Welcome ISG

ISG – Management School
Host country formalities
All non-EU students must have a visa to stay in Portugal and must also inform the
Foreign Office Services (Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras) of the length of their
Useful Information for European Students
What to send before your departure
The LLP/ERASMUS application form fully completed;
Transcript of records;
Learning Agreement;
Academic Curriculum.
What you must bring with you
2 Passport Photos;
Passport or National ID Card;
European Health Insurance Card.
What to do on arrival: On arrival at the ISG, please contact the International, Career
& Entrepreneurship Office.
Useful Information for OVERSEAS Students
What to send before your departure
Your transcript of records as well as your Course contents recognised by the
Portuguese Embassy at your Country;
The Overseas application form fully completed;
List of subjects you wish to attend at ISG;
Academic Curriculum;
Certificate from your University with transcript of record.
What you must bring with you
2 Passport Photos;
Health Insurance.
What to do on arrival: On arrival at the ISG, please contact the International, Career
& Entrepreneurship Office.
Your first contacts at ISG
Teresa do Rosário Damásio
e-mail: trdamasio@isg.pt
Tel: +351 21 751 55 65
Fax: +351 21 751 55 34
Vice-director and Coordinator for the International Relations Office
Elisabete Lourenço
e-mail: elisabete.lourenco@isg.pt
Tel: +351 21 751 55 00 (ext: 251)
Fax: +351 21 751 55 34
Coordinator for the International Relations Office
Maria Barbosa
e-mail: mariabarbosa@isg.pt
Tel: +351 21 751 37 00
Fax: +351 21 757 39 66
Instituto Superior de Gestão
International, Career & Entrepreneurship Office
Rua Vitorino Nemésio, 5
1750-306 Lisboa
ISG – Escola de Gestão
ISG – Escola de Gestão (Management School) has been functioning, since 1978, as a Business
School in Portugal. ISG is renowned in the area of education as an innovative multidisciplinary
Business School adapted to the requirements of the labour market.
At ISG, education in management takes into account key factors for professionalism, by
integrating knowledge and practical work, which focuses on challenges faced by managers
in their day-to-day operations.
ISG’s activities are carried out in close collaboration with companies through partnerships with
national companies that widespread operations in the market.
ISG relies on the creation of synergies in higher education, which while focusing on the
scientific component, uses other ways of acquiring knowledge toward professionalism based
on the vision “saber-fazer”.- “Know-how”.
ISG has up-to-date equipment made available to students, which is unquestionably the most
generous ratio of area/student in the campus.
The installations of ISG are in a built-up area of 8,600 m2 and includes 4 buildings - The Palace
of Stª Clara, a new building, which houses a substantial part of the administrative services area
and classrooms, an annex of additional classrooms and another annex for the Students
Association and Tuna Académica (School band). The buildings are surrounded by a beautiful
The Institute has one auditorium with a seating capacity of 420, two auditoriums, each with a
seating capacity of 120, 24 classrooms, a library and archive for documents, self-access
centre of languages, computer laboratories, offices and a common room for teachers,
bookshop and stationery, bar and canteen, social services centre and a common room for
ISG is structured around three scientific Departments that constitute the main institutional units.
ISG currently offers 5 undergraduate Degree programmes, 7 Masters Degree programmes,
and 11 Post-graduation Degree courses. Besides this, ISG offers a large number of vocational
and continuous training courses according to the life-learning development paradigm. All the
courses fulfil the requirements for European Higher Education, and comply with the European
Credit Transfer systems (ECTS). All of the undergraduate and graduate degrees have already
been changed according to the principles and norms of the Bologna Declaration.
For more information about ISG, please visit: www.isg.pt
Lisboa is the capital of Portugal and lies on the north bank of the Tagus Estuary, on
the European Atlantic coast. It is the westernmost city in continental Europe. Greater
Lisboa has an area of approximately 1,000 km2. The city lies more or less in the
centre of the country, approximately 300 km f rom the Algarve in the south and 400
km from the northern border with Spain. Lisboa offers a wide variety of options to the
visitor, including beaches, countryside, mountains and areas of historical interest only
a few kilometres away from the city centre.
