States in Asia: Accommodation or Resistance, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2010, 330 pp. Contributors: Jacques Bertrand, André Laliberté, Anthony Reid, Rajeev Bhargava, Sumit Ganguly, Sujit Choudhry, Ardeth Thawnghmung, Gary Tuttle, Edward Schatz "China and the Virtual Taiwan Nation", Multination States in Asia: Accommodation or Resistance, edited by Jacques Bertrand and Andre Laliberte, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2010, 196-218. 與我關係:曾於 1993-97 年旅居台灣,其後並曾多次訪華,最近一次 為 2011 年底赴台出席兩項研討會。與本處互動密切,現為渥大「台灣 研究講座」兩位主持人之一(另一為史國良教授) 飲食禁忌:無 CAN0333R2- 1 Lilia Benaïssa 性別:女 生日:1993 年 3 月 9 日 出生地:魁北克省蒙特婁市 學歷:渥太華大學大三,主修衝突研究及人權、副修法律 國際文憑大學預科結業(主修亞洲歷史-以中國大陸為研究對象) 經歷:Archivist Assistant (University of Ottawa) [May 2012 – Present] Mentor at the Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Ottawa) [January 2012 – Present] Mathematics Tutor (Jean-de-Brébeuf College Montreal) [September 2010 – May 2011]. Teaching Assistant in Information and Communications Technology (Jean-de-Brébeuf College montreal) [January 2010 – May 2011]. Coordinative Assistant for the International Human Rights Training Program and Academic Program Coordinator (Equitas = International Centre for Human Rights Education Montreal) [May 2010 – May 2011]. 語文:母語為法語,英文流利,諳阿拉伯語、中文並略諳西語 著作: Institutional: Extended Essay "International Issues and the Interethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka" (International Baccalaureate + Jean-de-Brébeuf College Montreal) [2010-2012]. Institutional: Extended Essay "Dans quelle mesure l’attitude de l’empereur Shōwa est-elle controversée entre le début de son règne et la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale ?” (International Baccalaureate + Jean-de-Brébeuf College Montreal) [2010-2012]. Institutional: Work-term report “Archives et Communauté” (Cooperative Programs + University of Ottawa) [Summer 2012]. Please note that I am in the process of writing “Bombe Humaine”, a novel based on the political, ideological and cultural issues of worldwide terrorism. 獎學金: Admission Scholarship (University of Ottawa); French Studies Bursary (University of Ottawa). Merit Scholarship (University of Ottawa). Citation of Excellence on the Honour Roll (Jean-de-Brébeuf College Montreal). "A" Mention for the Extended Essay "International Issues and the Interethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka". Honorable Mention in Literature (Stanislas College). 飲食禁忌:不食豬肉 CAN0333R2- 2 Maria Habanikova 性別:女 生日:1988 年 5 月 8 日 出生地:斯洛伐克 Zilina 市 學歷:渥太華大學公共及國際事務研究碩二生 渥太華大學學士(主修國際研究及現代語言) 經歷: Junior Analyst at Compliance Assurance Branch at the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (May-August 2012) Chair of Board and Council meetings at the University of Ottawa’s Graduate Student Association (May 2012 – present) Student Council President of the departmental association for GSPIA (January 2011-present) Parliamentary Tour Guide (September 2011 – April 2012) Zumba Fitness Instructor (May 2011 – present) Senate Page at Parliament of Canada (September 2009 – August 2011) Volunteer for the Ottawa’s Slovak Community TV program ‘Slovak Spectrum’ (2008-present) Student Ambassador at the University of Ottawa (October 2007 – April 2009) 語文:斯洛伐克語、捷克語、英法語流利,諳西語及俄語 著作: Fall 2010 “Canada’s Role as a Middle Power in the United Nations: Establisher, ‘Universalist’, Reformer, and Peacekeeper”Published in the ‘Pages of Reflection’: Student Journal of Essays by Senate Pages; Volume 3 Edited by The Honourable Sharon Carstairs, P.C., Senator 獎學金: SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship 2012-2013 Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) 2011-2012 University of Ottawa’s Dean’s Honour List (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011) 飲食禁忌:無 CAN0333R2- 3 Supanki Kalandan 性別:女 生日:1986 年 9 月 2 日 出生地:斯里蘭卡 Jaffna 市 學歷:渥太華大學法律研究所碩一生 英國 Essex 大學法學士 經歷: Child Legal Protection Intern, CORAM CHILDREN’S LEGAL CENTRE, Essex, UK Oct 2011-Feb 2012 Legal Intern, THE LAW