Teaching syllabus of human anatomy for five year's foreign medical

Teaching syllabus of human anatomy
for five year’s foreign medical students
Part 1
Upper and lower limbs
General introduction
1. Know the terms of position.
2. Know the terms of movement.
3. Know the structures met in dissection.
4. Master the classification of bones
5. Master the general structure of bone
6. Master the features of synovial joints
7. Know the terms of movement.
8. Know the blood vessels, anastomoses and collateral circulation.
9. Know the composition of the lymphatic system.
10. Master the compositions and divisions of the spinal nerves.
11. Master the formation of the autonomic nervous system.
12. Know the concepts of the preganglionic and postganglionic neurons, preganglionic and
postganglionic fibres.
13. Master the positiong of paravertebral ganglia and prevertebral ganglia;
the position and formation of the sympathetic trunk.
14. Know the main activities of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts.
The upper limb
Ⅰ.The bones and joints of upper limb
1. Know the names and arrangement of the bones of the upper limb.
2. Master the bone markings of scapula, humerus, ulna and radius.
3. Know the composition of sternoclavicular joint, intercarpal joints, carpometacarpal joints,
intermetacarpal joints, metacarpophalangeal joints, and interphalangeal joints
4. Master the composition, structural features and movement of the shoulder joint, elbow joint
and wrist joint.
Ⅱ. The pectoral region and axilla
1. Master the composition of the breast.
2. Master the lymph drainage of the breast.
3. Know the name, position and nerve supply of muscles connecting the upper limb to the
thoracic wall.
4. Know the name, position and nerve supply of muscles connecting the scapula to the
5. Master the origin, insertion, action and nerve supply of pectoralis major, trapezius,
latissimus dorsi, and deltoid muscles.
6. Master the boundaries and contents of the axilla.
7. Master the beginning, ending and branches of the axillary artery.
8. Master the formation, position and main branches of the brachial plexus.
9. Master the groups, area of drainage of the axillary lymph nodes.
Ⅲ. The arm
1. Master the beginnings, course and endings of superficial veins of the free upper limb.
2. Know the lymphatic drainage of upper limb
3. Know the name and arrangement of muscles of arm.
4. Mast the origin, insertion, action and nerve supply of biceps brachii and triceps.
5. Master the beginning, ending and branches of the brachial artery.
6. Master the distributions of the musculocutaneus, axillary and radial nerves.
7. Master the innervation of the muscles of the arm.
Ⅳ. The forearm
1. Master the boundaries and contents of the cubital fossa.
2. Know the name and arrangement of the muscles of forearm.
3. Master the beginning, ending and branches of the radial and nlnar arteries.
4. Master the innervation of the muscles of the forearm.
Ⅴ. The hand
1. Know the boundaries and contents of the anatomical“snuff box”.
2. Master the composition and contents of the carpal tunnel.
3. Know the groups of the muscles of hand.
4. Master the formation of the superficial and deep palmar arches.
5. Master the innervation of the muscles and skin of the hand.
6. Know the position of the fascial spaces of the palm.
7. Know the pulp space of the fingers.
The lower limb
Ⅰ. The bones and joints of upper limb
1. Know the names and arrangement of the bones of the lower limb.
2. Master the bone markings of the hip bone, femur, tibia and fibula.
3. Know the ligaments and foramina of the gluteal region.
4. Master the composition, structural features and movement of the hip joint, knee joint and
ankle joint.
