Your Organization Name Your Project Name Project Selection Criteria Prepared by: Version: Document #: Date: Your Name Your Version Your Reference # Release Date Project Name Project Selection Criteria Proprietary Notice This document is the property of and contains an embedded digital signature verifying its ownership. This document is released for the sole use of authorized clients and their delegates and may not be copied or reproduced for resale. Disclaimer This document is intended to be modified by the user. makes no representation or warranty, either expressed or implied, with respect to the sufficiency, accuracy, or utility of the document contents as completed by the user and shall not be held liable for any damages incurred as a result of its use. The user assumes full responsibility for project progress, completion and success. Document # Page i Version 1.0 Project Name Project Selection Criteria Approval Signatures Project Sponsor: Project Manager: Client Representative: Quality Assurance: Author: Document # Name Name Name Name Name Signature: _____________________ Signature: _____________________ Signature: _____________________ Signature: _____________________ Signature: _____________________ Page ii Version 1.0 Project Name Project Selection Criteria Revision History Version # 1.0 Document # Release Notes Issue Date Initial Draft Page iii Version 1.0 Project Name Project Selection Criteria Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1 1.1. 1.2. 2. Purpose ........................................................................................................ 1 Audience ...................................................................................................... 1 PROJECT SELECTION ................................................................................ 2 2.1. 2.2. Document # Project Definition .......................................................................................... 2 2.1.1. Project Categorization ..................................................................... 2 2.1.2. Project Prioritization ........................................................................ 2 Project Acceptance....................................................................................... 2 2.2.1. Business Criteria ............................................................................. 2 2.2.2. Logistical Criteria............................................................................. 2 Page iv Version 1.0 Project Name Project Selection Criteria 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Purpose The purpose of this Project Selection Criteria document is to specify the key project characteristics and defining metrics which will be used to allow an informed business decision on the validity of the project initiative. 1.2. Audience This document is intended for enterprise executive and potential stakeholders in the project outcomes. Author Instructions Text in italics, such as this paragraph, contains instructions and information that is intended to give you guidance on what to insert as content. It is not meant to be part of the content itself. Delete the italicized lines before submitting the deliverable as final. Non-italicized text may be used verbatim at your discretion. The deliverable author is to complete each section with the required information, as instructed in the italicized text. Document # Page1 Version 1.0 Project Name Project Selection Criteria 2. PROJECT SELECTION 2.1. Project Definition Outline the parameters and dimensions which characterize a “project” within your enterprise. The following sub-sections provide guidelines on what to include in your document. 2.1.1. Project Categorization Outline the generally accepted project categories, if they exist, such as: Mega-Project – multi-year, enterprise-impacting, big budget (largest percentage of total development budget) Large Project – multi-phased, cross functional, approximately one year duration, multi-million dollar budget Medium Project – more than half million dollar budget, 6 – 8 months duration Small Project – project team less than a dozen, less than 6 months, lowest percentage of total development budget 2.1.2. Project Prioritization Summarize the rules exercised by your enterprise to rank the criticality of projects. If no rules have been explicitly defined for your organization, refer to your company mission statement for high level objectives. Generally speaking, projects which address your company’s goals, or those which protect them from business risks or competition, will have high priority. 2.2. Project Acceptance Outline the criteria for accepting a project as a candidate for investment. 2.2.1. Business Criteria List the economic parameters and their threshold values for project acceptance, such as: Proposed Budget Pay Back Period Net Present Value ROI – Return On Investment 2.2.2. Logistical Criteria List other non-quantified considerations for project acceptance. This includes strategic initiatives, such as market horizontal expansion, or business imperatives such as regulatory compliance. Document # Page2 Version 1.0