PACK 679

PACK 679
The purpose of the Boy Scouts of America is to provide for boys an informal educational program
designed to train in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, provide growth in moral strength
and character, and to enhance the development of physical, mental, and emotional fitness - all
done in the spirit of fun.
The main objective of Cub Scout Pack 679 is to develop and follow the purpose of the scouting
movement. The Pack Program shall be designed as a year-round family program for both the boys
and their parents.
Leaders and parents shall work together to achieve the following:
Influence the development of character and encourage spiritual growth
Develop habits and attitudes of good citizenship
Encourage good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body
Improve understanding within the family
Strengthen the ability to get along with other boys and respect other people
Foster a sense of personal achievement by developing new interests and skills
Show how to be helpful and do one’s best
Provide fun and exciting new things to do
Prepare the boys to become Boy Scouts
Pack 679 shall conform to all policies set forth by the Boy Scouts of America and the Orange
County Council.
Every Cub Scout Pack belongs to an organization receiving a charter from the Boy Scouts of
America. The Charter allows the organization to use the BSA name and establish a Scouting
program. Pack 679 is chartered to “The Parents of Pack 679.”
Ordinarily, a representative is appointed by the chartered organization (an example might be a
Church elder) to act as liaison and supervise the running of the pack. The Chartered Organization
Representative’s (CR) Duties and responsibilities include:
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Help recruit and approve the right leadership for the Pack
Promote well-planned unit programs
Promote the recruiting of new members
Assist with the re-chartering process
Suggest good turns for the Pack
Encourage Pack Committee meetings
Insure the use of approved Pack finance policies
Encourage recognition of leaders
Cultivate resources to support the Pack
A benefit and responsibility of chartering to “The Parents of Pack 679” is that it requires every
parent equal accountability for insuring a quality scouting program.
Charter Renewal:
The Pack Charter year shall remain consistent with the Orange County Council, Saddleback district
beginning April 1st and expiring on March 31st of each calendar year.
 All Den leaders, Committee members, and parents shall cooperate with the Cub Master and
Committee Chair to facilitate the completion of all re-charter requirements a minimum of 4
weeks prior to each year’s charter expiration. The annual re-charter will be held at the March
Parents Meeting, attendance mandatory.
 Any Scout not completing the re-charter process by the assigned deadline including the
payment of fees or the completion of applications or other paperwork requirements, shall be
dropped from the charter and shall cease to be officially registered as a member of BSA
Pack 679.
 Boys who are not officially registered may not participate in any scouting events, are not
eligible to wear the official BSA uniform, and are not eligible to earn any BSA awards.
Re-charter costs for the current Charter year beginning April 1st shall be $48.00 per scout and
will include the following Fees:
– Council / District BSA annual Fees
– BSA Annual Insurance Fees
– Boy’s Life Subscription
– Annual Pack Fees
One adult per family is required beginning April 1st to annually register as a Volunteer. The Fee
shall be $11.00 and that includes:
– Council / District BSA annual Fees
– BSA Annual Insurance Fees
Official status as a Committee Member will provide voting rights and additional protection of our
boy’s through the Scouting Program. Additionally a volunteer checklist/worksheet will be filled
out each year for the purposes of each member to indicate their individual interest in the variety
of volunteer areas.
Families with two or more scouts will be allowed to opt for a “family subscription” of Boy’s Life
and $9 will be deducted from siblings dues.
Fees will be prorated on a quarterly basis for those scouts joining Pack 679 after the beginning
of the charter year: March/May – 100%, June/August – 75%, Sept/Nov – 50%, Dec/Feb – 25%
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Re-charter fees shall be reviewed each year and are subject to change by a 2/3 majority vote
of the Committee.
Re-charter fees are non-refundable.
The Pack shall be made up of several dens and Tiger Cub groups. A Pack Committee shall be
organized to provide the planning and guidance for the Pack to insure that it functions properly.
Pack Meetings shall be conducted once a month. Monthly Pack meetings shall be led by the
Cubmaster, with the help of other adult Pack Leaders.
The Pack Committee is open to all parents of current registered scouts in pack 679. All parents
are encouraged to attend committee meetings to participate in discussions, share opinions and
generate ideas. Voting rights on the committee shall be limited to current registered adults
occupying the positions of Committee Member, Assistant Committee Chairman, Assistant
Cubmaster(s), Secretary, Treasurer, Awards Chairman, Den and Webelos Leader, and Assistant
Den Leader(s). The Committee Chairman and Cubmaster shall remain non-voting members of the
Committee Member duties and responsibilities include:
 Recruit and approve qualified persons to fill the positions of Committee Chairman,
Cubmaster, Assistant Cubmaster(s), Webelos Leaders, Den Leaders, and Assistant Den
 Assist the Cubmaster and Pack Leaders in carrying out the Pack Program.
