UniKL BMI Scheme of Work PROGRAMMING 1 BED14103 SEMESTER 1 2014 Week 1 2 3 4 5 TOPICS ASSESSMENT Introduction to C Programming Using MS Visual C/C++ Program Lifecycle Methods and Tools Error Types and solutions Test Documentation and Manual Flowchart, structure charts, pseudo code etc. QUIZ & MINI PROJECT QUIZ & MINI PROJECT Simple Data Type Basic Structure of C/C++ program and printf, scanf Header file Pre-processor directives Backslash character constants Comments Variables Simple Data Type Data types Assignment statements Arithmetic operators Order of precedence Increment and decrement operators Relational operators Logical operators Control Structure: Selection if / else if Nested if Switch Mode of Delivery (Time allocation) L T P 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h Remarks NF2F : 2h CLO5 NF2F : 2h CLO4 NF2F : 4h CLO2 QUIZ, ASSIGNMENT & MINI PROJECT NF2F : 4h CLO2 2h 2h 2h 2h NF2F : 4h CLO1 2h NF2F : 4h CLO1 QUIZ, ASSIGNMENT & MINI PROJECT QUIZ, ASSIGNMENT & MINI PROJECT Mid Break Semester 6 Control Structure: Repetition Loop definition for loop, while loop, do-while loop Page 1 of 4 QUIZ , ASSIGNMENT & MINI PROJECT 2h UniKL BMI 7 Control Structure: Repetition Difference of for loop, while loop and do-while loop Difference of finite loops and conditional breaks in loops 8 Modularisation Introduction to functions Creating a function Functions without parameters and without return value 9 10 11 12 13 QUIZ , ASSIGNMENT & MINI PROJECT PRACTICAL TEST & MINI PROJECT Modularisation Functions without parameters and with return value PRACTICAL TEST & MINI PROJECT Modularisation Functions with parameters and without return value PRACTICAL TEST & MINI PROJECT Modularisation Function with parameters and with return value Applications of functions Structured Data Type The concept of array Array declaration One-dimensional array PRACTICAL TEST & MINI PROJECT Structured Data Type Two-dimensional arrays. 14 Scheme of Work Structured Data Type Application of one dimensional array and twodimensional array. MINI PROJECT MINI PROJECT MINI PROJECT 15 Revision Week 16-17 Final Exam Page 2 of 4 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h NF2F : 4h CLO1 NF2F : 4h CLO2 & CLO3 NF2F : 4h CLO2 & CLO3 NF2F : 4h CLO2 & CLO3 NF2F : 4h CLO2. CLO3 & CLO6 NF2F : 6h CLO3 & CLO4 NF2F : 6h CLO3 & CLO4 NF2F : 4h CLO6 UniKL BMI Scheme of Work Assessments: Assessments Assignment Quiz Practical Test Mini Project Total Percentage 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 100 % RULES AND REGULATION IN PROGRAMMING 1 1. You are expected to be punctual attending the class time and tests. 2. Bring your ID each time you enter the class/tutorial. 3. You are required to follow the student code of conduct through out your study at UniKL BMI. 4. All assignments / homework need to be completed on time. Late submission will not be entertained. 5. Plagiarism is not allowed. There is a penalty if you are caught cheating. (Fail grade will be awarded), and an F (Fail) grade will be awarded. 6. All quotations must be referenced properly. Verification Prepared by: YSK A copy submitted to QAS Verified by Subject Leader Sign. Date 3/02/2014 Page 3 of 4 Head of Section Sign. Date UniKL BMI Scheme of Work Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) 1 Use control structures in program solution 2 Apply modular programming concepts to find solutions to engineering problems 3 4 5 6 Page 4 of 4 Solve specific engineering problems using relevant structured programming elements successfully Follow correct software design procedures to solve specific engineering problems collectively Apply appropriate software development life cycle techniques Produce a small scale commercial software application