5. Know the composition of the arches of foot.
Ⅱ. The gluteal region
1. Know the name, position and nerve supply of muscles gluteal region.
2. Master the origin, insertion, action and nerve supply of gluteus maximus and piriformis.
3. Mast the structures exit the greater sciatic foramen.
4. Mast the structures passing through the lesser sciatic foramen.
5. Master the origin, course and distribution of the sciatic nerve.
Ⅲ. The thigh
1. Master the beginnings, course and endings of superficial veins of the free lower limb.
2. Master the position and area drainage of the superficial and deep inguinal lymph nodes.
3. Know the structures formed by the deep fascia of the thigh (saphenous hiatus and iliotibial
4. Know the name and arrangement of muscles of thigh.
5. Mast the origin, insertion, action and nerve supply of sartorius and quadriceps femoris.
6. Know the composition and contents of the femoral sheath.
7. Master the boundaries of the femoral ring.
8. Master the beginning, ending and branches of the femoral artery.
9. Master the beginning, branches and distribution of the femoral nerve.
10. Master the boundaries and contents of the femoral triangle.
11. Master the boundaries and contents of the adductor canal.
12. know the beginning, branches and distribution of the obturator nerve and artery.
Ⅳ. The leg and foot
1. Master the boundaries and contents of the popliteal fossa.
2. Master the beginning and ending of the popliteal artery
3. Know the name and arrangement of muscles of leg.
4. Mast the origin, insertion, action and nerve supply of tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius and
soleus, and tibialis posterior.
5. Master the beginning and ending of the anterior and posterior tibial ateries.
6. Master the distributions of the tibial, superficial and deep peroneal nerves.
7. Master the innervation of the muscles of the leg.
8. Know the beginning, ending and branches of the dorsalis pedis artery.
9. Master the the structures that pass behind the medial malleolus beneath the flexor
retinaculum from medial to lateral.
Part 2 thorax, abdomen, pelvis
Ⅰ. Bones and joints of thorax, abdomen, pelvis
1.Master the classification, shape, and structures of ribs.
2.Master the shape and structures of sternum.
3.Master the shape and structures of thoracic vertebrae.
4.Master the shape and structures of lumber vertebrae
5.Master the shape and structures of sacrum
6.Master the shape and structures of hip bone
7. Know the joints of thoracic cage and the composition of thoracic cage, understand the
shape, structures of, and apertures of thoracic cage.
8. Know of joints of vertebral column,Master the joints between the bodys of the vertebrae.
9. Know the joints of the pelvis.Master the Composition, Portions and apertures of pelvis.
10.Master the Composition of vertebral column, Know the Shape and movementsof vertebral
Ⅱ. Thorax
1. Know the layers of thoracic wall,Master the a., v., and n. supplying thoracic wall
2. Know the definitions of pleura and pleural cavities;Master the portions of parietal pleura,
pleural recesses, and surface markings of inf. margins about lungs and pleura.
3. Master the shape and structures of lung, and intrapulmonary structures
4. Know the definition of mediastinum,Master the portions of mediastinum.to understand the
visible structures through pleura on the right and left side of mediastinum
5. Know the location and structures of trachea.
6. Master the features of left and right principal bronchi.
7. Know the location,Master the anterior and posterior neighbours of esophagus, and
compressed or narrowing areas .
8. Know the definition, portions, pericardial cavity, and pericardial sinuses about pericardium.
9. Master the location, surface structures of the heart; Know the structure layers of the cardiac
walls, Master the interatrial and interventricular septums; Master the structures about four
chambers of heart;Master the composition and location of conductive system;Master the
right and left coronary a. supplying areas of heart;Master the location and drainage and
opening of coronary sinus
10. Know the pulmonary trunk and left and right pulmonary a., left and right pulmonary v.;
Master the location of ligamentum arteriosum.
11.Master the beginning, ending and portions of aorta, Know the branch supplying of each
potion of the aorta;Master the branches off the aortic arch.
12. Master the beginning, ending, and drainage of the azygos v..
13. Master the beginning, ending, and drainage of the left and right brachiocephalic v.
14. Master the beginning, ending, and drainage of the sup. and inf. vena cava.
15. Master the courses and branch distributions of phrenic n.
16. Master the courses and the branch distributions of vagus n. in thorax
17. Master the locations and branch distributions of thoracic sympathetic trunks.
18. Master the beginning, ending, and drainage of thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct,
Know nine lymphatic trunks.
