Vita - Arkansas State University

John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Name: John D. Hall, Ph.D.
Rank: Professor of Psychology & Counseling
Tenure Status: Tenured
Date of Initial Appointment at ASU: Fall 1991
License(s): Licensed School Psychology Specialist (Arkansas Department of Education), Licensed
Psychologist (Arkansas Psychology Board)
Certification: Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP)
University of Cincinnati
Major: School Psychology
APA Accredited
NASP Approved-NCATE Accredited
University of Cincinnati
Major: School Psychology
NASP Approved-NCATE Accredited
Arkansas State University
Major: Rehabilitation Counseling
C.O.R.E. Accredited
NCA Accredited
Arkansas State University
Major: Psychology
Area of Concentration: Biology
NCA Accredited
Arkansas State University 1991-Present
Professor of Psychology & Counseling (2006-Present)
Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling (1996-2006)
Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling (1991-1996)
Coordinator, School Psychology Track of Ed.S. Degree Program in Psychology & Counseling (2004Present) (NASP Approved-Conditional 2009; NASP Approved-Full 2010)
Coordinator, Ed.S. Degree Program in Psychology and Counseling (2001-2004)
University of Central Arkansas 1994-1995
Research Psychologist, The National Head Start-Public School Transition Study:
The Arkansas Transition Evaluation (ATE)
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Independent Practice, Licensed Psychologist, Jonesboro, AR (1992-1994; 2011; 2012; 2013)
Children & Adolescents and Supervision of Provisionally Licensed Psychology Practitioners
Milford Exempted Village Schools (Ohio) (1990-1991)
School Psychologist
Clermont Northeastern Schools (Ohio) (1990-1991)
School Psychologist
Northern Kentucky Head Start (1988-1990)
Assistant Mental Health Consultant and School Psychology Practicum Supervisor
The Family Therapy Center, Cincinnati, OH: Training Institute in Affiliation (1988-1989)
with the Philadelphia Child Guidance Center: Family Therapy Trainee
Clermont County Office of Education Psychological Services (1987-1988)
School Psychology Intern
University of Cincinnati (1986)
Teaching Assistant (Winter and Fall Quarter, 1986)
Graduate Assistant (Spring Quarter 1986)
George W. Jackson Community Mental Health Center, Jonesboro, AR Spring (1985)
Rehabilitation Counseling Intern
Arkansas State University, Department of Counselor Education and Psychology Fall (1984)
Graduate Assistant
Spring Semester 2013
PSY 6613
PSY 6623
PSY 782V
Course Title/Administrative Assignment
Professional Consultation
Child & Adolescent Psychopathology, Prevention, & Crisis Intervention
Supervised Internship
Reassign Time: Administrative
Fall Semester 2012
Course ID
PSY 6523
PSY 6573
PSY 782V
Course Title/Administrative Assignment
Behavior Assessment & Intervention
Psychological Testing
Supervised Internship
Reassign Time: Administrative
Course Title/Administrative Assignment
Professional Consultation
Research Design & Program Evaluation
Supervised Internship
Reassign Time: Administrative
Spring Semester 2012
Course ID
PSY 6613
PSY 7223
PSY 782V
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Fall Semester (2011)
Course ID
PSY 6523
PSY 6573
PSY 782V
Course Title/Administrative Assignment
Behavior Assessment & Intervention
Psychological Testing
Supervised Internship
Reassign Time: Administrative
Course Title/Administrative Assignment
Professional Consultation
Practicum in School Psychology
Supervised Internship
Reassign Time: Administrative
Course Title/Administrative Assignment
Behavior Assessment & Intervention
Psychological Testing
Supervised Internship
Reassign Time: Administrative
Course Title/Administrative Assignment
Professional Consultation
Research Design & Program Evaluation
Supervised Internship
Reassign Time: Administrative
Course Title/Administrative Assignment
Behavior Assessment & Intervention
Theories of Learning
Supervised Internship
Reassign Time: Administrative
Course Title/Administrative Assignment
Psychological Testing
Professional Consultation
Practicum in School Psychology
Reassign Time: Administrative
Spring Semester (2011)
Course ID
PSY 6613
PSY 7613
PSY 782V
Fall Semester (2010)
Course ID
PSY 6523
PSY 6573
PSY 782V
Spring Semester (2010)
Course ID
PSY 6613
PSY 7223
PSY 782V
Fall Semester (2009)
Course ID
PSY 6523
PSY 7563
PSY 782V
Spring Semester (2009)
Course ID
PSY 6573
PSY 6613
PSY 7613
Fall Semester (2008)
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Course ID
PSY 6523
PSY 7543
PSY 7723
Course Title/Administrative Assignment
Behavior Assessment & Intervention
Theories of Personality
Independent Study
Reassign Time: Administrative
Course Title/Administrative Assignment
Psychological Testing
Research Design and Multivariate Analysis
Supervised Internship
Reassign Time: Administrative
Course Title/Administrative Assignment
Behavior Assessment & Intervention
Theories of Learning
Supervised Internship
Independent Study
Reassign Time: Administrative
Course Title/Administrative Assignment
Psychological Testing
Practicum in School Psychology
Supervised Internship
Reassign Time: Administrative
Spring Semester (2008)
Course ID
PSY 6573
PSY 7213
PSY 782V
Fall Semester (2007)
Course ID
PSY 6523
PSY 7563
PSY 782V
PSY 7723
Spring Semester (2007)
Course ID
PSY 6573
PSY 7613
PSY 782V
Refereed Publications
Hall, J.D., Howerton, D.L., & Jones, C.H. (2008). Achievement testing in the No Child Left Behind
Era: The Arkansas Benchmark Examination. Research in the Schools, 15(1), 64-76.
Hall, J.D., Jones, C.H., & Claxton, A.F. (2008). Evaluation of the Stop and Think Social Skills Program
with kindergarten students. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 24(2), 265-283.
Hall, C.P., Hall, J.D., Pfriemer, J.T., Wimberley, P.D., & Jones, C.H. (2007). Effects of a culturally
sensitive education program on the breast cancer knowledge of Hispanic women. Oncology Nursing
Forum, 34(6), 1195-1202.
