Click here for the Intro to Psych Course Guide

Introduction to Psychology
Course Guide (2014-2015)
Mr. Pastor
412-749-5557 x2205
Course Description
Introduction to Psychology provides an overview of current psychological research
methods and theories. The primary areas of course study will follow the APA National
Standards for High School Psychology including; psychological methods, biopsychology,
cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, and abnormal
psychology. Students will explore core psychological concepts such as, biological bases
of behavior, motivation, life span development, personality, cognition, learning, memory,
psychological disorders/treatments, and social and cultural dimensions of behavior.
Goals of the Course
This introductory course is designed to provide you with an opportunity for a
comprehensive study of psychology. While we are limited by only having 12 weeks in
this course, we will cover all of the essential domains of psychology and provide a broad
foundation of psychological knowledge. The content of this course is similar to that
which is found in AP courses as well as introductory level college courses.
A Note From the Teacher
It is my desire that each and every student not only does well in this class, but also
develops an appreciation for the study of the mind and human behavior. In this class you
will be challenged. The content that you experience in this course will be similar to that
of a college level introduction to psychology course. In order to succeed in this course,
we must create an environment of RESPECT. I challenge you to take academic risks,
stretch yourself, and grow academically and personally.
This course is based off of the National Standards for High School Psychology Curricula
as well as the College Board AP Psychology expectations. For more information on
these organizations, please visit the following websites.
Course Requirements
Bring Your Charged Computer Everyday
Access Mr. Pastor’s Blackboard Website
Have a Respectful Attitude
Work Hard…Bring Your Best Everyday
Topics of Study
Chapter 1 – History and Psychological Approaches & Research Methods
Chapter 2 – Biological Bases of Behavior
Chapter 3 – Consciousness
Chapter 4 – Nature, Nurture, & Human Diversity
Chapter 5 – Developmental Psychology
Chapter 6 – Sensation & Perception
Chapter 7 – Learning
Chapter 8 – Memory
Chapter 9 – Cognition & Language
Chapter 10 – Intelligence
Chapter 11 – Motivation & Work
Chapter 12 – Emotion, Stress, & Health
Chapter 13 – Personality
Chapter 14 – Psychopathology
Chapter 15 – Psychotherapy
Chapter 16 – Social Psychology
Assessment Type
Psych Labs
Paper #1
Paper #2
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Percentage of Grade
Psych Lab
Psych Lab assignments will be given in class in responses to topic of study. These labs
will ask the student to evaluate and expand upon the course content in many ways
throughout the course. Psych Labs may be individual or group based.
After approximately three chapters of study, a quiz will be administered. Quizzes will be
given online using the Blackboard website and will vary in format. Quizzes are to be
taken in class.
Paper #1 and Paper #2
Students will be required to write two papers during this course. We will cover 16
chapters of study, students will select content from the two chapters of their choosing as
topics for their papers. To complete these assignments, students are to choose a movie
from the attached movie list and analyze the movie in part or in whole considering the
content from their selected chapters.
For example; if a student were interested in the chapter on motivation, they may consider
analyzing the movie “The Dark Night.” More specifically, a student might consider the
intrinsic and extrinsic motivations of Bruce Wayne throughout the course of the movie.
Papers are to be 5-10 pages in length, double spaced, standard margins, size 12 font,
times new roman text.
*Please note, any movie preceded by an * must include parental permission.
Midterm Exam
The Midterm Exam will assess the content from the first half of the course. The exam
will be multi-format.
Final Exam
The Final Exam will assess the content from the entire course. This exam will also be
Attendance and Behavior
Students are expected to be in class all of the time. If you are not in class, you cannot
learn the course material or take part in course activities. If an absence occurs, the
student is expected to take the necessary actions to ensure that they do not fall behind
with the coursework. If an extenuating circumstance exists (i.e. prolonged illness, family
emergency, ect.) special arrangements will be made. If you are aware of an upcoming
absence, please inform the teacher as early as possible. The expectation is that you will
behave like an adult. I challenge each of you to take ownership of your education; this
requires you to behave in a manner that allows you to succeed. Students are expected to
comply with Quaker Valley’s code of conduct.
Calendar of Important Dates
Friday, August 29 – Psych Lab #1 In Class
Tuesday, September 2 – Chapter 1 Quiz
Friday, September 5 – Psych Lab #2 In Class
Monday, September 8 – Chapter 2 Quiz
Wednesday, September 10 – Chapter 3 Quiz
Friday, September 12 – Psych Lab #3 - Sleep Logs Due
Monday, September 15 – Chapter 4 Quiz
Thursday, September 18 – Chapter 5 Quiz
Friday, September 19 – Psych Lab #4 In Class
Monday, September 22 – Chapter 6 Quiz
Thursday, September 25 – Chapter 7 Quiz
Tuesday, September 30– Chapter 8 Quiz
Thursday, October 2 – Chapter 9 Quiz
Friday, October 3 – Midterm Exam
Friday, October 3 – Paper #1 Due
Wednesday, October 8 – Chapter 10 Quiz
Friday, October 10 – Psych Lab #5 In Class
Tuesday, October 14 – Chapter 11 Quiz
Thursday, October 16– Psych Lab #6 In Class
Friday, October 17 – Chapter 12 Quiz
Tuesday, October 21 – Psych Lab #7 In Class
Wednesday, October 22 – Chapter 13 Quiz
Friday, October 24 – Chapter 14
Monday, October 27 – Psych Lab #8 In Class
Thursday, October 30 – Chapter 15 Quiz
Monday, November 10 – Chapter 16 Quiz
Wednesday, November 12 – Paper #2 Due
Wednesday, November 12 – Final Exam