BUSINESS 101 - Great Basin College

Spring 2008
Office Hours:
Business 101 – Introduction to Business-BT9, ET9, UT9, WT9, YT9, 1T9
Telecourse: “It’s Strictly Business”
Three (3)
John R. Pryor
Great Basin College, 1500 College Parkway, Elko, Nevada 89801
GTA Bldg. Room 104
(775) 753-2205 or Business Dept. Staff (775) 753-2235
Thursdays, 12:00-5:00 p.m.
Business, 9th Edition, by Pride, Hughes, & Kapoor. Published by Houghton Mifflin.
Course Title:
Instructor of Record:
Office Location:
Telecourse Guide for It’s Strictly Business, 5th Edition, by Bob Woelfle. Published by
Houghton Mifflin.
A Student Progress Assessment Questionnaire completed before obtaining 15 credits in the business program and again
before graduation.
Provides overall picture of business operations; includes analysis of specialized fields within business organizations;
identifies role of business society.
The objectives of the course will be accomplished through the use of video programs, a student telecourse study guide,
and textbook reading assignments.
The goal of It’s Strictly Business is to provide students with an "insiders" view of the concepts and processes involved in
business and business operations. The course is designed:
to provide the students a perspective of the concepts, principles and operation of the private enterprise system.
to provide the students a perspective of the private enterprise system, or capitalism, as an economic system and
compare it to other economic systems.
to provide the students a perspective of the businesses that comprise the business scene, the roles they play, the
strengths they have, and their observable similarities and differences.
to introduce students to sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation as legal forms of business ownership: the
nature of each, the processes involved in creating each, and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
to introduce students to the need for management in business organizations and the role of management in developing
an organization structure, acquiring human resources, and creating a supportive work environment.
to explore the production function, its purposes, elements and processes.
to examine the marketing function and to describe the concepts and processes involved in designing product strategy,
promotional strategy, distribution strategy, and pricing strategy.
to explore the importance of and the role of the financial management function, and to illustrate the concepts and
processes involved in managing the acquisition and allocation of short- and long-term funds.
to examine the risk management function and to describe the concepts, processes, and strategies involved in
managing risk in a business.
to explore the information management function and to describe the concepts and processes involved in creating and
utilizing a management information system.
to identify and describe the influence of the environments created by labor, government regulation, social
responsibility, law, and the economy on business decisions, actions, and operations.
to explore the challenges facing a business and the business community as a result of the impact of high technology,
the productivity dilemma, and business on an international scale.
The learning system you will use as you work your way through It’s Strictly Business has three components: a
Telecourse Guide, a text, and video programs. Together they provide an integrated learning system. In order to master
each of the 26 lessons of the course, you should use the sequence of learning activities as follows:
1. Review the Lesson Assignment found in Telecourse Guide for It’s Strictly Business.
2. Read the Learning Objectives found in Telecourse Guide for It’s Strictly Business.
3. Review the Key Terms listed in Telecourse Guide for It’s Strictly Business, look for them as you proceed through
the lesson assignments, and be able to define them at the end of the lesson.
4. Review the Text Focus Points in Telecourse Guide for It’s Strictly Business, then read the reading assignment as
5. Become familiar with the Video Focus Points found in Telecourse Guide for It’s Strictly Business prior to
watching the video program.
6. Review the Video Focus Questions after watching the program.
7. Complete the Practice Test in Telecourse Guide for It’s Strictly Business and check your answers in the
associated answer key.
NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to modify the course requirements, assignments, grading procedures, and other
related policies as circumstances may dictate. If you need any course adaptations based on physical or emotional
concerns, or if you need any special assistance in case of building evacuations/emergencies, please let me know at your
earliest convenience.
Business 101 – Telecourse Syllabus
Telecourse Guide Lesson /Video
Reading Assignment (in the textbook “Business” except where noted)
1 Introducing Business
Chap 1, Exploring the World of Business and Economics pp. 4-11
2 Exploring E-Business
3 Defining Economic Systems
Chap 4, Navigating the World of E-Business, pp. 116-137
Chap 1, Exploring the World of Business and Economics, pp. 11-29
4 Accommodating Business Law
5 Contending with Govt. Involvement
Study Guide App. C, Business Law, Regulation, and Taxation, pp. C1-C10
App. C, pp. C10-C17
6 Promoting Social Responsibility
7 Competing in a Global Environment
Chap 2, Being Ethical and Socially Responsible, pp. 41-66
Chap 3, Exploring Global Business, pp. 77-99
8 Managing Business Information
9 Selecting a Form of Business Ownership
Review Lessons 1-9 & Take Test #1
10 Highlighting a Small Business
11 Managing a Business
Chap 17, Acquiring, Organizing, and Using Information, pp. 552-577
Chap 5, Choosing a Form of Business Ownership, pp. 149-170
12 Establishing a Business Organization
13 Managing Human Resources
Chap 8, Creating a Flexible Organization, pp. 246-265
Chap 10, Attracting and Retaining the Best Employees, pp. 313-336
14 Managing the Work Environment
15 Handling Labor Relations
Chap 11, Motivating and Satisfying Employees and Teams, pp. 348-370
Chap 12, Enhancing Union-Management Relations, pp. 381-399
16 Marketing Products
Chap 13, Building Customer Relationships Through Effective Marketing, pp.