Hall, J.D., Claxton, A.F., Jones, C.H., Clayton, G.L., Warnick, K.D., & S.D. Daniels (2007). Surveying
school psychology services in individual states: A model from Arkansas. NASP Communiqué, 35(7),
36 & 38-40.
Hall, J.D., Howerton, D.L., & Bolin, A.U. (2005). The use of testing technicians: Critical issues for
professional psychology. International Journal of Testing, 5(4) 357-375.
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Hall, C.P., Wimberley, P.D., Hall, J.D., Pfriemer, J.T., Hubbard, E.M., Stacy, A.S., & Gilbert, J.D.
(2005). Teaching breast cancer screening to African-American women in the Arkansas Mississippi
River Delta. Oncology Nursing Forum, 32(4) 857-863.
Hall, J.D., Ashley, D.M., Bramlett, R.K., Dielmann, K.B., & Murphy, J.J. (2005). ADHD Assessment:
A comparison of negative versus positive symptom formats. Journal of Applied School Psychology,
21(1) 163-173.
Bramlett, R.K., Murphy, J. J., Johnson, J., Wallingsford, L., & Hall, J.D. (2002). Contemporary Practices
in School Psychology: A National Survey of Roles and Referral Problems. Psychology in the
Schools, 39, 327-335.
Hall, J.D., & Bramlett, R.K. (2002). Screening Young Children’s Social Behaviors: An Examination of
Decision Reliability with Alternative Measures. Special Services in the Schools, 18, 83-93.
Hall, J.D., Gleghorn, C., Bramlett, R.K., Murphy, J.J., & Slate, J.S. (1998). School Psychology Services
in Arkansas: A Survey of State Special Education Supervisors and School Psychologists. NASP
Communiqué, 27, 12-14.
Macmann, G.M., Barnett, D.W., Allen, S.J., Bramlett, R.K., Hall, J.D., & Ehrhardt, K.E. (1996). Problem
Solving and Intervention Design: Guidelines for the Evaluation of Technical Adequacy. School
Psychology Quarterly, 11, 137-148.
Bramlett, R.K., Hall, J.D., Barnett, D.W., & Rowell, K. (1995). Child Development/Educational Status in
Kindergarten and Family Coping as Predictors of Parenting Stress: Issues for Parent Consultation.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 13, 157-166.
Bramlett, R.K., Hall, J.D., & Slate, J.S. (1995). School Psychology Specialists: Essential Personnel for
Schools to Meet the Needs of All Children. In J. Bowman & D. Fleniken (Ed.S.),
Reshaping the Profession Through Partnerships: An Arkansas Perspective (pp. 15-26). Conway, AR:
Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education.
Hall, J.D., Bramlett, R.K., Barnett, D.W., & Cox, F.W. (1994). Classification of Risk Status in
Kindergarten Screening: A Comparison of Alternative Measures. Journal of Psychoeducational
Assessment, 12, 154-164.
Barnett, D.W., Carey, K.T., & Hall, J.D. (1993). Naturalistic Intervention Design for Young Children:
Foundations, Rationales, & Strategies. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 13, 430-444.
Hall, J.D., & Barnett, D.W. (1991). Classification of Risk Status in Preschool Screening: A Comparison
of Alternative Measures. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 9, 152-159.
Barnett, D.W., Hall, J.D., & Bramlett, R.K. (1990). Family Factors in Preschool Assessment and
Intervention: A Validity Study of Parenting Stress and Coping Measures. Journal of School
Psychology, 28, 13-20.
Turner, T.N., Hall, J.D., Hollis, B.A., & McClain, V.P. (2001). Instructor’s Manual for Handbook of
Measurement and Evaluation in Rehabilitation (3rd ed). Gaithersburg, MA: Aspen Publishers.
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Book Chapters:
Hall, J.D., Bramlett, R.K., Wolfe-Williams, K., & Murphy, J. J. (2010). Response to intervention: Key
considerations for school personnel engaged in intervention assistance programs. In. J. Warnick & K.
Warnick (Eds.), Educational Policy and Practice: The Good, the Bad and the Pseudoscience. Volume
II: Applied Practices (pp.49-83). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Barnett, D.W., & Hall, J.D. (1990). Best Practices in Designing Preschool Interventions. In A. Thomas &
J. Grimes (Eds.), Best Practices in School Psychology-II (pp. 309-321). Washington, DC: National
Association of School Psychologists.
Contributor to Book Chapters in:
Barnett, D.W., Bell, S.H, & .Carey, K.T. (1998) Designing preschool interventions: A practitioner’s
guide. New York: The Guilford Press.
Barnett, D.W., & Carey, K.T. (1992). Designing Interventions for Early Learning and Behavior Problems:
A Focus on Naturalistic Strategies. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Research Reports
Hall, J.D. (2004). Arkansas legislative interim study group on the use of non-licensed testing technicians
2003-2004: Recommendations for Amendments to Act 129. Presented to the Arkansas Legislative
Join Health Committee Interim Study Task Force Subcommittee on Testing Technicians. Little Rock,
Non-refereed Publications
Hall, J.D. (March 8, 2012). Chalk Talk with Professor John Hall. The Herald, p. 2. [This article was the
result of a question and answer interview specific to the possible psychological causes of gun
violence in the schools and viable prevention strategies].
Pruitt, S.F. (August 5, 2012). Arkansas State Professors Claim State Exams Easier. The Jonesboro Sun,
p. A-1. [This lead article addressing longitudinal research conducted by Hall, J.D., Howerton, D.L., &
Jones, C.H. on changes in test scores and properties on the annual editions of the Arkansas
Benchmark Examination.]
Hall, J.D., Claxton, A.F., & Jones, C.H. (2010). School psychology at Arkansas State University.
Arkansas Psychologist: The Official Newsletter of the Arkansas Psychological Association (ArPA),
50(1), 8.
Hall, J.D. (January 13, 2007). Children Have too Much Gun Access. The Jonesboro Sun, p. A-4.
Hall, J.D. (July 22, 2006). Comparing Test Scores: Proceed with Caution. The Jonesboro Sun, p. A-4.