 Insure adequate and safe facilities for Pack meetings.
 Assist the Committee Chairman and Cubmaster with Pack Charter renewal.
 Help to stimulate the interest and participation of all parents in Pack and Den level
 Assure Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts of a year-round quality program.
Each Committee Member shall pay the yearly adult registration fee at the time of re-charter to
cover the cost of registration.
Pack Committee Guiding Principles:
1. The Pack Committee shall meet monthly on the second (2nd) Monday of each Calendar month
to discuss and vote on Pack issues and finalize monthly Pack meeting agendas.
 Activity sub-committee meetings and “other” special meetings may be called as deemed
necessary to address tactical details or to define directional proposals.
2. No member(s) of the Pack Committee may act unilaterally. The Pack Committee shall vote
upon all decisions affecting the Pack.
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3. Motions may be brought before the committee by any parent of current registered scouts of
Pack 679 provided the motion is brought in person to the regularly scheduled committee
 All motions shall require a “second” and be allowed adequate time for discussion prior
to calling for a vote.
 All motions brought before the committee shall require a majority vote for passage.
4. A quorum must exist before any vote can occur.
 A quorum shall be defined as a majority of Den’s being represented, and either the
Pack Committee Chairman or Cubmaster must be present and preside over the vote.
5. Voting shall consist of a show of hands or other similar method unless a committee member
requests a secret ballot.
6. The Committee Chairman shall decide a tie vote. If the Committee Chairman is not present
during the vote, the Cubmaster shall decide the tie.
7. Changes and amendments to the Pack Organizational Policy must be approved by a 2/3majority vote of the Pack Committee.
The Pack Committee Chairman is responsible to insure the Pack Committee and Leaders provide
a “Good Scouting Program” to the Cubs Scouts of Pack 679. The Chairman, as a non-voting
member of the Pack Committee, shall act as an advisor to insure the Committee is acting in the
best interest of the Boy Scouts of America by following all policy and by-laws. The Committee
Chairman is an elected position by the Pack Committee.
Duties/responsibilities include:
 Attend the monthly District Roundtable meetings.
 Responsibility for the Pack’s annual re-charter.
 Work with the Cubmaster on policy matters related to the Cub Scout program and BSA
 Supervise Pack Committee operations by:
 Presiding at Pack Committee meetings
 Training Pack Committee members
 Approving bills before payment by Pack Treasurer
 Conduct the annual Pack program planning conference.
 Assist with recruiting the following Pack Committee positions:
 Secretary
 Treasurer
 Awards/Advancement
 Activities/Outings
 Librarian
 Work with the Pack committee to provide adequate and safe facilities for Pack
 Cooperate with the Cubmaster on council-approved money-earning projects.
 Control finances through adequate financial records and presiding over a Budget
Planning sub-committee.
 Control adequate Pack records and supervise the care of Pack property.
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Assume active direction of the Pack, if the Cubmaster is unable to serve, until a
successor is recruited and commissioned.
Prepare re-charter paperwork by securing signatures and registration fees from boys
and adults for the coming year and submit to Council.
Develop and maintain strong Pack/Troop relationships, sharing with the Troop
Committee the need for graduations into the Troop.
Work closely with the Unit Commissioner and other Pack and Troop leaders in effecting
a smooth transition of Webelos Scouts into a Troop.
Help bring families together at joint Webelos Den (or Pack)/Troop activities.
Observe Parliamentary Procedure Rules at all meetings.
Follow and support all policies, rules, regulations, and programs set forth by the Boy
Scouts of America
The Cubmaster is responsible for directing the activities of the Den Leadership to assure the
scouts in Pack 679 of a quality Cub Scouting Program. The Cubmaster, as a non-voting member of
the Pack Committee, shall act as an adviser to the Den leaders and provide leadership, training,
and direction as necessary to the Den and Webelos leaders. The Cubmaster is an elected position
by the Pack Committee.
Duties/ Responsibilities include:
 Attend the monthly District Roundtable meetings
 Insure all leaders carry out the Cub Scout Program in accordance with the policies of
the Boy Scouts of America.
 Work with Pack Committee on program ideas, selecting and recruiting adult leaders,
and budget plan.
 See that Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts receive a quality, year-round program that is
filled with fun and activities, and qualifies the Dens and Pack for the National
Summertime Pack Award.
 Plan, guide and direct the Pack Program through the help of the following Pack
Leaders: Assistant Cubmaster(s), Den Leader Coaches, Webelos Den Leaders, Den
Leaders and Pack Trainer.
 Help with the organizing of the annual recruitment program to ensure new boys and
parents enroll into the Pack. Coordinate with new families to review Bobcat
requirements and emphasize the part they play in their son’s advancement, as well as
Pack operations.