Approximately 600,000 people live in Lisboa. However, if one includes the various
satellite towns, the population of Greater Lisboa rises to approximately 1.9 million
The name comes from "Olissipo", which has its origins in the Phoenician words "Allis
Ubbo", meaning "enchanting port". But Lisboa has, of course, strong Arabic
influences; the Moors after all, occupied it for 450 years. In the 12th century the
Christians re-conquered the city but it was not until the mid -13th century that Lisboa
became the country's capital.
During the 15th century, with the beginning of the Portuguese Age of Discoveries,
Lisboa developed into a spice and jewellery trade centre. The br eakthrough for
Portuguese expansion came in 1498 when Vasco da Gama discovered the sea route
to India. This was indeed the beginning of a golden age, characterised by the
Manueline architectural style, named after King Manuel I, with its typical decorative
use of maritime motifs.
Over the centuries Lisboa naturally grew and changed. When the city centre was
almost completely destroyed by the great earthquake of 1755, the Marquês de
Pombal, who thus created the Baixa Pombalina, a commercial area that still retains
much of its original character, rebuilt it. But development did not stop there. The city
has grown progressively to the north, and areas such as the Avenidas Novas and the
site where Expo '98 took place are typical of this development.
Casa do Fado e da Guitarra Portuguesa ; Casa Fernando Pessoa; Casa Museu Dr.
Anastácio Gonçalves; Casa Museu Medeiros e Almeida; Centro Cultural de Belém;
Centro de Arte Moderna José de Azeredo Perdigão ; Cinemateca Portuguesa Museu do Cinema; Fundação Arpad Szenes - Vieira da Silva; Fundação Calouste
Gulbenkian; Museu Agrícola Tropical ; Museu Antoniano; Museu Arqueológico do
Carmo; Museu da Água da EPAL; Museu da Caixa Geral de Depósitos; Museu da
Carris; Museu da Cidade; Museu da Farmácia; Museu da Liga dos Combatentes ;
Museu da Marinha; Museu da Marioneta Museu da Música; Museu da Rádio; Museu
da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa ; Museu da Vida Submarina e da História
Submersa; Museu das Comunicações; Museu das Crianças; Museu de Arte Popular;
Museu de Cera de Lisboa; Museu de Ciência; Museu de Electricidade; Museu de
Etnografia; Museu de Marinha; Museu de S. Roque; Museu do Banco de Portugal ;
Museu do Centro Científico e Cultural de M acau; Museu do Centro Cultural
Casapiano; Museu do Chiado; Museu do Design; Museu do Instituto Geológico e
Mineiro; Museu do Oriente; Museu do Palácio Nacional da Ajuda ; Museu do Teatro
Romano; Museu João de Deus; Museu Mestre João da Silva; Museu Nacional de
Arqueologia; Museu Nacional de Etnologia; Museu Nacional do Azulejo; Museu
Nacional do Teatro; Museu Nacional do Traje; Museu Nacional dos Coches, Museu Rafael
Bordalo Pinheiro, Museu Joe Berardo.
Capela de Santo Amaro; Capela de Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos Cardeiais; Igreja
Central da União Adventista do Sétimo Dia ; Igreja da Conceição Velha ; Igreja da
Encarnação; Igreja da Madalena; Igreja de Madre de Deus; Igreja das Flamengas; Igreja de
Nossa Senhora do Loreto; Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Rosário; Igreja de Nossa Senhora do
Rosário de Fátima; Igreja de S. Nicolau; Igreja de S. Roque; Igreja de S. Sebastião da Pedreira;
Igreja de Santa Catarina /Ig. Paulistas; Igreja de Santo António; Igreja do Mosteiro de S. Vicente
de Fora; Igreja do mosteiro dos Jerónimos; Igreja do Sagrado Coração de Jesus; Igreja dos
Mártires; Igreja Evangélica Alemã; Igreja de Nossa Senhora de Jesus / Ig. Mercês; Mesquita de
Lisboa; Sé Patriarcal; Sinagoga de Lisboa.