Hall, J.D. (August 22, 2003). Benchmark, SAT-9 Tests Both Serve Schools Well. The Jonesboro Sun,
Hall, J.D., & Howerton, D.L. (2004). The licensure of psychological examiners and the use of unlicensed testing technicians in Arkansas. Arkansas Psychological Association (ArPA) Newsletter.
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Hall, J.D. (2002, summer). ASPA at Twenty. The Arkansas School Psychology Association Voice,
Hall, J.D. (2002, spring). School Psychology in Arkansas: Stepping into the Future. The Arkansas
School Psychology Association Voice, pp. 1-2.
Hall, J.D. (2001, fall). School Psychology in Arkansas: Reflecting Back and Looking Forward. The
Arkansas School Psychology Association Voice, pp. 1-2.
Hall, J.D., Ashley, D.M., Bramlett, R.K., & Murphy, J.J. (2000, April). Classification of Risk Status in
ADHD Screening: A Comparison of Symptom Item Formats on Behavior Checklists. (ERIC
Counseling and Student Services Clearinghouse ED 441-295).
Slate, J.R., Hall, J.D., & Jones, C. H. (1993, November). Using Regression in Determining Eligibility for
Specific Learning Disabilities: More Complex but Not Necessarily More valid. Arkansas School
Psychology Association Newsletter, pp. 3-6.
Hall, J.D. (1993, April). Consultation-Based Service Delivery: A New Role and Function for School
Psychologists in Arkansas. Arkansas School Psychology Association Newsletter, pp. 6-8.
Hall, J.D., & Slate, J.R. (1993, spring). Legal and Ethical Issues Surrounding Examiner Qualifications in
Arkansas. Arkansas Special Education Resource Center On- Line, pp. 4-5.
Hall, J.D., & Slate, J.R. (1992, November). Administering and Scoring Individual Intelligence Tests:
Who is Qualified? NASP Communiqué, pp. 26, 30.
Slate, J. R., & Hall, J. D. (1992, March). ADHD: What the Recent Federal Memorandum of Clarification
Means to School Psychology Specialists. Arkansas School Psychology Association Newsletter, pp.13.
Presentations to Learned Forums
Hall, J.D. (January, 2013). Supervision of School Psychology Practicum and Intern Students. Jonesboro,
AR: Arkansas School Psychology Association and the Northeast Arkansas School Psychology
Association Winter Meeting.
Hall, C.P., Blue, K.L., & Hall, J.D. (October, 2012). Assessing Treatment Integrity in Community-Based
Health Education Programs. Little Rock, AR: Arkansas Nurses Association 2012 Convention.
Sheets, L., Hagood, T., Hall, J.D. (October, 2012). Special Education Educational Examiners and School
Psychology Specialists: A Comparison of Professional Role and Function, Training, and
Licensure. Conway, AR: Arkansas School Psychology Association 2012 Fall Conference.
Hall, C.P., Miller, R.S., & Hall, J.D. (April, 2012). Simulation (SIM) Lab as a Graded Experience with
LPN to RN Students: An Evidence-Based Practice Pilot Project. Conway, AR: Sigma Theta Tau
Tri-Chapter Research Day.
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Hall, J.D., & Hudson, G.H. (Feburary, 2012). 2010 NASP Standards for Graduate Preparation of School
Psychologists: A Case Study Model for Program Assessment. Poster presented at the Trainers in
School Psychology meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention,
Philadelphia, PA.
Hall, J.D., Howerton, D.H., Jones, C.H., & Hudson, G.H. (November, 2011). Evaluation of an
Elementary-Level Magnet School Program. Poster presented at the meeting of the Mid-South
Educational Research Association. Oxford, MS.
Hall, J.D. (August, 2011). Curriculum Approval Process. College of Education Fall 2011 Opening
Meeting. Arkansas State University-Jonesboro, State University, AR.
Matthews, M., Hawkins, H., Hall, J.D., & Howerton, D.L. (October, 2010). Evaluating CriterionReferenced Achievement Tests in the No Child Left Behind Era: The Arkansas Benchmark
Examination 2009-2010. Conway, AR: Arkansas School Psychology Association 2010 Fall
Claxton, A. F., Hall, J. D., Baxter, H. W., Biggs, J. L., & Crittenden, C. T., (March, 2010). School
Psychology and RTI Services State Survey. Poster presented at the National Association of School
Psychologists Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
Hall, J.D., Howerton, D.L., & Jones C.H. (November, 2009). The Steady Increase in the Arkansas
Benchmark Examination Scores: The Effects of Enhanced Instruction and Learning or Variations in
Item Difficulty and Performance Levels. Poster presented at the meeting of the Mid-South
Educational Research Association. Baton Rouge, LA.
Hall, J.D., Howerton, D.L., & Jones C.H. (November, 2009). Evaluating Criterion-Referenced
Achievement Tests in the No Child Left Behind Era: The Arkansas Benchmark Examination 20052008. Presented at the meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association. Baton Rouge,
Hall, J.D., Wolfe-Williams, K., Murphy, J.J., & Bramlett, R.K. (February, 2008). Response to
Intervention: Key Issues for School Psychologists Engaged in Intervention Assistance
Program. Presented at the meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists,
New Orleans, LA.
Hall, J.D., Christenberry, N., & Hestand, P.A. (November, 2007). Depression and Anxiety
Screening with College Students: A Comparison of Negative Versus Positive Item
Formats on Self-Rating Measures. Presented at the meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research
Association. Hot Spring, AR.
Pfriemer, J.T., Hall, C.P., Hall, J.D., Wimberley, P.D., & Jones, C.H. (April, 2007). Teaching Breast
Cancer Screening to Hispanic Women: Evaluation of a Multifaceted, Culturally-Sensitive Educational
Program. Nursing 2007 Symposium: The Conference for Clinical Excellence, Orlando, FL.
Claxton, A.F., Horn, S., Hendrix, J., Ellison, B., Hall, J.D., & Jones, C.H. (March, 2007) First Graders
and Social Skills: Can they be Taught? Presented at the meeting of the National Association of
School Psychologists. New York, NY.
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Hall, J.D. (February, 2006). Lunch and Learn: Who’s Who and What They Do in the Public Schools.
Presented to the University Interdisciplinary Child Welfare Committee and the ASU Title IVE Grant,
State University, AR.
