Internet Programming & Development Syllabus & Student Handbook 2015-2016 Internet Programming & Development Room: 18C Instructor: Jason R. Gardner Office Phone: 440-357-7542 ext. 8386 Fax: 440-358-8012 Email: Website: This handbook is a supplement to the Auburn Career Center Student/Parent Handbook. Revision Date: 05/05/2015 Table of Contents WELCOME CLASS OF 2017 ........................................................................................................ 3 AUBURN CAREER CENTER MISSION ................................................................................. 3 CORE VALUES ......................................................................................................................... 3 COURSE INFORMATION ............................................................................................................ 4 PROGRAM SCOPE ....................................................................................................................... 5 Grade 11, Junior Level ................................................................................................................ 5 Grade 12, Senior Level ............................................................................................................... 5 SUMMARY OF COMPENTENCIES ........................................................................................ 6 INDUSTRY CERTIFICATES.................................................................................................... 7 INSTRUCTIONAL PHILOSOPHY ............................................................................................... 8 ATTENDANCE .......................................................................................................................... 8 ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................... 8 EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS...................................................................................................... 9 COURSE ASSIGNMENTS AND PROJECTS ........................................................................ 10 PROGRAM APPAREL ............................................................................................................ 10 COURSE POLICES...................................................................................................................... 11 SAFE WORK PRACTICES ..................................................................................................... 11 MOBILE TECHNOLOGY POLICY ....................................................................................... 12 ADDITIONAL COURSE POLICIES ...................................................................................... 12 STUDENT ORGANIZATION INFORMATION ........................................................................ 14 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 15 TECHNICAL LITERACY PROGRAM .................................................................................. 15 CAREER SAFE PROGRAM/OSHA 10-HOUR GENERAL INDUSTRY TRAINING ........ 15 AUBURN CERTIFICATES ..................................................................................................... 16 Auburn Honors Certificate Requirements ............................................................................ 16 Auburn Basic Certificate Requirements ............................................................................... 16 Auburn Completion Certificate Requirements ..................................................................... 16 Auburn Attendance Certificate ............................................................................................. 17 Safety Certificate .................................................................................................................. 17 Business Partnerships And Student Internships .................................................................... 17 SYLLABUS & HANDBOOK AGREEMENT ............................................................................ 18 2 WELCOME CLASS OF 2017 This program is designed for students who plan to enter the world of Internet Programming & Development with skills that will prepare them for careers dealing with website design & development, programming, video game development and database management. Students will gain necessary skills to work with web, email and database servers in addition to programming applications. Students will study the basic fundamentals and concepts that can be applied to all Internet Programming & Development. This program will place an emphasis on the understanding of the technology as well as the creative skills that are needed for success in this evolving area. A post-secondary education is recommended following this course. This is a Tech Prep Program. Students have the potential of earning Lakeland Community College credit for work completed in Internet Programming & Development while attending Auburn Career Center. Additionally, the Lakeland Community College & DeVry agreements extend articulation credit to completers of the Internet Programming & Development program. Articulation details are available upon request. Ohio College Tech Prep prepares students for high skill, high demand technical careers in a competitive global economy. Rigorous educational pathways emphasize math, science and technology and lead to postsecondary education. Students may be eligible to earn college or technical school credit for their high school coursework if they meet Tech Prep exit requirements. AUBURN CAREER CENTER MISSION Auburn Career Center provides an innovative career and technical education that empowers all learners to excel in the emerging workplace and enrich their community. CORE VALUES We believe that: - People are personally responsible for their choices and actions - Treating people with dignity and respect will enhance learning - Attitude and goals drive achievement - All people can learn - All people can make