Search Search: Login Settings Help/Guide About Trac Wiki Search Wiki Navigation Start Page Index by Title Index by Date Last Change X74.doc Changes and additions to Comptron Parts & Service (P&S) Modules and F&I Module, as a result of DCF X74. NOTE!! The version number has been changed to Version 4.00. **************************************************************************** *********************** F & I Changes ************************************** **************************************************************************** 3. The Sales Menu has changed: - option 3, Qik-Quote (by John) ............................................................................. .. Sales Menu TWIN CITIES HARLEY DAVIDSON N. Version 4.00 1441 85 AVE. N.E. Updated: 1/01/2001 BLAINE, MN 55449 Select 1. Deals 2. Inventory 3. Qik-Quote ' Exit ............................................................................. .. 3.1. Sales Processing Menu has changed: - option 6, Report Generator (by John) - option 9, Payments (by Slim) ............................................................................. .. Sales Processing Menu Select 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. New Deal Search Deal End of Day/Month Forms Printing Standard Reports Report Generator Credit Bureau Maintenance (Sales) Payments ' Exit ............................................................................. .. 3.1.1 New Deal Stock # Window has changed: - the small pop-up window has been replaced with a full-screen menu of Inventory Types; the Type has expanded from a 2-character field to a 2-character + 2-digit field. ............................................................................. .. Ln <N> Next <,> Home <'> Exit < > <P> Prev <.> End <L> List Inventory Types Ln Type Name -- ------------------1 MC00 Motorcycle 2 MC20 MU-HD (MISC) 3 MC21 MU-HD (TOURING) 4 MC22 MU-HD (SOFTAIL) 5 MC23 MU-HD (DYNA) 6 MC24 MU-HD SPORTSTER 7 MC26 MU-OTHER MC 8 MC30 MU-HD (USED) 9 MC32 MU-OTHER USED-MC A AT00 All-Terrain ............................................................................. .. 3.1.1 Deal Financing screen with Time-of-Sale Acc: - This is the default screen, which does not show the Invoice amounts. ............................................................................. .. <I> Invoice <A> Add < > Accept < > <T> Tax <C> Change <d> Delete Ln -1 2 3 4 Ticket Tax Type Description ------ --- ---- -----------------------------026932 N AC00 PARTS AND ACCESSORIES 027366 Y AC00 WHEELS WITH LABOR 126932 N AC00 LABOR 226932 N AC00 SHOP SUPPLIES Retail -----------$3,733.44 $1,945.09 $1,176.00 $60.80 ------------ Non-Taxable $4,970.24 Taxable $1,945.09 Taxes $126.43 Total $7,041.76 ............................................................................. .. - The Invoice Cost window has been removed. To access Invoice Cost, press "I" and the following screen presents: ............................................................................. .. <I> Invoice <A> Add < > Accept < > <T> Tax <C> Change <d> Delete Ln -1 2 3 4 Ticket Tax Type Description ------ --- ---- -----------------------------026932 N AC00 PARTS AND ACCESSORIES 027366 Y AC00 WHEELS WITH LABOR 126932 N AC00 LABOR 226932 N AC00 SHOP SUPPLIES Cost Retail ------------ -----------$3,733.44 $3,733.44 $1,945.09 $1,945.09 $1,176.00 $1,176.00 $60.80 $60.80 ------------ -----------Non-Taxable $4,970.24 $4,970.24 Taxable $1,945.09 $1,945.09 Taxes $126.43 Total $6,915.33 $7,041.76 ............................................................................. .. 3.1.1 Deal Financing, Roll Payments Window - When the user selects Roll Payments, several options are presented. Selecting one of these options will update the Deal Finance screen. ............................................................................. .. Deal Financing BACKUP Deal # 201041 Date 1/25/02 Customer Salesman: DAVE COLEMAN 2nd Salesman: 6 Price + $17,685.00 Time-of-Sale Acc + $7,041.76 Total Price $ 24,726.76 SUNSHINE LEASING Deposit Amount Dep/Cash Due Mgr #: F&I #: $ $2,625.33 374.67 Pick Amount Trade Allowance Defer Amount Payoff on trade + Net Down+Pick+Defer $ 3,000.00 Cash Down $3,000.00 +--------------------------------------------+Lender HDC | Select Item or <'> Exit < > |Interest Rate 12.99 | Addition $1,246.00 is required for |# Payments 48 | requested payment of $550.00 | | |Finance Amount $21,751.76 | 1. Trade In |Monthly Payment $583.43 | 2. Cash Down 4. Interest ( 9.83) |Due on ( 30 Days) 2/24/2002 | 3. Def Down 5. # Payments ( 51) | +--------------------------------------------+C-Life Premium Insurance Type Acc Health Prem OTD $ 24,751.76 Total Ins Prem ............................................................................. .. 