2.2. Does the subjective examination suggest an

Tutorial Case #7
Cervical Spine Case Presentation - Part I
History: Bruce Wayne is a 75 year-old, retired math teacher. Three days ago while stopped at a red light
waiting for the signal to change Bruce was rear-ended. He was wearing his seat belt. The car he was
driving sustained moderate damage from the impact of an estimated 35mph. Bruce was transported to
the ER secondary to complaints of light-headedness and dizziness. The attending ER doctor who saw
him requested x-rays. The x-rays demonstrated a loss of the cervical lordosis, degenerative disc disease
at multiple levels, bony spurring at C5-6 and C6-7. He was diagnosed with a cervical sprain/strain and
mild concussion. Bruce was given Vicodan, Flexoril, and Naprosyn as well as a soft cervical collar. He
was advised to rest for a few days before beginning Physical Therapy. His chief complaints are
sub-occipital headaches, nausea, and pain with all cervical movements. Bruce states he has been unable
to concentrate, and has problems remembering recent events. In addition to his neck pain and
immobility he has complaints of bilateral paraesthesia of forearms and hands in a stocking glove
 Aggravating Factors: All cervical movements increased neck and upper back pain to “10”. It settles
after 3-4 hours to “3’; unable to sleep lying down, awakes with severe pain, RTS 2-3 hours.
 Easing Factors: sleep sitting up; cervical collar; Vicodan and Flexoril
24 Hours:
AM: slightly improved if sleeps for more than 3 hours
Day: worse by end of day, tires easily
Night: awakes 2-3 times/night; RTS with meds
Special Questions:
Meds: Vicodan, Flexoril, Naprosyn, and Soma
for sleep;
Cord: +ve
Anticoagulants: 
Cough/sneeze: 
PT720/PT721 - Orthopedic Tutorial Case Presentations # 7
Tutorial Case #7
Diagnostics: DDD C5-6 and C6-7, reversal of cervical lordosis, osteophytes at C5-6, and C6-7
anterior vertebral bodies.
Social History: 75 year old retired math teacher, married and in otherwise good health.
Recreational interest is aviation. Still maintains a pilot’s license.
Current History: Bruce Wayne is a 75-year old retired math teacher. Three days ago while
stopped at a red light waiting for the signal to change he was rear-ended. He was wearing his seat
belt. The car he was driving sustained moderate damage from the impact of an estimated 35mph.
He was transported to the ER secondary to complaints of light-headedness and dizziness. The
attending ER Doctor who requested x-rays saw him. The x-rays demonstrated a loss of the
cervical lordosis, degenerative disc disease at multiple levels, bony spurring at C5-6 and C6-7.
He was diagnosed with a cervical sprain/strain and mild concussion. He was given Vicodan,
Flexoril, and Naproxyn as well as a soft cervical collar. He was advised to rest for a few days
before beginning Physical Therapy. Ms chief complaints are sub-occipital headaches, nausea,
and pain with all cervical movements. He states he has been unable to concentrate, and has
problems remembering recent events. In addition to his neck pain and immobility he has
complaints of bilateral paraesthesia of forearms and hands in a stocking glove distribution.
Past History: Unremarkable for neck pain, headaches or previous trauma. Denies previous
history of numbness and tingling in arms. Has consistently passed medical exams for flying.
Does remember being diagnosed with Scheurmann’s Disease as a child.
PT720/PT721 - Orthopedic Tutorial Case Presentations # 7
Tutorial Case #7
Learning Objectives for Cervical Spine Case Study: Part I
The learning objectives for this case presentation are laid out below. By the end of this case
presentation the student should be able to:
1. Define all unknown terms;
2. List the Signs and Symptoms associated with post-traumatic headache syndrome;
3. Describe the pathomechanics and pathophysiology of a sudden acceleration and deceleration
4. Describe the spondylitic changes which can occur in the vertebral motion segment (disc,
facet, vertebral body);
5. Describe the course of the vertebral artery and the clinical test for patency;
6. Identify the ligaments which stabilize the C2 dens and the clinical tests used to assess
stability in the upper cervical spine as well as understand which x-ray view rules out trauma
at this level;
7. Rationalize the prognosis, typical medical treatment and rehabilitation course most
appropriate for a patient who has sustained a "whiplash" injury.
PT720/PT721 - Orthopedic Tutorial Case Presentations # 7
Tutorial Case #7
Plan the Objective Examination
Use the following outline to plan your evaluation and produce a diagnosis for this patient.
Name as the possible source of any part of the patient’s symptoms every
structure which must be examined:
Joints under the
area of symptoms
Joints referring
into the area of
underlying the
area of symptoms
What is the most probable source(s) of the symptoms.
Will you do a neurological examination? Yes / No
Other structures to
be examined
1.2.1. Segmental / peripheral / central (circle)
1.2.2. Why? ________________________________________________________________
PT720/PT721 - Orthopedic Tutorial Case Presentations # 7
Tutorial Case #7
Influence of the Symptoms of the Examination
Are the symptoms: minimal / moderate / severe?
Does the subjective examination suggest an easily irritable disorder?
Yes / No
Yes / No
Activity causing symptoms
Severity of symptoms
Duration before symptoms subside
Activity causing symptoms
Severity of symptoms
Duration before symptoms subside
Does the nature of the symptoms indicate caution?
Yes / No
Specify _________________________________________________________________
PT720/PT721 - Orthopedic Tutorial Case Presentations # 7
Tutorial Case #7
Does the nature of the symptoms require specific testing?
Yes / No
Specify _________________________________________________________________
Does any other aspect of the subjective examination indicate caution, e.g. severity,
irritability, stage?
Yes / No
Specify _________________________________________________________________
Are there any contraindications to any part of your examination?
Yes / No
Specify _________________________________________________________________
PT720/PT721 - Orthopedic Tutorial Case Presentations # 7
Tutorial Case #7
3.0 The Kind of Examination
Do you think you will need to be gentle or moderately vigorous with your examination?
Local Pain
Pain or point of
Referred Pain
Paraesthesia /
Dizziness or Other
Short of pain
Short of symptoms
Short of symptoms
Pain or point of
Pain or point of
Pain or point of
Active limit of
Active limit of
Partial reproduction
of symptoms
Partial reproduction
of symptoms
Active limit plus
Active limit plus
At which point will you limit your objective examination?
Do you expect a comparable sign to be easy/hard to find?
Do you expect to be treating pain, resistance, or spasm?
PT720/PT721 - Orthopedic Tutorial Case Presentations # 7
Tutorial Case #7
Associated Examination
Which associated factors must be examined?
4.1.1. Suggest reasons why the joint, muscle, or other structure has become symptomatic
Specify _________________________________________________________________
4.1.2. Suggest reasons why the disorder may occur
Specify _________________________________________________________________
PT720/PT721 - Orthopedic Tutorial Case Presentations # 7