positive contributions - Change is exciting and essential for growth 3 COURSE INFORMATION Internet Programming & Development Room: 18C Instructor: Jason R. Gardner Office Phone: 440-357-7542 ext. 8386 Fax: 440-358-8012 Email: Website: Class schedule: Junior Schedule: 8:18am to 10:53am Senior Schedule: 10:58am to 2:28pm Students enrolled in Internet Programming & Development will have met the following requirements: - Must have junior status - Have earned at least two English credits, two math credits, one science credit, and one social studies credit Successful completion of Internet Programming & Development will result in the following: - Three elective credit hours Junior Year - Three elective credit hours Senior Year Class materials: - USB Flash Drive - Headphones - Uniform - Class fee Cost $25 All fees are due by October 30, 2015. Accounts will be adjusted after the approval of free/reduced lunch applications. 4 PROGRAM SCOPE Grade 11, Junior Level Information Technology Subject Code: 145005 This first course in the IT career field is designed to provide students with a working knowledge of computer concepts and essential skills necessary for work and communication in today's society. Students will learn safety, security, and ethical issues in computing and social networking. Students will also learn about input/output systems, computer hardware and operating systems, and office applications. Programming Subject Code: 145060 In this course, students will learn the basics of building simple interactive applications. Students will learn the basic units of logic: sequence, selection, and loop. Students will apply algorithmic solutions to problem-domain scenarios. Students will gain experience in using commercial and open source languages, programs, and applications. Grade 12, Senior Level Database Applications Development Subject Code: 145085 Students will use developer strategies to manipulate data, present database systems theory, and develop database applications. Students will learn to import and export data, manipulate table properties, make advanced queries, and run basic SQL forms and reports. Students will develop macros for automating database tasks and building menu-driven applications. Knowledge and skills of data modeling, diagramming, query writing, and design theory will be developed. Web Design Subject Code: 145010 Students will learn the dynamics of the Web environment while pursuing an in-depth study of both Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Web based protocols such as FTP, TCP/IP, and HTTP will be addressed. Students will create a website with tag text elements, special characters, lines, graphics, hypertext links, and graphical tables. 5 SUMMARY OF COMPENTENCIES In summary students will explore the following areas of Internet Programming & Development: Design, create and maintain dynamic websites Understand basic programming controls and structures Use a wide range of advanced web-based programming languages Design, develop and utilize databases COMPETENCIES FOR INTERNET PROGRAMMING & DEVELOPMENT Career Exploration, Development and Employability Traits Information Technology Basics Programming Theory Applied Programming Languages Software Development Overview Application Development Life Cycle Web Page Design Web Site Development and Management Web Site Development and Management – HTML Fundamentals Web Site Development: Content Development and Technical Analysis Web Site Development: Develop and Design Web Applications and Sites Implement and Maintain Applications Basic Mainframe/Server Concepts Security Fundamentals Information Systems (IS) Theory Database Management System Basics Application Database Administration Database Administration Data Warehousing Business Processes for IT Professionals Business Law and Legal Issues Technical Writing and Documentation Professional Practices Basic Business Concepts Communication 6 AUBURN CERTIFICATES Auburn Career Center provides an extended curriculum for our eleven participating school districts. Students attending Auburn Career Center may earn multiple elective and academic credits each year. Following successful completion, these credits are certified by the high school in which the student is enrolled. High school students can also earn several college credits while attending Auburn Career Center. In addition to earning academic credit toward graduation, students may earn the following certificates of achievement from Auburn Career Center. Honors Basic Completion Attendance Safety These certificates are awarded at the Senior Ceremony and placed in the student’s senior portfolio. INDUSTRY CERTIFICATES Auburn Career Center provides students the opportunity to gain industry certifications in the Internet Programming & Development program. Microsoft Digital Literacy IC3 StudioWeb See APPENDIX for additional information on certificates. 7 INSTRUCTIONAL PHILOSOPHY Much of the material presented in this course will be delivered through lectures and projects. Class participation is encouraged, and students should be prepared for class by completing any assigned reading and bringing appropriate materials to class. Classroom activities will include computer-based assignments, case studies, research, and group and individual projects. In addition, students will have assignments to be completed in- and out-of-class. Assessment methods include tests, quizzes, oral presentations, written reports, worksheets, and projects. Students will also have the opportunity to compete in regional, state, and national competitions for SkillsUSA and Tech Prep. These competitions allow students to apply the theories and concepts learned in class to a real-world environment. ATTENDANCE Classroom Entry Attendance is taken at the start of class. All students should be in their assigned classroom/lab before the bell sounds. If you are tardy you must report to the High School Office and obtain an admit slip. More than 5 unexcused absences within