3.1.3 F&I End of Day Menu - option 1, Recap & Finalize (now creates end-of-day transactions) - option 2, End-of-Day Report (new, by Slim) - option 3, Reprint End-of-Day (new, by Slim) - option 4, End-of-Month Report (new, by Slim) - option 5, Transactions History Report (new, by Slim) ............................................................................. .. F&I End of Day Menu Select 1. Recap & Finalize 2. End-of-Day Report 3. Reprint End-of-Day 4. End-of-Month Report 5. Transactions History Report ' Exit ............................................................................. .. Recap & Finalize - When a deal is finalized, a daily transactions file is updated in preparation for end-of-day processing. ............................................................................. .. Finance Reserves <S> Search <C> Change <'> Exit < > <I> Invoice <P> Print <F> Finalize RECAP Deal #: 204057 Customer: STEPHEN J GALL Lender: HDC STATUS: SOLD Points % Fin Amount $ 21,614.00 Sell Rate 10.99% Buy Rate 6.50 % Fin Reserve $ 970.47 ITEM: 1999 H-D RESERVE Price 252.96 Cost Acc. 719.89 Inv/ACV 745.00 RO/Frt/Prep 1,717.85 Total Cost Dealer Pack 2,688.32 Adjustments Deal Gross 19,483.56 FXR3 $19,995.00 $511.44 F&I Items: PREMIUM COST $459.93 $206.97 $ AH Ins. $1,308.89 $589.00 $ Ext Ser/PPM $1,499.00 $754.00 $ Col/VSI Totals: $3,267.82 $1,549.97 $ CL Ins. (S) $511.44 TRADE: $ 19,483.56 1st 2nd Allow ACV O/U Amt F&I Profit $ SLsm Comm Mgr Comm Sale Profit $ COMM: Comm Bonus 25.00 Totals: SLSM 5 SLSM MGR F&I MGR F&I Comm Doc Fee $ Dlr Pack Total Profit $ 22,196.88 ............................................................................. .. End of Day Report - This program is similar to End-of-Day for Parts & Service. - When the Sales End of Day is run, the daily transactions are saved for subsequent reprints, and for end of month and history reporting. See Sales End-of-Day Defaults for descriptions of the available reports. - For customers with with accounting integration, transactions will automatically roll into Real World Accounting. ............................................................................. .. End of Day Report Company 00 Logon: slim Select < > 1. Today 2. Previous ' Exit ............................................................................. .. Reprint End-of-Day - If the user needs to reprint end-of-day reports, the reports can be selected by date (format: - The same reports as are selected in the Sales End-of-Day Defaults will be printed. ............................................................................. .. F&I End of Day Reprints +-----------------------------------------+ | <#> Ln <'> Exit < > | | | |-----------------------------------------| | | | 1 fieday.2002. | | 2 fieday.2002. | | 3 fieday.2002. | | 4 fieday.2002. | | 5 fieday.2002. | | | | | +-----------------------------------------+ ............................................................................. .. Sales End of Month Report - This is similar to End of Month for Parts and Service. ............................................................................. .. Sales End of Month Report Company 00 Logon: slim Is this the End of Month? <Y or N> < > ............................................................................. .. - The user selects the ending date for the end of month. (The starting date is "remembered" from the last end of month). ............................................................................. .. < > "Last" Sales End of Month Report Company 00 Logon: slim Starting Date 4/30/2002 Ending Date 5/31/2002 Ending Date Format: mm/dd/yyyy Example: 1/15/2001 or <T> Today ............................................................................. .. - Next, the user selects which reports to include with the end of month. These are then "remembered" for the next end of month. ............................................................................. .. Ln <'> Exit < > Sales End of Month Report Company 00 Logon: slim 1. Transaction List N 2. Commission Report Y 3. Customer Report N 4. Financing Report N 5. Accessories Report N 6. Fees Report N 7. Sales Recap Report N 8. Taxes Report N 9. Trade In Report N A. Profit Report N ............................................................................. .. - Lastly, confirm that this is the month end desired, or exit. ............................................................................. .. Sales End of Month Report Company 00 Logon: slim 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. Dates: Transaction List Commission Report Customer Report Financing Report Accessories Report Fees Report Sales Recap Report Taxes Report Trade In Report Profit Report 4/30/2002 thru N Y N N N N N N N N 5/31/2002 < > Continue <'> Exit < > ............................................................................. .. - The reports that are printed are the same format as for end of day, but include all transactions for the specified period. Transaction History Report ............................................................................. .. Transaction History Rpt Select 1. Select Transactions by Date 2. Reprint Previous Month-end ' Exit ............................................................................. .. - Select Transactions by Date is similar to End-of-Month Reports, except the user can select for any period of time. This is useful for making quarterly or annual reports. - Reprint Previous Month-End allows you to select a previous month end to reprint (listing most recent down to oldest). ............................................................................. .. Ln <'> Exit < > Transaction History Rpt Ln 1 2 3 4 5 Start Date 5/31/2002 4/30/2002 3/31/2002 2/28/2002 1/31/2002 End Date 6/30/2002 5/31/2002 4/30/2002 3/31/2002 2/28/2002 ............................................................................. .. 3.1.5 Deal Reports Menu - option 7, Sales Totals - option 8, Penetration (by Slim) - option 9, Accts Receivable (by Slim) ............................................................................. .. Deal Reports Menu Select 1. Pending 2. Sold 3. Recapped 4. Profit/Costs 5. Commissions 6. History 7. Sales Totals 8. Penetration 9. Accts Receivable ' Exit ............................................................................. .. Sales Totals ............................................................................. .. F&I Sales Total (not finalized) Select Output <P> <P> Send to Printer <S> Display on Screen ............................................................................. .. - The user has several sort choices for this report. ............................................................................. .. F&I Sales Total (not finalized) Select 1. 2. 3. 4. Deal Number Customer Name Lender ID Deal Status ' Exit ............................................................................. .. - It is up to the operator whether or not to include Back-up deals. ............................................................................. .. Include Back-up (Y/N) <N> ............................................................................. .. - The operator can run this report for all deals, for a date range, or for a range of lenders. ............................................................................. .. F&I Sales Total (not finalized) Select 1. 2. 3. All Deal Date Lender ' Exit ............................................................................. .. - Lenders are selected from a window. ............................................................................. .. <'> "First" F&I Sales Total (not finalized) +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ln <N> Next <H> Home <'> Exit < > | | <P> Prev <E> End | | | | Ln ID Lender's Name APR Days/1st | | -- ----- ------------------------------ ------ -------- | | 1 BREM BREMER BANK 10.00 0 | | 2 CASH 0.00 0 | | 3 FFSB FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK 10.00 0 | | 4 FUN CONSECO FINANCE 12.50 30 | | 5 HDC HARLEY-DAVIDSON CREDIT 12.99 30 | | 6 MBTFC MINNESOTA BUILDING TRADES FCU 10.00 0 | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+ Starting Lender ............................................................................. .. - The user confirms their selection. ............................................................................. .. F&I Sales Total (not finalized) Starting Lender HDC Ending Lender HDC < > Continue <'> Exit < > ............................................................................. .. Sales Penetration Report - The user can select New, Used, or All units for the report. ............................................................................. .. F&I Sales Penetration Report Select 1. 