OFFICE OF PRASANNA BALASUNDARAM, Toronto, Canada Dec 2011-Present Legal Intern, CENTRE FOR LEGAL AID AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, Pristina, Kosovo Aug 2011-Present Summer Intern, RUSS FOUNDATION, Madurai, India Jun 2011-Aug 2011 Editor, ‘HUMAN WRITES’ NEWSLETTER, Essex, UK 語文:英語及泰米爾(Tamil)語 著作: Editor of student run human rights newsletter (The Human Writes) 獎學金:無 飲食禁忌:素食(不食蛋) CAN0333R2- 4 Jan 2010-Present Andréanne Laverdière 性別:女 生日:1987 年 7 月 1 日 出生地:魁北克省 Rosemère 市 學歷:渥太華大學國際發展及全球化研究所碩二生 魁北克大學蒙特婁分校學士(主修溝通及國際地理) 經歷: Junior Analyst in Food security for West and Central Africa at the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) - Summer 2012 I've lived in China for almost 2 years (I studied full-time Mandarin 2010-11) 語文:英語、法語及中文 著作:無 獎學金: U Ottawa Social Science Faculty Scholarship (Entrance scholarship 2011-13) China Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship: 2010-11 飲食禁忌:無 CAN0333R2- 5 Jill Muileboom 性別:女 生日:1990 年 6 月 5 日 出生地:安大略省 Sioux Lookout 學歷:渥太華大學衛生科學系大三生 經歷: Rotary International Youth Exchange to South Africa, 2008-09; Family Support Volunteer at Ottawa’s pediatric palliative care facility Roger’s House; Literacy volunteer with Sage Youth Current executive member of the Rotaract Club of Ottawa and longstanding general club member Medical Research Intern at Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Center, Sioux Lookout, Ontario 語文:母語為英語、通曉法語 著作: Research on MRSA(抗藥性金黃色葡萄球菌) in Northwest Ontario submitted for publication, waiting for approval. 獎學金: Annual renewed entrance scholarship with the University of Ottawa; Dean’s Honours List for the Faculty of Health Sciences 2010-2012; Youth Service Award from the Rotary Club of Ballito, South Africa 飲食禁忌:無 CAN0333R2- 6 Aleksandra Ostojic 性別:女 生日:1990 年 2 月 9 日 出生地:波士尼亞與赫賽哥維納之賽拉耶佛市 學歷:渥太華大學細胞及分子藥學碩士生(M.Sc. Cellular & Molecular Medicine) 經歷: Summer Student – Research, summer 2009 – summer 2012 Volleyball Referee, winter 2012 – present Barista, 2005 – 2011 Swim Coach, 2006 - 2007 語文:英、法及塞爾比亞語(Serbian) 著作: 無 獎學金: All Academic Canadian, Fall 2012 Admission Scholarship- Masters, 2012 – 2013 Entrance Scholarship 3rd Renewal, 2012 – 2013 Sceptre Investment Counsel Limited Scholarship for Excellence, Winter 2012 Barry and Marjorie Wellar Research Scholarship, Winter 2012 Entrance Scholarship 2nd Renewal, 2011 – 2012 Dean’s Honour Roll, 2010 – 2012 All Academic Canadian, Fall 2011 J. Armand Bombardier Community Service Learning Awards, Winter 2011 Science Students' Association Scholarships - Gee-Gees Spirit Award, Winter 2011 Marketing Cup Champions, Winter 2011 Merit Scholarship, 2010 – 2011 Entrance Scholarship for the Honours Bachelor of Science Program, 2008 –2009 飲食禁忌:無 CAN0333R2- 7 Campbell Hennessy 性別:男 生日:1989 年 8 月 15 日 出生地:安大略省 Belleville 市 學歷:卡爾頓大學電腦系統(Computer Systems)大四生 經歷: Senior Campus Tour Guide Ottawa, ON Research Assistant Ottawa, ON Department of Electronics — Carleton University January 2012 — May 2012 Teaching Assistant Ottawa, ON Department of Mathematics and Statistics — Carleton University September 2009 — December 2011 Inshore Rescue Boat Crew Hill Is. and Brebeuf Is., ON Residence Fellow Ottawa, ON Department of Housing and Conference Services — Carleton University August 2008 — May 2010 Kitchen Assistant Exshaw, AB Camp Chief Hector — Calgary YMCA/YWCA May 2009 — August 2009 Summer Orientation Leader (Parent Outreach) Ottawa, ON First Year Experience Office — Carleton University May 2008 — August 2008 語文:英語、中級法文 著作: 無 獎學金: John Matheson Leadership Award ($100),2007 Charles and Helen Pattenson Scholarship ($3000), 2007 Claude Bissell Scholarship ($3000), 2008 Murdoch Maxwell MacOdrum Scholarship ($3000), 2009 David A. Golden Scholarship ($3000), 2010 Manimaran Kanagasabapathy Memorial Scholarship ($1720), 2010 & 2011 飲食禁忌:無,惟對止痛藥 Tylenol 過敏 CAN0333R2- 8 Ariel Gershoig 性別:男 生日:1992 年 8 月 4 日 出生地:以色列 Haifa 市 學歷:卡爾頓大學大三生(主修政治學) 經歷: Intern, Centre for Israel And Jewish Affairs, 2012 - present. Vice-President, Carleton