IV HUMANITIES ACADEMIC DEPARTAMENT 20000 LANGUAGE LEVELING CREDITS 0 Objectives: Develop the oral and writing skills of the students, through reading, writing, pronunciation and grammar exercises. Offer elementary basics of corrections and language examples. Offer elementary grammatical knowledge that makes the students enhance the objectives mentioned before. Contents: Spanish grammar: syntaxes (the sentence, sentence classes, unimember sentence, bi-member sentence, the subject, the verbal predicate and its modifiers). Classes of words (nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, verbs, verboids, prepositions, conjunctions). Reading exercises. Text comprehension exercises (contents diagrams and lectures summaries). Orthography. Punctuation. Correct sentence elaboration. 20001 LANGUAGE I Requirements: 20000 Language leveling 4 Objectives: To reflect about the importance of language as an instrument of knowledge and communication factor. To develop the abstraction and relation capacity of the student by the analysis of sentence structures. Proportionate the correction and idiomatic exemplary quality criterion. To polish the linguistic competence by the constant orthographic, lexical, syntactic and stylized exercising. Promote the development of the active and passive linguistic competence. Contents: Origins and functions of the language. System, norm and speech. Paradigmatic and syntactic relationships. The Spanish verbal conjugation (analysis of the irregular conjugation). The compound sentence and the punctuation (syntactic-logical criterion). Syntaxes, intonation, and punctuation. Correction based on the most frequent syntactic errors. Speech elaboration (oral and written). 20006 LANGUAGE II Requirements: 20001 Language I 4 Objectives: Support the lecture competence, analysis and text comprehension, and specially the active linguistic competence. Practice oral communication, by spontaneous and prepared presentations. Contents: The lecture. Suppositions: Lexical knowledge and dictionary handling. Strategies: search of general ideas and specific information. Text structure. Contents diagrams. Phases of academic redaction. Intratextual logical relationships: generalizations and examples, definitions, causes, effects, comparisons. Composition techniques: description and narration. Argumentation. Oral presentations: Preparation and execution. 29007 PHILOSOPHY 4 Objectives: Search the statement by the student of the fundamental philosophical questions for him to fin out about the meaning of his own actions, develop his abstraction capacity and exercise his argumentative faculties. Contents: From fundamental philosophical texts and by the basic philosophical disciplines (science and language theory, ethics, metaphysical, anthropology), the student should elaborate reasonable answers to the essential philosophical questions (what can I know? what should I do? what can I expect? what is the human?). 23108 THEOLOGY Requirements: 29007 Philosophy - Having 90 credits approved. 4 Objective: Presenting the student the most important aspects of the religious vision in general, especially the Christian vision, in a scientific manner. Contents: Fundamental Theology: religion as a cultural phenomenon; the “God” issue; the Revelation, salvation history, Christology, The Church. Moral Theology: the demoralization of the present world, sin today, moral maturity, basic principles of moral. 22201 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Requirements: 23108 Theology - Having 160 credits approved. 4 Objectives: To develop the following skills in relation to the application of the future career in the economic and business sciences in the professional future: Identify the values reflected in our own justice feelings; formulate ethical principles with their own words from these values; evaluate the values and ethical principles from objectives principles; integrate ethical principles in decision making. Contents: Problematic diagnosis of the integration between the values and ethical principles in professional world decision-making. Truth communication in the professional world. The application of the property rights. A fair price for salaries and fair utilities. The ethics in the collaboration of non-ethical acts. Justice in the entrepreneurial relationships. Ethics and business: Future forecast. 22005 CRITICAL HISTORY OF PERU 4 Objectives: Examine, in a large historical perspective, the political, economical and social fundamentals of the contemporary Peru. Contents: Selection of Peruvian historical phases important for the comprehension of the contemporary Peru. For each selected phase, a synthetic vision of the political, economical and social characteristics would be offered, and its articulations with universal history. 24021 SCIENCE THEORY Requirements: 29007 Philosophy 4 Objectives: Offering a general vision of contemporary epistemology, that is, of the groundwork and methods of general knowledge and particularly science. Promoting reflection in respect of the scientific theory, the methods derived from it and the philosophic groundwork. Making explicit the basic philosophies implicit in every science. Contents: Theory of Knowledge and theory of science. General History of Science (Bernal). Theory of scientific revolution (Thomas Kuhn). Investigation programs (Imre Lakatos). Analytic Philosophy. Logical Empiric (Neopositivism). The Vienna circle. Critical rationalism (Popper). Pragmatism (Pierce, Dewey, James). Dialectic (Hegel, Marx, Adorno). Hermeneutics (Heidegger, Dilthey, Gadamer). Theory of Systems and Cybernetic. The method debate (Menger vs. Schmoller). The debate between Luhman and Habermas. Positive science and value judgments (Weber, Myrdal). The great schools of thinking and economic science. The schools of administrative theory. 