The Odyssey Part Two Study Guide

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The Odyssey Part Two Study Guide
What is personification?
“Twenty years gone, and I am back again”
1. Who disguises Odysseus upon return to Ithaca? What is he disguised as? Why is he
2. Where does Odysseus go when he returns to his land? Who does he stay with? What
is this person’s job?
3. What does Athena tell Odysseus to do in regards to hiding in his disguise in front of
his son?
4. Who is Telemachus? What was his reaction to seeing Odysseus? Where has he
journeyed and why?
5. List the three specific instructions Odysseus gives Telemachus for their plan against
the suitors.
1. Who is Argus?
2. How is he treated now that Odysseus has been gone?
3. What happens to him after seeing Odysseus?
“The Suitors”
1. What are the suitors “giving” (hint: throwing at) Odysseus the beggar in the
2. What does Antinous do to Odysseus?
3. Not everyone thinks it’s a good idea to mistreat the beggar. Summarize the
argument made against doing this.
4. What was Telemachus’ reaction to how his father was being treated?
5. Penelope calls Antinous a “blacker-hearted hound,” what does this mean? Think
about Antinous’ characteristics.
1. When Penelope asks where the beggar is from, does she get an answer right away?
Why not?
2. What does Odysseus compare Penelope to and why?
3. What does Penelope tell the beggar she has been doing to stall the suitors over the
years? Why has this stopped? What will she have to do now?
4.What does Odysseus the beggar tell her in regards to Odysseus the hero’s future?
“The Challenge”
1. Describe in detail the challenge.
2. What does Zeus make Odysseus do once he’d strung the bow?
3. What does Odysseus tell Telemachus after he completes the challenge?
“Odysseus’ Revenge”
1. Who is the first suitor Odysseus kills? Does the person see it coming? What are they
doing at the time?
2. How do the other suitors react to Odysseus killing the man?
3. Odysseus calls the suitors “yellow dogs,” meaning they are cowardly. Why does he
do this?
4. What is the argument made to Odysseus about why he should spare the suitor’s
lives? How does Odysseus answer?
5. Who fought along with Odysseus?
“Penelope’s Test”
1. Why is Penelope cautious of Odysseus at first?
2. What is Penelope’s test? How does Odysseus pass?
3. Homer compares Odysseus being in Penelope’s arms to a swimmer lying on the
beach. Why is this an effective comparison? What is this type of lengthy comparison
A note from Mrs. Hart:
I want you to all do well on the Part 2 Test. Please answer the questions on
the study guide as thorough as you can. If you need help, ASK! Ask a friend,
ask a teacher, ask me! Just be sure to do it BEFORE the day of the test. If you
are having major difficulty understanding, set up a study group, get an ELT
pass, but don’t give up! You are capable of understanding this great story.
Put forth the effort that will make you successful!
Here are the assignments you should have completed for Part II:
Worksheet over “20 Years” & “Argus”
Cooperative activity over “The Suitors”
Worksheet over “Penelope” & “The Challenge”
Worksheet over “Test” & “Revenge”
Comprehension Questions over “Test” & “Revenge”
This study guide (will count as E.C. on test)