American Studies Struzziero Due Date:_________ Name:________________________ The Color Purple Writing Assignments Format (All Papers Must Meet the Following Guidelines): 3-5 pages format your paper ( typed, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins) it is required that you post your paper on Choice 1: Photo Essay (2 people maximum) Using the novel as your guide, create a photo essay inspired by images from around Hingham. Your final presentation should be displayed in an album or poster format and contain 8-10 images. Each image must be accompanied by a quotation from the book as well as an explanation for why you chose each particular image to photograph. Please organize the essay around a main idea, and please support the main idea with logically organized developmental ideas and developmental details. Choice 2: The Alternate Ending (1 person) Class discussion has revealed a mixed reaction to the resolution of the novel. Rewrite the ending, and make it a better fit for the novel’s messages. Please try and imitate Walker’s characterization, themes, and Post Modernist story telling techniques (dialect, improper punctuation, misspellings, journal format). Choice 3: A Film Review for The Color Purple (1 Person) Please write a film review of The Color Purple. Please include two sections to your paper. First, focus on the film itself. In section one decide what makes a good film. Choose three of the following topics and evaluate the film based on those criteria: dialogue, characters, acting, directing, editing, setting, cinematography (work with the camera), costume design. In section two compare and contrast the film to the novel and decide which is better. The Color Purple Writing Assignment Rubrics Note: Failure to meet deadlines will result in a 5 point penalty for every school day that an assignment is late, and this may significantly lower your score. Students are encouraged to alert me in advance regarding potential conflicts with deadlines. With cooperation and planning, compromises can be reached and penalties for tardy papers can be completely avoided. Choice 3: Film Review A Paper: The essay reflects developing mastery of content and writing fluency, and it demonstrates thorough, persuasive and coherent analysis. introduction grabs the attention of the reader and provides excellent background information. thesis includes CI, clear MI, and specific DI’s. developmental paragraphs include effective topic sentences that directly support the MI CS’s effectively summarize the DI in the paragraph. DD’s effectively support MI and DI analysis of DD’s is coherent and complete: the link to the MI is clear, relevant, and insightful. conclusion skillfully restates CI, MI, and DI’s and adds a thought-provoking and original RFS. writing is coherent on account of effective organization and sound mechanics. writing presents an authentic voice. There are minor errors in any of the following areas: introduction, thesis, topic sentences, analysis of details, RFS, grammar and mechanics. B Paper: The essay reflects above average writing fluency and understanding of the text, and it demonstrates minor errors in analysis. introduction is appropriate MI is specific, and DI’s are organized, but DI’s could be more specific topic sentences must consistently relate to the MI. analysis of DD’s is inconsistent because it does not completely identify or paraphrase the detail, or the author does not consistently relate the DD to the MI. organization of the paper is appropriate. conclusion appropriately restates CI, MI, and DI’s. RFS could be more persuasive. some careless errors in grammar and mechanics begin to interfere with the reading of the paper. More careful proofreading is necessary. student’s writing presents a faltering but authentic voice C Paper: The essay reflects average understanding of the text, appropriate fluency, and inconsistent analysis. MI is present, but it is vague; DI’s are present, but they are also vague. TS’s summarize more than they analyze analysis of the DD’s reflects significant misunderstandings with the subject and the awareness of task: when the writing in the body paragraphs consistently lapses into summary, it moves away from supporting the main idea. conclusion is ineffective because it either presents new information or it does not completely summarize the MI and DI’s organization of the paper makes it difficult to read in places several errors in grammar and mechanics interfere with the reader’s understanding of the paper student’s writing hints at an authentic voice D Paper: The essay reflects limited understanding of text and prompt and limited ability to write a critical analysis essays. MI is unclear, and the DI’s are missing topic sentences are irrelevant DD’s are sparse, and analysis is missing in many places. analysis that is present demonstrates errors in reading comprehension essay consistently strays off topic. essay may not be finished. essay is very difficult to read because of numerous errors in grammar and mechanics. tone of the writing is too informal to effectively persuade the reader F Paper: The essay reflects poor comprehension, awareness of task, writing fluency, and critical analysis writing. There is no MI. The introduction is incomplete. The topic sentences are irrelevant. The argument is unsupported, and body paragraphs inaccurately summarize the plot. The conclusion is ineffective; the paper simply stops in the middle of the argument. The essay is confusing because it is disorganized. Grammar and mechanics errors make the essay nearly incomprehensible. Writing demonstrates no awareness of voice or tone. Choice 1: The Color Purple Photo Essay A. Students’ photo essay reflects excellent understanding of Walker’s themes, Post Modernist techniques and attitudes. The photographs present a clear MI with specific, organized DI’s. The captions clearly establish the DI’s. The quotes and quote explanations clearly explain how the photos and quotes support the DI’s. The DI’s, photos, and quotes are effectively organized to enhance the persuasiveness of the piece. The grammar and mechanics are nearly flawless, and the overall aesthetic appeal of the album is excellent. B. Students’ photo essay reflects very good understanding of Walker’s themes, Post Modernist techniques, and attitudes. The photographs present a clear MI, but some DI’s may be vague. There are minor errors regarding how the quotes and quote explanations explain the photos. There are minor errors in the organization of the DI’s, photos, and quotes that make the essay difficult to follow in places. There are minor errors with grammar and mechanics. The album is visually appealing. C. Students’ photo essay reflects appropriate understanding of Walker’s themes and Post Modernist techniques and attitudes. A thesis has clearly been attempted, but the MI and DI’s are vague. The explanations of the photos are inconsistent. The organization of the DI’s, photos, and quotes is largely incoherent, and it makes the essay difficult to follow. Errors with grammar and mechanics interfere with reading the essay. The album is attractive, but it appears to have been hastily constructed. D. Students’ photo essay reflects significant misunderstandings with Walker’s themes, Post Modernist techniques and attitudes. A thesis is missing, and the explanations of the photos are ineffective. The organization of the DI’s, photos, and quotes is incoherent, and the essay is very difficult to follow. Errors with grammar and mechanics make the essay very difficult to read. The album is not appealing because it is clearly “thrown together” at the last minute. Choice 2: Creative Writing Story A. A great read. The story reflects outstanding work, and it is faithful to the Walker’s characterization, themes, and Post Modernist techniques. The story has an effective title; its hook is dramatic and intriguing; the description excites the senses, and there is just enough of it; the story has a strong plot without major flaws. B. An entertaining story. The piece reflects very good work, and it is faithful to the Walker’s characterization, themes, and Post Modernist techniques with minor errors. The title is good; the hook is effective or may be improved with minor revisions; the description is strong but gets in the way of the story in some places because it is either too little or too much; the plot has no major flaws, but it might have minor imperfections. C. A promising story that reflects honest overall effort, but significant revisions are necessary if the story is to remain faithful to the Walker’s original. The title is adequate but may benefit from revision; the hook requires revision and editing because it must do more to grab the attention of the reader; the description confuses the reader because it is telling and does not help the story enough; the plot must be revised to eliminate “choppiness” or to bring the story to a believable conclusion. D. The plot causes significant confusion. As a result, reading isn’t enjoyable or rewarding enough. The assignment may be incomplete. The title is common. The beginning doesn’t hook the reader and make them want to read on. The description is sparse, and plot holes cause confusion for the reader.