A Critical Time - fleminghistory101

A Critical Time
I Retreat From New York
A. June 1776 British fleet arrives off of New York
1. British commanded by William Howe
a. Admiral Richard Howe in charge of the navy
2. Washington brings troops from Boston to Long Island
a. Has fewer troops and no navy
b. Nathan Hale caught and hung for being an American spy
c. Washington divides his troops and gets pushed off Long Island
d. Loses New York City through New Jersey
II Surprises for the British
A. Washington crosses from New Jersey into Pennsylvania
1. Puts the Delaware River between his troops and the British
2. On January 1st enlistments are up and most soldiers in the Continental Army can go home
3. When the Delaware freezes the British will cross and attack Washington
B. Crossing the Delaware
1. Christmas night 1776
2. Attacks the Hessians at Trenton
a. Hessians are German mercenaries
1.) Soldiers paid to fight for another country.
III. Saratoga : A Turning Point
A. British General John Burgoyne develops a battle plan to cut off the New England Colonies
B. The British Plan
1. Calls for three prong attack on Albany New York
a. From Montreal Burgoyne would go south to Albany
b. From the west St. Leger would sweep into Albany
c. From the south Howe would come up the Hudson to Albany
2. George III sends Howe to Philadelphia
3. St. Leger cannot capture Ft. Stanwix and returns to Canada.
C. American Victory
1. Burgoyne heads south and captures Ticonderoga
2. St. Leger gets stopped at Ft. Stanwix by Benedict Arnold
3. Gates blocks Burgoyne at Saratoga and surrounds him
a. Burgoyne surrenders
D. Results of the Battle
1. Ends British threats to New England
2. Ends British hopes of an easy victory
3. Convinces Europeans that the Americans have a chance
IV Help from Overseas
A. The French Alliance
1. French dislike English
2. French had been secretly supplying America
3. French become the first nation to ally with the Americans
4. Netherlands and Spain join in
5. Caused the war to be fought on many fronts
B. European Volunteers
1. Lafayette
2. Kosciusko- Polish engineer
C. Baron von Steuben
1. Helped train the Continental Army
2. Prussian
3. Taught musket and bayonet skills
V Valley Forge
A. Winter of 1777-78
B. Camp 22 miles outside of Philadelphia
C. Men starved and froze to death
D. von Steuben and Greene come to the rescue
1. Greene finds food and gets it to the army
2. von Steuben re-arranges camp and trains the men