Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC): Evaluations, Teaching Materials And Selected Resources Developed by Ann Adkins and Debra Sewell, TSBVI July 2014 (Modified December 2014) 1 2 What is the Expanded Core Curriculum? The term expanded core curriculum (ECC) is used to define concepts and skills that often require specialized instruction with students who are blind or visually impaired in order to compensate for decreased opportunities to learn incidentally by observing others. In addition to the general education core curriculum that all students are taught, students with visual impairments, starting at birth, also need instruction in the ECC. The ECC areas include (A) needs that result from the visual impairment that enable the student “to be involved in and make progress in the general education curriculum; and (B) other educational needs that result from the child’s disability” as required by IDEA (34 CFR 300.320 (a)(2)(A)(B)). Texas Education Code (TEC) 30.002(c)(5) and (e)(5) require the flexibility of school districts to make arrangements for services to occur “beyond regular school hours to ensure the student learns the skills and receives the instruction” in the ECC. With the passage of Senate Bill 39 in 2013 (Texas 83rd Legislative Session), evaluation in all areas of the ECC is required for students with visual impairments. Priority needs must be identified by the IEP team and instruction provided in these areas. Nine Areas of the ECC Assistive Technology Assistive technology is an umbrella term that includes assistive and adaptive tools as well as instructional services that can enhance communication, access, and learning. It can include electronic equipment such as switches, mobile devices, and portable notetakers; computer access such as magnification software, screen readers, and keyboarding; and low-tech devices such as an abacus, a brailler, Active Learning materials (e.g., Little Room®), and optical devices. Career Education Career education will provide students with visual impairments of all ages the opportunity to learn through hands-on experiences about jobs that they may not otherwise be aware of without the ability to observe people working. They also learn work-related skills such as 3 assuming responsibility, punctuality, and staying on task. Career education provides opportunities for students to explore and discover strengths and interests and plan for transition to adult life. Compensatory Skills Compensatory skills include skills necessary for accessing the core curriculum including concept development; communication modes; organization and study skills; access to print materials; and the use of braille/Nemeth, tactile graphics, object and/or tactile symbols, sign language, and audio materials. Independent Living Skills Independent living skills include the tasks and functions people perform in daily life to increase their independence and contribute to the family structure. These skills include personal hygiene, eating skills, food preparation, time and money management, clothing care, and household tasks. People with vision typically learn such daily routines through observation, whereas individuals with visual impairments often need systematic instruction and frequent practice in these daily tasks. Orientation and Mobility (O&M) O&M instruction enables students of all ages and motor abilities to be oriented to their surroundings and to move as independently and safely as possible. Students learn about themselves and their environments, including home, school, and community. O&M lessons incorporate skills ranging from basic body image, spatial relationships, and purposeful movement to cane usage, travel in the community, and use of public transportation. Having O&M skills enables students to acquire independence to the greatest extent possible, based on their individual needs and abilities. Recreation and Leisure Being unable to observe others reduces awareness of recreation and leisure options. Instruction in recreation and leisure skills will ensure that students with visual impairments will have opportunities to explore, experience, and choose physical and leisure-time activities, both organized and individual, that they enjoy. This instruction should focus on the development of life-long skills. 4 Self-Determination Self-determination includes choice-making, decision-making, problem solving, personal advocacy, assertiveness, and goal setting. Students with visual impairments often have fewer opportunities to develop and practice the specific skills that lead to self-determination. Students who know and value who they are and who have self-determination skills become effective advocates for themselves and therefore have more control over their lives. Sensory Efficiency Sensory efficiency includes instruction in the use of vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. It also addresses the development of the proprioceptive, kinesthetic, and vestibular systems. Learning to use their senses efficiently, including the use of optical devices, will enable students with visual impairments to access and participate in activities in school, home, and community environments. Social Interaction Skills Social interaction skills include awareness of body language, gestures, facial expressions, and personal space. Instruction also includes learning about interpersonal relationships, self-control, and human sexuality. Almost all social skills are learned by visually observing other people. Instruction in social interaction skills in school, work, and recreational settings is crucial. Having appropriate social skills can often mean the difference between social isolation and a fulfilling life as an adult. For additional information on the ECC, refer to: http://www.afb.org/info/programs-and-services/professionaldevelopment/teachers/expanded-core-curriculum/eccresources/12345 http://www.perkins.org/resources/scout/education/expandedcore-curriculum.html http://www.familyconnect.org/parentsite.aspx?FolderID=23&Top icID=382 http://www.tsbvi.edu/recc/ www.tsbvi.edu/attachments/EducatingStudentswithVIGuidelines andStandards.pdf 5 6 About This Document This document is our attempt to compile resources for both evaluation and instruction in all areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum. It is divided into sections for each of the nine areas, and includes charts that list various evaluation tools that may be helpful for gathering information about students with visual impairments and/or additional disabilities in each specific area. That information is listed on the left side of the chart in the column titled “Evaluations”. If the resource also contains information that can be helpful for instruction, it is also included in the column on the right side of the chart entitled “Teaching Materials and Resources”. If a resource can only be used for evaluation, the column on the right will be blank; if it does not contain an evaluation component but is valuable as an instructional resource, the column on the left will be blank. You may also notice that many of the evaluation instruments and instructional resources can be used for gathering information in multiple