Ⅲ. Abdomen
1. Master the layers of anterior and lateral wall of abdomen;
Know the pos. abdominal wall; Know the a., v., and n. supplying abdominal wall
2. Master the location, composition of inguinal canal, Master the structures passing through
the inguinal canal,Master the Boundaries of inguinal triangle .
3. Master the composition of spermatic cord ,Master the location and function of epididymis.
4. Know the definitions of peritoneum and peritoneal cavity; Know the structures formed by
peritoneum;Master the lesser omentum, greater omentum, mesentery, mesoappendix,
transverse mesocolon, sigmoid mesocolon, lig. of liver, omental bursa, omental foramen,
and pouches.
5. Master the location, shape and structures of stomach.
6. Know the portions of small and large intestine.
7. Master the location, shape and structures of duodenum.
8. Know the location of jejunum and ileum.
9. Master the features of colon and cecum.
10. Master the location and structures of the caecum.
11.Master the location of the vermiform appendix,and surface marking of the root of
vermiform appendix.
12.Master the location, shape and structures,and surface markings of liver.
13.Master the location, portions and structures of gallbladder,and surface markings of fundus
of gallbladder.
14. Master the location, shape and structures of pancreas.
15. Master the composition of extrahepatic parts of biliary system.
16. Master the location, shape and structures of spleen.
17.Master the location and shape of kidney, structures passing through the hilus of kidney,
internal structure of kidney; structures in renal sinus, and capsules enclosing the kidney.
18. Know the location of suprarenal glands.
19. Know the course of ureter.
20. Master the location of abdominal aorta; Know the branches off abdominal aorta to the
abdominal wall;Master the branches off abdominal aorta to the abdominal viscera;Master
the branch supplying of the celiac trunk, sup. and inf. mesenteric a..
21. Master the location of inf. vena cava;Master the main tributaries of inf. vena cava.
22. Master the formation and tributaries of portal v., and the places of portal-systemic venous
23. Master the locations of lumber sympathetic trunks, and branch distributions of
sympathetic n. and parasympathetic n. in the abdomen.
24. Know the locations and branche distributions of lumber plexuses.
Ⅳ. Pelvis
1. Master the location and shapes or structures of rectum.
2. Master the structures of anal canal.
3. Master the location, shapes or portions of urinary bladder; Know the feature of inner
surface of urinary bladder,Master the place of trigone of blader.
4. Know the shape or structures of prostate
5. Master the location and lig. of ovary.
6. Master the location, shapes or potions uterine tubes.
7. Master the location, posture, shapes, portions, and cavity of the uterus;Master the
supporting structures or lig. for the uterus.
8. Know the orifice of vagina and fornix of vagina.
9. Know the course of ductus deferens.
10. Know the location of seminal vesicle.
11. Know the formation and opening of ejaculatory ducts.
12. Master the features of the male and female urethrae.
13. Master the beginning and ending of common iliac a. and v.;Master the beginning and
ending of external and internal iliac a. and v.; Know the branch supplying of the internal
iliac a.; Master the position relation between uterine a. and ureter.
14. Know the location and branche distributions of sciatic plexuses.
15. Master the locations of pelvic sympathetic trunks, and the branch distributions of
sympathetic n. and parasympathetic n. in the pelvis.
16. Know the m. of pelvis.
1. Know the regions of perineum.
2. Know the structures of male external genital organs; Know the female external genital
3. Know the general arrangement of the perineum urogenital and anal regions;Master the
location and contents of superficial perineal space;Master the location and contents of deep
perineal space ;Master the location and contents of ischiorectal fossa.
4. Master the ateries, veins, and nerves supplying of the perineum.
Part 3. Head and neck
Cervical vertebrae
1.Master the conformation and its functiones of cervical vertebrae.
