YEAR 9 LATIN READING/WRITING PAPER NAME TIME ALLOWED: 40 MINUTES 1. SUMMER EXAM TEACHER TOTAL: 100 marks Decide which of these nouns is in the singular (S) and plural (P): S/P S/P 1 agricola 2 villae 3 servus 4 pueri 5 amicus 2. 6 femina 7 nautae 8 pastores 9 iuvenes 10 domini 10 Now decide which declension (1,2,3) these nouns belong to: 1,2,3 1 2 3 4 5 3. mercatores actor spectator leones venalicii 1,2,3 6 senes 7 turba 8 nuntius 9 fabulae 10 leones 10 Make the following nouns plural: 1 turba 6 canis 2 actor 7 pictor 3 spectator 8 ianua 4 puella 9 annulus 5 nuntius 10 barba 4. Complete the sentences, inserting the right form of the verb 10 Select from the options given. eg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 agricolae ad urbem........................ (currit/ currunt) coquus vinum ………………….. (portat/ portant) vēnālīciī in taberna……………… (intrat / intrant) canēs in viā ....................................... (sedet / sedent) nūntius in forō …………………. (clāmat/ clamant) Pompēiānī clāmōrem……………. (facit / faciunt ) senēs in foro …………………… (dormit / dormiunt) nautae urbem …………………... (petit/ petunt) Clēmēns et Melissa ad theātrum……………………. (contendit / contendunt) 9 magnus clāmor ………………… in urbe. (est/ sunt) 10 iuvenis ……………………………(plaudit/ plaudunt) Answer currunt 10 /40 5. Classify the verbs from the box into: latrāvit vexābant a) singular or plural, and, b) present, imperfect or perfect dormit pulsāvit portābat laudāvērunt vocāvērunt scrībit laudābant festīnant singular plural Present Imperfect perfect 10 6. 1 Complete the sentences, inserting the right form of the verb in the column to the right. Then translate the sentences. Select from the options given. Write your translation in the space below. Answer Pompēiānī vīnum .....................................(bibēbat/ bibēbant) bibēbant The Pompeians were drinking wine Clēmēns et Fēlīx vīllam ………………….. . (intrāvit/ intrāvērunt) 2 Grumiō in culīnā……………………….. (dormiēbat/dormiēbant) 3 coquus cēnam.................................................... (parāvit/parāverunt) 4 Metella ad ātrium……………………….. (festināvit/ festināverunt) eg 7. 8 Choose the right translation for each of these verbs as in the example: Eg. 1 LATIN ambulāvit scrībēbat IMPERFECT was walking was writing PERFECT walked wrote 2 superāvērunt were overpowering overpowered 3 vocāvērunt were calling called 4 dormiēbant were sleeping slept 5 stābat was standing stood ANSWER walked 5 /23 8. Rearrange the following words to form two sentences. Then translate the sentences as in the example. 8 Example: Caecilium visitābat amīcus. intrāvit vīllam amīcus Caecilium vīsitābat. vīllam intrāvit. A friend was visiting Caecilius. He entered the house erat Clēmēns fortis. amphitheātrum intrāvit. ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... urbem ruērunt per amīcī. timēbant umbram. …………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… lībertus petīvit fūrem. servāvit īnfantem ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………. erat mercator īrātus. agricolam vituperābat ............................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. 9. Read this story about a shepherd and a lion. Fill in the gaps with suitable words for the box below. **Use each word only once, and write your answer in the table. ANSWERS 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 pāstor et leō ōlim pāstor in silvā ambulābat. subitō pāstor 1. cōnspexit. leō tamen 2. nōn agitāvit. leō 3. ! pāstor, potquam leōnem cōnspexit, erat 4. et rogāvit, “cūr lacrimas, leō? cūr mē nōn agitas? cūr mē nōn cōnsūmis?” leō trīstis 5. ostendīt. pāstor spīnam in pede 6. _____, tum clāmāvit, “ego spīnam 7. !nunc intellegō! tū lacrimās, quod 8. ________ dolet.” “leō!, exclamāvit pāstor, “ego 9.___________ sum, quod tū fremis. sed tē adiuvō. ecce! spīna!” attonitus pēs cōnspexit leōnem lacrimābat perterritus pāstōrem pedem videō 9 /17 10. Here is a list of nouns. Classify them into the appropriate category. ancillam bēstiās nominative singular 12. nūntiōs rētiāriī viās spectātōrēs gladiātōrēs pugna accusative singular nominative plural mortem puerum accusative plural Read the sentences and choose the Latin word with correctly translates the word in bold type. Select from the options given eg 1 The farmer praised the gladiator (gladiator/ gladiatorem) The girl lost the ring (ānulum/ ānulōs) 2 The miser had no friends. (amīcum/ amīcōs) 3 The young men knocked on the door. (iānuam/ iānuās) 4 The slave had very big feet. (pedem/ pedēs) 5 The merchant had lost all his ships. (nāvem/ nāvēs) 13. 10 Answer gladiatorem 5 Complete the sentences by selecting the correct part of the verb: 5 ANSWERS a b c ego ancillam . vocō/vocās/vocat mater anulum .quaerō/quaeris/quaerit tū pecūniam nōn . reddō/reddis/reddit d Grumiō cēnam e ego iratus. . coquō/coquis/coquit sum/es/est /20