areas of the ECC. We have tried to give website information for ordering each resource within the charts; more complete bibliographical information is provided in a separate document. The list below is also provided as a quick reference. We anticipate that there will be many changes to this document. In fact, we have already updated it several times and look forward to adding more resources as our field continues to seek way to address all the areas of the ECC. We also welcome your comments, suggestions, and additions to this list. It is truly a “living” document! Ann and Debra Websites for Resources Used in Multiple Areas of the ECC: American Printing House for the Blind (APH) – www.aph.org American Foundation for the Blind (AFB Press) – www.afb.org Blind Children’s Center – www.blindchildrenscenter.org Carolina Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs – www.brookespublishing.com Carolina Curriculum for Preschoolers with Special Needs – www.brookespublishing.com Casey Life Skills – www.caseylifeskills.org 7 Curriculum Associates (Brigance materials) – www.curriculumassociates.com Insite Developmental Checklist – www.hopepubl.com Lilli Works – www.lilliworks.com Oregon Project (Jackson County Education Service District) – www.soesd.k12.or.us Perkins School for the Blind – www.perkins.org Pro-Ed Publisher – www.proedinc.com SPI: Student Performance Indicators (from Region 13 Education Service Center) – www.tsbvi.edu/attachments/1879_spi.rtf Stanfield Company, Inc. – www.stanfield.com TSBVI – www.tsbvi.edu Transition Planning Inventory, 2nd Edition )TPI-1 – www.proedinc.com Other Web Resources on the ECC Iowa Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) Resource Guide (covers all areas of ECC) https://www.educateiowa.gov/sites/files/ed/documents/ECCResGui.pdf Iowa Expanded Core Curriculum (ECC) Procedures Manual (covers all areas of ECC) https://www.educateiowa.gov/sites/files/ed/documents/032707_spec_ECCProcedures-Man-2-07.pdf Resources for the Expanded Core Curriculum (RECC) (covers all areas of the ECC; currently under revision) http://www.tsbvi.edu/recc/ Wonder Baby www.wonderbaby.org – a project funded by the Perkins School for the Blind to provide resources for parents of young children with visual impairments as well as children with multiple disabilities. *Note: AFB has released a new publication that provides extensive information on all nine areas of the ECC. It addresses both evaluation and instruction, with separate chapters on each ECC area. We’ve included it in our general resource list and in each of the ECC charts: Allman, Carol B. and Lewis, Sandra (Eds.) (2014). ECC essentials: Teaching the expanded core curriculum to students with visual impairments. NY: AFB Press. www.afb.org 8 Assistive Technology Evaluations Teaching Materials and Resources EVALS (TSBVI) Beginner Braille ‘n Speak/Braille Lite Braille ‘n Speak/Braille Lite Braille Note Functional Computer Use Functional Use of Assistive Tools Keyboarding Low Vision Tech Scanners Speech Technology Telebraille Web tutorial on assistive technology assessment, TSBVI Distance Learning Site http://distance.tsbvi.edu/course/as sistive-technology-eval/index.html iPad Performance Indicators (TSBVI) iPad-Mainstream iPad-Voice Over iPad-Zoom SPI: Student Performance Indicators (www.tsbvi.edu/attachments/1879 _spi.rtf) Adaptive Devices 9 Optical Devices Typing/Keyboard An Assistive Technology Checklist for Students with Visual Impairments (updated 2009) Technology Curriculum Guides, CA School for the Blind http://www.csbcde.ca.gov/technology.htm CA School for the Blind http://www.csbcde.ca.gov/technology.htm (Windows, Braille Note, Braille Note GPS, Braille n Speak) Braille Note Quick Reference Guides (Planner, web browser, navigation, speech settings, accessing gmail, etc.) Assistive Technology for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired: A Guide to Assessment, Appendix D, Assessment Forms (AFB Press, www.afb.org, 2009) Assistive Technology for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired: A Guide to Assessment (AFB Press, www.afb.org, 2009) Wisconsin Assistive Technology Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative (www.wati.org) – includes Initiative – includes Quality Indicators AT Assessment Checklist for Assistive Technology (QIAT) (www.wati.org) DeWitt Checklists www.4dewitt.com DeWitt Curricula www.4dewitt.com Casey Life Skills www.caseylifeskills.org Casey Life Skills www.caseylifeskills.org Daily Living Skills (includes computer & internet basics) Every Move Counts Clicks and Daily Living Skills (includes computer & internet basics) Every Move Counts Clicks and Chats – 10 Chats – Sensory Based Approach: Communication and Assistive Technology www.everymovecounts.net Sensory Based Approach: Communication and Assistive Technology www.everymovecounts.net iDevices website (reviews of apps and list of resources) https://sites.google.com/a/tsbvi.edu/stp /idevices Perkins Activity & Resource Guide (Perkins School for the Blind, www.perkins.org) Adaptive Technology Assistive Devices and Equipment 2008 AccessWorld Guide to Assistive Technology Products (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Assistive Technology Notebook Region 4 ESC, www.esc4.net Texas Assistive Technology Network www.texasat.net Distance Learning Videos on Apple iPad for VoiceOver, Screen Readers and Braille Displays http://distance.tsbvi.edu/categories.htm l#assistive-tech 11 APH materials: Talking Typer, Learn Keys, etc. ECC Essentials – Chapter 6: Assistive Technology (AFB Press, www.afb.org) ECC Essentials – Chapter 6: Assistive Technology (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Using iPads with Students Who Have CVI or Multiple Impairments (on Paths to Literacy website): http://www.pathstoliteracy.org/usingipads-students-who-have-cvi-multipleimpairments Babies with iPads – blog style website for infants & toddlers w/ disabilities; includes lists of apps for children w/ CVI http://www.babieswithipads.blogspot.c om/ Article by Linda Mamer on “Care and Modification of iPads for Students with Visual Impairments & Multiple Disabilities” – on Paths to Literacy website: http://www.pathstoliteracy.org/careand-modification-ipads-studentsmultiple-disabilities 12 Career Education Evaluations Teaching Materials and Resources EVALS (TSBVI) Career Education evaluations Beginning Career Education Evaluations I & II Career Education Units Comprehensive General Employability Work Related Job Site Activities EXIT – Levels I & II Elementary Concepts Assessment and Ongoing Evaluation (TSBVI) Perkins Activity & Resource Guide, (Perkins School for the Blind, www.perkins.org) Vocational Skills FACES (available from Regional Education Service Centers) Vocational Individual evaluations for 200 of the “Top Ten Tips for Work Readiness” (Career Solutions Publishing, www.careersolutionsgroup.com) EXIT Curriculum Employment ______________________________ _ Basic Skills Activity Routines Vocational Routines Elementary Concepts Curriculum (TSBVI) Theme: Work Theme: Community Helpers Theme: Tools Perkins Activity & Resource Guide, (Perkins School for the Blind, www.perkins.org) Vocational Skills FACES Curriculum (available