AP® Art History

AP® Art History
Tustin High School
MJ Rado
714-730-7414, ext. 233
Primary Text:
Kleiner, Fred S., Christin J. Mamiya and Richard G. Tansey, Gardner’s Art Through the
Ages, 2001, 11th edition, (Harcourt College)
Supplemental Texts:
Cohen, Kathleen, Study Guide to Accompany Gardner’s Art Through the Ages, 1991, 9th
edition, (Harcourt Brace Javanovich)
Strickland, Nancy and John Boswell, The Annotated Mona Lisa: A Crash Course in Art
History from Prehistoric to Post-Modern, 1992 (Andrews McMeel)
Art 21: Art in the 21st Century, PBS series 1 - 5
Art history is a course that presents a chronological survey of primarily Western art from the
pre-historic era to our own present age of rapid change and diversity. The course pivots on
two constant elements: the visual characteristics of art and its historical context. This
introductory course is about exposing students to the riches of the world’s art while building
their ability to observe and understand the visual language of art, the elements of each art
style and the historical forces that shaped its creation, function, audience and role in a
given society.
This class is taught as a college course, covering two full semesters of college level Art
History (six units). Due to the nature of the art and artists being studied, we will be viewing,
discussing and reading about topics pertaining to politics, religion, and social issues.
There will often be a scheduled quiz on the previous day’s topic, and regular tests after a
unit. Each test will generally consist of objective questions with images and without images.
There may also be a timed comparison short answer with two images. In addition, students
will be assigned short essays based on previous AP prompts, and occasionally
presentations on selected topics. Students will also be advised to visit exhibits and submit
museum reports.
Summer Assignment: Current event in the Arts, for example:
Since Art History helps us see the cultures of the world as they develop, exist, and then dissolve or
evolve, let's look at the current conflict happening in the Middle East. What part is ancient art
playing there?
Units 1 – 11 include sections of the PBS DVD
How Art Made the World
How Humans Made Art and Art Made Us Human
Unit 1: Introduction and Prehistoric Art
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art
Site Specific Sculpture, Earthworks
Unit 2: The Ancient Near East
Art Through the Ages
Quiz Prehistoric & Sumerian
Museum Visit or Website Report #1 (early September)
Unit 3: Egyptian Art
Art Through the Ages
Scholastic Art- Egypt
Quiz Egyptian Sculpture and Architecture
UNIT TEST I Mid September
Non-Western Comparison Project – Africa, China, Japan - Sculpture
After an overview lecture, students will then work in groups and select a region for study.
Each group will prepare a presentation on the art of their given country and time period.
Material/process is to be the main focus. Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art, Internet
Unit 4: Aegean Art
Art Through the Ages
Quiz Aegean/Proto-Greek
Unit 5: Greek Sculpture
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art
Quiz Greek Sculpture
Unit 6: Greek Architecture
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art
Quiz Greek Architecture
Unit 7: Etruscan
Art Through the Ages
Quiz Etruscan Art
Unit 8: Roman Art and Architecture
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art
Quiz Roman Architecture
Quiz Roman Sculpture
Quiz Roman Wall Painting
Mid October
Non-Western Comparison Project – Mesoamerica, China, Japan - Architecture
After an overview lecture, students will work in groups and select a region for study. Each
group will prepare a presentation on the architecture of their given country and time period,
with a comparison to a structure from one of the previously studied periods. Purpose/function
is to be the main focus.
