Name________________________ Open-Mind Portrait What goes on inside your character’s mind? Objective: Follow a character throughout a story and demonstrate how the character changes as the story moves to a resolution For this project, you will create an Open-Mind Portrait that illustrates what one of the characters you are reading in your story looks outside and the inside. Your “outside” portrait must be large enough to take up most of the space on a piece of computer paper. You can use a digital picture, draw or paint a self-portrait, or use magazines or supplies from around the house to make something completely unique. Be creative and have fun! Trace out your “outside” portrait to create the outline of your “inside” portrait. (I will demonstrate how to do this in class.) Put pictures, words, magazine cut outs, and other small items inside that represent what your character is thinking about most in that part of the story. Be sure to find items that are small, so that you can fit many different things. You must have a minimum of 5 symbols for each inside page. Symbols can be quotes, pictures, words, doodles, or anything that will represent what your character is thinking. Staple your inside pages into your outside pages. Your work should include a title at the top that reads _____’s(name of character) Open-Mind Portrait. Also, write on your outside pages your name and the book title. For each of the 4 inner pages, you will include one sentence for each of the 5 symbols on each page. You will write this in your best hand writing and glue in to the back of the appropriate page. Each part of the project is worth a different number of points: Outside portrait completed (10 points) Four open-mind pages completed with 5 symbols-10 points each page (40 total) Minimum of five sentences completed explaining the symbols-10 points each page (40 total) Organization/ Neatness- (10 points) Conventions (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar)- (10 points) Language Arts Name_________________________ Open-Mind Portrait RUBRIC Outside portrait Page 1 inner portrait with symbols Superior 10 Outside portrait looks like character Takes up most of the outer page Accomplished 8 Outside portrait somewhat looks like character AND/OR More than half of the outer page Developing 6 Outside portrait does not look like character AND/OR Less than half of the outer page Inside portrait displays characters thoughts/actions Inside portrait displays characters thoughts/actions Five thoughts are represented Three to four thoughts are represented Includes four out of five explanations for each thought (symbol) (minimum of 4 sentences) Inside portrait displays characters thoughts/actions AND/OR Two to three thoughts are represented AND/OR Work is somewhat creative Includes twothree out of five explanations for each thought (symbol) (minimum of 4 sentences) Full sentences are used less than 75% of the time 6 0 Work is creative Work is creative Page 1 inner portrait explanation of symbols Includes one explanation for each thought (symbol) (minimum of 5 sentences) Full sentences are used throughout Work Missing 0 0 0 0 Page 2 inner portrait with symbols 10 Full sentences are mostly throughout (75% or more) 8 Page 2 inner portrait explanation of symbols Page 3 inner portrait with symbols 10 8 6 0 10 8 6 0 Page 3 inner portrait explanation of symbols Page 4 inner portrait with symbols 10 8 6 0 10 8 6 0 Page 4 inner portrait explanation of symbols Conventions (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar) Organization/ Neatness 10 8 6 0 0-5 mistakes 6-10 mistakes 10 or more mistakes 0 Drawings/cutouts and handwriting is neat and easy to read. Project is well put together Drawings/cutouts and handwriting is mostly neat and easy to read. Project is put together with some care Could have spent more time making project neat 0 Score______/110