Aqueduto das Águas Livres; Arco da rua Augusta ; Basílica da Estrela; Casa dos Bicos; Castelo
de São Jorge; Centro Cultural de Belém; Igreja de Madre de Deus; Igreja de S. Vicente de Fora
– Panteão Nacional; Igreja de Santa Engrácia / Panteão Nacional; Igreja de São Roque; Igreja
do Menino Jesus; Mosteiro do Jerónimos; Paços do Conselho; Padrão dos Descobrimentos;
Palácio de São Bento; Palácio Nacional da Ajuda; Palácio Nacional de Belém; Ruínas do
Carmo ; Sé Patriarcal; Torre de Belém.
How to reach town
By Air
Aeroporto de Lisboa
Alameda das Comunidades Portuguesas - 1700-007 LISBOA
Tel: +351 218 413 500 / Fax: 218 413 675
Email: lisbon.airport@ana-aeroportos.pt
Internet: http://www.ana-aeroportos.pt
From the airport to the city:
BUSES (Carris) -- http://www.carris.pt/
N. 5 - Estação do Oriente / Airport / Areeiro (Only on workdays)
N. 22 - Portela / Airport / Marquês de Pombal (Everyday)
N. 44 - Moscavide / Airport / Cais do Sodré (Everyday)
N. 45 - Prior Velho / Airport / Cais do Sodré (Everyday)
N- 83 - Portela / Airport / Amoreiras (Only on workdays)
Tickets can be purchased onboard. Fare: 1,40€
Aerobus-- http://www.carris.pt/
Everyday from 7:45am to 8:15pm every 20 minutes, the Aerobus runs between the Airport and
the city centre. Ticket can be purchased on board.
Fare: 1,20 €; 3,00€ (1 day ticket); 2,00€ (1 day TAP Voucher)
Tel. +351 213 613 054
TAXIS -- There are two taxi ranks at the airport: one at the arrivals area and another one at
departures. The taximeter should show 3.25 € (daytime) and 3.90€ (night). Outside the city, fares
are charged per quilometer -- 1,60€ is charged for the transportation of luggage or animals.
Before taking a taxi, inquire about the fare (There is a 20% addition on weekends, holidays and
night time services)
Calçada do Duque, Nº 20
1249-109 Lisboa
Telefone: (+351) 211023000
Fax: (+351) 213473093
E-mail: webmaster@mail.cp.pt
Internet. www.cp.pt
Gare do Oriente (interface) Parque das Nações (North/South)
Tel: +351 808 208 208
From the Railroad to the city centre:
Metro – the quickest ways to travel in Lisboa http://www.metrolisboa.pt
Transports in town
Trams and Buses
Carris is company operating in Lisbon with trams and buses.
It's always cheaper if you buy your tickets in advance.
+351 21 361 30 21
+351 21 361 31 41
+351 21 361 30 54
Internet: http://www.carris.pt/
Besides the normal services, several special services for tourists and handicapped visitors
(contacts: +351 217 585 676 or +351 213 613 161). The tourist circuits take visitors through Lisbon in
open-top panoramic buses or in the 19th century trams. There are three tours: the Carris Tour,
made through down town and the historical site of Belém; the Hills Tour, that takes the visitors to
the historical city; and the AeroBus, a direct connection to the Airport, to the city centre and to
Cascais line trains. Also not be missed are the funiculars of Bica and Glória. Try these unusual
funiculars to get in touch with some of the most typical quarters of Lisbon).
The Lisbon underground metro works from 06h30 a.m. up to 01h00 a.m. and it’s one of the
quickest ways to travel in Lisboa.. It covers almost the whole city and it’s very easy to find a
metro station. It is always interesting to get off in almost every metro station and enjoy the Artdeco, amazing panels of tiles, sculptures, and paintings turned into real masterpieces.