from Regional Education Service Centers) Vocational Lesson Plans for 200 Work Readiness Skills (Career Solutions Publishing, www.careersolutionsgroup.com) 13 Casey Life Skills www.caseylifeskills.org Career & Education Planning Work and Study skills (includes employment) Casey Life Skills www.caseylifeskills.org Career & Education Planning Work and Study skills (includes employment) Career Cruising www.careercruising.com Career Cruising www.careercruising.com SPI Student Performance Indicators (www.tsbvi.edu/attachments/1879 _spi.rtf) Career Readiness Brigance Transition Skills Inventory (Curriculum Associates, www.curriculumassociates.com) Transition Skills Activities (Brigance, Curriculum Associates, www.curriculumassociates.com) Post-Secondary Education/Training Employment Independent Living Community Participation The Transition Competencies Checklist, Wolffe www.projectaspiro.com Informal Assessments for Transition (Pro-Ed, www.proedinc.com) Employment & Career Planning 14 Transition Planning Inventory, 2nd Edition - TPI-2: Working (Pro-Ed, www.proedinc.com) Career Choice & Planning Employment Knowledge & Skills ECC Essentials – Chapter 11: Career Education (AFB Press, www.afb.org) ECC Essentials – Chapter 11: Career Education (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Transitions Curriculum (Stanfield Co., www.stanfield.com) Volume 2 – Career Management School to Work: Developing Transition Portfolios for Students with Significant Disabilities (Perkins School for the Blind, www.perkins.org) Aaron’s Adventure’s in Employment (AFB Career Connect, www.afb.org) Skills for Success (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Transition Tote System Backpack (APH, www.aph.org) Hands-On: Functional Activities for 15 Visually Impaired Preschoolers (APH, www.aph.org) College Bound: A Guide for Students with Visual Impairments (AFB Press, www.afb.org) *New Transition and Employment Guide, published by TEA ; required to be shared with parents statewide.; not VI specific. http://www.transitionintexas.org/cms/li b/TX01001018/Centricity/Domain/3/Te xas%20Transition%20and%20Employ ment%20Guide%202014.pdf Useful Websites for Career Education AFB’s Career Connect website. www.afb.org/CareerConnect/users/browse_by_field.asp. 2013 National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium, 8484 Georgia Avenue, Suite 320, Silver Spring, MD 20910: http://www.careertech.org/careerclusters/glance/careerclusters.html Career Vision website: www.careervision.org/resources/careerclusters.htm Glencoe Online: www.glencoe.com/sec/careers/cclusters/student/introclusters/shtml The following websites are good resources for finding the specific requirements and job tasks for each job title of interest to the student. http:www.onetonline.org/find/ http://www.bls.gov/oco/home.htm http://socrates.cdr.state.tx.us/iSocrates/occprofiles/profile_select.asp http://www.afb.org/careerconnect/ 16 Independent Living Skills Evaluations EVALS (TSBVI) IL Assessment & Ongoing Evaluation for Volume II: Self-Care and Maintenance of Personal Environment EXIT Time/Calendar Money Skills Domestic Activities Teaching Materials and Resources Independent Living Curriculum Volume II: Self-Care and Maintenance of Personal Environment ______________________________ _ Independent Living Activity Routines ______________________________ _ EXIT Curriculum Personal Management Housing and Household Management ______________________________ _ Basic Skills Activity Routines Domestic Routines Oregon Project (www.soesd.k12.or.us) Self-Help Oregon Project (www.soesd.k12.or.us) Self-Help Perkins Activity & Resource Guide (Perkins School for the Blind, www.perkins.org) Independent Living Skills Daily Living Skills Perkins Activity & Resource Guide (Perkins School for the Blind, www.perkins.org) Independent Living Skills Daily Living Skills Functional Scheme Assessment (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Toileting skills Undressing & dressing Personal hygiene FIELA Curriculum (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) 17 Eating skills Carolina Curriculum – Infants & Toddlers (www.brookespublishing.com) Personal-Social (self-help skills) Carolina Curriculum – Infants & Toddlers (www.brookespublishing.com) Personal-Social (self-help skills) Carolina Curriculum – Preschoolers (www.brookespublishing.com) Personal-Social (self-help skills) Carolina Curriculum – Preschoolers www.brookespublishing.com Personal-Social (self-help skills) P.A.T.T.E.R – Preschool Attainment Through Typical Everyday Routines (APH, www.aph.org) P.A.T.T.E.R – Preschool Attainment Through Typical Everyday Routines (APH, www.aph.org) Laundry routine Car washing routine Cooking routine Looking Good: A Curriculum on Personal Presentation for Adolescents and Young Adults Who Have Visual Impairments (Pro-Ed, www.proedinc.com) Looking Good curriculum(Pro-Ed Publishing, www.proedinc.com) Casey Life Skills (www.caseylifeskills.org) Daily Living Skills Self-Care Skills Housing & Money Management Casey Life Skills (www.caseylifeskills.org) Daily Living Skills Self-Care Skills Housing & Money Management Insite Developmental Checklist, (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Self-help Insite Developmental Checklist, (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Self-help 18 SPI Student Performance Indicators (www.tsbvi.edu/attachments/1879_ spi.rtf) Daily Living/Self Help TPI-2: Living (Pro-Ed Publishing, www.proedinc.com) Independent Living Community Involvement & Usage Health Hatlen Center for the Blind checklists www.hcblind.org Financial Management Checklist Living Skills Checklist Grocery Store Assessment Brigance Inventory of Early Development, Birth – 7 years IED III (Curriculum Associates, www.curriculumassociates.com) Adaptive Behavior: Daily Living Skills Clean To The Touch: Housekeeping for Young People with Visual Impairments (Perkins School for the Blind, www.perkins.org) Transitions Curriculum (Stanfield Company, Inc., www.stanfield.com) Volume 1 – Personal Management Volume 3 – Life Management 19 Finding Wheels (Pro-Ed Publishers, www.proedinc.com) Early Focus (AFB Press, www.afb.org) ECC Essentials – Chapter 8: Independent Living (AFB Press, www.afb.org ECC Essentials – Chapter 8: Independent Living (AFB Press, www.afb.org Daily living materials and equipment from APH, LS&S, Maxi-Aids 20 Orientation and Mobility Evaluations Teaching Materials and Resources EVALS (TSBVI) Infused Skills Evaluation – Senses and Motor Skills TAPS Initial and Ongoing Evaluation (TSBVI) TAPS (TSBVI) Perkins Activity & Resource Guide Perkins Activity & Resource Guide (Perkins School for the Blind, (Perkins School for the Blind, www.perkins.org) www.perkins.org) Orientation and Mobility Orientation and Mobility Checklist Checklist Motor Development: Gross Motor Development: Gross and and Fine Fine Oregon Project (www.soesd.k12.or.us) Compensatory Gross Motor Fine Motor Oregon Project (www.soesd.k12.or.us) Compensatory Gross Motor Fine Motor Functional Scheme Assessment (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Gross movement Fine movement Spatial perception FIELA Curriculum (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Carolina