Hall, J.D., Claxton, A.F., Henson-Cash, S., & Toopes, J.F. (March, 2006). Evaluation of the Stop &
Think Social Skills Program with Rural Kindergarten Students. Presented at the meeting of the
National Association of School Psychologists. Anaheim, CA.
Hall, J.D. & Claxton, A. (February, 2005). Strengthening School and Student Outcomes through the
Skills of Related Services Personnel. Presented at the 2005 Regional Conference on Building
Strong Schools to Strengthen Student Outcomes: ADE Initiatives that Address NCLB, the
Reauthorization of IDEA, and the ACSIP Process, Arkansas State University, State University, AR.
Hall, J.D., Cline, D.H., & Howerton, D.L. (November, 2005). Evaluating the Outcomes of Strategic
Planning in Higher Education: Faculty Perceptions of University Goals and Objectives. Presented at
the meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association. Baton Rouge, LA.
Claxton, A.F., Hall, J.D., Pannells, T.C., Howerton, D.L., Brown, C., & Bryant, M.J. (April, 2005).
Comparison of RIAS and WISC-III at three-year evaluation reevaluation. Presented at the meeting of
the National Association of School Psychologists. Atlanta, GA.
Hall, J.D., Kallam, A.C., Wray, G., Warnick, & Daniels, S. (April, 2004). School Psychology Services in
Arkansas: A Survey of State Practitioners. Presented at the meeting of the National Association of
School Psychologists, Dallas, TX.
Hall, C.P., Wimberley, P., Hall, J.D., Hubbard, L., Stacy, A., & Gilbert, J. (October, 2003). Teaching
Breast Cancer Detection to African-American Women in the Delta: A Study of Beliefs, Knowledge,
and Behavior. Presented at the meeting of the Arkansas Nurses Association, Little Rock, AR.
Wimberley, P., Hall, C.P., Stacy, A., Hall, J.D., Pfriemer, J., Hubbard, L., & Gilbert, J. (June, 2003).
Teaching Breast Cancer Detection Methods to African-American Women in the Delta. Presented at
the meeting of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Mission Conference, Washington, DC.
Hall. J.D. (2002, July). Special Education Assessment Part II: Curriculum Based Measurement (CBM).
Presented to the Northeast Arkansas Educational Cooperative, Walnut Ridge, AR.
Hall, J.D., Oldham, S., Bramlett, R., & Kallam, A.C. (2001, November). Classification of Specific
Learning Disabilities: A Comparison of Discrepancy Formulas. Presented at the meeting of the
Midsouth Educational Research Association, Little Rock, AR.
Kallam, A.C., & Hall, J.D. (2001, September). Special Education. Presented to the Second Annual
Fall Assistant Principals’ Institute at Arkansas State University, State University, AR.
Hall, C., Gilbert, J.C., Hall, J.D., Hubbard, L., Pfriemer, J., Stacy, A., & Wimberley, P. (2001, April).
Teaching Breast Cancer Detection to African-American Women in the Delta: A Study of Beliefs,
Knowledge, and Behavior. Presented at the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
Tri Chapter, State University, AR.
Hall, J.D., & Wilson, L. (2001, March). Psychological Assessment and Testing: What Special Educators
Really Need to Know. Presented to the Northeast Arkansas Education Cooperative, Walnut Ridge,
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Hall, J.D. (2001, July). Special Education Assessment: Traditional Versus Alternative Problem-Solving
Practices. Presented to the Crowley’s Ridge Education Cooperative, Harrisburg, AR.
Hall, J.D., Ashley, D.M., Bramlett, R K., & Murphy, J.J. (2000, March). Classification of Risk Status in
ADHD Screening: A Comparison of Symptom Item Formats on Behavior Checklists. Presented at the
meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA.
Hall, J.D. (2000, March). Psychology and Counseling: University Resources-The Role of the School
Psychologist. Presented at the Delta Safe Schools Conference National Resource Center for Safe
Schools, State University, AR.
Hall, J.D., & Young, T. (1999, November). Teacher Assistance Teams: An Alternative Model of Service
Delivery for Students Experiencing Learning and Behavior Problems. Jonesboro Kindergarten Center,
Jonesboro, AR.
Smith, T.D., Smith, B.L., Bramlett, R.K., & Hall, J. D. (1998, April). The Relationship Between
Parenting Style and Children’s Social Skills. Presented at the meeting of Southwest Psychological
Association, New Orleans, LA.
Bramlett, R.K., Hall, J.D., & Smith, B.L. (1998, April). A Comparison of Letter/Number Naming Fluency
in Kindergarten, the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery-Revised and Early Screening
Profiles with Kindergarten and First Grade Students. Presented at the meeting of Southwest
Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Hall, J.D., Gleghorn, C., & Bramlett, R.K. (1997, November). School Psychology Contract Services in
Arkansas: A Survey of State Special Education Supervisors and School Psychology Specialists.
Presented at the meeting of Mid-South Educational Research Association, Memphis, TN.
Hall, J.D., & Bramlett, R.K. (1996, November). Screening Young Children for Social Problems: An
Examination of Decision Reliability and Validity with Alternative Measures. Presented at the MidSouth Conference on Psychology in the Schools, Memphis, TN.
Hall, J.D. (1996, September). ADHD: An Overview of the Disorder and Relevant Interventions.
Presented at Joint Chi Sigma Iota-Department of Psychology and Counseling Drive-In Conference,
Arkansas State University, State University, AR.
Macmann, G.M., Barnett, D.W., Allen, S.J., Bramlett, R.K., Hall, J.D., & Ehrhardt, K.E. (1995, August).
Technical Adequacy of Problem Solving and Intervention Design. Presented at the meeting of
American Psychological Association, New York, NY.
Hall, J.D., Bramlett, R.K., & Barnett, D. (1994, May). Classification of Risk Status in Kindergarten
Screening: A Comparison of the Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning-Revised
(DIAL-R), Early Screening Profiles (ESP), and Parenting Stress Index (PSI). Presented at the meeting
of National Association of School Psychologists, Seattle, WA.
Bramlett, R.K., Hall, J.D., & Rowell, K. (1994, June). Family Coping and Child Educational Status in
Kindergarten as Predictors of Parenting Stress: Issues for Family Intervention. Presented at the
meeting of The National Transition Consortium, Fairfax, VA.