Transtejo is the company responsible for the fluvial crossing of the Tagus River. Everyday, people
from the other side of the river have to cross it to work in Lisbon or around the capital. This
company also has Tagus Cruises, a tourist service that allows you to see Lisbon from the river. This
is one of our favourites, especially at the end of the day, when the sunset can make this
romantic crossing unforgettable (http://www.transtejo.pt; http://www.soflusa.pt)
Contacts: +351 808 20 30 50
www.cp.pt you will obtain information about timetables, fares and booking, in national and
international trains.
Car rental
Hiring a car and driving around is the most economical option if you're travelling with more
than two persons. But, even if you're alone, and you want to visit the surrounding areas of Lisbon
with total independency, this would be the best choice.
www.portugalvirtual.pt/50travtransp/televan/aboutus.html; www.europcar.pt; www.iperrent.pt;
www.lusoguer.com; www.ausocar-rentacar.pt; www.rupauto.pt; www.avis.com.pt;
www.hertz.com.pt; www.veleiro.com/lusoguer/frames.htm; www.alpirent.pt/.
The Lusófona Student's Hall is situated near by the Metro Station of ENT RECAMPOS
(yellow line) and 10 minutes by subway from ISG/Management School.
The building of the Student's Hall has five floors. In each floor there is:
Ten bedrooms (five doubles and five singles ). In each room there is one or two
bedrooms, one or two beside tables, one closet, one or two desks and one or two
chairs if the room is single or double;
One living room with tables, chairs, sofas and television with cable TV.
One kitchen with closets, stove, refrigerator, microwave, plates, cutleries, etc;
Some notes and rules:
In the ground floor of the Student's Hall exists one washing room with four washing
machines and two drier machines. The machines work with coins and the price
includes the detergent and softener for the clothes. This space is for every student to
The Student's Hall is equipped with the wirless system that could be used by the
students that have their personal computers.
The building has security conditions against fire in an adequate and actualised way.
As for damages and stealing each resident is responsible for the personal belongings.
The Student’s Hall is responsible for the building's insurance. Each resident should
have a personal insurance and is responsibl e for the personal things.
No person other than the residents are authorised to stay overnight. Guests are not
allowed to stay after 11.00 p.m. If the Manager suspects of any guest and after
being questioned the entry in the Students Hall may be forbidde n. Residents are
responsible for the behaviour of their guests.
Only the Student’s Hall board can allowed parties and students meetings.
The possession of drugs or any illegal substance is not allowed in the Students Hall. If
a Resident is found in the possession of such substances it will be expelled
immediately. It is not allowed to be in the possession of arms in the Students Hall. The
Administrator will not be responsible for any accident resulting from the violation of
these rules.
It is not allowed in any place of the Students Hall illegal activities, e.g. gambling or
any kind of transaction.
The Students Hall is a community of Residents from different cultural and educational
backgrounds. Mutual tolerance and respect are fundamental. Respect is v ery
important when it comes to silence. Silence periods are between 10.00 p.m. and 8.00
It is forbidden to smoke in the rooms. Nevertheless, residents are allowed to smoke in
the balcony and in the living rooms, as long as everyone present agrees on it.
The residents are responsible for all the domestic tasks concerning their personal
It is forbidden to elaborate meals in the bedrooms as well as to dry clothes.
Please visit us: http://residencia.ulusofona.pt
Dra. Cristina Matos Lopes
e-mail: cristina.matos@ulusofona.pt
Tel: +351 21 751 55 65
Fax: +351 21 751 55 34
There is one canteen, where the meals are offered at a much lower price than in restaurants.
The cheapest meals for 2007/2008 were:
 Breakfast: + - €1.80
 Lunch: + - €5.00 / €4.00 / 2.75
There are also snacks that offer alternative meals at different prices.
Out of the ISG
In normal restaurants, Student’s can have a meal (Lunch/Dinner) for the amounts of: € 7.50 to €
15.00 and more. Below you can find some restaurant addresses and information.