2.Master the general structure of cervical vertebrae , character of atlas and axis.
The skull
1.know the boundaryies and parts of head.
2.Master the important osseous mark of head.
3.Know the a subregion of calveria.
4.Master the construction features of
occipital region and temporal
region. Know the source of blood vesseles, branches and istributions of nerves.
5.Master the conformation of skull, parts and its functiones.
6.Master the conformation of cerebral cranium. Know the structure of sphenoid bone and
temporal bone.
7.Master the conformation of facial cranium。Master the structure of mandible.
8.know the calvaria of external view and internal view.
9.Master the important structure of internal surface of base of skull。Know the external
surface of base of skull.
10.Know the conformation of orbit, structure of foramen, fissure。Master the position of
supraorbital notch, infraorbital foramen.
11.Master the conformation of bony nasal cavity;position of paranasal sinuses.
12.Know the lateral view of skull。Know the position of pterion , temporal foss,
infratemporal fossa , pterygopalatine fossa.
13.know the character of skull in neonate.
14.Master the important surface mark of skull.
Side and anterior triangle of neck
1. know the boundaries and a subregion of neck.
2. Master the surface mark of neck.
Cranial cavity
1. Master the characteristic of dura mater, position of cerebral falx and tentorium of
cerebellum,the names of sinus of dura mater and position.
2. Master the position of cavernous sinus, structures to pass through cavernous sinus.
3. Master the position of cerebellomedullary cistern。Know the other position of subarachnoid
4. Know the communications of external and internal veines of skull
5. Know the character of cerebral arachnoid mater .
6. Master the position and conformation of cerebral arterial circle.
7. Master the name of cranial nerves, locus to pass through Cranial cavity.
8. Master the hypophyseal Position and adjacent.
Deep dissection of neck
Ⅰ. The muscle of neck
1.Know the conformation and functions of the muscles of neck.
2.Master the staring , ending, functions and innervation of sternocleidomastoid muscle,
anterior scalene muscle。Master the structures to surround scalene fissure.
Ⅱ. The blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves of neck
1.Master the staring, ending of the right and left common
carotid artery;the Position of carotid sinus, carotid glomus and its functiones;branches
and distribution of the external carotid artery.
2. Master the staring, ending of the subclavian artery, branches and distribution.
3.Master the position of external jugular vein;the staring, ending and tributaries of the
internal jugular vein;structure of venous angle.
4.Master the staring , ending, drainage and receives lymph of the right lymphatic duct, .
5. know the name of lymph nodes of neck, position and drainage.
6. Master the position of superficial lateral cervical lymph nodes;position, receives lymph of
deep lateral cervical lymph nodes.
7.Master the conformation, position of cervical plexus。know the branches, distribution of
cervical plexus;the conformation of phrenic nerve;branches and distribution of accessory
nerve, hypoglossal nerve in neck.
Ⅲ. The superficial structure of neck
1. Know the characteristic of Skin, superfacial fascia of neck.
2. Master the layers of cervical fascia and organization of the carotid sheath .
3. Master the interspace of cervical fascia.
Ⅳ. The anterior region of neck
1.Know the conformation and content of submandibular triangle.
2.Master the boundaries, layers and content of carotid triangle.
3.Master the boundaries of muscular triangle .
4.Master the form, capsule, Position, adjacent and blood vessels of thyroid gland. Know
lymphatic return of thyroid gland.
5.Master the origin of superior laryngeal nerve, branches, distribution and relation to
superior thyroid artery.
6.Master the source , journey of recurrent laryngeal nerve, branches and distribution and
relation to inferior thyroid artery.
7.Master the position of parathyroid gland.know its functiones.
8.Master the hierarchical structure in frontal cervical part of trachea. know its adjacent.
9.Know the position, adjacent of cervical part of the oesophagus.
Ⅴ.The sternocleidomastoid region and root of neck
1. Know the boundar, content and adjacent of sternocleidomastoid region. Master the
position, content of carotid sheath.
