1 AP Human Geography Chapter 7, Ethnicity 1. Define ethnicity (use the glossary). 2. According to the author, what are the three main reasons why ethnicity is a controversial topic in our culture? Case Study / Ethnic Diversity in America 3. Why do geographers reject the notion of race? However, what aspect of race is important to geographers and why? Introduction 4. How is ethnicity different from race? 5. What is the link between ethnicity and geography? 6. What does the author mean by the fact that our ethnicity is immutable? 7. Why is ethnicity important to study in an era of globalization? 2 Key Issue I. Where Are Ethnicities Distributed? A. Distribution of Ethnicities in the United States 8. What are the two largest ethnic minorities in the United States? What percent of the total population are they? 1. Clustering of Ethnicities 9. At what scales do ethnicities cluster? a. Regional Concentrations of Ethnicities 10. Fill in the chart with the appropriate information. Percents Distribution Hispanic or Latino/Latina African American Asian Americans American Indians and Alaska Natives b. Concentration of Ethnicities in Cities Trends 3 11. African-Americans Hispanics State Scale % Chicago, Il Detroit, MI New York City, NY 12. Describe the distribution of ethnicities at the state level for California and Texas. 13. What is a visible marker on the landscape for remnants of old ethnic neighborhoods in many cities in the United States? 14. How have the ethnic concentration urban neighborhoods changed from the early 20th century to the late 20th century? 15. Describe the general ethnic distribution of major groups for Los Angeles. 2. African American Migration Patterns 16. How does the study of migration help geographers study present day cultural patterns? 4 17. Fill in the chart with the appropriate information. Source Area(s) Routes of Migration Destination(s) Forced Migration From Africa Immigration To The North Expansion Of The Ghetto B. Differentiating Ethnicity and Race 18. Fill in the chart below with respect to various differences between ethnicity and race. Asian African American and Black African American Hispanic or Latino 5 19. What is the reasoning for why scientists reject the notion of race? 20. What is the technical definition of racism? C. Race in the United States 21. Although there are 14 divisions for race on the Census form, what are the recent trends with respect to categorical percents and those that check other race? Why? 1. “Separate But Equal” Doctrine. 22. Describe the geographic implications of Plessy v. Ferguson. 2. “White Flight.” 23. What was the geographic response to Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas? Use Detroit’s population statistics to support your answer. 24. What was blockbusting and how did it lead to unique geographies for whites and blacks? D. Division by Race in South Africa 25. Describe how apartheid led to the geographic separation of people in South Africa. 26. What are the historical/cultural roots of apartheid? 6 27. Even though apartheid has been abolished in South Africa, what are the geographic and economic legacies of this oppressive system? Key Issue II. Why Have Ethnicities Been Transformed into Nationalities? 28. How is nationality different from ethnicity? A. Rise of Nationalities 29. How and when did the American nationality form? 30. Why is the question of ethnicity vs. nationality a critical issue for Canada? 1. Nation-States 31. What is a nation-state, and what is often given the rationale for forming one? 32. What are the arguments for and against Denmark being a nation-state? 33. Using Figure 7-15, describe the evolution of European state boundaries to coincide with linguistic distributions. How did the distribution of German speaking peoples become seriously problematic! 7 2. Nationalism 34. What methods do states or nationalistic groups do to maintain nationalism? 35. Fill in the chart with examples. Centripetal Forces Centrifugal Forces B. Multinational States 36. Describe the difference between a multiethnic state and a multinational state. Give examples. 37. How is the UK an example of a multinational state? What is the strongest element of nationalist pride in the UK? 1. Former Soviet Union: The Largest Multinational State 38. Fill in the charts with the basic information for each country. Ethnic Breakdown Estonia Latvia Lithuania Cultural Elements 8 Ethnic Breakdown Cultural Elements Belarus Moldova Ukraine Ethnic Breakdown Cultural Elements Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan 2. Russia: Now the Largest Multinational State 39. How many nationalities does the Russian government recognize, and what is the general distribution of these minorities? 