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Bramlett, R.K., & Hall, J.D. (1994, December). A Comparison of Curriculum Based Measurement,
Woodcock-Johnson Psycho educational Battery-Revised, Early Screening Profiles, and
Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning-Revised with Kindergarten Students.
Presented at the Annual Central States School Psychology Conference, Tulsa, OK.
Bramlett, R.K., Hall, J.D., & Slate, J.R. (1994, March). School Psychology Specialists: Essential
Personnel for Assisting Schools to Meet the Needs of All Students. Presented at the meeting of
Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Little Rock, AR.
Hall, J.D., & Slate, J.R. (1993, September). The School Counselor–School Psychologist Connection.
Presented at the Joint Chi Sigma Iota-Department of Counselor Education and Psychology Drive-In
Conference, Arkansas State University, State University, AR.
Hall, J.D. (1992, October). Consultation and Intervention with Preschool Behavior Problems. Presented at
Crowley's Ridge Educational Cooperative, Harrisburg, AR.
Slate, J.R., & Hall, J.D. (1992, August). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: What Special
Educators Need to Know. Presented at Arkansas Special Education Conference, sponsored by
Arkansas Department of Education, Little Rock, AR.
Hall, J.D. (1992, July). Behavior Modification with Preschoolers. Presented at the Early Childhood
Education Workshop, sponsored by Childhood Services, Arkansas State University, State University,
Bramlett, R.K., & Hall, J.D. (1992, March). Assessment and Intervention with Young Children who
Experience Behavior Problems. Presented at Arkansas Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Annual
Spring Conference, Little Rock, AR.
Hendricks, M.D., Hall, J.D., & Bramlett, R.K. (1991, October). Issues in Preschool Assessment.
Presented at the meeting of Arkansas School Psychology Association, Little Rock, AR.
Hall, J.D. (1991, September). Jam Session for Assessment Personnel: Expanding Horizons in Assessment
Practice. Arkansas Department of Education Special Education Outreach Program, Arkansas Easter
Seals Society/Increasing Capabilities Access Network (ICAN), Little Rock, AR.
Barnett, D.W., Carey, K T., Bramlett, R K., & Hall, J.D. (1990, August). Naturalistic Interventions for
Young Children: Analysis of Professional Practices. Presented at the meeting of American
Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
Hall, J.D. (1990, May). Cautions in Screening. Presented at Early Childhood Conference, Hopewell
Special Education Regional Resource Center, Hillsboro, OH.
Barnett, D.W., Bramlett, R.K., Hall, J.D., & Hampel, N. (1990, May). Preschool Assessment and
Intervention Design. Presented at the meeting of Ohio School Psychologists Association, Dayton,
Barnett, D.W., & Hall, J.D. (1990, February). Preschool Screening for Developmental Problems.
Presented at Hamilton County Auxiliary Services and the Special Education Regional Resource
Center, Cincinnati, OH.
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Hall, J.D. (1989, November). Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Strategies with Preschool
Children. Presented at Hopewell Special Education Resource Center, Hillsboro, OH.
Barnett, D.W., Bramlett, R K., & Hall, J.D. (1988, August). Preschool Assessment: Family and Child
Variables. Presented at the meeting of American Psychological Association, Atlanta, GA.
Presentations to Undergraduate Students
Hall, J.D. (April 2013). The Ed.S. Degree Program in Psychology and Counseling School Psychology
Track at Arkansas State University. Presented to Psi Chi and the Psychology Club of Arkansas State
University, State University, AR.
Hall, J.D. (November, 2010). Ever Consider Graduate School? Informational Workshop. The ASU
Psychology Club and Psi Chi. Arkansas State University-Jonesboro. State University, AR.
Hall, J.D. (March, 2010) The ASU School Psychology Program. A Presentation to the Undergraduate
Psychology Synthesis Class at Williams Baptist College. Walnut Ridge, AR.
Hall, J.D. (2009, February). ASU Graduate Panel Discussions on Degree Programs in the Department of
Psychology and Counseling. Presented to Psi Chi and the Psychology Club of Arkansas State
University, State University, AR.
Hall, J.D. (2008, March). Are You Considering Graduate School? The ASU Psychology Graduate Panel.
Presented to The Psychology Club of Arkansas State University, State University, AR.
Hall, J.D. (2008, January). The Ed.S. Degree Program in Psychology and Counseling School Psychology
Track at Arkansas State University. Presented to the Senior Level Psychology Synthesis Class at
Williams Baptist College, Walnut Ridge, AR.
Hall, J.D., & Kallam, A.C. (2002, February). The Ed.S. Degree Program in Psychology and Counseling at
Arkansas State University. Presented to The Psychology Club of Arkansas State University, State
University, AR.
Hall, J. D., & Christenberry, N. (2002, January). The Ed.S. Degree Program in Psychology and
Counseling at Arkansas State University. Presented to the Senior Level Psychology Synthesis Class at
Williams Baptist College, Walnut Ridge, AR.
Hall, J. D. (2000, November). School Psychology: Practice and Training. Presented to the ASU Chapter
of Psi Chi, The National Honor Society in Psychology, State University, AR.
Jones, C.H., Hall, J.D., & Claxton, A. (2005). Nathan Deutsch Faculty Research Award for An
Evaluation of the Stop and Think Social Skills Training Program with First Grade Students. Amount
$200.00. Arkansas State University, State University, AR.
Pfriemer, J.T., Hall, C.P., Hall, J.D., & Wimberley (2005). The Northeast Arkansas (NEA) Clinic
Charitable Foundation Award for Teaching Breast Cancer Screening to Hispanic Women in the
Arkansas Mississippi River Delta. Amount $2718.76. NEA Clinic, Jonesboro, AR.
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Kallam, A.C., Hall, J.D., Jones, C.H, Pannells, T., Brown, C. , & Bryant, M. (2004). Nathan Deutsch
Faculty Research Award for An Evaluation of the Stop and Think Social Skills Program with
Kindergarten Students in the Arkansas Mississippi River Delta. Amount $455.31. Arkansas State
University, State University AR.