2. 3. 1 All Units New Units Only Used Units Only ' Exit ............................................................................. .. - The user can further refine the report by selecting a date range, lender, salesman, or F&I manager. The lender, salesman, or F&I manager are chosen from a pop-up window. ............................................................................. .. F&I Sales Penetration Report Select 1. 2. 3. 4. Deal Date Lender Salesman F&I Manager ' Exit ............................................................................. .. - Selecting the start and end lender from a window. ............................................................................. .. F&I Sales Penetration Report +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ln <N> Next <H> Home <'> Exit < > | | <P> Prev <E> End | | | | Ln ID Lender's Name APR Days/1st | | -- ----- ------------------------------ ------ -------- | | 1 BREM BREMER BANK 10.00 0 | | 2 CASH 0.00 0 | | 3 FFSB FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK 10.00 0 | | 4 FUN CONSECO FINANCE 12.50 30 | | 5 HDC HARLEY-DAVIDSON CREDIT 12.99 30 | | 6 MBTFC MINNESOTA BUILDING TRADES FCU 10.00 0 | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+ ............................................................................. .. - Selecting the salesman or F&I manager from a window. ............................................................................. .. F&I Sales Penetration Report +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ln Number <'> Exit <Pg-Dn> <Pg-Up> <HOME> First < > | | Ln Salesman Name Code Type | | 1 DAVE COLEMAN 005 SALESMAN | | 2 JIM KNEPPER 001 SALESMAN | | 3 BOB KNEPPER 002 SALESMAN | | 4 PATRICK KUELBS 006 FI MNGR | | 5 RICH AMBROOKIAN 004 SALESMAN | | 6 TOM ROBINSON 003 SALESMAN | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ ............................................................................. .. Accounts Receivable Reports - In some cases, a Sale generates 1 or more accounts receivable for the business. F&I A/R are discussed in greater detail later. These accounts receivable are reported thru this menu. - The summary report gives a total of F&I A/R for each accounts receivable type. ............................................................................. .. Sales Accounts Receivable Reports Select 1. Summary 2. Detail 3. History ' Exit ............................................................................. .. - The detail report allows selection of particular A/R type, as well as for a range of dates. ............................................................................. .. Outstanding Sales Receivables - Detail Select 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All Accounts Customer Contracts in Transit Finance Reserve Mfr/Dealer Rebate Mfr Holdback Single Account ' Exit ............................................................................. .. - The history report forces the user to select a particular account, and a date range. ............................................................................. .. Ln <S> Search <'> Exit < > Sales Accounts Receivable History Ln Name Type Date Total 1 DOUBLE H/CAROLINA VENDOR 05/22/02 $1,333.322 GALL, STEPHEN J CUSTOMER 05/10/02 $411.00 3 HARLEY-DAVIDSON CREDIT LENDER 05/07/02 $42,079.86 4 HARLEY-DAVIDSON INC. VENDOR 05/07/02 $1,322.21 5 SHOVLIN, STEPHEN J CUSTOMER 05/22/02 $2,222.20 6 STUTELBERG, DUSTIN J CUSTOMER 05/07/02 $97.00 7 WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. LENDER 05/22/02 $14,727.90 ............................................................................. .. 