40. Describe the historical/cultural background of Chechnya, and detail the Russian response to their independence movement. 9 3. Turmoil in the Caucasus 41. How did the Soviet system keep ethnic tensions in check? a. Azerbaijan 42. What issues do Azeris face in Iran? b. Armenia 43. Why is Armenia so unique for the region? What difficulties have they had in forming a nation-state? c. Georgians 44. Why has Georgia’s cultural diversity been a source of unrest? What role has Russia played in this situation? C. Revival of Ethnic Identity 45. How did Karl Marx view nationalism? How did communist encourage centripetal forces? 46. Why have ethnic forces become more important than national forces in the late 20th century? Give specific examples. 10 Key Issue III. Why Do Ethnicities Clash? A. Ethnic Competition to Dominate Nationality 1. Ethnic Competition in the Horn of Africa 47. Fill in the chart for the ethnic conflicts taking place in the Horn of Afria. Ethiopia & Eritrea Sudan Somalia Who (is involved)? What (is happening)? When (did these events take place)? Where (is this happening)? Why (is this happening)? 2. Ethnic Competition in Lebanon 48. Fill in the chart below for Lebanon Religions Ethnicities Geographic Distribution 11 49. How has changing demographics contributed to the civil war in Lebanon? B. Dividing Ethnicities Among More Than One State 1. India and Pakistan 50. What the basis for separating West and East Pakistan from India? 51. Describe the massive migration that occurred as a result of the partition of India? 52. What is the source of conflict in the region of Kashmir? 53. How do Sikhs complicate the situation in South Asia? 2. Sinhalese and Tamil in Sri Lanka 54. When did the civil war in Sri Lanka begin, and approximately how people have been killed in the conflict? 55. What is the root of the conflict? What steps are the Sinhalese taking that will make it more difficult for Sri Lanka to become a peaceful multinational state? Global Forces, local Impacts, Dividing the Kurds 56. Describe the geographic distribution of Kurds (Kurdistan) and the percent of the population they are in each country. 12 57. How did Kurdistan lose its state status? 58. Why have the Turks suppressed Kurdish culture? 59. How successful have Kurdish resistance tactics been? Give examples. 60. How have the Kurds fared in Iraq since the first Gulf War in 1991? Key Issue IV. What Is Ethnic Cleansing? 61. Define ethnic cleansing? 62. What is the point of ethnic cleansing? A. Ethnic Cleansing in Europe 63. Give examples of ethnic cleansing during and right after WWII. 64. What are some recent examples of ethnic cleansing in Euro 1. Creation of Multiethnic Yugoslavia 65. Explain briefly the steps taken to create Yugoslavia 13 66. Fill in the matrix with the appropriate information for the former Yugoslavia. Neighbors Republics Nationalities Languages Religions Alphabets Currency 2. Destruction of Multiethnic Yugoslavia 67. For how long did Yugoslavia work? Why did it work? What are the major reasons why it broke up? a. Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia 68. Why was it difficult to create a viable country for Bosnia & Herzegovina? 69. How did Croates and Serbs bolster their case to break away from Bosnia & Herzegovina? 70. Why was ethnic cleansing on the part of Bosnian Serbs against Bosnian Muslims especially severe? 14 71. Explain how the Dayton Accords helped establish peace in the region. b. Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo 72. Why did Serbs engage in ethnic cleansing against Kosovo? What were their historic/geographic claims to the territory? 73. How did the NATO respond to the atrocities in Kosovo? What were the final results of the military intervention? c. Balkanization 74. Define balkanization. How did Balkanization lead to WWI? Can you think of any other areas of the world that are susceptible to balkanization? B. Ethnic Cleansing in Central Africa 75. Why is there is so much ethnic cleansing in Africa? Who is most responsible for laying the groundwork to help create this situation? 15 76. Fill in the chart with notes Hutus Tutsis Livelihood Location Population Historical control Colonial influence 1962 1994 Counter attack Impact on neighboring countries End result Contemporary Geographic Tools: Documenting Ethnic Cleansing 78. How was aerial photography used to help document ethnic cleansing in Kosovo? 16