Hall, J.D., Kallam, A.C., Wray, G., Warnick, K., & Daniels (2003). Nathan Deutsch Faculty Research
Award for A Survey of Psychological Services in the Arkansas Schools. Amount $500.00. Arkansas
State University, State University, AR.
Vice Chairperson, Faculty Senate and Member of the Executive Committee (2012-Present)
Member, Intercollegiate Athletics Committee Faculty Senate Representative (2013-Present)
Member, Faculty Senate Ad hoc Committee on ASU-Jonesboro Faculty Handbook Concerns (2013)
Member, Faculty Senate Ad hoc Committee for Evaluating Faculty Proposals for Professional
Development Funding, College of Education Representative (2013)
Member, Faculty Senate Ad hoc Committee for Faculty Development Funding (2012)
Member and Chairperson, Faculty Senate Ad hoc Committee for Adjunct and Temporary Faculty (2012)
Member, Faculty Senate (2011-Present)
Member, Ad hoc Committee for Restoration of the Kays House (2012-Present)
Member, Ad hoc Advisory Committee for the Faculty Center (2012-Present)
Member, Ad hoc Academic Affairs and Research Curriculum Approval Process Committee (2011-2012)
Member, University Curriculum Committee (2009-2011)
Chair, Ad hoc Faculty Association Committee for Centennial Celebration Projects and Activities (20082010)
Member, Centennial Celebration Commission (2008-2011)
Member, Honorary Doctorate Committee (2008)
Member, Honors Program Student Thesis Committee (2008-2009)
Member, Ad hoc Academic Affairs and Research Student Disability Course Substitution Advisement
Committee (2007-2011)
Member, Grants and Contracts Committee (2004-2006)
Member, Shared Governance Committee (2003-2006)
Member, Strategic Planning Shared Governance Committee (2003-2004)
Member, Faculty Senate Handbook Committee (2004-2006)
Member, Graduate Council Representative for the College of Education (2001-2004)
Secretary and Treasurer of the Faculty Association (2002-2004)
Member, Faculty Senate and Executive Committee (2002-2004)
Member, Ad hoc Faculty Senate Distance Education Committee (2001-2002)
Member, Ad hoc Faculty Association Nominating Committee (2006)
Member, Faculty Research Committee Faculty Senate Appointee (2000-2002)
Member, Committee A of the American Association of University Professors-ASU Chapter Membership
Vice-President, American Association of University Professors-ASU Chapter Membership (2005-2006)
President, American Association of University Professors-ASU Chapter Membership (2002-2004)
Chair, American Association of University Professors-ASU Chapter Membership (2001-2002)
Member, American Association of University Professors-ASU Chapter Committee A, Member (19992002) (2010-Present)
Member, Academic Hearing Committee (1998-2000); (2004)
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Member, Faculty Senate Representative for the College of Education and Department of Psychology and
Counseling (1997-1999)
Member, University Student Publications Committee (1997-1998)
Member, Faculty Senate-Academic Affairs Faculty Concerns Work Group on Distance Education (19971998)
Co-Chair, Student-Faculty Judiciary Committee (1991-1994)
Faculty Senator Representative for the College of Education (2011-Present)
Member, Professional Education Faculty Advanced Programs Committee 2010-Present)
Member, Student Grievance Committee Hearing Pool (2010-Present)
Member, Educational Leadership Doctoral Dissertation Committee (2008-2009)
Member, Ad hoc Faculty Development Committee (2006)
Member, Curriculum Committee (2004-2011); (Chair 2009-2011)
Member, Professional Education Faculty (1991-Present)
Member, Advanced Level Conceptual Framework Task Force (2010)
Member, Promotion, Retention, and Tenure Committee (2000-2001)
Member, Professional Education Program Evaluation Committee (2000)
Member, P-4 Committee (1998-1999)
Member, NCATE Writing Committee-Standard I (2006-2009)
Member, NCATE Writing Committee-Overview of the Institution (2001)
Member, Educational Leadership Doctoral Committee (Mooneyham) (2001-2006)
Member, Educational Leadership Doctoral Committee (Coleman) (2002)
Member, Educational Leadership Doctoral Committee (Tyrrell) (2000-2002)
Member, College of Education Unit Assessment Planning Committee (1999)
Member, P-4 College Redesign Committee (1998-1999)
Member, NCATE Committee II (1996-1997)
Member, Grievance Committee (1995-1996)
Secretary, Secondary Education Council (1995-1996)
Member, Secondary Education Council Cabinet (1993-1996)
Member, Secondary Education Council (1991-1996)
Member, Faculty Development Committee (1994-1995)
Member, Faculty Awards Committee (2013-Present)
Faculty Senator Representative for the Department of Psychology and Counseling (2011-Present)
Member, Ad hoc Committee Task Force on a Masters Degree in Psychology (2013-Present)
Member, School Psychology Committee (2004-Present); (Chair 2004-Present)
Faculty Advisor for the ASU School Psychology Club (2012-Present)
Chair, Ad hoc Committee to Recognize and Honor Retiring Department Faculty (2012)
Chair, Curriculum Committee (2004-2011)
Member, Program Coordinators Committee (2004-Present)
Member, Search and Screen Committee for Counselor Educator Position (2012-Present)
Member, Search and Screen Committee for Bachelor of Science in Psychology Position (2013-Present)
Chair, Search and Screen Committee for School Psychology Position (2012-Present)
Chair, Search and Screen Committee for School Psychology Position (2010-2011)
Member, Search and Screen Committee for Rehabilitation Counseling Position (2008-2009)
Member, Search and Screen Committee for Rehabilitation Counseling Position (2004-2005)
Member, Promotion, Retention, and Tenure Committee (1996-2002); Chair (2000-2002); (2004-Present)
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Chair, Search and Screen Committee for School Psychology Position (2000-2001)
Member, Rehabilitation Counseling Degree Committee (2000)
Member, Curriculum Committee (2001-Present)
Member, Department Resource Committee (1998-Present)
Member, Specialist in Education Degree Committee (1994-2004); (Chair 2001-2004)
Member, Bachelor of Science Degree Committee (1991-2006)
Chair, Search and Screen Committee for Psychology Position (1996)
Member, Search and Screen Committee for Educational Psychology Position (1995-1996)
Chair, Faculty Development Committee (1994-1995)
Member, Faculty Development Committee (1992-1995)
Member, Introduction of Psychology General Education Committee (1991-1995)
Member, Search and Screen Committee for Rehabilitation Counseling Position (1995)
Member, National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) Program Approval Committee (2004Present)
Member, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Board of Program
Reviewers (2009-Present)
Member, Arkansas School Psychology Association (ASPA) Board ASU Program Representative (2012Present)
Member, Northeast Arkansas School Psychology Association (NEASPA) (2012-Present).
