Christopher Charles Sarver

Dr. Christopher Charles Sarver
319 N. Elm St. Apt. B
Oxford, OH 45056
(513) 461-1474 (cell)
(513) 529-1944 (office)
Ohio Wesleyan University Delaware, Ohio
Bachelor of the Arts- May, 1992
Majors: Political Science & Philosophy
Overall GPA: 3.89/4.0
Major GPA(s): 4.0/4.0; 4.0/4.0 (respectively)
State University of New York at Albany Albany, New York
Master of Arts, Political Science- May, 1999
Doctor of Philosophy- May, 2010
Major: International Relations
Minor: Comparative Politics
Geographic Areas of Specialization: Africa, & Latin America
Subfields: International Political Economy, Development
Economics, Politics of the Developing World, Multinational and
Transnational Corporations in Developing Nations, Politics of
Global Energy, Emerging Global Powers (China, India, Brazil)
Dissertation Title: Multinational Firm Strategy and the Nationalization of Copper in
Chile and Zambia: The Experience of Five Companies
Dissertation Chair: Dr. John Gunnell
Assistant Professor of Political Science and Legal Studies, Manhattanville
Courses Taught:
Introduction to Comparative Politics
Introduction to International Politics
First Year Seminar: Citizenship and Dissent in American Politics
War and Human Rights
Emerging Global Powers: Brazil, Russia, India & China
Visiting Assistant Professor of International Studies, Miami
University of Ohio 8/11-present
Courses Taught:
ITS 201 Introduction to International Studies
ITS 201 Introduction to International Studies, Honors
ITS 302 Problems of Non-Western Societies
ITS 299 Global Issues
College Service:
Faculty Advisor, Invisible Children, Miami Chapter
Assistant Professor, Political Science, Flagler College 8/07-5/11
Courses Taught:
POS 221 Politics in the U.S.
POS 301 International Relations
POS 440 Politics of the Developing World
POS 440 Senior Seminar
POS 440 African Politics
POS 200 Introduction to Political Science
P0S 440 International Political Economy
POS 440 Emerging Global Powers: China, India, Brazil
POS 440 The Politics of Natural Resources
POS 440 Drugs, Guns, and Pirates: Crime in
International Affairs
POS 440 America and Globalization
POS 440 The United Nations in the 21st Century
POS 440 Nuclear Proliferation in the 21st Century
POS 491 Research Methods
College Service:
Director and Advisor, International Studies Minor
College Disciplinary Committee
Intercollegiate Athletics Committee
Intercollegiate Athletics Disciplinary Appeals Board
Student Life Committee
Study Abroad Committee, Executive Committee
Study Abroad Committee, Chair, Strategic Planning
Faculty Advisor and Founder, Model United Nations Team
Faculty Advisor, Outdoors Club
Faculty Advisor, Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honor Society
Panelist: Human Trafficking in the Americas
Guest Speaker, St. Augustine High School, “Genocide in
the Sudan”
Moderator, Panel: “Homosexuality & The Bible”
Faculty Advisor and Organizer, Panel: “The Question of Palestine”
Community Service:
Member of Board of Directors, Bridges to Sudan, Inc.
Volunteer, St. Francis House Homeless Shelter
Visiting Assistant Professor, Political Science & International Studies,
University of Pittsburgh-Bradford 6/06-5/07
Courses Taught:
Introduction to Political Science
International Relations
Comparative Politics
U.S. Foreign Policy
Introduction to International Affairs
Great Political Thinkers
College Service:
Faculty Advisor, International Studies Club
Guest Speaker, “Careers in International Service”
Visiting Assistant Professor, Political Science & International Studies,
Baldwin-Wallace College 8/04-5/06
Courses Taught:
POL 215 International Organization and the U.N.