Curriculum – Infants & Toddlers (www.brookespublishing.com) Fine motor Gross motor Carolina Curriculum – Infants & Toddlers (www.brookespublishing.com) Fine motor Gross motor Carolina Curriculum – Carolina Curriculum – Preschoolers 21 Preschoolers (www.brookespublishing.com) Fine motor Gross motor (www.brookespublishing.com) Fine motor Gross motor Insite Developmental Checklist, (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Gross motor Fine motor Insite Developmental Checklist, (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Gross motor Fine motor ECC Essentials – Chapter 7: Orientation and Mobility (AFB Press, www.afb.org ECC Essentials – Chapter 7: Orientation and Mobility (AFB Press, www.afb.org Inventory of Purposeful Movement Behaviors Years (in TAPS, 3rd Edition, Appendix D; TSBVI, www.tsbvi.edu) Brigance Inventory of Early Development, Birth – 7 years IED III (Curriculum Associates, www.curriculumassociates.com) Physical Development: Gross and Fine Motor Skills Preschool Orientation and Mobility Screening, 2nd ed. (AER) Battelle Developmental Inventory, 2nd ed., 2014 (Riverside Publishing Company, www.riversidepublishing.com/prod ucts) 22 Motor For birth - 7 years,11 months Callier Azusa Scale – MIVI or Deaf-Blind (Callier Center, Dallas, TX, 1978) Motor Birth - 8years Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (Pro-Ed Publishers, www.proedinc.com, 2000) Gross motor Fine motor Birth – 5 years Ready Bodies, Learning Minds – early movement (Athena Oden, www.readybodies.com) Blind Children’s Center pamphlets on movement, www.blindchildrenscenter.org Developing Fine and Gross Motor Skills: Birth to Three (Pro-Ed Publishers, www.proedinc.com) Foundations of Orientation and Mobility (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Imagining the Possibilities: Creative Approaches to Orientation and Mobility Instruction for Persons Who Are Visually Impaired (AFB Press, 23 www.afb.org) Beyond Arm’s Reach (PA College of Optometry) Finding Wheels (Pro-Ed Publishers, www.proedinc.com) Hand in Hand: Essentials of Communication and O&M for Students Who Are Deafblind – vol. 1,2 & Trainer’s Manual (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Early Focus (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Move It and Get a Wiggle On booklets – early movement (AAHPER Publications – no longer in print) Practice Makes Perfect: A Family Program in Orientation and Mobility (Crone, 2005, Region 4 ESC – lesson plans & materials, www.esc4.net) APH Products (www.aph.org): Chang Tactual Diagram Kit Picture Maker: Wheatley Tactile Diagramming Kit Tactile Town: 3-D O&M Kit TREKS: The Game of Compass Directions 24 Recreation and Leisure Evaluations Teaching Materials and Resources EVALS (TSBVI) Recreation and Leisure EXIT – Adult Leisure, Recreation and Fitness IL Assessment and Evaluation booklet for Volume III: Play and Leisure EXIT Curriculum Adult Recreation, Leisure and Fitness _______________________________ Independent Living Curriculum Volume III: Play and Leisure _______________________________ Basic Skills Activity Routines Recreation/Leisure Routines Elementary Concepts Assessment and Ongoing Evaluation (TSBVI) Elementary Concepts Curriculum (TSBVI) Recreation Functional Scheme Assessment (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Play & activities FIELA Curriculum (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Play & activities ECC Essentials – Chapter 10: Recreation and Leisure (AFB Press, www.afb.org ECC Essentials – Chapter 10: Recreation and Leisure (AFB Press, www.afb.org SPI Student Performance Indicators (www.tsbvi.edu/attachments/1879 _spi.rtf) Recreation/Leisure TPI-2: Living (Pro-Ed Publishers, www.proedinc.com) Leisure Activities Learning to Play (Blind Children’s Center, www.blindchildrenscenter.org) 25 Going Places: Transition Guidelines for Community-Based Physical Activities for Students Who Have Visual Impairments, Blindness or Deafblindness (APH, www.aph.org) Games for People with Sensory Impairments (APH, www.aph.org) Simon Says is Not the Only Game (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Physical Education and Sports for People with Visual Impairments and Deafblindness: Foundations of Instruction (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Getting to Know You (APH, www.aph.org) Distance Learning Videos: Adapted PE Games for Blind and Visually Impaired Students https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=PB9eCkh4Ryk Blind and Visually Impaired Texans Can Still Play Tennis https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=GEqryHTTyeY Adapted Physical Education Pushup Equipment for Students (Visually Impaired or Blind) https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=zPzXJ3Nqi-k P.E. Games for Blind Students (Florida school for the deaf and blind) https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=O2HPDWR-gJM Games &art materials from APH & AFB 26 Self-Determination Skills Evaluations Teaching Materials and Resources EVALS (TSBVI) Self-Determination EXIT I & II IL Assessment and Ongoing Evaluation booklet for Volume I: Social Competence Interaction with Family, Peers and Others Self-Concept Values Clarification Problem Solving Self-Advocacy Empowered: An Activity Based SelfDetermination Curriculum for Students with Visual Impairments (TSBVI) Independent Living Curriculum (TSBVI) Volume I: Social Competence P.A.T.T.E.R – Preschool Attainment Through Typical Everyday Routines (APH, www.aph.org) P.A.T.T.E.R – Preschool Attainment Through Typical Everyday Routines (APH, www.aph.org) Carolina Curriculum – Infants & Toddlers (www.brookespublishing.com) Personal-Social (selfconcept) Carolina Curriculum – Infants & Toddlers (www.brookespublishing.com) Personal-Social (self-concept) Carolina Curriculum – Preschoolers (www.brookespublishing.com) Personal-Social (selfconcept) Carolina Curriculum – Preschoolers (www.brookespublishing.com) Personal-Social (self-concept) SPI Student Performance Indicators 27 (www.tsbvi.edu/attachments/187 9_spi.rtf) Self Advocacy TPI-2: Learning (Pro-Ed Publishing, www.proedinc.com) Further Education & Training Self Determination Transition Competencies Checklist, Wolffe, www.projectaspiro.com ECC Essentials – Chapter 12: Self-Determination (AFB Press, www.afb.org) ECC Essentials – Chapter 12: SelfDetermination (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Steps to Self-Determination: A Curriculum to Help Adolescents Learn to Achieve Their Goals (Pro-Ed Publishing, www.proedinc.com) Raising Self-Reliant Children in a SelfIndulgent World http://www.randomhouse.com/book/60 816/raising-self-reliant-children-in-aself-indulgent-world-by-h-stephenglenn-and-jane-nelsen-edd Promoting Self-Determination in Students with Developmental Disabilities (The Guilford Press) http://www.guilford.com/books/Promoti 28 ng-Self-Determination-in-Studentswith-DevelopmentalDisabilities/Michael-LWehmeyer/9781593854607 Transitions Curriculum (Stanfield Co., www.stanfield.com) Volume 1 – Personal Management Volume 2 – Career Management Promoting Acceptance of Children with Disabilities: From Tolerance to Inclusion (formerly AFB Press; order from Amazon) Getting to Know You (APH, www.aph.org) Reach