 Help organize Webelos Dens and encourage graduation into a Boy Scout Troop.
 Help establish and maintain good relationships with Boy Scout Troops.
 Maintain good relationships with parents, and seek their support and include them in
 Assist the Pack Committee Chairman in conducting the annual Program Planning
SECRETARY - Maintain the inventory of Pack property; Handle correspondence for the Pack;
Keep notes of Pack Committee meetings and publish minutes; publish a Pack Newsletter to keep
families informed.
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TREASURER - Help the Pack Committee and Committee Chairman in establishing a sound
financial program with a Pack budget plan; Maintain the pack bank account; Approve budget
expenditures; Keep up-to-date records; Make monthly report on the Pack’s financial condition;
Provide petty cash needed by Leaders and keep record; Guide Pack in conducting councilapproved Pack money-earning projects.
ACTIVITIES/OUTINGS CHAIRMAN - Help in planning and arranging Pack outings and activities,
and fundraising events; securing tour permits when required; Assist with organizing volunteer
coordinators for special events; Arrange safe transportation when needed; Recommend outings to
help Pack and Dens qualify for National Summertime Pack Award.
AWARDS/ADVANCEMENT CHAIRMAN - Collect Den advancement reports at monthly Pack
Leader’s meetings. Order badges and awards on the advancement report form from Council
Service Center; Help plan and conduct induction and advancement recognition ceremonies;
Arrange for Cub Scout and Webelos graduation ceremonies with Cubmaster; Assist with adult
volunteer/coordinator recognition.
FUNDRAISER COORDINATOR – Help in the planning and coordination of Pack money earning
LIBRARIAN - Maintain and control Pack and Cub Scouting literature, materials, records and forms
to be made available for reference by all Leaders.
The Pack Committee Chairman shall endeavor to keep the following Leadership positions filled at
all times by adult volunteers. All appointments shall be made with the approval of the Pack
Assistant Committee Chairman
Assistant Cubmaster
Webelos Den Leader
Den Leader
Pack Trainer
Assistant Den Leader
Den Chiefs (if applicable) - The Cubmaster shall be responsible for seeing that all Den Chiefs
have Council Training. Each Den may use a Den Chief who has met the requirements for Den
Chief and with the approval of his Scoutmaster.
Shall be an adult selected and approved by the Pack Committee
Shall assist the Committee Chairman as needed.
Complete Cub Scout Leader Basic Training
Attend a minimum of three monthly Roundtables per year.
Assist in the Pack’s annual re-charter and in recruiting Pack Committee positions.
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Assist with the Committee Chairman on policy matters related to the Cub Scout program and
BSA Guidelines.
Assist in the Pack Committee operations by:
 Training Pack Committee members
 Approving bills before payment by Pack Treasurer
 Assist in the annual Pack program planning conference.
Shall be an adult selected and approved by the Pack Committee
Shall assist the Cubmaster as needed, and be ready to take over the leadership of the Pack if
Complete Cub Scout Leader Basic Training and Cubmaster Fast Start
Attend a minimum of three monthly Roundtables per year.
Participate in monthly Pack meetings.
Inform Pack Leaders of training opportunities and arrange for them to attend the sessions.
Work with neighborhood troops that supply Den Chiefs and into which Cub Scouts will
Develop and promote an ongoing plan for recruiting new boys.
Work with the Cubmaster and Pack Committee on Pack registration.
Assist in Pack activities such as Blue and Gold Banquets, Pinewood Derby, Service and
Conservation Projects.
Participate in the annual Program Planning Conference and monthly Pack Committee meeting.
Promote the religious emblems program for Cub Scouts of all faiths.
Plan and carry out a year-round program of activities for the Webelos Den to achieve the
purposes of Cub Scouting.
Complete Webelos Leader Fast Start and Cub Scout Leader Training, and the Webelos Leader
Outdoor training.
Attend a minimum of three monthly Roundtables per year.
Lead the Webelos Den in its participation at the monthly Pack meetings.
Encourage boys to advance. Maintain accurate records, and see that Webelos Scouts are
appropriately recognized for their achievements.
Work with the Pack Committee to establish good relationships with neighborhood Boy Scout
troops. Try to graduate every Webelos Scout into a troop.
Work with the Scoutmaster of a neighboring Boy Scout troop to plan and conduct meaningful
joint activities.
Ask qualified persons, including adult family members of Webelos Scouts, to serve as activity
badge counselors.
Encourage parents of Webelos Scouts to help plan and carry out Webelos overnighters and
other outdoor activities.
Help the Den earn the National Summertime Pack Award.
Ensure that a leader is available for all meetings and activities.
