BEL AIR VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY L A IR BLISHED 18 9 D 0 A ST D E M S R FO R YL AN HAR F I R E E BE CO VO A U NT Y, M L UNTEER MANUAL of PROCEDURE FI R . E C O EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/01/93 MOP 8.015 SECTION: DISTRIBUTION: Qualification, Certification and Recertification ALL MEMBERS SUBJECT: AUTHORIZED BY: Pump Operator, Engine Truck Driver Cert. Chief Stephan Cox. Policy Statement: The officers of The Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company will establish the qualifications and procedures for members to become certified as an engine driver/pump operator. Purpose: Establishes the necessary criteria for members wishing to become engine drivers or pump operators, or truck drivers. Index: Section 1. Prerequisites Section 2. Criteria Section 3. Driver’s Agreement Section 4. Prerequisites for the Truck Section 5. Criteria Appendix 1. Sample Agreement Form DATE: 01/01/93 PAGE 1 OF 6 BEL AIR VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY Section 1. EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/01/93 MOP 8.015 Prerequisites Prerequisites: Successful completion of University of Maryland Advanced or Intermediate Firemanship Courses. Suggested Additional Courses: Maryland Fire and Rescue Essentials VVI, Pumps and Tactics, or Fire Ground Ops I and II. MFRI E.V.O.C. Class or equivalent (completed prior to moved to probationary driver 01/03/2007). Section 2. Criteria Persons wishing to become certified as an engine driver/pump operator must meet ALL of the below listed criteria: 1) Must be a regular member of BAVFC and in reasonably good health. 2) Must have 2 years in BAVFC at the time the course begins. 3) Must between the age of 21- 69 years of age. After a member reaches the age of 70 they become non-emergency drivers. 4) Must possess a valid Maryland Driver's license having less than 3 points on his/her driving record at the beginning of the course. Driver trainees having more than 3 points will be disqualified from taking this course. Licenses will be verified and checked yearly through the Motor Vehicle Administration by the Board of Directors. 5) Must successfully complete the MVA testing required to obtain a Commercial B type license. (Applies to those trainees not having a Commercial B license at the start of the course). 6) Must have approval of the officers prior to taking the course. 7) Must have met and currently meet the response percentages necessary to maintain active membership. 8) Must attend and complete the BAVFC driver-training course according to the outline and lesson plans submitted by the driver-training instructor. The driver-training course will consist of two parts. Part 1 is the pump operations and Part 2 is engine driver training. The student may pass Part 1 and elect to stop at that point, this making him eligible for an elected Lieutenants position or, the student will complete both parts thus making him eligible for certification as a driver/pump operator. A student must pass both parts before they will be allowed to drive under emergency conditions. NOTE: Lesson plans for both parts will be submitted by the instructor to the training section with complete review by the Chief of the fire company. 9) Must not miss more than 3 classes without permission of the instructor or have valid reasoning for the absences. Courtesy notification to the instructor of a planned absence is appreciated. 10) Must successfully pass all quizzes and tests given by the driver-training instructor. The instructor will establish minimum grade requirements. 11) Must successfully pass a written map book examination. 12) Must successfully pass all practical examinations given by the instructor. 13) Upon completion of the course drivers will be placed on probationary status and advised when and under what circumstances they may operate the engine under non-emergency conditions. 14) Upon completion of the probationary period, which has no fixed time period, the driver will be evaluated by the driver training instructor and if satisfactory will be brought before the DATE: 01/01/93 PAGE 2 OF 6 BEL AIR VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/01/93 MOP 8.015 company for approval. NOTE: The Chief reserves the right to test and evaluate the driver trainee prior to his approval. 15) Officers may suspend a driver's certification when it is deemed in the best interest of the fire company. Suspension may result from such instances as carelessness, negligence, unsafe operation of the vehicle, inability to perform on the fire ground, etc. 16) At no time will an engine driver consume ANY alcoholic beverages and drive/operate any emergency equipment. 16A) Members taking medication which will impair their ability to operate emergency equipment, will not drive or operate emergency vehicles or equipment. 17) Transfers from neighboring companies, and career firefighters who are qualified drivers in the fire company they are assigned or belonged to previously will be handled on an individual basis. 18) Lifetime members who were current drivers prior to going lifetime must complete a refresher course and recertify under MOP 8.017. A person who has been a lifetime member for several years may need more that a simple refresher. 19) ALL DRIVERS will be required to recertify annually. Refer to MOP-Driver Recertification 8.017. 20) Drivers will be obligated to notify the Fire Chief when they have been arrested for any serious traffic offenses such as DWI, DUI, Reckless driving, etc. 21) Members are obligated to notify the Chief Officer when they have suffered an injury or illness that may affect their driving ability or the safe operation of emergency vehicles. 