Touching Spirit Bear Reflective Journal Chapter, quote, and page


Touching Spirit Bear Reflective Journal

Chapter, quote, and page number My interpretation of this passage

Ch. 1, p. 6 - "Not that it really matters. [Cole] had no intention of ever honoring the contract he agreed

This quote shows Cole's personality and how he sees himself. He doesn't take anything seriously, and he sees to during the Circle Justice meetings." himself as better than others. It could also show that Cole has problems.

Ch. 1, p. 9 - "He liked watching his parents, especially his Dads squirm and get frustrated. Some days his dad got so mad he turned beet red and twitched but he couldn't lay a finger on him because the guards were watching.

This quote shows that Cole likes to see his father feel uncomfortable.

Ch. 2,p. 22- "They {Cole's Parents} wanted him locked up like a caged animal.'

This quote shows that Cole's parents do not care about him.

Ch. 3, p.26 - "He wanted revenge..." This quote shows that he wants revenge even though he made his own problems.

Ch. 4, p.36 - "Cole's mother arrived alone and seated himself to the right of Cole..."

This quote shows that the mom is afraid of Cole's Dad.

Ch. 5, p.45 - "He called it a 'At.oow'

Untouched by the flames resting in the ashes. Cole picked it up. Had he missed when he threw it into the flames? Cole shrugged as he picked up the at.oow".

This quote shows that the "at.oow" symbolizes that the "at.oow" is a key part in the book.

Ch. 6, p.52 - " 'Mr Matthews this is about responsibility, by the way when is your sons birthday?' Cole's father gawked a quick breath as his face

This quote shows that Cole's father does not care about Cole.

flushed."Uh, well birthdays have never been a big thing in our household..", muttered Cole's father.

Ch. 7, p.63-64 - "He intended to kill it. Didn't the stupid moron knew that?"

This quote shows that Cole is frustrated that the bear is not intimidated by him.

Ch. 8, p.66 - "The bear dropped him to the ground, and pawed at his chest as if it raked leaves"

This quote shows that the bear was very strong and also this quote had poetic/imagery words.

Ch 9, p.76 - "Terrified Cole waited as the bear returned"

This quote shows how Cole is now not the hunter but the prey.

Ch 10, p.83 - "He wanted to live. In

Death there was no control..."

Ch 11, p.92 - "He was spitting at more than the Spirit bear, he was spitting at his life".

This quote shows that Cole is starting to think before he acts.

This quote showed that the point of the spirit bear was to save his life.

Spitting at the bear was like spitting at his life.

This quote shows that Cole realizes that all his actions have been wrong.

Ch 12, p.95 - "Cole forced his hand forward until his hand felt the bears moist white coat. If he was going to die he wanted to know what the animal felt like that killed him."

Ch 12, p.96-97 - "A strange thought occurred to Cole, the world was beautiful, even the wet moss was beautiful. Staring at the delicate patterns he wondered why he never noticed before. How much beauty had he missed in his lifetime and how much beauty had he destroyed."

This quotes shows how Cole changed because of getting mauled by a bear.

Ch 13, p.105 - "[Garvey] That bear This quote shows how the circle of used you for a chew toy. I'm sorry for getting into this Cole had many things justice taught Cole responsibility.

he wanted to explain but he was too weak and tired he shook his head,

"My fault he whispered.' "

Ch 14, p.119 - "I'm wishing I hadn't blown my chance on the island"

This quote shows that Cole realizes the consequences of his actions. Since he burned his supplies and shelter, he realizes that people don't want to hurt him but instead want to help him.

Now Cole realizes his mistakes, in the past he just blamed his mistakes on other people. Cole's near death experience was a catalyst for change.

Ch 15, p.132 - "I know it doesn't make any sense, but I realized I was dying and I never had really lived."

This quote shows how much Cole's near death experience has changed him. Since he was attacked he realized all his actions were wrong.

Cole had a broken pelvis, hypothermia, and permanent damage in his right arm, etc. Even though

Cole has permanent damage, injuries can remind you of your past, so you can limit yourself.

Ch 16, p.139 - "Cole scuffed at the dirt at the dirt with his shoe. 'What is there to celebrate?' he asked.’

Discover yourself,' Edwin said.

'Celebrate being alive!' "

Ch 17, p.144 -"Edwin nodded.

"People spend life time’s breaking their stick to get rid of anger, but anger always remains, they think they've failed"

This quote shows how Cole has been giving a second chance. It shows that

Edwin wants to give Cole a second chance and to celebrate his life.

Edwin basically said "Forget about the bad things in life, focus on the good things"

This quote shows how people can’t get rid of their anger they just have to move on. There is always going to be bad in your life, but then there is always going to be good. People show lots of emotions and there’s always

going to be bad emotions. You can't control your emotions. Sometimes there are good emotions too. Yin and

Yang represent this quote very well.