Participate in the annual Program Planning Conference and the monthly Pack Committee
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Complete Den Leader Fast Start and Cub Scout Leader Basic Training.
Attend a minimum of three monthly Roundtables per year.
Lead the Den in its participation at the monthly Pack meetings.
Cooperate with the Cubmaster in recruiting new boys.
Help train the Den Chief and guide him to work with the Cub Scouts.
Encourage boys to earn the advancement awards, keep accurate advancement records, and
see that they receive recognition for their achievement.
Help the Den earn the National Summertime Den Award.
Establish good working relationships with parents, utilizing their talents.
Involve the fathers, uncles, and grandfathers of the boys in outings and other activities of the
Den so that boys will have male role models.
Take part in the annual Program Planning Conference and the monthly Pack Committee
Conducting orientation of new families and pack leaders.
(See Chapter 10 of the Cub Scout Leader Book, "Den and Pack Management.")
Consult each new leader and pack committee member regarding his or her specific position,
using material provided by the BSA.
Conducting other training as designated by the district and/or council.
Encouraging pack leaders to attend ongoing training, such as roundtable, pow wow or
University of Scouting, outdoor training,
Remaining current with training material and program updates.
Keeping track of Pack training records.
The goal of the pack trainer is to have 100 percent of the pack leadership trained in their position
responsibilities. New leaders and adult family members should receive orientation within one week
of joining the pack, and leaders should receive position-specific training within 30 days.
Pack Meetings - Scheduled once a month, with location and time established at least two
months in advance.
Den Meetings - To be determined by the Den Leader to specify the time and place. Preferred to
be at least twice a month. (a published Den level meeting calendar is strongly encouraged)
Pack Committee Meetings - Scheduled by the Pack Committee Chairman two weeks prior to
the Pack Meeting; or as needed.
Annual Program Planning Conference - To be conducted at least one month prior to fall
Boys desiring to belong to Cub Scout Pack 679 must meet all Boy Scouts of America requirements
for Cub Scout membership. The boy’s parents must agree to do their best in helping their son gain
the most from his Cub Scout experience by:
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Helping him and taking part in his advancements
Attending Monthly Pack Meetings
Assisting Den and Pack Leaders
Agreeing to abide by the Pack’s by-laws and the policies set forth by the Boy Scouts of
Regular attendance is necessary to maintain a quality program. Scout members frequently
missing Pack Meetings (3 or more) or Den Meetings (5 or more), may upon recommendation of
the Den leader and approval of the committee be dropped from the Pack.
The Pack Treasurer shall maintain all financial records.
Bank Account - Shall be held at a local Bank or Savings and Loan. Checks up to $100 may be
endorsed with one signature by any of the following committee members, and checks in the
amount of $100 or more will require signatures from two of the following committee members:
Committee Chairman
Assistant Committee Chairman
Scout Debit Card - Used much like an ATM card. The Council Office and the Scout Shop will have
access to the Pack account balance and debit payments for supplies, awards, registration for
activities, registration and Boy’s Life fees. It also allows for deposits of money to the Pack account.
Authorized usage by the Committee Chairman, Asst. Committee Chairman, Cubmaster and
Awards Chairman only.
Dues - Each Cub Scout shall pay his appropriate Den dues to assigned Den Leader. He shall also
be expected to pay back dues, where necessary. Non-payment of Dues - If the Cub Scout falls
behind, the Den Leader shall notify the parents and make arrangements for payment of delinquent
dues. Continuous non-payment of dues is adequate cause for the Pack Committee to drop a boy
from the Pack.
Registration - Each new boy joining the Pack or re-chartering shall pay the current Boy Scouts of
America registration fee.
Audit - An audit of the Pack’s financial records shall be made whenever there is a change of Pack
Treasurer. Such audits shall be handled by the Pack Committee Chairman and two other
members, or referred to Council when deemed necessary by the Pack Committee.
Money Earning Projects - Shall be held during the course of the year in order to balance the Pack’s
budget. These projects shall be a function of the Pack Committee and may need approval by the
Council. All Cub Scouts, Adult Leaders and Committee Members shall assist as required.
All members of the Pack shall be governed by the following:
1. All boys must obtain a uniform as soon as possible after joining. Scouts are expected to wear
the Class “A” uniform to all Pack and Den meetings, and the Class “B” to all Pack and Den
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activities/outings. Scouts shall be permitted to wear dark blue pants in lieu of the official Cub
scout pants/shorts.
2. All Adult Leaders are required to wear an official BSA uniform to all scouting functions;
Class “A” to all Pack and Den Meetings, Class “B” to all Pack and Den activities/outings.
When amendments to the Pack Organizational Policy are recommended, the Pack Committee
must approve prior to implementing, and each Pack Committee member given a copy of the
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