Address: Rua da Atalaia, 57-59
Bairro Alto
Tel: +351 213 464 811
Tel: +351 21 363 71 76
Atira-te ao Rio
Cais do Ginjal, nº 69/70
2800-284 Almada
Tel: +351 21 275 13 80
Mamma Rosa
R. Grémio Lusitano14, Lisboa
Tel: +351 21 346 53 50
Rua de São Bento, 334 – Lisboa
Tel: +351 213 956 118
Alcântara Café
R. Maria Luísa Holstein, 15 Lisboa
Varina da Madragoa
Rua das Madres 34 – Lisboa
200-711 LISBOA
Tel: +351 213 965 533
Casa do México
Av D. Carlos I nº 140, em Lisboa
Tel: +351 213 965 500
Restaurante Bica do Sapato
Armazém B / Cais da Pedra à Bica do
1900 LisboaTel: 218 810 320
Restaurante Eleven
Rua Marquês da Fronteira Jardim Amália
Tel: +351 213 862 211
Casa Leão
Castelo de São Jorge
Tel: +351 218 880 145
Casa do Bacalhau
Rua do Grilo, nº 54 / 1900-706 Lisboa
Tel: +351 218 620 000
A Travessa
Travessa das Inglesinhas, 28
1200 LISBOA (Assembleia da República)
Tel: +351 213 902 034
Sr. Vinho
Rua do Meio à Lapa, 18
1200-723 Lisboa
Tel: +351 213 972 681/ +351 213 977 456
K A I S - Restaurante Bar
Cais da Viscondessa
R. da Cintura – Santos
1200 - 109 LISBOA
Tel: +351 213 932 930
Blues Café
Rua de Cintura do Porto, Edifício 226 1300
Tel: +351 213 957 085
A Taverna
Rua das Amoreiras nº 47, Lisboa
Tel: +351 213 874 900
A Viúva
Pátio do Pinzaleiro, 28 - B, Lisboa
Tel: +351 213 966 680
Traditional Cafés
A Brasileira: In 1905 the Brasileira café opened in order to sell coffee. In
1908 it became a favourite site for artists and writers to meet and
converse. lt later became the favourite café of the most important
modern Portuguese poet, Fernando Pessoa. A bronze statue of Pessoa,
sitting at a table, is located in the esplanade. Open every day from 08h00
to 02h00. Address: Rua Garret, 120-122, Chiado / Bus. 58, 100 / Tram. 28/
Subway. Baixa-Chiado
Suiça: Café Suiça is a traditional meeting point for tourists. A swift "bica"
(café) at the counter, an exquisite tea fo r those who have time to sit and
stay or a fast, light meal. Address: Praça D. Pedro IV, 96 / Tel. +351 213 214
090 / Bus. 1, 2, 11, 32, 44, 45, 83 / Subway. Rossio
Nicola: The café was first opened in 1929 when it was the favourite haunt
of the irreverent and rebellious poet Bocage (1765-1805) whose sculpture
stands in the café. The café was remodelled recently and serves meals at
upper-medium prices in the basement and ground floor and also at the
esplanade. Open from 08h00 to 20h00 and closed on Sundays . Address:
Rua 1" Dezembro, 20 / Tel: +351 213 460 579 / Bus. 1, 2, 11, 32, 44, 45, 83/
Subway. Rossio
Cyber cafes
Are almost everywhere, so here are just some of the places where you can have
access to the Internet:
Rua dos Duques de Bragança, 7
1200-162 LISBOA
Tel.: +351 213 225 004
Website: www.cyberbica.com
E-mail: cyberbica@cyberbica.com
Net Lisboa Café
Rua Padre Francisco, 24 C
1350-226 LISBOA
Tel.: +351 213 971 824
Ciber 25
Teatro Taborda, Costa do Castelo, 75
Tel: +351 218 865 786
Ciber Chiado
Largo do Picadeiro, 10 S/L
1200-330 LISBOA
Tel.: +351 213 466 722;
Website: www.cnc.pt/pages/ciber.html
Centro Consulta Internet - Estação dos CTT
Pç dos Restauradores, 58
Tel: +351 213 238 700
R. Diário de Notícias, 126
Tel: +351 213 421 181
C.C. Saldanha Residence; Loja 0.06
Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo nº 42 E;
1050-250 Lisboa
Tel: 21 795 98 52
E-mail: geral@magnoliacaffe.com
URL: www.magnoliacaffe.com
Parque das Nações
Pavilhão do Conhecimento
Tel: +351 218 917 112
Praça do Comércio
1100-148 Lisboa
Tel: +351218879259
Ponto Net
Lisboa Welcome Center
Terreiro do Paço
el: +351 210 312 700
Rua das Janelas Verdes, 9
Tel: +35121 391 28 00
Rua de Belém, 84-88;
1300-085 Lisboa;
Tel: +351213637423
R. Costa do Castelo, 7;
Tel: +35121 886 73 34
Café da Ponte
Doca de St. Amaro, Armazém 15;
1350-353 Lisboa;
Santos – Alcântara
Tel: +351 213 957 669
Rua António Maria Cardoso, 38;
1200-027 Lisboa
Tel: +351213 257 658
Av. Brasília, Pavilhão Nascente, 311
Tel: +35121 362 62 48.