3.1.8 Sales Maintenance - option 1 and option 7 (wording changes) - option 5, Credit Cards (changed) - option 9, End-of-Day Report Defaults (new, Slim) ............................................................................. .. Sales Maintenance (Main Menu) Select 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Sales Staff Lender Insurance Taxes Credit Cards Service Contracts Sales Defaults Maintenance EOD Report Defaults ' Exit ............................................................................. .. Credit Cards - This file has been simplified. - There are 6 default Credit Cards defined by Comptron. - There are 9 user-definable Credit Cards available, coded as Z1 through Z9. ............................................................................. .. <N> Next <H> Home <C> Change < > <P> Prev <E> End <'> Exit Credit Card File Ln Credit No Card Company Name -- ------ -----------------------------01 AX AMERICAN EXPRESS 02 CB CARTE BLANCHE 03 DC DINER'S CLUB 04 DS DISCOVER 05 MC MASTERCARD 06 VS VISA 07 Z1 08 Z2 09 Z3 10 Z4 11 Z5 12 Z6 13 Z7 14 Z8 ............................................................................. .. Sales Defaults - There is no System Defaults Menu. The Account Numbers Default file is now accessible to Real World Integration customers only, from the "cdutil" menu. - The "No of Months to Keep Deal:" field controls how many months of deal history remains available for reports and research. Comptron recommends that this value be set to 25, providing 2 full years of on-line sales data. Dealerships can set this higher if more history is desired. ............................................................................. .. <C> Change <'> Exit < > Sales System Default File Payments: Number Payments Type Payment (MONTHLY) Saleman #1 Split % Saleman #2 Split % 48 1 Taxes: State County City Inv Tax (Y/N) Y N N N Lieu Fees(.9999) % .0000 Insurance: Dealer Number: 20067 Type (NO INSUR) 0 No of Months to Keep Deal: 36 CL/AH Ins Co Inv Type: Coll/Comp Ins Co Lender: Tax Cap Amount: Lender ID HDC Tax Cap Options Lender Name HARLEY-DAVIDSON CREDIT Dealership: Name: TWIN CITIES HARLEY DAVIDSON N. Address: 1441 85 AVE. N.E. City: BLAINE State: MN Zip: 55449 Phone: (763) 786-9079 County: ANOKA ............................................................................. .. End of Day Defaults - This is similar to the End of Day defaults for Parts & Service. - Selected reports will be printed during End-of-Day processing. - Cash Out Work Sheet (not used) - Transaction Listing (new) (Yes/No) - Commission Report (new) (Yes/No) - Customer Report (new) (Yes/No) - Financing Report (new) (Yes/No) - Accesories Report (new) (Yes/No) - Fees Report (new) (Summary/Detail/None) - Detail Listing (not used) - Sales Report (new) (Summary/Detail/None) - Sales Tax Report (new) (Summary/Detail/Both/None) - Trade-In Report (new) (Summary/Detail/None) - Profit Report (new) (Yes/No) ............................................................................. .. <C> Change <'> Exit < > F&I End of Day Defaults Ticket Reprints to Keep N 500 Accessories Report Backup System N Y Fees Report Accounting Integration N Y Detail Listing Cash Out Work Sheet N N Sales Report Transaction Listing N N Sales Tax Report Commission Report N Y Trade-In Report Customer Report N N Profit Report Financing Report N ............................................................................. .. 3.1.9 Sales Payments Menu - This is a new menu providing for collection money into the sales department. ............................................................................. .. Sales Payments Menu Select 1. Deposits/Refunds 2. Finalized Receivables ' Exit ............................................................................. .. Deposits/Refunds - Deposits/Refunds is for accepting deposits or issuing refunds on deals that have not been finalized. - The Deal to deposit to can be searched by deal number or by customer name. ............................................................................. .. <'> Exit </> Search Find Sales Deal Deal Number ______ ............................................................................. .. - Searching by Deal Number <D> Deal# <N> Name ............................................................................. .. Select Search Type +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ln <'> Exit <N> Next <P> Prev <H> Home <E> End < > | | | | Ln Deal No Customer Name Status Date | |----------------------------[Page 002]-----------------------------| | 1 204041 GRAVICH, JOSEPH SOLD 4/13/2002 | | 2 204049 RINECK, GAIL BACKUP 4/16/2002 | | 3 204051 BRATSCH, TROY SOLD 4/18/2002 | | 4 204052 STEWARD, BRUCE BACKUP 4/16/2002 | | 5 204054 MUELLER, ROBERT SOLD 4/17/2002 | | 6 204056 ADAMS, DENNIS BACKUP 4/18/2002 | | 7 204057 GALL, STEPHEN SOLD 4/19/2002 | | 8 204059 MILLER, SCOTT BACKUP 4/20/2002 | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ ............................................................................. .. - Searching by Customer Name: ............................................................................. .. Enter Search Name Last Name MILLER ............................................................................. .. - Once a Deal/Customer has been selected: ............................................................................. .. Deal Payment Deal # 204059 Date 4/20/2002 Customer Last Name First Name MILLER SCOTT MI A Status: BACKUP Used Ln Stk # ID Number New Yr Make Model Color -- ------ ----------------- --- -- ---------- ---------- ----------01 NH2212 1HD1PDC1X2Y952986 N 02 H-D FLHRSEI PURPFLAME $29,995.00 -------- Total Sale Price $31,996.18 Payments/Deposits $500.00 Balance Due $31,496.18 ............................................................................. .. - Making a Deposit/Refund against a deal also generates transactions that will be included in the next End-of-Day. ............................................................................. .. <D> Deposit <R> Refund <'> Exit < > Total Amount Due Date 5/24/2002 5/24/2002 4/20/2002 Type Deposit Deposit Deposit $2,000.00 Amount $350.00 $500.00 $500.00 Payment Form CHECK CASH VISA 43253 1111-2222-3333-4444 Received to Date $1,350.00 Balance Due $650.00 ............................................................................. .. - Selecting the payment form occurs in a pop-up window: ............................................................................. .. Total Amount Due $31,996.18 Date Type Amount Payment Form 5/24/2002 Deposit $350.00 5/24/200 +--------------------------------------------------+ 4/20/200 | Ln <'> Exit < > | | | Receiv |Select Deposit Type | B | Type Name | | AC ACCOUNT | | CA CASH | | CK CHECK | | AX AMERICAN EXPRESS | | CB CARTE BLANCHE | | DC DINER'S CLUB | | DS DISCOVER | | MC MASTERCARD | | VS VISA | | | +--------------------------------------------------+ ............................................................................. .. - Once payment has been collected, the user has the option to print a deposit receipt. ............................................................................. .. Print Deposit Receipt? <Y/N> < > ............................................................................. .. Finalized Receivables - Finalized Receivables is for accepting payments, issuing refunds, and making corrections to the F&I A/R accounts. - F&I A/R accounts can be of several specific types: - Customer: Pick Amount Defer Down Amount Deposit accepted on Account - Lender: Finance Reserve Contract in Transit - Vendor: Holdback Amount Manufacturer to Dealer Rebate Manufacturer to Customer Rebate (as down pmt) - The user begins by selecting the search sequence within the F&I A/R file. ............................................................................. .. Search for Sales A/R Account Select 1. Name 2. Account 3. Deal 4. Ticket ' Exit ............................................................................. .. - The main screen displays a summary of the F&I A/R account's current status. To make a payment or issue a refund select Accept. ............................................................................. .. < > Accept <N> Next <P> Prev <S> Search <H> History <'> Exit < > Sales A/R Name 433563 Account WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Address LENDER P.O. BOX 7746 Deal 204053 Ticket WFB BOISE, ID Phone $151.46 Account Type 83707 800-559-3557 Total Fin. Reserve Total In Transit $7,212.49 ............................................................................. .. - When making a payment, the user selects which line item to pay against. ............................................................................. .. Line