20023 COSMOLOGY 4 Objectives: Offer an actual vision of the universe origins and the problems emerging from this vision for the philosophy. Contents: Science and philosophy. The astronomy from the Greeks until Newton. Mass and energy. Relativity theory. Post-Einstein theories about the universe origins and limits. 29024 AMERICAN HISTORY Requirements: 22005 Critical history of Peru 4 Objectives: Proportionate an analysis of the evolution and characteristics of the historical becoming of the American continent. Contents: Characteristics of the American continent. Anglo-Saxon and Latin America. Independence processes. The republics. 20029 LATIN AMERICAN INTEGRATION 4 Objectives: Offers an economic and political analysis of the sub continental integration processes. Contents: Integration concepts. Economic and political benefits of integration. Integration in Europe, Africa, and Asia. ALALC and ALADI. The common Central American common market. MERCOSUR. The Andean community. The free trade treaty. 20032 HISTORY OF CULTURE IN THE ANCIENT AND MIDDLE AGES 4 Objectives: Give the students a panoramic view of universal culture, since prehistoric times up until the middle Ages, with emphasis in the studies of the principal artistic manifestations of the different civilizations. The analysis of the achievements reached by each group of each historical moment will be done taking into account the media in which the artistic creations was produced and also the technological advantages and ideological currents of thinking in each epoch. Contents: Basic concepts. Prehistory. Ancient Culture: oriental, Greek and roman. Medieval culture. 28033 HISTORY OF MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY CULTURES 4 Objectives: Offering the students a panoramic view of universal culture, from the Modern Era until the beginnings of the twentieth century, with emphasis in the studies of the principal artistic manifestations of the different civilizations. The analysis of the achievements reached by each group of each historical moment will be done taking into account the media in which the artistic creations was produced and also the technological advantages and ideological currents of thinking in each epoch. Contents: The passing from the Middle Ages to modern times. The expansion of the modern world and great inventions. The Renaissance and the reform. The struggle for power. The French Revolution and the revolts of 1830 y 1848. Groundwork of the contemporary civilizations. 26034 LANGUAGE III Requirements: 20006 Language II 4 Objectives: Study the Spanish language from the point of view of the variations in historic, geographic, social and stylistic ways. Develop ability in reading and writing. Favor correction, exemplarity, property and ease when talking by a permanent development of exercises relative to orthography, pronunciation, morphology, vocabulary, syntaxes and style. Contents: The language as a variable reality. The language in time and space. Language and social stratification. Diversity of ways of registering communication. Special languages. The literary language. Scientific and technical language. Administrative language. Publicity and journalistic language. 24035 PERUVIAN LITERATURE OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY 4 Objectives: Accomplishing that the student understands the literary works as a mean of knowledge and aesthetic pleasure. Getting to know better Peruvian reality by the interpretation of the most relevant productions of its literature. Contents: What is literature? Definition of Peruvian literature. Background to Peruvian literature of the XX Century. Poetry. Narrative. Selection of texts from representative authors. 20037 ART AND CULTURE 4 Objectives: Give the student an integral view of one stage of the history of world culture by analyzing its political, social, economic, and scientific and especially artistic aspects. Cultivate the sensibility and develop the perception of the student so that from this analysis of the most important productions of great artists one can determine which where the most predominant factors in an artistic production, which elements did the author use in order to create it, so to better comprehend the production and enjoy the aesthetic experience it produces. Contents: Political, social, economic, scientific and artistic aspects of a period in universal history (chosen by the teacher). Exercises of artistic appreciation within a basic theoretical scheme. 25124 CONTEMPORARY CULTURE 4 Objectives: Offering the student a view of the principal contemporary cultural phenomena and promoting in each of them a critical reflective attitude towards the world’s actual problems. Contents: Basic concepts. Structural changes. Technology. Art. Democracy of masses. Globalization and local identities. The principal problems of the present world. 