22) Members will be asked to pull driver duty nights in order to maintain proficiency. Drivers pulling an assigned duty night will receive credit for that night which goes towards their total fire calls for the year. A driver who does not respond during his assigned duty night will not receive credit. Section 3. Driver's Agreement Prior to participating in the engine driver's class, the instructor will outline and inform the prospective drivers what is expected of them during class and what their duties and responsibilities will be once the class is completed. Drivers will be expected to sign this agreement acknowledging their participation in the engine driver's class and agreeing to abide by the terms of the agreement. This agreement will address participation requirements, passing scores, attendance, and senior driver status. (See Appendix 1). DATE: 01/01/93 PAGE 3 OF 6 BEL AIR VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/01/93 MOP 8.015 Section 4: Policy Statement: Truck 331 The officers of The Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company will establish the qualifications and procedures for members to become certified as a truck driver. Purpose: Establishes the necessary criteria for members wishing to become truck drivers. Prerequisites Prerequisites: Successful completion of University of Maryland Advanced or Intermediate Firemanship Courses. Suggested Additional Courses: Maryland Fire and Rescue Essentials VVI, Pumps and Tactics, or Fire Ground Ops. I and II Section 2. Criteria Persons wishing to become certified as an truck driver must meet ALL of the below listed criteria: 1) Must be a regular member of BAVFC and in reasonably good health. 2) Must have 2 years in BAVFC at the time the course begins. 3) Must between the age of 21- 69 years of age. After a member reaches the age of 70 they become non-emergency drivers. 4) Must possess a valid Maryland Driver's license having less than 3 points on his/her driving record at the beginning of the course. Driver trainees having more than 3 points will be disqualified from taking this course. The Board of Directors will verify licenses through the Motor Vehicle Administration. 5) Must successfully complete the MVA testing required to obtain a Commercial B type license. (Applies to those trainees not having a Commercial B license at the start of the course). 6) Must have approval of the officers prior to taking the course. 7) Must have met and currently meet the response percentages necessary to maintain active membership. 8) Must attend and complete the BAVFC driver-training course according to the outline and lesson plans submitted by the driver-training instructor. DATE: 01/01/93 PAGE 4 OF 6 BEL AIR VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/01/93 MOP 8.015 NOTE: Lesson plans will be submitted by the instructor to the training section with complete review by the Chief of the fire company. 9) Must not miss more than 3 classes without permission of the instructor or have valid reasoning for the absences. Courtesy notification to the instructor of a planned absence is appreciated. 10) Must successfully pass all quizzes and tests given by the driver-training instructor. Minimum grade requirements will be established by the instructor. 11) Must successfully pass a written map book examination, if applicable. 12) Must successfully pass all practical examinations given by the instructor. 13) Upon completion of the course drivers will be placed on probationary status and advised when and under what circumstances they may operate the truck under non-emergency conditions. 14) Upon completion of the probationary period, which has no fixed time period, the driver will be evaluated by the driver training instructor and if satisfactory will be brought before the company for approval. NOTE: The Chief reserves the right to test and evaluate the driver trainee prior to his approval. 15) Officers may suspend a driver's certification when it is deemed in the best interest of the fire company. Suspension may result from such instances as carelessness, negligence, unsafe operation of the vehicle, inability to perform on the fire ground, etc. 16) At no time will an engine driver consume ANY alcoholic beverages and drive/operate any emergency equipment. 16A) Members taking medication which will impair their ability to operate emergency equipment, will not drive or operate emergency vehicles or equipment. 17) ALL DRIVERS will be required to recertify annually. See MOP-Driver Recertification 8.017 18) Drivers will be obligated to notify the Fire Chief when they have been arrested for any serious traffic offenses such as DWI, DUI, Reckless driving, etc. 19) Members are obligated to notify the Chief Officer when they have suffered an injury or illness that may affect their driving ability to the safe operation of emergency vehicles. DATE: 01/01/93 PAGE 5 OF 6 BEL AIR VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/01/93 MOP 8.015 Appendix 1. Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company Driver Agreement The purpose of this agreement made between the Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company and the driver candidate is to spell out the requirements to become a driver/pump operator. The agreement will be filed in the Chief's office with a copy provided to the driver candidate. I _____________________________ understand and agree to the following conditions for the Bel Air Volunteer Fire Company's drivers program. 1. The minimum percentages for participation as defined in the fire company bylaws (20% fire calls & 40% drills) must be maintained. 2. Class attendance will be identified and maintained. 3. An average minimum score of 70% or better will be required on all tests and quizzes, and each candidate must demonstrate proper pumping and driving skills. 4. Upon completion of the program, the driver/pump operator is encouraged to pull driver duty, as often as possible, so as to maintain proficiency. 6. Driver/pump operator must attend pump operator recertification and maintain proficiency as defined in MOP 8.017. 7. A senior driver will have priority to take an emergency call when in the station at the time of the alert. Common sense, safety and courtesy should prevail. Seniority does not apply when a driver is on assigned driver duty. Note: A senior driver is defined as a regular driver-one who is not on probation. 8. Failure to maintain proficiency, recertify, and maintain fire and drill percentages shall be sufficient grounds to lose driver status. Signed:___________________________ Date:____________________ Instructor:_______________________ Chief:____________________________ DATE: 01/01/93 PAGE 6 OF 6 BEL AIR VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/01/93 MOP 8.015 11/92 DATE: 01/01/93 PAGE 7 OF 6