2. Know the boundary, content and adjacent of root of neck.
3. know the Position, content of vertebral artery triangle.
Ⅵ. Lateral region of neck
1. Know the boundaries, content of occipital triangle.
2. Know the boundaries, content of greater supraclavicular fossa。
3. Know the position of anesthesia in super clavicle of brachial plexus.
Deeper dissection of face
Ⅰ. Muscles of head
1. Know the conformation, distribution, innervation of facial muscles.
2. Master the conformation of masticatory muscles,the staring , ending of masseter muscle
and temporal muscles, and its functiones.
Ⅱ. The blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves of haed
1.Master the staring, journey and distribution of facial artery.Know branches and distribution
of maxillary artery. know distribution of superficial temporal artery.
2.know the journey of facial vein and communications of internal cranial veines.
3.Know the conformation of lymph node of head.
4.Master the position of submandibular lymph nodes.
5.Master the position of trigeminal nerve to pass through facial cranium, branches and
6.Master the branches and distribution of facial nerve in face
7.Know the construction features of parotid sheath.
8.Master the journey, Opening of parotid duct.
9.Master the structure to pass through parotid gland.
10.Know the interspace of face, position and communicating.
Orbit and eyeball
1. Master the conformation of visual organ and its functiones。
2. Know the outline form of eyeball。Master the wall of eyeball and its functiones.
3. Master the content of eyeball,Position of chamber,production and
circulation of
aqueous humor.
4. Master the form, position of lens and vitreous body.
5. know the conformation of accessory organ of eye and its functiones.
6. Master the structure of eyelid。Master the form, parts of conjunctiva.
7. Know the conformation of lacrimal apparatus。Master the position of lacrimal gland,the
form of lacrimal passages and its opening.
8. Master the name of ocular muscles, functiones and innervation.
9. now the adipose body of orbit and orbital fasciae.
10. Know the initiation of ophthalmic artery, branches and distribution。know the reflu of
ophthalmic vein.
Mouth cavity and pharynx
1.know the boundaries, parts of mouth cavity.Know the form of palate.
2.Master the conformation of isthmus of fauces.
3.Master the position of major salivary gland and Opening.
4.Master the position, parts of pharynx,structure and communicating.
5.Master the position of palatine tonsil;the form of Waldeyer's ring.
Nose, larynx and tongue
1.know the structure of external nose.
2.Master the parts of nasal cavity and structures.
3.Master the position of paranasal sinuses and opening. Know the characteristic of maxillary
4. Master the position of larynx .
5. Master the name of laryngeal cartilages, main body surface mark. Know the joint of
laryngeal cartilages,the form of laryngeal muscle and its functiones.
6. Master the surrounding of aperture of larynx, the parts and structure of laryngeal cavity.
7. Master the lingual mucosa and form of tongue。Know the muscle of tongue and its
8. Master the starting, ending of genioglossus and its functiones.
Organs of hearing and equilibration
1. Know the parts of organs of hearing, equilibration and its functiones.
2. Know the conformation of external ear。Master the position of external auditory meatus,
structure, parts,the characteristic of external auditory meatus in baby.
3. Master the structure of tympanic membrane, position and parts.
4. Master the conformation of middle ear,position of tympanic cavity, the main structures of
6. walls and adjacent. Know its significance in clinical.
5. know the name of auditory ossicle and Arrangement.
6. Master the position of pharyngotympanic tube, parts, Opening and its functions,the
characteristic of pharyngotympanic tube in infant.
7. Master the position of mastoid antrum and mastoid cells.
8. Master the position of internal ear and parts,the parts of bony labyrinths,the position and
relation of bony labyrinths, membranous labyrinth.
9. Know the form of membranous labyrinth and its functiones.
10. Master the position of hearing receptor, position sens;and its functiones.
11.Know the Pathway to Conducting of sonic wave.