Grammar Rocks*

Nombre y Apellido: ___________________
Miembros del grupo: _________________
Spanish IB Grammar Rocks! (Group Project)
I. Objective: You will join your group members in performing a song that reviews the grammar
we have reviewed and learned in class this year. You will present three grammar structures
in a "music video" or podcast. You will decide with your group 2 of structures to present
based on your "weaknesses" and "strengths." Your teacher will assign you a third structure.
Your choices are:
1. SER vs. ESTAR (verbs "to be")
2. GUSTAR (expressing likes and dislikes in the present, future, past and present
3. ir + a + infinitive (expressing the near future)
4. el pretérito (-ar, -er, -ir) (past tense-regular verbs)
5. el progresivo del presente (how to talk about what you are currently doing)
6. el pretérito (los irregulares: hacer, ser, ir, etc.) irregular past tense verbs
7. adjective agreement / gender / number agreement
8. regular, present tense endings: -ar, -ir, -er
9. reflexive verbs
10. stem-changing verbs (boot verbs!)
11. los complementos: direct and indirect objects
12. mandatos: formal (ud./uds.) and informal (tú)- affirmative and negative
II. Directions:
1. Your teacher will show you 2 videos that are excellent examples of songs to review verb
conjugations. Your group may NOT use the songs in the sample videos
2. Songs chosen MUST be a famous CLEAN/RADIO EDIT version of a popular song. It may
be an old song from years ago or may be current now. Rap songs will be very hard to use
because the words are not clearly sung and are often too jumbled. If you are really set on
using a rap song, please talk to your teacher.
3. You will work in groups of 2 or 3 to brainstorm, rehearse, script and record song.
4. You must turn in your lyrics to your song for approval on Friday, April 13th at
the end of class (1 printed copy).
5. You will work in class on this “song" and lyrics. Your group will video tape and record your
song as a music video or a podcast using iMovie and Garage Band. You may choose to
video tape at school but NOT DURING CLASS TIME.
III. Requirements:
1. All students must be shown actively participating in the group song
2. The lyrics (your words that you are making up) must be typed out and approved BEFORE
the day of presentation.
3. Grammar needs to be evident in the song to include:
a. a variety of subject pronouns
b. How to create the grammar structure
c. What the grammar structure looks like
d. Use of the grammar structure in context, in a sentence.
4. The “music video” or podcast needs to be saved via flash drive for class presentation.
Rubric / Grading: The project is worth 100 pts. We will create the rubric together in
class on Wednesday, April 11th.