a 9 week grading period or 3 in a 6 week grading period may result in loss of credit. Excessive unexcused absences may result in disciplinary action. Refer to the Student/Parent Handbook for more information. Classroom Exit Students are dismissed by the Instructor, not the bell. Students are not to line up at the door, be in the hall, or leave the classroom or lab prior to dismissal by the teacher. ASSESSMENT Performance Standards: Grades for the course will be based on the following levels of performance: Grade A (90-100%) B (80-89%) C (70-79%) D (60-69%) Description Work is correct with only minor flaws (not having to do with the main idea of the problem). You understood the concepts presented in class and were able to apply them appropriately to real-world examples. You completed all assignments on time, demonstrated a good work ethic, and produced a high quality of work. You did quality work with a few flaws. You understood the concepts presented in class, and were able to apply them with help. You completed almost all assignments on time, and demonstrated knowledge with sufficient skill. Had difficulty understanding class concepts or applying concepts to real-world situations. Some assignments were late or were not turned in. Did complete some of the work for the class. Work competed was frequently late or of low quality with error and omissions. 8 F (<= 59%) Did not complete a significant amount of work for the class, or if work was done it had major errors and did not meet standards. Missed 5 or more class periods during the grading period. It is expected that students complete assignments on time. Assignments will be dropped one letter grade for each day that they are late. If an assignment is turned in more than four days late, it will be worth half credit. Tests and quizzes may be formative or summative in nature. Grades will be determined by a Total Points method. However, approximate weights are as follows: Tests and Quizzes Class work and assignments Projects Certifications 20% 20% 30% 30% EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS In Career and Technical Education student performance is looked at just as business/industry would look at an employee on the job. The quality of tasks completed, time required, participation, attitude and consistency of effort, etc. are considered employability skills and are all a part of one’s grade. In addition to the guidelines presented in the Student/Parent Handbook, Internet Programming & Development students have the opportunity to earn up to 50 points per week for employability skills. It is up to the student to earn the grade. Not earning points is based on inappropriate behavior and teacher observations of behavior and attitude. Behavior and preparedness are an essential part of a student’s tenure at Auburn. The following situations will negatively impact one’s employability skills and loss of points. Each occurrence will result in the loss of points. -Disrespect displayed towards fellow students and instructor -Sleeping or appearing to be sleeping -Swearing or inappropriate language -Not working on task at hand -Horseplay or unsafe activity -Abuse of school property -Playing games or otherwise misusing computers or calculators while in class -Absent from class (other than a school function or excused absence) -Unpleasant, antisocial, negative or belligerent attitude/comments -Chairs left out or equipment not put away -Use of electronic equipment (CD players, cell phones) 9 -Unprepared for class, not turning in assignments on time -Not wearing student ID badge or not having it displayed in a visible location. -Not dressed in IPD uniform. -Unexcused absence from class. Continual violation of the Employability Skills will result in a reduced course grade. Continuous violation of the Employability Skills will result in additional disciplinary action determined on a case by case basis. NOTE: The above expectations also extend to a student’s behavior throughout Auburn Career Center and will affect your grade. *You can positively impact your employability skills score. Bonus points can be earned by going above and beyond expectations. SEE EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS RUBRIC IN APPENDIX COURSE ASSIGNMENTS AND PROJECTS All assignments are to be word processed and are to include your name, class, assignment name, and assignment date in the upper left hand corner. No hand written assignments will be accepted unless prior permission has been given. Absolutely no assignments will be accepted on torn out spiral notebook paper or assignments done in pencil. Assignments are due at the start of class. Late assignments will only be accepted with an excused absence. Students can expect assignments on a regular basis. Projects of significant importance will be assigned throughout the year. Late assignments will only be accepted with an excused absence. PROGRAM APPAREL Students will be required to wear program specific apparel. Standard daily dress: - Clean Program Uniform - Appropriate Personal Hygiene Special event dress; Formal School Events and Student Organization events: - Clean Program Uniform or Dress Shirt - Khakis or dress slacks - Dress shoes Students are required to have and display on themselves at all times an Auburn Career Center ID badge, which is provided free during the first weeks of school. The Auburn ID Badge must be 10 clearly visible and presented upon request to any teacher, administrator, resource officer, or school personnel. If a student’s original badge is lost or stolen, a duplicate ID badge must be purchased. The fee for a duplicate ID badge is $5.00. COURSE POLICES This course covers a large amount of material; therefore, late assignments may not be accepted. An exception to this is if the student provides an excused absence that is verified by the High School office. Refer to the Student/Parent Handbook for more information. This program is a program that builds upon skills. Missing class time will jeopardize a student’s ability to complete the various assignments and projects accurately and on time. Class participation and employability skills are an extremely important part of this program. Grades are based in part on the following: SAFE WORK PRACTICES 1. Make safety the first consideration in every situation. 