February 24, 2015

SSS Advisory Board Minutes
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Present: Casey Hoffman, Tony Xiong, Sean Szydel, Mason Narel, Barbara Vue, Jason Rosas
Ramirez, Elizabeth Gruber, Bruce Ouderkirk, Andy Strowig
Secretary’s Report: Casey read last meeting’s minutes, and they were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: The previous balance was $544.81 before Jason paid for the pizza
and soda for the Valentine’s Day party. After reimbursing him $28.49, there is a new
balance of $516.32.
Old Business:
Constitution Committee: There was a decision to meet on Tuesdays opposite of the SSS
Advisory Board meetings at 5:00pm. The first one will be next Tuesday, March 3rd.
Volunteer Updates: Hope Gospel Mission is open from 9:00am to 5:00pm Mondays
through Fridays. You can volunteer to serve breakfast, lunch, or dinner. There are no
weekends available, making it difficult to volunteer due to class schedules. Due to this
issue, volunteering at Dove nursing home will work better for our organization. Mason
talked to the recreation director from Dove South nursing home and informed us that
there are multiple activities we can get involved in. There is a casino night, bingo night,
style show, prom day, and a share talents day/talent show. Evenings and weekends are
available for volunteering and Mason will contact director for specific dates.
After-Valentine’s Day Party: The party went great! About 23 people showed up. It was
a lot of fun with many new faces.
New Business:
T-Shirt Quote: Student Senate was unclear on how to get logo approved. Tony will talk
to Julie in the Student Organization Office to get official confirmation about the logo;
however, we think it should not be an issue as long as the logo is used in an appropriate
way. The quote from CustomInk approximated one t-shirt to be $25.75. When ordering
25 of the shirts, the price will be reduced. The Board could pay 286.75 for 25 t-shirts,
resulting in the cost of a t-shirt to be $10 for members. If we wanted to reduce the price
for students to $8.00, the Board would have to cover $336.75 of the total cost. Babs is
looking into another company called L.E. Philips to see if the cost might be reduced.
Cash Bash: A competition offered to university organizations through Royal Credit
Union. To compete, the organization must make a short, one-minute video explaining
what our organization is and what we would plan to do with the prize money. The first
prize winner will receive $1,000, second place will receive $500, and the next 4 runnersup will receive $150. The video must be submitted to the website, youngfreeroyal.com,
by Wednesday, March 4th. From March 6th to March 16th there will be voting open to the
public to decide the winner. Tony offered to make the video on his own time due to the
short notice. Some ideas for using the money would be a trip for the organization, a
scholarship to a member, or possibly a donation.
Upcoming Events: March 10th will be a bowling night/SSS advisory board meeting.
Meeting will start at 5:00pm at Bowling and Billiards in Hilltop, with bowling following.
One game of bowling and shoe rental will be covered by SSS, making this activity FREE
to all SSS and AIM members 
Open Floor:
TRIO Day: March 31st will be TRIO Day on campus from 3:30-5:30pm in the Davies
Center. A meeting to plan this day will be held tomorrow, March 25th, from 1:00-2:00pm
in the Financial Aid meeting room.
Culture Core: Culture Core is Saturday, March 7th. The theme is Double Consciousness.
It will be held in the Ojibwe Ballroom in Davies. The doors open at 12:30pm and the
event will last from 1:00-6:00pm. Dinner will be provided.
Upcoming SSS Events:
Tickets to Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro, Th-Sat, Feb 26-28, 7:30 pm, Grantner
Junior Career Seminar, Mon, March 2, 1:30-3:00pm, Ojibwe B (330B)
Submitted by Casey Hoffman
Next meeting will be February 10th at 5:00pm at BOWLING AND BILLARDS.
Come for bowling and a meeting! 