29038 CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN LITERATURE 4 Objectives: By the direct contact of the student and the literary production he will be given the fundamental concepts about Latin American literature from Modernism up until our days. Contents: Introduction. Modernism. Latin American poetry since 1910 up until now. Movements, tendencies, principal authors. Interpretation and analysis of texts. Latin American narrative since 1910 to today. Stages, tendencies, principal authors. Analysis and interpretation of texts. 27039 UNIVERSAL LITERATURE 4 Objectives: It is intended to awaken in the student interest for the great literature productions in which it can see itself reflected as a being in process. Another goal is to achieve a development in the observing, reflecting and imagining capabilities of the student as well as the aesthetic pleasure. It is also important to promote verbalization as an instrument of knowledge and social relations. Contents: Literature. Diverse meanings of the word. Literature as art. Literature and reality. The literary genders. The lyric, epic and dramatic. Lecture and comments of fundamental texts of Universal Literature of diverse times. 20046 PHILOSOPHY THEMES Requirements: 29007 Philosophy 4 Objectives: Promote critical reflection and argumentative capacities of the students by the discussion of one or various actual philosophical themes. Contents: The contents vary according to theme opportunities and teachers´ proposals. 20054 THEOLOGY II Requirements: 23108 Theology I 4 Objectives: Deepening the study of one or various theological themes of actual times. Contents: Themes of Groundwork Theology, bible studies, moral, dogmatic or sacramental, chosen in function to theme opportunities and teachers´ proposals. V ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES 58000 PSYCHOLOGY CREDITS 4 General Objective: Generate in the student interest for understanding and comprehending human way of being and how this information will serve to understand its own behavior and that of other groups, promoting then a reflective attitude towards the problems it confronts. Specific Objectives: Understand the role played by psychologists in human behavior. Integrate this processes in their psychosocial competences of their professional profile. Analyze and understand how human conduct influences over economic processes and vice versa. Grow from own personal experience to recognize the dynamics and problems of human conduct. Contents: 1. Introduction to psychology. Psychology in the context of economic and administrative sciences. Psychology from the perspective of economic problems. 2. Individual psychology: learnt, affective and conduct aspects. Sensation, perception, memory, thoughts and language, intelligence, learning, emotion and affective states. Human development, personality. Adaptation and frustration. Stress. Aplicación práctica de cómo operan los procesos cognitivos y afectivos para entender las conductas del consumidor. La sicología aplicada al marketing. El manejo de recursos humanos y el comportamiento de las organizaciones. 3. Interpersonal psychology: bases of social influence. Attitudes and the way they change. Theory of the learnt incongruence, theory of attributions. Social influence and the group processes. Practical application of how consumers´ attitudes are formed and change. Consumers and their social and cultural surroundings. Practical exercises: group dynamics and the customers reference groups. 4. Mass Psychology. Collective behavior, social – multitudinal movements. 58109 SOCIOLOGY 4 General Objective: To know and understand the basic concepts of the sociologic theory as a mean to observe, analyze and explain the social processes of our times. Reflect critically about Peruvian society and culture, having as a frame the complex changes in the World today. Specific Objectives: Identify and recognize the importance of sociology in the personal making of economists, administrators and accountants in the Peru of today. Reflect about culture and society, analyzing the relationship between the individual and the society, the process of socialization, the construction of gender and life cycle, with incidence in the subculture of young people. Also understand and explain the causes and consequences for the Peruvian society of racial differentiation, stratification and the system of social classes. Analyze and interpret globalization from the socio-cultural perspective distinguishing its advantages and disadvantages for the Peru of today. Analyze, understand, compare and reflect about the factors, agents and conditions of social change in Peru, in front of the necessity of a whole development at the beginning of the XXI Century. Contents: The relation between individual and society: social institutions and social interaction. Culture in the contemporary world: the debate about culture, socialization, the vital cycle (gender and youth). Types of societies: pre-modern societies, modernity and post modernity. Poverty, development and globalization. Social differentiation: Social classes and stratification: Stereotypes and prejudice and discrimination (racism, sexism). Social Phenomena in the contemporary world: religion, science and technology, means of communication, violence, etc. Social change. 