There’s always darkness, but there’s always light in darkness and vice versa. Light cannot exist without darkness and vice versa.

Ch 18, p. 152 - "Unlike the first night

Cole had no trouble falling asleep"

This quote shows that Cole is slowly getting better. The night before Cole could not sleep but now he can sleep easily. The night before he built part of his house, which gave him satisfaction, and cooked for Garvey and Edwin. He also danced with

Garvey and Edwin. Because of all these things, and being physically fatigued, he slept easily.

Ch 19, p.161 - "[Garvey] You’re the This quote showed that Edwin and one who spotted the wolf do whatever you want- that's your usual program"

Garvey treat Cole depending on how

Cole treats them. Garvey and Edwin want Cole to change but they know that they can’t change Cole with gentle ways. They have to be blunt.

Without force Cole's attitude will not change.

Ch 20, p.167-“[Cole] When I was carrying the rock this morning, I realized I won’t ever get over my anger unless I quit blaming others for everything. That’s why I got so mad the last two days. I was still blaming you guys.”

This quote shows that Cole can change for the better. He is taking baby steps to changing for the better.

Cole is taking responsibility for managing his anger. This also shows that Cole recognizes some of his problems and is trying to get rid of them. Without the ancestor rock some of Cole’s days have become

Ch 21, p.177-“By the time Edwin visited next, Cole had made a table, bedframe…” miserable. Throwing the ancestor rock is a good way to deal with stress and anger instead of taking out anger/stress on others.

This quote shows that Cole is motivated to change and looking on the bright side of things.

Juxtaposition-Comparing two different things. In the beginning of the book Cole destroyed his supplies and Edwin’s house. Now he’s making food for Edwin, himself and Garvey and is making his own house

Ch 21 p.179-“When he saw how high the log floated in the water.”

This quote shows that the island is changing Cole slowly. Even though he is changing Cole is still having temptations to leave the island. Cole told Edwin how he almost made a

Canoe but changed it into a totem pole. This shows that Cole is changing for the better.

P.183-“I started making a Canoe but I knew that was wrong, so I cut deep grove so I couldn’t make it.

Ch 22 p.187 “I’ve tried to be invisible”, he said. “I hide and try not to smell like human, I’ve even smeared Cedar boughs and ashes all over my body, but I still haven’t seen the spirit bear.” This shows Coles determination. Cole is very determined to find the spirit bear.

Ch 23 p.194 “Then his energy totally

This moving passage showed that spent, Cole collapsed to the ground, Cole was really expressing his genuine emotions. It took a lot of

energy. He could have ended the dance in different parts, but Cole knew he needed to show all parts (e.g. the fight with Peter, the Spirit Bear, the ancestor rock, etc.) The dance started with anger, and it ended in love and sorrow.

The writing is particularly descriptive here. Mikaelsen (the author) helped the reader feel the process of Cole's anger. Rather than simply saying,

"Cole did an anger dance for a long time", Mikaelsen used emotion and imagery and imagery to powerful depict this scene.

This dance shows how complex

Cole's anger is. This dance shows many of the varying factors that have built up Cole's anger.

Cole realizes that he needs to forgive people. Who does he need to forgive?

Perhaps his father, his mother, Peter, and himself. Cole is ashamed and disgusted with what he's done; thus, while he needs to stop blaming others, he needs to forgive himself so that he can move on.

Perhaps, as a result of this dance and the entire Circle Justice process, Cole might end up like Garvey and Edwin and pass on his knowledge.

Ch. 23, p. 190 "To see the Spirit Bear, you need to clear his mind and become invisible, not to the world but to himself."

We chose this quote because this reflects on the only way to see the

Spirit Bear.

Ch. 24, 196 "Being angry is giving someone else control of my feelings so they own me. Forgiving gives me control again."

This quote demonstrates how Cole has learnt to understand his anger.

He's learning to take time to figure things out.

Ch. 24, p. 199 "But [Cole] feared what would happen when he returned to Minneapolis and there was no ancestor rock, no soaking pond, and no totem. Would he still be able to find the Spirit Bear?"

Cole is wondering how to not be angry once he returns home. Right now, he's in rehab - a safe environment where past temptations and old patterns - are not present. Will he be able to maintain his new self once he goes home, without the support of the island?

Ch. 25, p. 214 "Cole's voice quivered. Through the dance of anger, Cole

'Because the dance of anger taught me realizes that he needs to help Peter

I can't heal until I help Peter to heal.

He's the one I hurt.'" heal and understand that he (Cole) has changed.

Ch. 25, p. 206 "Peter needs to soak in the pond and carry the ancestor rock.

He needs to learn to be invisible and to dance and to carve his totem. He needs to see the Spirit Bear."

In order for Cole to completely succeed in his rehabilitation, he needs to also help Peter out.
