Language and Literature Final Exam

Language and Literature Final Exam
Mr. Turtola
June 2009
Part One: Language Essay
This essay is to be submitted upon entrance to the exam. No one will be allowed to print their
essay on the day of the exam. No exceptions.
In all of the pieces of literature studied this year, language played a large role in
understanding the meaning of the work. Whether it was a direct play on the words
themselves, a somewhat ambiguous treatment of them, or an indirect observation of
people or the world using irony and symbolism, language was a main focus of the works.
Without repeating what was just mentioned verbatim, write a 1500- word essay that
thoroughly examines the role that language played on all of the literature we studied in class
this year. Use specific passages from these titles in your essay and cite them correctly:
Alice in Wonderland
The Canterbury Tales
An Unknown Citizen
A Modest Proposal
A modern short story
A SSR novel you read.
Follow these directions exactly: Your essay must use Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double
spaced with a proper heading. Use the graduation writing rubric as a guide.
Part Two: Your Online Work this Year
Submit a final collection of work done on your blog this year.
Write a new post that serves as a table of contents for all of the work. Be sure to
accurately link each item to the correct page.
Include the following
Alice in Wonderland
i. The parody of Jabberwocky you wrote.
ii. The literary elements wiki project. (link to the wikispaces page).
Sonnet Project: Love for Foran sonnet
i. Reading Logs for at least 3 books.
ii. 3 Voice Thread presentations
Literary History Project
i. Classical Period
1. Bibliography
2. Powerpoint
3. Antigone (answers to Prologue, Scenes 1-5 and Exodus)
ii. Medieval Period
1. Bibliography
2. Powerpoint
3. Two Canterbury Tales Charts
4. Your Canterbury Tale
iii. Restoration Period
1. Bibliography
2. Powerpoint
3. Satire Page (cartoons and music)
iv. Modern/Post Modern Period
1. Bibliography
2. Powerpoint
3. Your Modern Story
Part Three: Options
The lack of support in writing is a common problem with developing writers and oftentimes
results in poor grades. These topics are given to you now so that you will have time to prepare
the supporting details you need when writing them on the day of the exam.
You must submit by the end of the exam period, two of the following:
Using the novels you read during SSR, write an essay that explains a common theme
contained in them. Your essay should focus on the literature and how it has a similar
main idea or message. Do not over summarize the books, but use parts of them to
support things you say.
Explain what learning skills (reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking) you
used this year in Language and Literature. Comment on how you developed certain
skills and what you discovered about your strengths and weaknesses in your work in
this class. Provide specific details to support what you say.
Choose a time period that you have studied this year and write a 750-word essay that
explains how art, architecture, science, politics, etc. have played a role in contributing to
literary history. Use representational works of literature that were influenced by what
was happening at the time and explain how they may have had an impact on other time