2. When picking up a load, evaluate whether or not you need help or special equipment. Do not lift a load alone if you have any doubt of your ability to lift it. Use proper lifting techniques to prevent injury. 3. Keep your work area clean and free of loose objects, stumbling (includes office equipment wires) or slipping hazards, rubbish, etc. 4. Be aware of walking surfaces and their condition. Extra care may be required to prevent an accident. 5. Do not reach too high for something that may fall on you. Use a small set of steps, a ladder, or ask for help if you need it. If a ladder is used, be sure it is well secured. 6. Never leave an unsafe condition unguarded or unmarked, even temporarily. 7. Learn location of school safety equipment and know how to use them. In case of an emergency: Contact the main office by using the telephone in the Instructors office. Pick up the phone and dial “0” for the Main Office. Remain calm, explain the situation. 11 If there is no immediate answer send someone to the nearest classroom or office and notify an adult of the incident and request additional help by calling 911. If the victim is conscious, it is best to have them lie still until qualified emergency response personnel arrive on the scene. Do not move a victim unless there is risk of additional immediate danger to them and you. You can cause additional severe injury by unnecessarily moving a victim. There is the possibility of the victim going into a state of physiological shock -- a condition of insufficient blood circulation different from electrical shock -- and so they should be kept as warm and as comfortable as possible. MOBILE TECHNOLOGY POLICY Cell Phones, MP3 Players and other mobile devices are included in the definition of personal mobile technology. It is expected that students will realize that mobile technology devices have their time and place and will utilize them appropriately, as stated in this handbook while in the Internet Programming & Development classroom/lab. Students will abide by any policies stated within the Auburn Student Handbook and Technology Agreement while at Auburn Career Center. ADDITIONAL COURSE POLICIES 1. Code of Conduct: The published Code of Conduct for Auburn Career Center found in the Student/Parent Handbook will be enforced at all times. Refer to the Handbook for discussion of due process of the Code and safety violations. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Infractions will be dealt with according to established Auburn Career Center policy. 2. The attendance/tardiness policy provided in the handbook will be followed at all times. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements to make up any missed activity the day he/she returns to class. There are certain assignments that cannot be made up. 3. Computer usage: Auburn Career Center supports instruction through the use of computers, e-mail, software, and other media, and Internet access. The use of the tools is a privilege, not a right. Any student who violates the Acceptable Use Policy found in the Student/Parent Handbook may lose their access to Auburn’s computers and network accounts. Notice to students who have access to digital audio and video recording equipment. Abuses of this equipment will not be tolerated. In addition, students are expected to use computers and other media equipment at the designated time, and only for class assignments. Abuses may result in a loss of technology privileges. Auburn e-mail accounts are monitored, and the use of them falls under ACC policies. 12 4. Auburn Career Center is a full-service career center. Many people pass through the facility during the day. Therefore it is important that students wear their student identification badges when in the building. Students who do not display an identification badge will be referred to the Main Office. Failure to wear an ID may result in loss of Employability Skills points and be referred for discipline. 5. Changes to the Syllabus/Handbook: The Instructor/ACC Administration reserve the right to make changes to this syllabus/handbook as needed throughout the year. 13 STUDENT ORGANIZATION INFORMATION SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel. It is a national nonprofit organization serving teachers and high school and college students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations. It was formerly known as VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America). SkillsUSA's mission is to empower its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. SkillsUSA is an applied method of instruction for preparing America’s high performance workers in public career and technical programs. It provides quality education experiences for students in leadership, teamwork, citizenship and character development. It builds and reinforces self-confidence, work attitudes and communications skills. It emphasizes total quality at work—high ethical standards, superior work skills, life-long education, and pride in the dignity of work. SkillsUSA also promotes understanding of the freeenterprise system and involvement in community service. More than 300,000 students and advisors join SkillsUSA annually. One hundred thirty (130) trade, technical and skilled service occupational titles are represented in the curricula of SkillsUSA member students, covering the construction, manufacturing, transportation, health sciences, information technology, communications, personal services, hospitality, public safety and engineering technology industries. 