POL 211 International Relations
POL 323 Government and Politics of Africa
College Service:
Interim Director and Advisor, International Studies Program
Faculty Advisor and Founder, Muslim Student Association
Faculty Advisor, College Democrats
Faculty Advisor, Model United Nations
Faculty Advisor and Founder, Model African Union
Internship Advisor, Cleveland Council on World Affairs
Senior Seminar Research Advisor
Academic Advisor, Study Abroad
Guest Speaker, The Rwandan Genocide: Lessons in Human Nature
Panel Discussion Leader for Campus showing of “Hotel Rwanda”
Keynote Speaker, Lake Erie Model United Nations
Instructor, Political Science, Kent State University 8/03-8/04
Courses taught:
POL 105 Introduction to World Politics
POL 104 Introduction to Comparative Politics
POL 408 Comparative Foreign Policy
POL 420 African Politics
College Service:
Faculty Advisor, Muslim Student Association
Faculty Advisor, International Relations Club
Moderator: Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue Series
Internship Advisor, National City Bank
Visiting Lecturer, Political Science, Hartwick College 2/03-6/03
Courses taught:
POS 105 Introduction to International Relations
POS 350 Latin American and Caribbean Politics
POS 261 Seminar on Global Poverty and Development
Instructor, Political Science, SUNY Albany 5/01-12/02
Courses taught:
POS 357 European Politics
POS 353 Latin American Politics
POS 378 Politics of the Developing World
POS 102 Introduction to Global Politics
Teaching and Research Assistant, SUNY Albany 8/97-5/00
-Scheduled professor appointments and coordinated office
-Served as undergraduate academic advisor
-Served as a Teaching Assistant for Intro to Global Politics
five semesters, including two writing intensive sections.
Health Educator, Farmworker Health Services Inc. 5/95-8/97
-Directed outreach and health education services for rural
health clinics in New Jersey, New York, and Florida,
specifically for Hispanic and Latino migrant farm laborers.
-Received certifications for pesticide training safety
(Florida) and HIV-AIDS pre and post-test counseling
(Florida and New York.)
-Provided translation services in Spanish for clinic
personnel, doctors, and patients.
-Provided written and oral translation services for; police
departments, courts, county health departments and social
services, the IRS, probation offices, hospital specialists
(including during surgical procedures), New York State
Department of Labor, the office of Congressman Dan
Miller (Florida), and the Center for Legislative
Development in Albany.
-Coordinated and assisted with mobile health clinic
services for Haitian and African-American farm laborers in
the Hudson Valley area of New York.
-engaged in advocacy for migrant rights
-helped organize local community groups to assist with the
needs of migrant farmworkers
Account Representative, The Astrup Co. Dallas, TX 5/95-8/95
-Managed accounts for Mexico and the Mexico-Texas
border region.
-Supervised shipping of materials to clients.
-Prepared necessary U.S. Customs and NAFA documents.
Volunteer, United States Peace Corps, Guatemala 6/93-3/95
-Worked as a rural development extensionist in the areas of
appropriate technology and public health.
-Organized and directed community enrichment and
development programs.
-conducted extensive community needs assessment studies
-Utilized adult and non-formal education techniques in
promoting programs.
-Trained local groups and individuals in construction and
maintenance of projects.
-Coordinated with international development organizations,
including the U.N., World Vision, Christian Children’s
Fund, U.S. AID and Habitat for Humanity.
-Received extensive Spanish language and cultural training.
Phi Beta Kappa
Pi Sigma Alpha
Outstanding SUNY Albany Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2001
Outstanding SUNY Albany Graduate Instructor, 2002
Baldwin-Wallace College Student Senate Faculty Excellence
Baldwin-Wallace College Award for Outstanding Service to
International Students
Northeast Ohio Magazine Outstanding Educator of the Year
Fluent Spanish
Functional German
“Militarized Interstate Disputes and United States Uses of
Force”, International Studies Quarterly (2001) 45, 455-466.
Co-authored with Dr. Benjamin O. Fordham, SUNY Binghamton
“Oil and Conflict in the South China Sea”, Seminar given to the Defense
Institute of Security Assistance Management, Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base, March 2014
“Current Security Issues In Sub-Saharan Africa”, Seminar given to the
Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management, Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base, May 2014 (forthcoming)
Available upon request.