Political Orientation Assignment

Political Orientation
Political Compass: http://www.politicalcompass.org/index
Political Typology “Beyond Red and Blue” http://www.people-press.org/typology/quiz/
Enhanced Precision Political Quiz http://www.quiz2d.com/
1. Take the Political Compass Quiz
a. When you have completed the Quiz, click Let’s See Where You Stand.
b. Read the analysis and write out your answers to 1.-2.
1. In which quadrant are you located?
2. With which international figure are you positioned most closely?
3. Record the numerical coordinates for Economics and Social.
a. Report your coordinates to teacher computer.
c. Write a 1-2 paragraph response to this site.
1. Where you surprised by your results?
2. Was your position common in the class? In the larger society?
3. Given this information about your political base, which political party is
the best match for you?
d. If you complete #2 below, you can complete Iconochasms for ec*(20 points).
Write 1 paragraph for each of four questions that surprised/intrigued you.
2. Take the Pew Research Center “Political Typology” Quiz
a. Put a sticker on the class chart to show your identified group.
b. Write out a summary of the group with which you were identified
c. Select any three topics in the “Compare typology groups on” tabs and describe
your findings.
d. Based on the quiz results, which political party is the best match for you?
Go to the PewResearch Center Home page
1. From where do most people get their election news?
2. What has happened to the support for gay marriage since 1996?
3. Take the “Quiz: Test Your News IQ” How did you score?
3. If you’re interested, you can take The Enhanced Precision Political Quiz as an ec*
assignment. (up to 20 points)
a. Where did you score? What percentage of poll-takers shared your position?
b. Write a general description of your position. (1 paragraph)
c. Read any other essay or “book” on the Holistic Politics web-site and write a 2-3
paragraph summary.
4. If you have Internet access at home*, have a parent take one of these quizzes. Discuss
the differences/similarities of your responses. Ask your parent what they think are the most important
reasons they hold the opinions that they have and what has most greatly influenced their political opinions.
a. Write a 2-3 paragraph summary of your discussion.
* If you do not have Internet access at home, see me for a paper quiz.
Checklist for written response:
Heading and title, “Political Orientation”
1.b. questions 1/2
2. c. and d.
PewResearch Home Page News Quiz 1-3
Parent Discussion Response
Extra Credit
3.a.-c. The Enhanced Precision Quiz