Chap 14, Creating and Pricing Products that Satisfy Customers, pp. 442-457
17 Defining Products
Chap 6, Small Business Entrepreneurship, and Franchises, pp. 183-205
Chap 7, Understanding the Management Process, pp. 219-236
18 Managing Operations
Review Lessons 10-18 & Take Test #2
19 Pricing Products
20 Promoting Products
21 Distributing Products
Chap 9, Producing Quality Goods and Services, pp. 276-299
22 Understanding Money
23 Managing Short-Term Financing
Chap 19, Understanding Money, Banking, and Credit, pp. 628-647
Chap 19, pp. 647-651 & Chap 20, Mastering Financial Management, pp. 665677
24 Managing Long-Term Financing
Chap 20, Mastering Financing Management, pp. 667, 672, 677-685
Chap 21, Understanding Personal Finances and Investments, pp. 701-706
25 Accounting for Management
26 Managing Risk
Chap 18, Using Accounting Information, pp. 589-612
Study Guide, Appendix B, Risk Management and Insurance, pp. B1-B13
Chap 14, Creating and Pricing Products that Satisfy Customers, pp. 458-469
Chap 16, Developing Integrated Marketing Communications, pp. 515-536
Chap 15, Wholesaling, Retailing, and Physical Distribution, pp. 481-502
Review Lessons 19-26 & Take Test #3
NOTE: You may view the tapes at each campus library. It is suggested you view two (2) tapes per week. To get the
most out of viewing, it is suggested that you:
A. View each program more than once during the week.
B. Establish a regular viewing time as if you were going to class.
C. Make an audio tape of the program and listen to it again.
Business 101 – Telecourse Syllabus
You will be required to complete three examinations during the course of the semester. The times and dates for
completing the exams will vary on each campus, therefore, it is necessary to consult your campus coordinator to
determine your specific testing dates and times. Be sure to take the correct test. You will need your
WebCampus username (same as your GBC email name) to access WebCampus for testing. You will be given the
test online in the Testing Center. Tests are closed book. You may use a calculator. Allow 2 hours per test as you
will not be allowed to leave the room and complete the test later. We recommend you SAVE your answers
OFTEN so that you don’t lose your responses as you answer the questions. Your test will be scored on the
computer as soon as you complete the test, and the corrected test results can be viewed at that time or at a later time
in the Testing Center.
Test #
Study Guide Lessons Included
10 - 18
19 - 26
Composition of the Examinations. Each exam has a value of 100 points. There are multiple choice questions on each
test. Each question counts one point. Additional essay questions may be included or supplant multiple choice questions.
Exam questions will not be taken from the videos.
Issuance of Exam Grades. Each center will receive exam grades approximately one week after being received at the Elko
campus. The three exams will be averaged to provide the final grade.
DROP POLICY: If you do not wish to complete this course, you are responsible for withdrawing yourself from the
Final grades will be: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, and W.
A = 90-100%; B = 80 - 89%; C = 70 - 79%; D = 60 - 69%; F = Below 60%; W = Withdrawal up to the 13th week with
instructor consent.
Non-passing grades are F, I, and W, and are described briefly below.
The grade of "F" is reserved for students who score very low on the exams or fail to complete course
requirements. This grade is not given to those who withdraw from the class through proper notification
to the registrar and the instructor by the 13th week of class. This grade cannot be changed to a passing
grade by completion of further work.
On rare occasions the grade of Incomplete is given if the student, due to circumstances beyond his or her
control, is unable to complete a certain requirement of the course by the time the semester ends. Any
deficiency must be removed within a short period after the end of the semester in order to have the "I"
grade changed to a passing grade.
If a student officially withdraws from the class, by notifying both the instructor and the registrar by the
13th week of class, then a grade of "W" is given. A student may withdraw from the class for any reason
Business 101 – Telecourse Syllabus