Chapter 24 Monday Competency: 1c 3f 3k 9-12.rst.4.5 9-12.whst.4-9 Tuesday Wednesday 1c 3f 3k 1c 3f 3k 9-12.rst.4-5 9-12.rst.4-5 9-12.whst.4-9 9-12.whst.4-9 Thursday 3k 9-12.rst.4-5 9-12.whst.4-9 Friday 1c 3f 3k 12/3-7/12 9-12.rst.4-5 9-12.whst.4-9 Intro/Set: Pre-bell Introduce the lesson/discussion Reinforcing concepts act.-double bubble map. Workbook assignment Pre-bell Introduce the lesson/discussion Worksheet-24.1 Write essay-p.630 Pre-bell Introduce the lesson/discussion Double bubble map activity Visual learning activity24.2 Pre-bell Introduce the lesson/discussion Reading activity (Overcoming The Odds) Video-“Body Defenses Against Disease” Review-chapter test Pre-bell Test-ch.24 Vocabulary test ch.24 Assignment-ch,26 Guided Practice: Pre-bell Teacher will: *describe types of pathogens that cause disease. *describe ways communicable diseases spread. *identify strategies for preventing c/d. *give instruction to the reinforcing concepts act. *ask students to complete workbook assigned/d/g Pre-bell Teacher will: *describe ways the body protects itself against invading pathogens. *describe two main types of defenses used by the immune system. *strategies for caring for the immune system. *distribute & give instruction to the worksheet d/g *ask students to write an essay-give instruction. *analyze ways technology help prevent communicable diseases Pre-bell Pre-bell Teacher will: *distribute chapter 24 vocabulary test and give instruction. *give instruction to the chapter test. *write chapter 26 assignment on the board. *identify health-related community services related to disease prevention. *distribute & give instruction to the visual learning activity. *distribute & give instruction to the mapping activity. *describe causes/transmission/symptoms,& treatment of some communicable diseases. *discuss strategies to reduce the risk of contracting c/d. *distribute flash cards and give instruction to the activity on pathogens. *pass out the reading activity &give instruction./class discussion. *show the videotape & ask students to write two important concepts about the video. *review students –vocabulary and chapter test. Independent Practice: The students will: *identify types of pathogens that cause disease/Q&A discussion. *demonstrate knowledge of how diseases spread by working in pairs & write a public announcement on how they spread/how to avoid spreading diseases. The students will; *participate-pre-bell activity. *take notes on the teacher’s lecture. *complete worksheet d/g *write an essay on how the immune system works/volunteers will give feedback-class discussion. *complete workbook assignment d/g The students will: The students will: The students will: *participate-pre-bell. *participate-pre-bell. *complete chapter 24 vocabulary test. *take notes. *take notes on the teacher’s lecture. *complete chapter 24 test. *using a double bubble map to compare and contrast how an airborne transmission different from direct contact.d/g *complete assign section of the lesson by summarize the section & present their summary to the class. *using a double bubble map to compare & contrast how an airborne transmission different from direct contact.-class discussion. *complete visual learning ing activity d/g *demonstrate knowledge of some communicable diseases by making a t-chart/list problems & types of c/d on one side/soluations and contracting c/d on the other side. *complete chapter 26 assignment on the board. *use flash cards to review pathogens &some disease caused by them. *read the article and answer questions/class discussion. *watch the video and write two important concepts about the video. *participate-chapter review. Closure: Students will write two important concepts about today’s lesson/class discussion. none The students will write an important concept about today’s lesson/class discussion none none Resources: Textbook/board/workbook/double bubble map handout. Textbook/board/worksheet handout Textbook/board/double bubble map handout Textbook/board/reading activity handout/videotape,/lash cards Textbook/board/test handouts Homework: Study-notes Study-notes Study-notes Study-vocabulary &chapter test. none Assessment: Grade workbook assignment,& handout. Observation/discussion/grade worksheet handout Observation/discussion/grade mapping activity & visual learning activity Observation/discussion Observation Discussion/grade vocabulary test &chapter test.