for the Stars (APH, www.aph.org) Skills for Success (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Job Related Social Skills: A Curriculum for Adolescents with Special Needs. (Exceptional Innovations Products, http://www.exinn.net/job-related-socialskills.html) Ready-to-Use Social Skills Lessons 29 and Activities for Grades 7-12 , JosseyBass Publishers, www.josseybass.com Teaching Social Skills to Students with Visual Impairments – (AFB Press, www.afb.org) College Bound: A Guide for Students with Visual Impairments (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Distance Learning Videos on creating student portfolios for transition http://distance.tsbvi.edu/transition/creat ing-student-portfolios.html Distance Learning Videos: “Key Things That Professionals Should Share With Parents About Transition”, Rosemary Alexander, from Texas Parent2Parent Organization: http://distance.tsbvi.edu/transition/creat ing-student-portfolios.html T Transition Lesson Plans – from University of Oklahoma Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment (2010): https://sites.google.com/a/cloud.ifscho ols.org/d91-special-educationsecondary-transition/home/transitionlesson-plans 30 Sensory Efficiency Evaluations Teaching Materials and Resources EVALS (TSBVI) Listening-Auditory Skills Monocular Use Magnifier Use Pre-Braille Math for Tactile Graphic Skills Infused Skills – Senses and Motor Skills ECC Essentials – Chapter 5: Sensory Efficiency (AFB Press, www.afb.org) ECC Essentials – Chapter 5: Sensory Efficiency (AFB Press, www.afb.org) TSBVI FVE/LMA Guide (TSBVI) – new FVLMA: A Guidebook for Practitioners. (pre-academic or academic, K-12; APH, www.aph.org ABLS – Assessing Braille Literacy Skills (Region 4 ESC, www.esc4.net) SPI Student Performance Indicators (www.tsbvi.edu/attachments/1879 _spi.rtf) Enlarged Print Low Vision Efficiency Brigance Comprehensive 31 Inventory of Basic Skills (Curriculum Associates, www.curriculumassociates.com) Listening Skills Oregon Project (www.soesd.k12.or.us) Compensatory Vision Fine Motor Oregon Project (www.soesd.k12.or.us) Compensatory Vision Fine Motor Perkins Activity & Resource Guide Perkins Activity & Resource Guide (Perkins School for the Blind, (Perkins School for the Blind, www.perkins.org) www.perkins.org) Sensory Integration Sensory Integration Enhancing the Use of Enhancing the Use of Functional Functional Vision Vision Motor Development: Fine Motor Development: Fine Functional Scheme Assessment (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Fine Motor Visual Perception Auditory Perception Haptic-Tactile Perception Mouth movement Smell and Taste FIELA Curriculum (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Insite Developmental Checklist, (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Fine Motor Vision Auditory Tactile development Listening Skills Inventory, (Learning Ally: Learning Through Listening, www.ltl.learningally.org) Insite Developmental Checklist, (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Fine Motor Vision Auditory Tactile development Listening Skills Lesson Plans, Activities, Checklists, etc. (Learning Ally: Learning Through Listening, 32 www.ltl.learningally.org) Sensory Learning Kit – SLK (APH, Sensory Learning Kit – SLK (APH, www.aph.org) www.aph.org) Symbols and Meaning – SAM (APH, www.aph.org) Symbols and Meaning – SAM (APH, www.aph.org) CVI Scale (Christine RomanLantzy in Cortical Visual Impairment: An Approach to Assessment and Intervention (APH, www.aph.org) Cortical Visual Impairment: An Approach to Assessment and Intervention (APH, www.aph.org) Strategy to See – Diane Sheline’s website: http://strategytosee.com/ Strategy to See – Diane Sheline’s website: http://strategytosee.com/ LEA materials (Vision Associates, www.visionkits.com) LEA materials (Vision Associates, www.visionkits.com) SALUTE – Successful Adaptations for Learning to Use Touch Effectively: Interacting with Children who are Deafblind or Visually Impaired and Have Additional Disabilities, www.projectsalute.net SALUTE – Successful Adaptations for Learning to Use Touch Effectively: Interacting with Children who are Deafblind or Visually Impaired and Have Additional Disabilities, www.projectsalute.net Every Move Counts Clicks and Chats – Sensory Based Approach: Communication and Assistive Technology www.everymovecounts.net Every Move Counts Clicks and Chats – Sensory Based Approach: Communication and Assistive Technology www.everymovecounts.net 33 Tactile Strategies for Children Who Have Visual Impairments and Multiple Disabilities: Promoting Communication and Learning Skills (AFB Press – book, DVD, online; www.afb.org) Everyday Activities to Promote Visual Efficiency: A Handbook for Working with Young Children with Visual Impairments (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Ready Bodies, Learning Minds, (Athena Oden, www.readybodies.com) Looking to Learn: Promoting Literacy for Students with Low Vision (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Learning to Listen/Listening to Learn: Teaching Listening Skills to Students with Visual Impairments (APH Press, www.aph.org) Beyond Arm’s Reach (PA College of Optometry) Foundations of Low Vision (AFB Press, www.afb.org) 34 Functional Vision – A Practitioner’s Guide to Evaluation and Intervention (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Understanding Low Vision (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Low Vision: A Guide with Adaptations for Students with Visual Impairments (TSBVI, www.tsbvi.edu) Distance Learning Videos: Using Optical Devices http://distance.tsbvi.edu/optical-deviceuse.html AFB Webinar: Low Vision Optical Devices: Improving Visibility for People with Low Vision http://www.afb.org/store (see section on low vision devices; ACVREP credit, $25) APH materials: Teaching Touch, Setting the Stage, Tactile Graphics, Listen & Think, Envision, Light Box & Light Box Activity Guide, etc. www.aph.org Move It and Get a Wiggle On booklets 35 (AAHPER Publications) Move, Touch, Do (APH, www.aph.org) Books and pamphlets (Blind Children’s Center, www.blindchildrenscenter.org) Little Bear Sees series – books and apps for children with CVI www.littlebearsees.org www.cviteacher.wordpress.com – blog for VI teachers, written by TVI CVI Focus Series – 5 webinars by Christine Roman-Lantzy (AFB, www.afb.org) www.cviresources.com – Christine Roman’s website See Compensatory/Access Skills section for additional information 36 Social Interaction Evaluations Teaching Materials and Resources EVALS (TSBVI) IL Evaluation booklet for Volume I EXIT Sexuality Education Infused Skills Assessment Independent Living Curriculum(TSBVI) Volume I: Social Competence _________________________ EXIT Curriculum (TSBVI) Personal Management Family Life and Sexual Health Family Life and Sexual Health (F.L.A.S.H.) – sexuality education (F.L.A.S.H.) – sexuality education www.kingcounty.gov/healthservice www.kingcounty.gov/healthservices s Safe and Sound: A Safety Awareness Curriculum (California School for the Blind) http://www.csbcde.ca.gov/assessment_learning_ media.htm Safe and Sound: A Safety Awareness Curriculum (California School for the Blind) http://www.csbcde.ca.gov/assessment_learning_medi