Dominique Rideout CORE 110.H5 Dr. Kyle Dickson 09 November

Dominique Rideout
CORE 110.H5
Dr. Kyle Dickson
09 November 2012
Vampire Origins: An Annotated Bibliography
Barber, Paul. "The Real Vampire." Natural History 99.10 (1990): 74. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 28 Oct. 2012.
This article focuses on the history of one particular vampire, Vlad the Impaler. It
describes how the literary vampires, even Stoker's Dracula, differ from the actual
historical figure. Additionally, it discusses the origins of the folklore and reality
behind the myths and how these have been perceived through history.
Beresford, Matthew. From demons to Dracula: the creation of the modern vampire myth.
London: Reaktion, 2008. Print.
This book examines the origins of vampire stories by looking at its portrayal in
histories, myths, books, and even art. It also looks at how these myths have
formed over time and how they permeate our culture.
Braunlein, Peter. "The frightening borderlands of Enlightenment: The vampire problem."
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and
Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43.3 (2012): 710-19. Science
Direct. Web. 5 Nov. 2012.
This article discusses the vampire epidemic in the Enlightenment era and how this
affected Europe. It describes an origin of vampire mythology in the west, that of a
disease in Serbia. It also examines how this early history relates to modern
mythology concerning vampirism.
Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome. "Vampire Culture." Monster theory: reading culture.
Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press, 1996. 225-41. Print.
This book would give some details on other ways vampires were portrayed in
culture. Focusing specifically on Stoker's Dracula and the vampires of Anne Rice,
this book shows not only themes in these novels but also discuss how these
traditional vampires were accepted into culture.
Dundes, Alan. The vampire: a casebook. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1996.
This book examines the folklore of vampires throughout history. It examines
historical backgrounds and the meaning of the word vampire. Furthermore, it
depicts how these creatures have affected many cultures around the world
throughout history.
Heldreth, Leonard G., and Mary Pharr. The blood is the life: vampires in literature.
Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1999. Print.
This book is a compilation of essays by various scholars examining how vampires
have been used in literature, history, and the modern world. This book would be
useful to see how the first vampires were portrayed and how this portrayal relates
to history and culture through writing.
Lynch, Jack. Dracula, by Bram Stoker. Pasadena, Calif.: Salem Press, 2010. Print.
This book would give information surrounding Bram Stoker's Dracula. In addition
to providing information on historical events for the basis of novel, it would
reveal some about how the novel was received and what it shows about Victorian
beliefs about vampires and how these beliefs came about in our culture.
Smith, Eric. ""A Presage of Horror" Cacotopia, The Paris Commune, and Bram Stoker's
Dracula." Criticism 52.1 (2010): 71-90. Academic Search Complete. Web. 5 Nov.
This article describes the historical background, the Paris Commune and
cacotopian novel of Matthew Beaumont to the novel Dracula. It describes events
that led up to the writing of this entrance of vampires in pop culture.
Willis, Martin. ""The Invisible Giant," "Dracula," and Disease." Studies in the Novel 39.3
(2007): 25. Academic Search Complete. Web. 23 Oct. 2012.
This article would give insight to the origin of the “vampiric infection” during
Victorian times. It analyzes beginnings of vampire myths and the reality of these
myths. Furthermore, it could held to understand better the traditional portrait of
vampires and what caused this portrayal.
Wilson, Katharina. "The History of the Word "Vampire"." Journal of the History of Ideas
46.4 (1985): 577-83. JSTOR. Web. 28 Oct. 2012.
This article describes how the word vampire came about in the English language.
It offers a linguistic, historical, and literary context for vampires in culture.
Additionally, it discusses some of the myths surrounding vampire legends of