50004 POLITICAL SCIENCE Requirements: Sociology 4 Objectives: Promoting the students with the basic concepts of politics as a way of reflection and action. Develop their capacity to understand and analyze critically the political contemporary phenomena Peru and the World. Prepare the student to take on their civil rights and responsibilities and to understand the politic and institutional frames, which he will become, a part of in he’s professional future. Contents: Introduction to politics and politic science. Power and rights. The state: definitions ad functions. State sovereignty in a global world. Ways of government: democracy and authoritarism. Democracy: institutions, values and goals. Power in the means of communication. The “factual powers” (military and entrepreneurial powers). 59005 BUSINES LAW I Requisite: 50004 Political Science 4 General Objectives: At the end of this course is expected that the student would be capable of: Having a basic juridical criterion that permits him approach in an adequate way to the legal matters that appears in his professional life. Use adequately the commercial legislation and successfully confront either the legislative changes or the commercial conflicts. Facilitate the adoption of professional ethics in the business world. Valorize the law like a necessary tool for the commercial security. Contents: Society and Law.- Sources of Law and their applications. Civil Rights, subjects of Law. Obligations. The juridical act. Contracts. Real Warranties and personal warranties. Subjects of Entrepreneurial Activity: Individual entrepreneur, individual entrepreneurship, commercial and civilian societies. Stock Titles: Law 27287. Restructuring patrimony: Insolvency and its process, market exits. Law of competences and intellectual properties. 52017 BUSINESS LAW II Requisite: 59005 Business Law I 4 Objectives: The objective of this course is to proportionate the student, like a businessman, like a future manager and professional the basic knowledge of the tributary law and labor law. This would permit to know the principal rules and principles applicable in the law areas mentioned before that have relation with the business and economic fields in which the student would take place in the future, like economist, manager or accountant at the community service. Contents: Tributary law: General part: Tributary fundamentals. Constitutional norms. Tributary code. Special part: Income tax law. General tax to the sales law. City hall tributes. Labor law: Private activity regime: Dependent worker, labor benefits, indemnizations and labor contracts. 50027 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Requirements: 50004 Political cience - 29007 Philosophy - 58109 Sociology 4 Summary: The course pretends to explore the principal ways of the academic analysis followed since the First World War until the actual post clod war era. It would be paid special attention to how the theories of international relations give influence and get influenced by the philosophy, international law, history, political science and sociology. The students would read, discuss and criticize the international relations theories with the most influence, to evaluate with logical strength as its empirical validity. The course would begin with a discussion of the international relations discipline and the philosophical traditions behind the principle theories that search an explanation for the behavior of the international society. After this, attention would be paid to the study of the three thought current with most influence of the international relations discipline: The realism, the pluralism (trans-nationalism or liberalism) and globalization (structuralism). Each one of these theoretical traditions tries to explain the conflictive or cooperative behavior of the different international agents (governments, multinational firms, international organisms, NGO’s, etc. The links between economy and international relations are studied by a branch of the international relations discipline that receive the name of IPE (international Political Economy) mainly developed by the London school of economics and political sciences who has as its principal representative Susan Strange. The common points with the economy are several, mainly the idea of the actual international economic order as a result of the presence of an hegemonic power (EE UU) and its interests in external policies. Also, the course would briefly develop more recent and alternative topics to the international relations like critical theory, postmodern theory, feminism, and social constructive theory. Given that he objective of this course is provide the students of elementary knowledge about theoretical focusing and debates in the studying of international relations, the course is designed with the purpose of examining in a panoramic way the international relations field, before analyzing exhaustively each of the schools or the individual exponents of these schools. Finally it can be said that international relations and IPE are two carriers that can be studied until a doctorate level in U.S.A and Europe. Sadly, in Peru there are no courses about international relations at university level. General Objectives: The objective of this course is to make an introductory revision of the different theoretical perspectives applied to the study of international relations with the goals of: 1. Get familiar with the principal facts and events of the international policy occurred during 1919-2000. 