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art, Internet research
Unit 9: Early Christian Art
Art Through the Ages
Quiz Early Christian Art
Unit 10: Byzantine and Early Islamic Art
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art
Quiz Byzantine and Early Islamic Art
Unit 11: Migratory and Early Northern Medieval Art
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art
Quiz #18 Migratory
Unit 12a: Romanesque Architecture
Art Through the Ages
Quiz #19 Romanesque Art
Unit 12b: Romanesque Sculpture
Art Through the Ages
Quiz #20 Romanesque Architecture
Mid November
Unit 13: Gothic Art
Art Through the Ages
Quiz Gothic context, Architecture, sculpture
Unit 14: Late Medieval
Art Through the Ages
Quiz Giotto and Late Medieval art
Unit 15: Northern Renaissance Art
Art Through the Ages
Quiz 15th century Northern European painting
Unit 16: Florentine Renaissance Art
Art Through the Ages
Quiz Florentine Sculpture, Architecture, Painting
Unit 17: High Renaissance and Mannerism
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art
Quiz Papal Rome Sculpture, Architecture, Painting
Quiz Mannerism
Unit 18: Venetian Renaissance
Art Through the Ages
Quiz Venetian Architecture, Sculpture, Painting
Research Project – Theme in Painting
After an overview lecture, students will then work independently and select two paintings from
different periods (one from a period we’ve studied and one from the Renaissance to the
present, both artists must be represented in the text) for study that manifest one theme. Each
student will prepare a presentation demonstrating the connection of the two paintings through
theme. Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art, Internet research
Late December
Museum Visit or Website Report #2 (following Winter Break)
Units 19 – 24 include sections of the PBS DVD
Simon Schama’s Power of Art
Unit 19: Southern Baroque Art
Art Through the Ages
Quiz Southern Baroque Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Spanish Baroque
Unit 20: Northern Baroque Art
Art Through the Ages
Quiz Northern Baroque Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
Unit 21: Rococo
Art Through the Ages
Quiz Rococo
Unit 22: Later 18th Century Styles
Art Through the Ages and Art 21 DVD
Quiz Naturalism, Antiquarianism, Portraiture
Unit 23: Neoclassicism
Art Through the Ages
Quiz Neoclassic Painting, Architecture, Sculpture
Unit 24: Romanticism
Art Through the Ages and Art 21 DVD
Quiz Emotion and mood in Painting, Dramatic Sculpture, Reviving the past in Architecture
Mid January
Fall Semester Cumulative Final
Unit 25: Realism and Photography
Art Through the Ages, Scholastic Art and Art 21 DVD
Quiz Realism
Unit 26: Impressionism
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art
Quiz Impressionism
Unit 27: Post-Impressionism
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art
Quiz Post-Impressionism
Unit 28: Modernism
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art
Quiz What is Modernism?
Unit 29: Fauvism and Matisse, German Expressionism
Art Through the Ages Pages 1005 – 1008, 1008 – 1010
Museum Visit or Website Report #3
End of February
Unit 30: Kandinsky
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art
Quiz Fauvism and Expressionism, Kandinsky
Unit 31: Cubism and the Futurists
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art
Quiz Cubist Painting and Sculpture, Futurism
Unit 32: Dada
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art and Art 21 DVD
Unit 33: Surrealism
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art and Art 21 DVD
Quiz Dada and Surrealism
Unit 34: Suprematism, Constructivism, De Stijl, Bauhaus
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art
Unit 35a: Modern Architecture
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art and Art 21 DVD
Quiz Suprematism, Constructivism, De Stijl, Bauhaus and Modern architecture
Unit 35b: Modern Sculpture
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art and Art 21 DVD
Quiz Modern Sculpture
Unit 36:
Abstract Expressionism, Neo-Dada
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art and Art 21 DVD
Unit 37: Minimalism, Assemblage, Photorealism
Art Through the Ages and Scholastic Art and Art 21 DVD
Quiz American Painting from 1945 to 1970
Museum Visit or Website Report #4 (following Spring Break)
AP Exam Prep
AP Test Thursday, May 7
End of Year Creative Assignment
Following research, students will create and present an art project based on the work of an
artist, art movement or theme of their choice.
Students are responsible for, and will be evaluated on:
Quizzes, tests, research projects and museum visits, presentations, study guides, and
midterm and final exams.
The Constitution of the State of California requires that we provide a public education to you free of charge. Your right to a free
education is for all school/educational activities, whether curricular or extracurricular, and whether you get a grade for the
activity or class. Subject to certain exceptions, your right to a free public education means that we cannot require you or your
family to purchase materials, supplies, equipment or uniforms for any school activity, nor can we require you or your family to pay
security deposits for access, participation, materials, or equipment. Under certain circumstances, students involved in
extracurricular programs, clubs and/or sports may be required to attend fundraising events held by the program, sport or club
just as you may be required to attend any other event put on by that program, club or sport. However, you will not be required to
raise funds as a condition of participation.
I am very pleased and proud to have your student in my AP Art History Class. Their participation
indicates a personal dedication to an enhanced education. Should you have any questions or
concerns, I am best reached via e-mail at: mrado@tustin.k12.ca.us.
Thank you,
MJ Rado
I have read and understand the requirements, expectations, and grading policy for AP Art History,
and recognize that it is a college level course culminating in the AP exam.
Student’s name (printed) and signature
Parent’s name (printed) and signature