a.htm Oregon Project www.soesd.k12.or.us Social Oregon Project www.soesd.k12.or.us Social P.A.T.T.E.R – Preschool Attainment Through Typical Everyday Routines (APH) P.A.T.T.E.R – Preschool Attainment Through Typical Everyday Routines (APH) Casey Life Skills www.caseylifeskills.org Self-Care Skills (includes sexuality) Relationships & Communication Casey Life Skills www.caseylifeskills.org Self-Care Skills (includes sexuality) Relationships & Communication 37 Insite Developmental Checklist (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Social Emotional Insite Developmental Checklist (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Social Emotional Functional Scheme Assessment (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Social perception Emotional perception FIELA Curriculum (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Carolina Curriculum – Infants & Toddlers (www.brookespublishing.com) Personal-Social (interpersonal skills) Communication (conversation skills) Carolina Curriculum – Infants & Toddlers (www.brookespublishing.com) Personal-Social (interpersonal skills) Communication (conversation skills) Carolina Curriculum - Preschoolers Carolina Curriculum - Preschoolers (www.brookespublishing.com) (www.brookespublishing.com) Personal-Social Personal-Social (interpersonal (interpersonal skills) skills) Communication Communication (conversation (conversation skills) skills) The Walker Social Skills Curriculum (Pro-Ed Publishing, www.proedinc.com) The Walker Social Skills Curriculum (Pro-Ed Publishing, www.proedinc.com) SPI Student Performance Indicators ((www.tsbvi.edu/attachments/1879 _spi.rtf) Social Skills TPI-2: Living (Pro-Ed Publishing, www.proedinc.com) Interpersonal Relationships 38 Transition Competencies Checklist, Wolffe, www.projectaspiro.com Brigance Inventory of Early Development, Birth – 7 years IED III (Curriculum Associates, www.curriculumassociates.com) Social and Emotional Development: Interpersonal and Self-Regulatory Skills ECC Essentials – Chapter 9: Social Interaction (AFB Press, www.afb.org) ECC Essentials – Chapter 9: Social Interaction (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Focused On: Social Skills - 5 DVDs (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Teaching Social Skills to Students with Visual Impairments: From Theory to Practice (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Development of Social Skills by Blind and Visually Impaired Students (AFB Press, www.afb.org) The Transitions Curriculum (Stanfield Co.) www.stanfield.com Volume 1 – Personal Management Volume 3 – Life Management Better Together – Chapter 6: Social Games (TSBVI, www.tsbvi.edu) Teaching Social Skills to Youth – Boys Town Press (www.boystownpress.org) 39 MacCuspie, Promoting Acceptance of Children with Disabilities: From Tolerance to Inclusion (order from Amazon) Skills for Success (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Ready-to-Use Social Skills Lessons and Activities for Grades 7-12 , JosseyBass Publishers, www.josseybass.com Job Related Social Skills: A Curriculum for Adolescents with Special Needs. (Exceptional Innovations Products, http://www.exinn.net/job-related-socialskills.html) Social Thinking Worksheets for Tweens and Teens (Michelle Garcia Winner, www.socialthinking.com) Getting to Know You (APH, www.aph.org) Navigating the Social World: A Curriculum for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome, High Functioning Autism, and Related Disorders (Future Horizons, Inc., 2002, www.FHautism.com) Introduction to Sexuality Education for Individuals Who are Deaf-Blind and Significantly Developmentally Delayed. DB-LINK & http://www.tr.wou.edu/dblink/pdf/sexed.pdf 40 Compensatory/Access Skills Concept Development Tactile Skills Development – also in sensory efficiency Listening/Auditory Skills – also in sensory efficiency Communication Skills Braille Abacus Nemeth Organization & Study Skills Tactile Graphics Skills 41 Compensatory – Concept Development Evaluations Teaching Materials and Resources EVALS (TSBVI) Beginning Concepts Braille: Beginning Braille Tactile Graphics Skills for Math Infused Skills – Basic Concepts; Representation and Cognition Brigance Inventory of Early Development, Birth – 7 years IED III (Curriculum Associates, www.curriculumassociates.com) Academic Skills/Cognitive Development School Inventory of Problem Solving Skills for Children with Multiple Disabilities (Rowland & Schweigert) 2002 www.designtolearn.com Boehm-3 Preschool Big Picture Kit and Boehm-3 Preschool Tactile Edition (APH, www.aph.org) Oregon Project (www.soesd.k12.or.us) Cognitive Compensatory Oregon Project (www.soesd.k12.or.us) Cognitive Compensatory 42 P.A.T.T.E.R – Preschool Attainment Through Typical Everyday Routines (APH, www.aph.org) P.A.T.T.E.R – Preschool Attainment Through Typical Everyday Routines (APH, www.aph.org) Insite Developmental Checklist (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Cognition Insite Developmental Checklist (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Cognition Functional Scheme Assessment (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Object perception Spatial perception FIELA Curriculum (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Carolina Curriculum – Infants & Toddlers (www.brookespublishing.com) Cognition (attention & memory, visual perception, problem solving, concepts) Carolina Curriculum – Infants & Toddlers (www.brookespublishing.com) Cognition (attention & memory, visual perception, problem solving, concepts) Carolina Curriculum – Preschoolers (www.brookespublishing.com) Cognition (attention & memory, visual perception, problem solving, concepts) Carolina Curriculum – Preschoolers (www.brookespublishing.com) Cognition (attention & memory, visual perception, problem solving, concepts) ECC Essentials – Chapter 4: Compensatory Skills – Concept Development (AFB Press, www.afb.org) ECC Essentials – Chapter 4: Compensatory Skills – Concept Development (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Imagining the Possibilities: Creative Approaches to Orientation and Mobility 43 Instruction for Persons Who Are Visually Impaired – see chapter 4 for concept development (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Experiential Learning: Activities for Concept Development (APH, www.aph.org) Developmental Guidelines for Infants with Visual Impairments: A Manual for Early Intervention (APH, www.aph.org) Hands-On: Functional Activities for Visually Impaired Preschoolers (APH, www.aph.org) Developing Concepts with Children Who are Deaf-Blind, from DB-LINK & National Consortium on Deafblindness: http://documents.nationaldb.org/produc ts/concepts.pdf Reach Out and Teach (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Early Focus (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Blind Children’s Center Pamphlets on concept development 44 Compensatory – Tactile Skills Development Evaluations Teaching Materials and Resources EVALS Braille: Pre-Braille Tactile Graphics Skills for Math Oregon Project (www.soesd.k12.or.us) Fine Motor Compensatory Oregon Project (www.soesd.k12.or.us) Fine Motor Compensatory Perkins Activity & Resource Guide (Perkins