2. Proportionate a basic understanding of the principal theoretical perspectives that have molded the academic analysis of the international relations in the XX century. To have an appreciation of how the theory world and the practical world find each other, several times, intimately related in the conduction of the international relations. Contents: First part: Theory and concepts Second part: The international system Third part: Global international society (1945-2000) Part III.1 Construction of cold war international society Part III.2 Evolution and change of the international society: From the cold war to the post cold war Part III.3 Post cold war international society 57006 CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL THOUGHT Requirements: 50004 Political Science - Having approved 120 créditos 4 Objectives: Develop a critical spirit towards the principal contemporary ideologies. Find the historic context in which they where created. Give the importance they have in the actual world’s comprehension. Contents: Conceptual introduction: mentalities, ideologies, and doctrines. Humanism, conservatorium, individualism and scientific ways of thinking. Social groundwork for rules and values. Civil society, Social capital and the third sector. The postmodern Speech: is it the end of ideologies? Peru and Peruvians towards global modernity. 50030 STATE AND GOVERNABILITY Requisite: 50004 Political Science 4 Objectives: Transmit the importance of politics, institutions and values in the development process. Promote more reflection about the recent facts in Peru and the challenges of the actual transition. Identify and debate the concrete proposals for the reform. Contents: Introduction to the state and good government: What is the state? What is a good government? state and development in the contemporary world: New perspectives and old values. State and development in Peru: General frame. The Peru that we want: starting point. The Peru that we have: challenges and diagnosis. Truth and justice: Establishing a law state. Transitional justice: Confront the past to assure the future? How to put end to the corruption?, reform proposals. Competition and representation: Constructing a democratic political system, electoral system and political parties. Legislative power reform. Equity, integration and social policies: Constructing a more just society. Civil society and social capital: Constructing a stronger society (and more democratic?). State, development and citizenship: The missing agenda. 50013 PROYECCIÓN SOCIAL Requisite: Approved 140 credits 4 General Objectives: Promote in the students an attitude of service and commitment with the less favored social sectors of the country. Demands from the students, the integration and application of knowledge, working as a team. Also, try to find the development of the professional capacity, through the alternative proposals of solution to the problems raised in the small and micro enterprises sector in the actual Peruvian society. Specific Objectives: Get in touch with the actual environment and situation in which the micro and small enterprises try to develop, specially the ones placed in the marginal areas. Contact the micromanager assigned and make the diagnosis of the internal environment of the enterprise. Identify its strengths, weaknesses and also the critical areas that frustrate its development. Obtain information about the sector of the micro enterprise assigned. Get informed about the behavior of the competitors from the micro manager perspective and the social economic information available. Get to know the tributary system applied, specifically in the theme of income of third degree. Get to know the micromanager client’s consumption habits and behavior. Complete the information about the problems that the micro enterprise has to confront. Finish with the process of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats identification of the micro enterprise. Design strategies for the solutions of the most critical factors for the micro enterprise. Give recommendations to the micromanager. Assess the micromanager and proportionate him necessary managerial information for the micro enterprise: Strategic planning, legal, tributary, organizational, marketing, production, costs, financial, etc. Participate in the micromanagers fair organization. Promote the micromanagers products Elaborate a recommendations plan for short and long term to be implemented by the micromanager. Evaluate together with the micromanager the experience of the seminar. Contents: Elaboration of an integral diagnosis of the micro and small enterprise. Detection of the principal critical factors that makes difficult its development and develop an action plan with proposals and alternatives of solution in the managerial environment, through an orientation and capacitating process in the respective micro enterprise. Realization of an information fair in which the assessors can extract the necessary data that can be used to give and adequate assessor ship. Realization of the micromanager fair as a learning experience for the students and the micromanagers. Design an integral marketing strategy for the event participation.