Morada: Pç. da Figueira, 18B;
Tel: +351 21 342 44 70Galeria Comercial do
Museu da Cera - Armazém 2, Loja12/17
Tel: +35121 393 26 00
Campo Grande, 3
Tel: +35121 798 64 18
Armazém CP Doca de St Amaro
Tel: +351 21 396 35 35
Costa do Castelo, 7 (Chapitô)
Tel: 21 888 04 06
Av. Frei Miguel Contreiras, 54B
Tel: +35121 849 45 03
Avenida de Roma, 7;
Tel: +351218 471 163
E-mail: geral@magnoliacaffe.com
URL: www.magnoliacaffe.com
Largo do Campo Pequeno, 2ª
Tel: +351217 959 852
E-mail: geral@magnoliacaffe.com
Av. João XXI, 45-A ;
Tel: +351 218437710
Rua do Alecrim, 35
1200-014 Lisboa
Baixa Pombalina
Tel: +35121 346 91 58
E-mail: mar.adentro.lisboa@gmail.com
Teatro Maria Matos
Av. Frei Miguel Contreiras, Nº 52
Roma – Areeiro
Lg do Picadeiro, 11-12
Baixa Pombalina
Tel: +351 21 346 05 01
Lg. do Adamastor
CCB - Pç. do Império
Tel+35121 364 85 61
CCB - Pç. do Império;
Tel+35121 361 24 00
Lg. das Portas do Sol, 4
Tel: +35121 887 48 59
Av. Guerra Junqueiro, 30C
Tel: +35121 848 52 41
R. do Olival, 8; Lapa
Tel: +351 21 390 08 88
R. Ferreira Borges, 1
Campo de Ourique
Campo de Ourique
Tel: +35121 396 60 59
Pç. Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro, 7D - Areeiro
Tel: +35121 848 51 01
R. Nova do Almada, 14
Baixa Pombalina
Tel: +351 21 342 81 82
R. Ferreira Borges
Tel: +35121 396 30 06
R. Garret, 104
Tel: +35121 347 31 33
R. Coelho da Rocha, 18
Tel: +35121 397 11 79
Miradouro da Graça
Lg de São Vicente;
Tel: +351 21 888 56 52
Jardim da Estrela
Tel: +351 21 396 32 75
Lg. Chafariz Dentro, 1
Tel: +351 21 887 95 73
Pç. do Príncipe Real
Tel: +35121 346 60 76
R. António Maria Cardoso,
58; Chiado
Tel: +351 21 325 76 58
Antigo Pavilhão da Guarda Fiscal
Tel: +35121 342 21 05
R. Saraiva Carvalho, 147 Lj 1 e 2
Tel: +35121 390 02 91
Sports facilities
The students can also use the Estádio Universitário.
Surfing, body boarding, sailing, windsurfing and all sorts of water sports
can be found in beaches like Guincho (that has some of the best
conditions for surf and windsurf), Cascais a nd Costa da Caparica. This last
one boasts a 15-kilometre stretch of golden, sandy shoreline.
In the city it will be very easy for students to find Cinemas ( Cinema S.