Chair, Arkansas School Psychology Association (ASPA) Legislative Committee (2006-2008); Chair,
Student Poster Committee (2000-2009)
Member, Advisory Committee for the School Psychology Program at the University of Central Arkansas
(UCA) (2004-Present)
Member, Arkansas Legislative Joint Health Committee: Interim Study 1 Task Force Subcommittee on
Testing Technicians (2004)
Reviewer, Arkansas Department of Education Application for Educator’s Licensure School Psychology
Specialist (2012)
Supervisor of School Psychology Ed.S. Interns (PSY 7823-6 Supervised Internship) (Ongoing)
Supervisor of School Psychology Doctoral Intern (University of South Carolina School Psychology
Program & Crowley’s Ridge Educational Cooperative) (2013-Present)
Supervisor of School Psychology Ed.S. Practicum Students (PSY 7613 Practicum in School Psychology)
(2011, 2013).
Member, Academy Advisory Committee Jonesboro High School for Health, Human Services and Law,
Jonesboro Public Schools, Jonesboro, AR (2013-Present).
Task Force for County-Wide Mental Health Services for Public Schools, Jonesboro, AR (2002).
Site-Based Management Team, Jonesboro Public School Kindergarten Center, Jonesboro, AR (1992).
Research Psychologist, The National Head Start-Public School Transition Study: The Arkansas
Transition Evaluation (ATE), University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR (1994-1995).
National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) (1985-Present)
Key Contact, Government and Professional Relations Committee (1995-1998)
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Member, Essay and Scoring Committee for the School Psychology Futures Conference (2002)
Ad Hoc Reviewer, School Psychology Review (1994)
Program Approval Committee (2004-Present)
Trainers in School Psychology (TSP) (2010-Present)
Mid-South Educational Research Association (MSERA) (1997-Present)
Program Committee (1994-1995)
Conference Reviewer (1995)
Arkansas School Psychology Association (ASPA) (1991-Present)
Board Member, ASU Program Faculty Representative (2012-Present)
Chair, Legislative Committee (2006)
Immediate Past-President (2002)
President (2001-2002)
President-Elect (2000)
Chair, Grant and Student Poster Committee (2000)
Chair, Nominations and Election Committee (2002)
Member, Budget Committee (2002)
Member, Historian and Archives Committee (2002)
Chair, Program Committee (1994-1998)
Chair, Student Poster Committee (2004)
Arkansas Psychology Consortium, Charter Member (2004-Present)
School Psychology Trainers Forum (2001, 2012)
American Association of University Professors (AAUP) (2000-Present)
American Psychological Association (APA) Division of School Psychology Professional Affiliate (19951996)
American Psychological Association (APA) (1991-1992)
Textbook Reviewer, Collaborative Consultation in the Schools: Effective Practices for Students with
Learning and Behavior Problems (4th ed.). Boston: Pearson. April 2013.
Textbook Reviewer, Psychological Testing: History, Principles, and Applications (6th ed.). Boston:
Pearson/Allyn & Bacon. July, 2011.
Member, Advisory Committee for the School Psychology Program at the University of Central Arkansas,
Conway, AR (2003-Present).
Psychological Trial Consultant to the Craighead County Prosecutor’s Office, Jonesboro, AR (September,
Member, Interim Study Task Force on Psychology Licensure Issues, Arkansas Legislative Joint Health
Committee, Little Rock, AR (2003-2004).
Judge, Northeast Arkansas Regional Science Fair, State University, AR (March 10, 2000).
Member, Early Childhood Learning Center Committee, First United Methodist Church, Jonesboro, AR
(2000-2001), Chair (2002).
Member, Research Advisory Group for “Reflections on the Development of Teacher Education at ASU
for the Last 50 Years of the 20th Century” Jonesboro, AR (2000).
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
Member and Subcommittee I Chair, Arkansas Department of Education State Approval Team to Review
and Validate Proposals for Approval for Certification for Colleges/Universities, University of Central
Arkansas School Psychology Specialist Certification Program (September 2, 1993).
Previous Certification
School Psychologist 1988-1992, State of Ohio, Department of Education, Columbus, OH.
School Psychologist 1990-1993, Commonwealth of Kentucky, Department of Education, Frankfort, KY.
Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (C.R.C) 1986-1996, The Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor
Certification (CRCC) A Division of the Board for Rehabilitation Certification, Rolling Meadows, IL.
Arkansas State University University Award for Professional Service 2010.
Arkansas State University College of Education Faculty Award for Professional Service 2010.
Arkansas State University College of Education Excellence in Scholarship Award 2005-2006.
“Supervision of School Psychology Practicum and Intern Students.” Arkansas School Psychology
Association and the Northeast Arkansas School Psychology Association, Jonesboro, AR, January 30,
“New Developments in CHC Theory, Cross-Battery Assessment for Intervention, and Identification of
SLD.” Arkansas School Psychology Association. Conway, AR, October 4, 2012.
“SLD Evaluations Under the Current IDEA Regulations.” Arkansas School Psychology Association,
Conway, AR, September 15, 2011.
“Ethics and Law for School Psychologists, 5th Edition.” The Institute for the Study of Human Knowledge
Continuing Education at Home for Psychologists, Jonesboro, AR , January 28, 2011.
“A Model for Linking Student, Schooling, Early Intervention, Referral, and Assessment Data for
Decision-Making for English Language Learners.” Arkansas School Psychology Association,
Conway, AR, October, 21, 2010.
“Response to Intervention: Principles and Strategies for Effective Practice.” The Institute for the Study of
Human Knowledge Continuing Education at Home for Psychologists, Jonesboro, AR, August 27,
“Using Self-Studies to Guide Your Decision-Making in an RTI Framework: Understanding How to Move
Forward in Elementary and Secondary Settings.” Arkansas School Psychology Association, Little
Rock, AR, October 6, 2008.