University, Hillel Ottawa, 2012 - present President, Ottawa Chapter, Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, 2011 – present Taekwon-Do Instructor, Trigger’s Taekwon-Do, Ottawa, 2007 - present. Graphic Designer, Trigger’s Taekwon-Do, 2009-2010 Co-op at Rogers TV, Ottawa Summer Orientation Leader (Parent Outreach) Ottawa, Carleton University May 2008 — August 2008 語文:英語、俄語,略諳希伯來文 著作: 無 獎學金: R.A. MacKay Award in Political Science, 2012 Entrance Scholarship, Carleton University (renewed 2011/2012, 2012/2013) + Dean's List Queen Elizabeth II Aiming for the Top Scholarship 飲食禁忌:無 CAN0333R2- 9 Bridget Campbell 性別:女 生日:1990 年 8 月 1 日 出生地:卑詩省維多利亞市 學歷:卡爾頓大學大四生(主修語言學) 經歷: International Student Services Office/Carleton University: Student Orientation and Summer Projects Assistant (Summer 2012) Events and Programming Peer Helper (Fall 2011-present) Front Desk and Office Assistant (September 2012-present) Achieve Therapy Centre, Ottawa, ON: Speech-Language Pathology Volunteer Assistant (August 2012-Present) Carleton Applied and Theoretical Linguistics Society: Co-President (May 2012-present) Volunteer (September 2009-present) Office of the Secretary to the Governor General: Visitors Centre and Gift Shop Attendant (Summer 2010) 語文:英、法語 著作: 無 獎學金: D.W. Dunton Scholarship (2008-2012) Queen Elizabeth II Reaching for the Top Scholarship (2008-2012) CIBE Student Leadership in Internationalization Award (nominee – decision pending, 2012) 飲食禁忌:無 CAN0333R2-10 Bryan Luu 性別:男 生日:1989 年 7 月 11 日 出生地:安大略省 Oshawa 市 學歷:卡爾頓大學碩二生(主修生物) 經歷: Science Student Success Centre Student Mentor (2009-2011) Founder of Carleton University Tennis Club (2010-ongoing) Competitive Rowing (2008-2010) Ottawa Rowing Club Carleton University Varsity Rowing team 1st in Eastern Canada (Open men’s straight four) 3rd in Ontario (Open lightweight men’s straight four) Elected Carleton Academic Student Government Representative (2007-2010) Elected Science Student Senator (2009-2010) University genetics tutor (2010) Royal Ottawa Hospital Volunteer (2008) 語文:英語、法語及越語 著作: 無 獎學金: Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2012) NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship (2011) Senate medal (2011) Vienna Biocenter Internship 2011 NSERC USRA (2009, 2010) 飲食禁忌:無 CAN0333R2-11 Adele Lay 性別:女 生日:1989 年 4 月 7 日 出生地:安大略省 Mississauga 市 學歷:卡爾頓大學大四生(政治系) 經歷: Activity leader at National School of Languages, ESL summer school, Ottawa 2010 Outdoor Educator at Highlands Nordic Ski and Outdoor Ed Centre, Duntroon 2008-2009 Assistant Coordinator at FUNdamentals Track and Field Camp 2008-2009 Volunteer Ski Coach at Nakkertok Nordic, Ottawa 2009-2011 Assistant manager at Iceco, Ottawa ice cream festival vendor and wholesaler 2011 Race crew at Multisport Triathlon Series, Ontario 2008-2010 Server at restaurants in Whitehorse and Collingwood 2008-2010 English tutor, Trento Italy 2011-2012 International Student Mentor for an incoming exchange student 2010 語文:英語,略諳義、法及西語 著作: 無 獎學金: Michael Oliver Scholarship for academics, 2009 Hyman Soloway Scholarship for academics, 2010 Ed Ireland High Performance Athletic Bursary, 2010 CELAB grant for Political Science studies abroad, 2011 飲食禁忌:無 CAN0333R2-12 Kendra Thorogood 性別:女 生日:1990 年 5 月 15 日 出生地:亞伯達省卡加利市 學歷:卡爾頓大學大五生(主修國際企業,應修業 5 年) 經歷: Executive Assistant – Ottawa Community Loan Fund June – September 2012 Analysis Intern – Grameen Bank, Grameen Trust January – April 2012 Financial Accounting Tutor – Carleton University October – December 2010 International Business Teaching Assistant – Carleton University May – June 2010 Operations Assistant - Treks Properties and Management May – August 2009 Operations Assistant - Treks Properties and Management May – August 2009 語文:英語,中級西語 著作: 無 獎學金: 2008 – Carleton University Entrance Scholarship 2009 – Michael Oliver Scholarship 2010 – Hyman Soloway Scholarship 2010 – Sprott Exchange Travel Scholarship 2011 – Carleton Academic Scholarship 2008 – Present: Deans’ Honour List 飲食禁忌:無 CAN0333R2-13