School for the Blind, www.perkins.org) Motor Development: Fine Motor Sensory Integration Perkins Activity & Resource Guide (Perkins School for the Blind, www.perkins.org) Motor Development: Fine Motor Sensory Integration Functional Scheme Assessment (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Haptic-tactile perception Spatial perception Object perception FIELA Curriculum (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Insite Developmental Checklist, (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Fine Motor Tactile development Insite Developmental Checklist, (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Fine Motor Tactile development ECC Essentials – Chapter 4: Compensatory Skills – Spatial Understanding (AFB Press, www.afb.org) ECC Essentials – Chapter 4: Compensatory Skills – Spatial Understanding (AFB Press, www.afb.org) 45 ABLS – Assessing Braille Literacy Skills (Region 4 ESC, www.esc4.net) Sensory Learning Kit – SLK (APH, www.aph.org) Sensory Learning Kit – SLK (APH, www.aph.org) SALUTE – Successful Adaptations for Learning to Use Touch Effectively: Interacting with Children who are Deafblind or Visually Impaired and Have Additional Disabilities, www.projectsalute.net SALUTE – Successful Adaptations for Learning to Use Touch Effectively: Interacting with Children who are Deafblind or Visually Impaired and Have Additional Disabilities, www.projectsalute.net Boehm-3: Preschool Tactile Edition (APH, www.aph.org) Early Tactile Learning http://www.tsbvi.edu/resources/3096early-tactile-learning Guidelines and Games for Teaching Efficient Braille Reading (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Tactile Discrimination Worksheets (APH, www.aph.org) 46 Tactile Strategies for Children Who Have Visual Impairments and Multiple Disabilities: Promoting Communication and Learning Skills (AFB Press – book, DVD, online; www.afb.org) Tactile Learning Strategies: Interacting with Children Who Have Visual Impairments and Multiple Disabilities (AFB Press – book, DVD; www.afb.org) Setting the Stage for Tactile Understanding and Teaching Touch (APH, www.aph.org) See Sensory Efficiency Skills & Compensatory – Braille sections for additional information 47 Compensatory – Listening/Auditory Skills Evaluations Teaching Materials and Resources EVALS Listening-Auditory Skills SPI Student Performance Indicators (www.tsbvi.edu/attachments/187 9_spi.rtf) Using a Live Reader Basic (Informal) Reading Inventories – Jerry Johns, Gray, etc. Brigance Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills (Curriculum Associates, www.curriculumassociates.com) ECC Essentials – Chapter 4: Compensatory Skills – Speaking & Listening Skills (AFB Press, www.afb.org) ECC Essentials – Chapter 4: Compensatory Skills – Speaking & Listening Skills (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Listening Skills Inventory, (Learning Ally: Learning Through Listening, www.ltl.learningally.org) Listening Skills Lesson Plans, Activities, Checklists, etc. (Learning Ally: Learning Through Listening, www.ltl.learningally.org) 48 Functional Scheme Assessment (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Auditory perception FIELA Curriculum (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Insite Developmental Checklist, (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Auditory Insite Developmental Checklist, (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Auditory Learning to Listen/Listening to Learn: Teaching Listening Skills to Students with Visual Impairments (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Listen and Think (APH, www.aph.org) See Sensory Efficiency Skills section for additional information 49 Compensatory – Communication Skills Evaluations Teaching Materials and Resources EVALS (TSBVI) Infused Skills Assessment – Social Communicative interactions Child-Guided Strategies: The Van Dijk Approach to Assessment (APH, www.aph.org) Child-Guided Strategies: The Van Dijk Approach to Assessment - includes intervention strategies (APH, www.aph.org) Oregon Project (www.soesd.k12.or.us) Language Oregon Project (www.soesd.k12.or.us) Language Insite Developmental Checklist (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Communication Insite Developmental Checklist (Hope Publications, www.hopepubl.com) Communication Functional Scheme Assessment (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Language: non-verbal Language: verbal Comprehension of language FIELA Curriculum (Lilli Works, www.lilliworks.com) Carolina Curriculum – Infants & Toddlers (www.brookespublishing.com) Personal-Social (interpersonal skills) Communication (verbal comprehension, Carolina Curriculum – Infants & Toddlers (www.brookespublishing.com) Personal-Social (interpersonal skills) Communication (verbal comprehension, conversation 50 conversation skills) skills) Carolina Curriculum – Toddlers (www.brookespublishing.com) Personal-Social (interpersonal skills) Communication (verbal comprehension, conversation skills) Carolina Curriculum – Toddlers (www.brookespublishing.com) Personal-Social (interpersonal skills) Communication (verbal comprehension, conversation skills) Casey Life Skills www.caseylifeskills.org Casey Life Skills www.caseylifeskills.org Relationships & Communication Relationships & Communication ECC Essentials – Chapter 4: Compensatory Skills – Communication Modes; Speaking & Listening Skills (AFB Press, www.afb.org) ECC Essentials – Chapter 4: Compensatory Skills – Communication Modes; Speaking & Listening Skills (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Every Move Counts Clicks and Chats – Sensory Based Approach: Communication and Assistive Technology www.everymovecounts.net Every Move Counts Clicks and Chats – Sensory Based Approach: Communication and Assistive Technology www.everymovecounts.net The Communication Matrix http://www.communicationmatrix .org/ (assessment also available online) Distance Learning Videos: Calendars: http://library.tsbvi.edu/Browse/C ategory/12 Tactile Symbols: 51 http://library.tsbvi.edu/Browse/C ategory/15 You Make the Difference DVD (TSBVI publication, www.tsbvi.edu) Website with tutorials on communication skills for children with deafblindness or visual impairments and multiple disabilities http://distance.tsbvi.edu/communicati on/ Calendars for Students with Multiple Impairments Including Deafblindness (TSBVI, www.tsbvi.edu) Communication: A Guide for Teaching Students with Visual and Multiple Impairments (TSBVI, www.tsb vi.edu) Better Together: Building Relationships with People Who Have Visual Impairments & Autism Spectrum Disorder (TSBVI, www.tsbvi.edu) Tactile Strategies for Children Who Have Visual Impairments and Multiple Disabilities: Promoting Communication and Learning Skills (AFB Press – book, DVD, online; www.afb.org) Tactile Symbols (TSBVI, 52 www.tsbvi.edu ) Tactile Connections: Symbols for Communication (APH, www.aph.org) SAM: Symbols and Meaning (APH, www.aph.org) STACS: Standardized Tactile Augmentative Communication Symbols Kit (APH – guidebook & training videos; www.aph.org) Remarkable Conversations (Perkins School for the Blind, www.perkins.org) Hand in Hand: Essentials of Communication and O&M for Students Who Are