Number or <'> Exit < > Sales A/R Name 433563 Account WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Address LENDER P.O. BOX 7746 Deal 204053 Ticket WFB BOISE, ID Phone $151.46 Account Type 83707 800-559-3557 Total Fin. Reserve Total In Transit $7,212.49 Ln Deal # Ticket Customer Name Trans Date Amount Description 1 204053 433563 SHOVLIN, STEPHEN J 05/22/2002 $151.46 Fin.Reserve 2 204053 433567 SHOVLIN, STEPHEN J 05/22/2002 $7,212.49 Contract ............................................................................. .. - The line item detail is shown, and the user enters the payment information. ............................................................................. .. Sales A/R Name 433563 Account WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Address LENDER P.O. BOX 7746 Deal 204053 WFB BOISE, ID Account Type 83707 Ticket Phone $151.46 800-559-3557 Total Fin. Reserve Total In Transit $7,212.49 Payment(s) Money Check $7,363.95 Visa card Mastercard $7,212.49 Other card Correction $7,212.49 Total Payment $151.46 Amount $7,212.49 #12321 Total Balance Payment Amount Total Amt. Rcv'd. $7,212.49 New Total Balance < > Accept <'> Correct <U> Undo < > ............................................................................. .. - The History option displays all account detail for this F&I A/R account. - The history data can be printed by selecting the Report option. The report will be selected by range of dates and by a range of deal numbers. - The Toggle option switches between Description and VIN data. ............................................................................. .. <T> Toggle <S> Search <R> Report <'> Exit < > Sales A/R Name WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Deal 204053 Ticket 433563 Account WFB ------------------------------ Sales A/R History -----------------------------Deal Ticket Customer Date Charge Payment VIN 204053 433563 SHOVLIN,STE 05/22/02 $151.46 $0.00 1HD1CAP112K147370 204053 433567 SHOVLIN,STE 05/22/02 $7,212.49 $0.00 1HD1CAP112K147370 204053 433567 SHOVLIN,STE 05/24/02 $0.00 $7,212.49 1HD1CAP112K147370 <T> Toggle = View Description ............................................................................. .. **************************************************************************** *********************** Parts & Service Changes **************************** **************************************************************************** 1.0.3 Customer File - The menu has changed to include an option for viewing a customer's F&I A/R information. ............................................................................. .. <N> Next <P> Prev <A> Add <V> Vehicle <F> F&I <'> Exit < > Customer File <S> Search <C> Change <d> Delete <L> Label <M> Memo L-Name STUTELBERG 21437 F-Name DUSTIN Initial J SSN 475-04-1808 DOB 6/11/1980 Dr Lic 334155441437 Lic State MN Spouse JOSEPH T STUTELBERG Attn Addr 836 COON RAPIDS BLVD EXT City COON RAPIDS County ANOKA State MN Zip Code 55433 Hm Phone 763-443-8375 Fax # Wk Phone 763-781-6919 Wk Ext Cellular Pager # E-Mail 4/19/2002 Remark Alert Customer # Age 21 Tax ID # Tax Code Discount Type <R> Discount % Account Type <N> Credit Limit Amount Charged Amount Paid Balance Credit Avail Last Charged Last Credited Date Added Retail None Last Sale F&I Balance $97.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Category Vehicles Model Yr Make 1 XL1200C 02 H-D ............................................................................. .. - When the F&I option is chosen, the customer's F&I A/R detail history is displayed. ............................................................................. .. <'> Exit < > L-Name 21437 F-Name $97.00 STUTELBERG DUSTIN Customer # Initial J F&I Balance Deal Ticket Date Charge Payment VIN 204058 433545 5/01/02 $350.00 $0.00 1HD1CGP102K145175 204058 433545 5/03/02 $0.00 $60.00 1HD1CGP102K145175 204058 433545 5/03/02 $0.00 $16.00 1HD1CGP102K145175 204058 433545 5/08/02 $0.00 $27.00 1HD1CGP102K145175 204058 433545 5/08/02 $0.00 $38.00 1HD1CGP102K145175 204058 433545 5/08/02 $0.00 $49.00 1HD1CGP102K145175 204058 433545 5/15/02 $0.00 $63.00 1HD1CGP102K145175 ............................................................................. .. 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