Essay 3: Zeitoun An Argument

Fischer 1
Essay 3: Zeitoun An Argument
What will the essay be about?
For this essay, you will expand on the topic from your expository essay by focusing on a
point of controversy. You will take a firm stand on one side of your clearly debatable issue that
is closely related to your original topic in Zeitoun. We talked about some of the possible links to
topics in the book earlier in the quarter, you selected one topic that interested you and about
which you wanted to know more. Then we researched it, discussed it in groups, and soon we
will seminar about these topics. From all of that, you will need to determine that a normal group
of reasonably intelligent people would argue with your thesis—your position—in this essay.
This is a research essay, so you will be using quality academic sources from your own
research, and possibly, from the library Zeitoun page. It is fully acceptable to use all or some of
the sources from essay 2, but you will be expected to build on those in order to support your side
of the argument as well as present the opposition’s point of view. If, in your research, you come
across something especially interesting and/or controversial, please send me a link or bring me a
copy that I can share with the class as a part of our discussion.
In your introduction, you will once again link your topic to Zeitoun by referencing the
portion that caught your attention and caused you to take the position you have chosen. You
need not reference the book beyond that, but you may if it serves your thesis. In any event, this
is not a book report, nor is it to be about the book itself.
What are the essay requirements?
 This will develop into at least four pages of text, likely more; however, limit it to no more
than six pages, please.
 You will, of course need to present clearly the reasoning of those who would be your
audience—those you are trying to persuade.
 The essay will cite at least four quality academic sources, two of which may be from essay
2 while two must be fresh sources.
 There will need to be a works cited page that does not count toward your page requirement.
 The essay will be in standard MLA format including heading, header, and 1” margins in
Times New Roman 12.
 Your annotated copies of all research articles need to be submitted in your final draft
packet. Refer to your Writing Process Guide for a detailed explanation of the writing
process we will use. Your writing plan, drafts one and two, comments, and responses will
be posted to Angel. Your brainstorming, editing draft, and final draft will accompany your
annotated article in a folder at the end of the writing process. DO NOT PRINT THE
ITEMS posted ON ANGEL, PLEASE; I can access them at any time if necessary. This
way we will save many trees. As always, if you are dissatisfied with your grade, you may
revise as often as you find the time and the desire to do so.
If you have questions about this assignment, please ask me right away before you get too far into it. 