Deafblind (AFB Press, www.afb.org) A Standard Tactile Symbol System: Graphic Language for Individual who are Blind and Unable to Learn Braille, http://www.tsbvi.edu/component/conte nt/article/100-instruction/1315 Rowland & Schweigert, Tangible Symbol Systems (revised, 2000) .www.designtolearn.com 53 Compensatory – Braille Evaluations Teaching Materials and Resources EVALS (TSBVI) Beginning Concepts Braille: Pre-Braille Braille: Uncontracted Reading & Writing Braille: Contracted Reading & Writing Tactile Graphics Skills for Math Oregon Project (www.soesd.k12.or.us) Compensatory Braille Fundamentals (TSBVI) ___________________________ Un’s the One (uncontracted Braille Fundamentals, TSBVI) Oregon Project (www.soesd.k12.or.us) Compensatory SPI Student Performance Indicators (www.tsbvi.edu/attachments/18 79_spi.rtf) Braille ABLS – Assessing Braille Literacy Skills (Region 4 ESC, www.esc4.net ) The Mangold Developmental Program of Tactile Perception and Braille Letter Recognition (Exceptional Teaching Aids, Inc., www.exceptionalteaching.org) The Mangold Developmental Program of Tactile Perception and Braille Letter Recognition (Exceptional Teaching Aids, Inc., www.exceptionalteaching.org) Guidelines and Games for Teaching Efficient Braille Reading (AFB Press, www.afb.org) 54 Instructional Strategies for Braille Literacy (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Foundations of Braille Literacy (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Beginning with Braille: Firsthand Experiences with a Balanced Approach to Literacy (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Braille Literacy: A Functional Approach (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Braille Literacy Curriculum (Towers Press, Overbrook School for the Blind, www.obs.org) The Bridge to Braille (National Braille Press, www.nbp.org) Building on Patterns (APH, www.aph.org) On the Way to Literacy (APH, www.aph.org) Paths to Literacy for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired http://www.pathstoliteracy.org/ Perkins Scout – Perkins School for the Blind http://www.perkins.org/resources/scout/ literacy-and-braille/ ABC’s of UEB http://www.brailleauthority.org/ueb.html 55 Compensatory – Abacus Evaluations EVALS (TSBVI) Abacus/Counting Method Teaching Materials and Resources Abacus Counting Method Handout (Debra Sewell, TSBVI) http://www.tsbvi.edu/abacus/3284using-an-abacus-and-the-countingmethod- SPI Student Performance Indicators (www.tsbvi.edu/attachments/187 9_spi.rtf) Abacus Abacus Basic Competency (APH, www.aph.org) Distance Learning Videos – Abacus: Getting Started with the Counting Method http://distance.tsbvi.edu/sewell_abacu s.html UAbacus – an app on how to use a Cranmer abacus for computation (uses the logic method, also known as synthesis or the direct/indirect method) http://uabacus.arizona.edu/ Abacus I & Abacus II: tuition-free, distance education courses available through the Hadley School for the 56 Blind www.hadley.edu The Cranmer Abacus – addition through division using the direct/indirect method; text and videos. http://www.faculty.umb.edu/sandy_smi th/NHAbacus/index.html TSBVI Math Pages: The Abacus http://s22318.tsbvi.edu/mathproj ect/ch5-sec3.asp Other calculation tools for math http://s22318.tsbvi.edu/mathproj ect/ch5.asp#main Davidow, The Abacus Made Easy (APH, www.aph.org) Foundations, vol. 2 – teaching the use of the abacus & other calculation tools, pages 382-389 57 Compensatory – Nemeth Evaluations Teaching Materials and Resources EVALS (TSBVI) Nemeth Code: Elementary Nemeth Code: Algebra I Nemeth Code: Algebra II Nemeth Code: Geometry Nemeth Braille Code for Mathematics and Science Notation 1972 Revision (APH, www.aph.org) Learning the Nemeth Braille Code: A Manual for Teachers and Students (APH – Ruth Craig, 1987; www.aph.org) An Introduction to Braille Mathematics, Based on the Nemeth Braille Code for Mathematics and Science Notation, 1972, Library of Congress (APH – Roberts, et al; www.aph.org) Nemeth Code Reference Sheet (APH, www.aph.org) Nemeth Code update, 2007 http://www.brailleauthority.org/update07 /updates07_10-913/Nemeth2007update.pdf 58 Common Nemeth Symbols (Gloria Buntrock, National Braille Association) – available in Susan O’s Math Packet (www.tsbvi.edu) Nemeth Reference Chart (Dumont & Malone – National Braille Press (www.nbp.org) Nemeth Reference Sheets for Algebra I, Algebra II, & Geometry – Gloria Bennett & Susan Osterhaus http://www.tsbvi.edu/resourcesmath/index.php?option=com_content&vi ew=article&id=1552:nemeth-codereference-sheets Set Notation Nemeth Cheat Sheet http://www.tsbvi.edu/resourcesmath/1908-set-notation-cheat-sheet Essentials of Nemeth: tuition-free, distance education course available through the Hadley School for the Blind www.hadley.edu The Computerized Nemeth Code Tutor http://www.tsbvi.edu/resourcesmath/1531-download-computerizednemeth-code-tutor 59 Susan O’s Math Packet http://www.tsbvi.edu/resourcesmath/1548-susan-osterhaus-mathpacket Susan O’s Distance Learning Videos (including Nemeth Code, abacus, graphing tools, etc.) http://distance.tsbvi.edu/osterhaus_mat h_intro.html Teaching Nemeth Code (excerpt from Project Math Access) http://s22318.tsbvi.edu/mathproject/abo ut-us.asp#main Foundations, vol. 2 – Teaching the Nemeth Code, pages 379-382 Note: Nemeth Code book currently in development by TSBVI 60 Organization and Study Skills Evaluations Teaching Materials and Resources EVALS (TSBVI) Organization Skills Study Skills Casey Life Skills www.caseylifeskills.org Work and Study Skills Casey Life Skills www.caseylifeskills.org Work and Study Skills SPI Student Performance Indicators (www.tsbvi.edu/attachments/187 9_spi.rtf) Study/Organization Using a Live Reader ECC Essentials – Chapter 4: Compensatory Skills – Study and Organization Skills (AFB Press, www.afb.org) ECC Essentials – Chapter 4: Compensatory Skills – Study and Organization Skills (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Individual evaluations for 200 of the “Top Ten Tips for Work Readiness” (Career Solutions Publishing, www.careersolutionsgroup.com) Lesson Plans for 200 Work Readiness Skills, Lessons 101-111. (Career Solutions Publishing, www.careersolutionsgroup.com) Note-Taking 101: How Blind and Visually Impaired People Capture Information, http://www.afb.org/afbpress/pub.asp?Do cID=aw120704 61 Perkins Webcast (from Perkins Scout): Writing: The Forgotten Focus for Literacy & Communication Instruction http://support.perkins.org/site/PageNavi gator/Webcasts_Writing_Literacy_Com munication.html 62 Tactile Graphics Evaluations Teaching Materials and Resources EVALS (TSBVI) Tactile Graphics Skills for Math Edman, P.K. (1992). Tactile Graphics. (AFB Press, www.afb.org) Tactile Graphics Guidebook (included in Tactile Graphics Kit from APH, www.aph.org) Teaching Touch (APH, www.aph.org) Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics & supplement w/ examples http://www.brailleauthority.org/tg/webmanual/index.html Tactile Graphics: An Overview and Resource Guide. http://dots.physics.orst.edu/tactile/tactile .html Tactile displays & graphics http://s22318.tsbvi.edu/mathproject/ch6sec1.asp#main Foundations, vol. 2 – tactile displays and graphics, pages 389-391 63 64