Jorge; Videoteca de Lisboa; Cine Estúdio 222; Cine Teatro Monumental ;
Cinebolso; Cinema A C Santos; Cinema Ávila; Cinema Fonte Nova;
Cinema Londres; Cinema Monumental; Cinema Nimas; Cinema Olímpia;
Cinema Quarteto; Cinema Turim; Cinema Xenon; Cinemas King Triplex;
Cinemateca Portuguesa; Filmitalus / Twin Towers; Lusomundo Amoreiras;
Lusomundo Mundial; Saldanha Residence; UCI Cinemas El Corte Inglés;
Warner - Lusomundo Colombo; Warner - Lusomundo Olivais Shopping;
Warner - Lusomundo Vasco da Gama), Theatres Rooms (Teatro Municipal
Maria Matos; Teatro Municipal S. Luiz; Chapitô; Clube Estefânia; Teatro
Villaret; Estrela Hall Theatre - The Lisbon Players; Os Papa Léguas - Teatro
de Animação; Teatro - Estúdio Lanterna Mágica; Teatro - Estúdio Mário
Viegas; Teatro Aberto; Teatro Camões; Teatro Casa da Comédia; Teatro
da Trindade; Teatro de Bolso; Teatro da Comuna; Teatro de Carnide;
Teatro do Bairro Alto - Companhia de Teatro da Cornucópia ; Teatro do
Século; Teatro Ibérico; Teatro Maria Vitória; Teatro Nacional de S. Carlos;
Teatro Palco Oriental ; Teatro Politeama; Teatro Taborda) – with
transportation facilities during the evening.
The Summer Events could be also a very good entertainment for the
At the Campus there are four auditoriums, both of them equipped with the
facilities for Cinema and Theatre.
Hospital Pulido Valente
Alameda das Linhas de Torres, 117 – Lumiar
1769- 001 LISBOA
Tel: 217548000 Fax: 217591118
Hospital de Santa Maria – Central Hospital
Av. Prof. Egas Moniz
1649- 035 LISBOA
Tel: 217805000 Fax: 217805610
Hospital da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa
Hospital de São Francisco Xavier
R. Duarte Galvão, 54
1549- 008 LISBOA
Tel: 217714000 Fax: 217714017
Hospital CUF (Private)
Cç. da Tapada, 155
1000- 000 LISBOA
Tel: 213617600 Fax: 213631264
Email: hsfxavier@hsfxavier.min-saude.pt
Tv. do Castro, 3
1350- 070 LISBOA
Tel: 213926100 Fax: 213905933
Hospital de São Francisco Xavier – Central
Estr. do Forte do Alto do Duque
1449- 005 LISBOA
Tel: 213000300 Fax: 213017533
Email: hsfxavier@hsfxavier.min-saude.pt
Hospital de Dona Estefânia
R. Jacinta Marto
1169- 045 LISBOA
Tel: 213126600 Fax: 213126667
Hospital de São José – Central Hospital
Hospital Egas Moniz
R. da Junqueira, 126
1349- 019 LISBOA
Tel: 213650000 Fax: 213650198
R. José António Serrano
1150- 000 LISBOA
Tel: 218841000 Fax: 218841025
Email: rds0078@mail.telepac.pt
Hospital Nossa Senhora do Desterro
Hospital Cuf Descobertas (Private)
R. Nova do Desterro
1169- 100 LISBOA
Tel: 213136427 Fax: 213136428
Tel: 210025200 Fax: 210025220
Rua Mário Botas – Parque das Nações
1990-000 LISBOA
Hospital Particular (Private)
Hospital dos Lusíadas (Private)
Rua Luís Bívar, 30
1069-142 Lisboa
Tel: 213539031 Fax: 213561764
Avenida Lusíada, Edifício HPP
1500 Lisboa
Tel. 217 704 040 Fax. 217 704 081
E-mail: mail@hpphospprivados.pt
Regimento de Sapadores de Bombeiros
In case of fire you should dial immediately 112.
Don't forget to bring with you:
Accommodation Address
 2 Passport Photos;
 Passport or National ID;
European Health Insurance Card or Health Insurance
(according to your citizenship);
 Visa (when necessary);
 Some Euros for initial needs.