14 APPENDIX TECHNICAL LITERACY PROGRAM Description of Course Technology Literacy is offered to juniors at Auburn Career Center. The course provides an overview of the basic fundamentals of working with computers today. Students will study computer basics such as computer hardware, software, and operating systems. The course introduces basic use of Windows 7 and productivity programs included in Microsoft Office 2007 (Outlook, Word, Power Point, Excel, and Access). Students will also begin to use and navigate elearning environments using Blackboard and Citrix. Internet navigation, computer security and privacy, and ever-changing technology will also be overviewed within the course. Purpose The purpose of the Technology Literacy course is to provide students with the basic knowledge of working with computers in ways beneficial in their career paths of choice. The course will give them an overview of online communication, email, word processing, spreadsheets, presentation programs, internet navigation, computer security and our technologically evolving world. Mastery Learning Grades in the Technology Literacy course will be based on Mastery Learning. Students will be required to achieve 80% on each assignment. Additional attempts will be provided if the 80% benchmark is not achieved. CAREER SAFE PROGRAM/OSHA 10-HOUR GENERAL INDUSTRY TRAINING Description of Program The OSHA Outreach Training Program for General Industry provides training for students, entry level workers, and employers on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of safety and health hazards in workplaces in general industry. The program also provides information regarding workers' rights, employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint. Through this training, OSHA helps to ensure that workers are more knowledgeable about workplace hazards and their rights. Each module contains a brief assessment, which must be successfully completed before the student can move on to the next module. Once all modules have been viewed and the corresponding assessments are passed there is a comprehensive final assessment. Purpose The purpose of the program is to provide students with basic safety awareness training so they will be able to recognize, avoid and prevent safety and health hazards in the workplace. Young workers develop a safety mindset and acquire marketable skills for a competitive edge. 15 Credential Earned Students who successfully complete the CareerSafe OSHA 10-Hour General Industry course receive an OSHA 10-Hour General Industry wallet card from the OSHA Training Institute (OTI). As a result they become more employable, gaining a competitive advantage in the job market. AUBURN CERTIFICATES Auburn Career Center provides an extended curriculum for our eleven participating school districts. Students attending Auburn Career Center may earn multiple elective and academic credits each year. Following successful completion, these credits are certified by the high school in which the student is enrolled. High school students can also earn several college credits while attending Auburn Career Center. In addition to earning academic credit toward graduation, students may earn the following certificates of achievement from Auburn Career Center. These certificates are awarded at the Senior Ceremony and placed in the student’s senior portfolio. Auburn Honors Certificate Requirements 95% Attendance rate for two years at Auburn (no more than 18 days over a two year period) Earned a 3.5 or higher grade point average in their career tech program over two years Safety certification earned in career tech program Employability skills earned in career tech program 85% passage rate of all program competencies Credential certificate or passage of Ohio Career Technical Competency Analysis High school diploma Auburn Basic Certificate Requirements 95% Attendance rate for two years at Auburn (no more than 18 days over a two year period) Earned a 2.5 or higher grade point average in their career tech program over two years Safety certification earned in career tech program Employability skills earned in career tech program 75% passage rate of all program competencies Auburn Completion Certificate Requirements Earned high school credit for their career tech program over two years Safety certification earned in career tech program Employability skills earned in career tech program 75% passage rate of all program competencies 16 Auburn Attendance Certificate Students maintaining a 95% attendance record over the two years at Auburn will earn an Auburn Attendance Certificate. The certificate will be placed in their senior portfolio. Safety Certificate Students are provided the opportunity to earn a safety certificate. Students that complete the required safety assessment will earn a certificate to be placed in their senior portfolio. Business Partnerships and Student Internships The Business Partnership program is an educational opportunity that prepares a student for workforce employment and transition to post secondary education. During the program, students will apply academic, employability, and technical skills in the workplace. There are three levels students can participate in including: Internship Mentorship Career Field Experience Students must meet specific criteria in order to participate. Additional information is available in the Auburn Student/Parent Handbook. 17 Auburn Career Center Internet Programming & Development SYLLABUS & HANDBOOK AGREEMENT After reviewing the Internet Programming & Development Syllabus/Handbook please sign and return this agreement page to the Internet Programming & Development Instructor. I have read and understand all of the information included in the Auburn Career Center Patient Care Technician Syllabus/Hand book. Student Name: _____________________________________________ (Please print) Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: _____________________________________ (Please print) Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________ 18 Date: _____________________________________________________ 19