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
“NASP Program Approval: Reviewer Training.” National Association of School Psychologists Program
Approval Board, New Orleans, LA, February 7, 2008.
“Response to Intervention: Academic and Behavioral Interventions to Support Student Success.”
Arkansas School Psychology Association, Little Rock, AR, October, 2006.
“Building Strong Schools to Strengthen Student Outcomes: ADE Initiatives that Address NCLB, the
Reauthorized IDEA, and the ACSIP Process.” Arkansas State University School Psychology
Program, Arkansas School Psychology Association, and the Northeast Arkansas School Psychology
Association. Arkansas State University, State University, AR, February 21, 2005.
“Jaeb Center for Health Research’s Investigator Education for the Protection of Human Research Subjects
with HIPAA Privacy Rule Component.” Arkansas State University, State University, AR, July 10,
“Mental Health in Arkansas Schools: What is it?”Arkansas School Psychology Association, Little Rock,
AR, October 28, 2004.
“A Framework for Understanding Poverty.”Arkansas School Psychology Association, Little Rock, AR,
April 26, 2004.
“National Association of School Psychologists Program Reviewer Training.” National Association of
School Psychologists, Dallas, TX, March 31, 2004.
“Arkansas State Improvement Grant-Project Achieve.” Arkansas Department of Education-Division of
Special Education, Little Rock, AR, February 11, 2004.
“Multicultural Issues in Assessment: Culture and Language, Pre-Referral and Technical Assistance.”
Arkansas School Psychology Association, Little Rock, AR, October 2, 2003.
“Reynolds Individual Assessment Series.” Crowley’s Ridge Education Cooperative. Jonesboro, AR,
September 3, 2003.
“Consultation at the Systems, Classroom, Teacher, and Student Levels: Moving for a Refer-Test-Place to
a Problem-Solving-Consultation-Intervention Approach to Delivering Services.” Arkansas School
Psychology Association, Little Rock, AR, April 4, 2003.
“The Journey from Access to Accountability: A Refocused IDEA” and “School Psychology in the New
Millennium: A Legislative Perspective.” Arkansas School Psychology Association, Little Rock, AR,
April 19, 2002.
“Leadership Development Workgroup.” National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL,
February 28, 2002.
“The New NASP Training Standards and Associated Performance Based Approach to Program Review
and Approval.” National Association of School Psychologists, Chicago, IL, February 29, 2002.
“Working with Resistant/Unmotivated Students: Strategies for Fostering Motivation Self-Esteem and
Resilience.” Arkansas School Psychology Association, Little Rock, AR, October 18-19, 2001.
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
“Assessment, Treatment, and Intervention Techniques for Individuals with Asperger’s Disorder, Autism,
and Pervasive Developmental Disorders.” Arkansas School Psychology Association, Little Rock, AR,
October 5, 2000.
“Effectiveness of Interventions: Conceptual and Outcome Assessment.” National Association of School
Psychologists, New Orleans, LA, March 31, 2000.
“Assuring Appropriate Instruction using Curriculum Based Assessment for Reading and Math.” Arkansas
School Psychology Association, Little Rock, AR, October 7-8, 1999.
“Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.” Institute for the Study of Human Knowledge, Jonesboro, AR,
July 22, 1999.
“Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III Training.” Distance Learning Network, State University, AR,
October 3, 1997.
“Classroom Management for Tough Kids: Practical Strategies for Educators and Parents.” Arkansas
School Psychology Association, Little Rock, AR, October 10, 1999.
“Introductory Workshop on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.” National Association of School
Psychologists, Atlanta, GA, March 14, 1996.
“Cognitive Behavioral Treatments for Children.” Arkansas School Psychology Association, Little Rock,
AR October 17, 1996.
“Brief Interventions for School Problems.” Arkansas School Psychology Association, Searcy, AR,
April 6, 1995.
“Assessment and Eligibility in Special Education: New Models and Best Practices in Adaptive Behavior
Assessment.” Arkansas School Psychology Association, Hot Springs, AR, October 12, 1995.
“Psychopharmacology.” Continuing Education Home Study Program Sponsored by the American
Psychological Association, Jonesboro, AR, January 14, 1994.
“Preschool Assessment and Intervention.” Arkansas School Psychology Association, Searcy AR,
April 22, 1994.
“Anger Management and Control.” Arkansas School Psychology Association, Little Rock, AR,
October 6, 1994.
“Working with Communities of Color: The Dynamics of Cultural Diversity.” Arkansas School
Psychology Association. Little Rock AR, October 7, 1994.
“Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.” Identification and Management of Children, Adolescents,
and Adults with ADHD.” Arkansas Institute of Behavioral Health Resources and the Arkansas School
Psychology Association, Searcy, AR, April 23, 1993.
“Alternatives to Corporal Punishment: Maintaining Behavior Problem Students in the Regular Classroom
Setting.” Arkansas School Psychology Association, Little Rock, AR, October 27, 1993.
John D. Hall, Ph.D. 2013 Vita
“Policy and Practice Implications of the WISC-III.” Arkansas School Psychology Association, Little
Rock, AR, October 28, 1993.
“Special Idea Show 92." Arkansas Special Education Conference, Little Rock, AR, August 6-7, 1992.
“Catch the Excitement.” Arkansas Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Annual Spring Conference, Little
Rock, AR, March 12-13, 1992.
“Test Interpretation: A Data Based Approach.” Sponsored by Craighead County Educational Cooperative
at Nettleton, AR, September 17, 1991.
National Meetings
National Association of School Psychologists (1996, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005).
State Meetings
Arkansas School Psychology Association (1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012).
Local Meetings
American Association of University Professors ASU Chapter Meetings, Jonesboro, AR (2004, 2005,
2006, 2010, 2011, 2012).
Northeast Arkansas School Psychology Association, Jonesboro, AR (2012, 2013).
Psychology and Counseling Club and Psi Chi, State University, AR (2012).
Arkansas State University Strategic Planning Stakeholders Meetings, Jonesboro, AR (2004).
Distance Learning Network & The Psychological Corporation, Arkansas State University (1997).